The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 908: Half-step God Emperor Realm

This old man is much stronger than the Xiyuan Palace Master.

"System, can my Doom Talisman only cover one person?"

Liu Ce asked.

"The host, if it is an area coverage, it will weaken the effect of some doom charms."

System explanation.

Liu Ce's current doom talisman is a mid-level doom talisman, and its power is definitely not much greater than his previous preliminary doom talisman. Even if it is area coverage, the power is definitely still there.

"System, I want to use the doom symbol area coverage."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully covering the area with the Doom Talisman."

The system prompt sounds.

"Huh. Boy, let you know today what despair is."

You Wenbin said coldly.

Although Liu Ce had previously fought with the Vice-Hallmaster of the Western Yuan Dynasty, he showed a genius-like combat power. But You Wenbin didn't take it too seriously. After all, You Wenbin was the cultivation base of the late **** king. This combat power is stronger than the Western Yuan. To win Liu Ce, it was absolutely handy.

Just when You Wenbin was ready to do it.

Suddenly, his expression changed. The look is a bit ugly.

Xi Yuan, the Lord of the Temple of Heaven on the side, noticed that You Wenbin's expression was wrong, and asked with concern.

Suddenly Xi Yuan's expression also changed.

The strong man in the temple on the edge is also average.

The poison on You Wenbin's body relapsed. But what makes him feel depressed is that this poison is the poison of two hundred years ago. It's just that the poison is terrible, and there is no medicine that can completely eliminate it. Even You Wenbin used the various resources of the temple to detoxify the poison.

After all, this is one of the ten extreme poisons in the Profound Sky Realm. Eight out of ten, nine out of ten will die. It was only luck that You Wenbin didn't die. Although there was still a trace of poison that had not been completely eliminated on his body, it was suppressed by You Wenbin. It only takes time, and he is confident that he can wear it away slowly. In the past two hundred years, the poison has never recurred. But how come it suddenly relapsed now. This makes You Wenbin feel a little confused and unbelievable.

Not only You Wenbin, but the Xiyuan nearby and a group of strong men from the Heavenly Temple were also recruited. They are either recurring old injuries, recurring poisonous injuries, or go crazy.

"Damn it, how could that be the case."

You Wenbin felt very strange, because it was impossible to be so coincidental. The poisonous injury in his body recurred just as he was about to do it here. But it seems impossible to say that the other party has any way to relapse the poisonous injury in his own body. If the other party really has this ability, it would be really terrible.

"Hehe, some are playing now."

There are still ten minutes before the high-level training room of the training tower ends, which is enough time for fun. Of course, Liu Ce also knew that although the effect of this doom talisman was obvious, it worked on a warrior with a stronger cultivation base, and the effect time would be shorter. This was also explained to him by the system.

Of course, this Liu Ce is also understandable.

"Get down to me."

Liu Ce flew towards Xiyuan first.

At this moment in the Western Yuan, the old wounds in the body were onset without any signs. In his opinion, this old injury had healed a long time ago, and the recurrence without warning at this moment made Xi Yuan a little confused. Therefore, more than 60% of his body was suppressing the injury, and Liu Ce was killed.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

Liu Ce said blankly.

A terrifying sword instantly froze the airspace hundreds of meters around AD. Immediately afterwards, Liu Ce slashed and killed him fiercely.


Xi Yuan screamed, the whole person was smashed by Liu Ce's sword and flew out, and fell to the ground severely.

"damn it."

Xi Yuan was extremely frustrated and wanted to fight Liu Ce with all his strength, but the problem was that he was worried that he could not suppress the injuries in his body. It was Liu Ce's blow that caused Xi Yuan to suffer serious injuries.

"Cough cough cough..."

The corners of Xi Yuan's mouth showed blood, and his expression was extremely wilting.

Liu Ce still knew the reason for killing him while he was ill. Liu Ce continued to kill towards Xi Yuan.

"Stop him."

Xi Yuan watched