Seeing Liu Ce walking towards him, the Seventh Prince suddenly felt a little frightened, and hurriedly shouted to the other warriors on the side: "Kill him, kill him..."

The other three warriors immediately rushed towards Liu Ce.

Two of the warriors are the pinnacle of the Heart Tribulation Realm, and the other red-faced warrior is the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

The breath on the three of them was extremely terrifying.

"Liu Gongzi."

When Tan Xue saw this, Huarong turned pale and worried about Liu Ce.

"Looking for a dead end."

Liu Ce shook his head, with disdain in his eyes.

But Liu Ce still walked towards the Seventh Prince with his hands behind his back. It seemed that he was not going to fight, but to go on vacation. It seemed that he was strolling in the courtyard, which was extremely of course.

When the three warriors of the Taiwu Dynasty saw this, they were furious. Although they knew that Liu Ce could kill his comrades in seconds, he was absolutely powerful. But they were the warriors in the early stage of the Nine Tribulations. Liu Ce is a factionist but so underestimates them. This made the three people feel a great humiliation.

In an instant, they exerted their power to the limit. The three palms patted Liu Ce's body with three palms.

The three of them displayed twelve percent of their power.

The power of the void was shaking and rustling.

But Liu Ce still did not move. The three of them secretly said: Boy, you absolutely have to pay for this.

But when the three of them slapped Liu Ce's body with three palms, a protective gas shield blocked Liu Ce's body.

In the eyes of the three of them, there would be no problem in shattering Liu Ce's protective gas shield with a full palm.

But next, the three of them were dumbfounded. They felt that their palm was slapped on the protective gas shield, and all their power seemed to disappear without a trace into the sea.

This shocked the three of them. The next breath, the terrifying counter-shock force bounced back from Liu Ce's body toward the three of them.


The three were shocked. This rebound force is much stronger than the combined force of the three. The three of them didn't react at all and were knocked back. Smashed to the ground severely.

Suddenly, the three of them bleed from their seven orifices, and they couldn't live anymore.

"This is absolutely impossible."

Goult was shocked. These four guards were all enshrined in the Royal Palace of the Taiwu Dynasty, and they specifically asked their mother and concubine to come when they were leaving the palace. How can ordinary people be the opponents of these four guards? But the warrior around the opponent hadn't taken any action, and even he himself hadn't really taken any action. All four of his own guards were killed. How is this possible.

"Don't come over, don't come over."

Guert looked at Liu Ce in front of him.

"You were going to kill my son before?"

Liu Ce looked at Guert in front of him blankly.

"No, I don't, I really don't. You can't do it, don't do it, I am the seventh prince of the Taiwu Dynasty. If you do it to me, my father will never let you go."

Guert looked at Liu Cedao in front of him.

"Is it?"

Liu Ce smiled.

Just when Liu Ce was about to do it.

Tan Xue on the side shouted.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and looked at Tan Xue.

"Liu Gongzi, give the Seventh Prince a chance. This time, let the other party take a lesson."

Tan Xue said to Liu Ce.

"Yeah, I will never do it again, absolutely not."

The seventh prince heard Tan Xue begging for himself, as if grabbing a life-saving straw and nodding desperately.

"Miss Tan Xue, do you know that even if you let this guy go, he won't understand you, what to do or what to do."

Liu Ce looked at Tan Xue and sighed.


Even so, Tan Xue thought a little bit, and still said firmly: "Even so, what can I do."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and said to Tan Xue: "Okay, yes, it's up to you."

"The Seventh Prince, although the Taiwu Dynasty is powerful, it is not invincible. Miss Tan Xue is willing to let you go this time. I hope you can be grateful. If you commit another crime, you will undoubtedly die."

Liu Ce looked at the Seventh Prince faintly.

"thanks, thanks……"

The Seventh Prince saved his life and was overjoyed.

But when the Seventh Prince was about to leave, Liu Ce was yelled at.

"Wait a minute."

The seventh prince trembled and turned around, with a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying. He looked at Liu Ce and asked, "Anything else?"

"Capital sins are forgiven, living sins are hard to forgive."

Liu Ce looked at the Seventh Prince with no expression on his face.

"Ah, didn't you say that you let me go, you said nothing?"

The Seventh Prince looked at Liu Ce with some fear.

"My son said he would let you go, but he didn't say that he won't punish you."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.


The Seventh Prince was shocked suddenly. Looking at Liu Ce with a little horror.

Suddenly, Liu Ce gave a few virtual nod to the Seventh Prince.

Suddenly, the Seventh Prince's body trembled, and he felt the Qi Hai in his body disappear without a trace, and an unbearable pain exploded in his body.


The seventh prince screamed, rolling on the ground in pain.

"get out."

Liu Ce shouted to the other guards of the Seventh Prince who had weaker cultivation bases.

The guards looked like earth and didn't dare to say anything, they turned around while holding the Seventh Prince.

"Thank you, Master Liu."

The old village chief looked at Liu Ce.

"No, it's just a matter of effort."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Liu Gongzi, it's a bit late now. If you don't dislike it, you can stay overnight in our Xueshan Village tonight."

Seth, the current head of Xueshan Village, expressed his enthusiasm for Liu Ce.

Liu Ce nodded slightly and said, "That's what I mean."

At night, Xueshan Village hosted a banquet in honor of Liu Ce. Because of the limited conditions on the wine table, Liu Ce and others do not seem to be too rich, but in the eyes of Liu Ce and others, it is already considered very good. There are fish, meat, and wine.

"Prince Liu, this time..."

Before Tan Xue had finished speaking, Liu Ce naturally knew what he wanted to ask. It's pretty good to be able to bear it till now.

"Don't worry, I have already solved the beast god. The beast **** will not reappear in the future."

Liu Ce said indifferently.

When Tan Xue heard the words, her body trembled slightly and looked at Liu Ce a little excitedly and asked, "This, is this true?"

Liu Ce said: "This kind of thing, this son has no habit of joking."

"Liu Gongzi thank you so much."

Tan Xue stood up and said solemnly to Liu Ce: "Prince Liu, please forgive Tan Xue."

"Hahaha, in fact, Miss Tan Xue doesn't need to be like that. This is just a matter of effort for this son, thank you for not doing it."

Liu Ceyun said lightly.

"Nevertheless, this is a great kindness to my Xueshan Village."

Tan Xuedao.

Liu Ce looked at the old village head, who was drinking wine, but with a sad face from time to time, and said with a slight smile: "Your old village head seems to be still worried about the day's things?"

"Well, how can we not worry? The other party is the Seventh Prince after all. Moreover, our Wuli Snow Mountain is within the Taiwu dynasty, and our arms can't be stretched over our thighs."

Tan Xue smiled bitterly.

"My son can help you solve this problem."

Liu Cefeng said lightly.


Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce in surprise.

Immediately, Tan Xue shook her head and said helplessly: "The kindness of Young Master Liu. The little girl took it with her heart, but the decision to exile our bereaved family was made by more than 60% of the forces and countries in the entire Huawu Continent. Even if the son is from a certain force. The ruler, however, cannot fight the entire Huawu Continent for the Snow Clan."

"Ms. Tan Xue doesn't need to worry about this, this son can solve it. As long as the Xuezu is really willing to leave the Wuli Snow Mountain, this son will have a way to solve this problem. The premise is that the Xuezu really needs to leave." Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Liu Gongzi, do you really have a way?"

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce in surprise.

"If Miss Tan Xue is really interested, you can contact this young man with a talisman at that time. This young man can arrange for the Xue Clan." Liu Ce said.

"Thank you, Master Liu."

Tan Xuedao.

"It's up to you to communicate with your village chief."

Liu Cedao.

"Liu Gongzi, are you... about to leave?"

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce and asked.

"Tomorrow morning."

Liu Ce did not hide it either.

It's been a long time since I've been out, and it's time to go back. Besides, he still missed those little guys.

"Got it."

Tan Xue lowered her head.


The next day, after Liu Ce left. Tan Xue asked the old village chief beside him: "Grandpa village chief, you still seem to be worried?"

The wrinkled face of the old village chief carried a trace of sorrow. Said: "The seventh prince of the Taiwu dynasty, we offended him too deeply. Gongzi Liu can leave, but we can't. I don't know how the Taiwu dynasty will deal with us."

"Grandpa old village chief, have you ever thought that people from Xueshan Village can leave here?"

Tan Xue asked.

"go away?"

The old village head smiled bitterly: "For so many years, people in Xueshan Village have never thought of leaving this place where birds do not shit, but we are the bereaved. Once we expose our identity outside, we will be destroyed. , No one has saved us."

"But after so many years, isn't the punishment for our bereaved clan not enough?"

Tan Xue was a little excited.

"It's useless, if it's just a few people, it's not a problem, but we have thousands of people in Xueshan Village. It is too difficult and too difficult to get out of here. As long as there is a whistle of wind leaked out, what awaits our Xueshan Village is perish. People can take such risks."

The old village chief shook his head bitterly.

Tan Xue understands that the old village chief’s concerns are justified, but now he is facing the threat of the Seventh Prince of the Taiwu Dynasty. If he does not make any preparations, perhaps the people in Xueshan Village will still inevitably perish.

"Last night, Young Master Liu told me that he can help our bereaved members of Xueshan Village to leave Wuli Snow Mountain."

Tan Xuedao.


The old village chief was a little surprised.

"Is this true? Tan Xue?"

The old village chief looked at Tan Xue with a serious expression.

"Well, this was last night, Liu Gongzi personally said to me."

Tan Xuedao.

"Who is Gongzi Liu?"

The old village chief was a little confused.

"Grandpa village chief, is it really so difficult for our bereaved clan to be born?"

Tan Xue looked at the old village chief grandfather and asked.

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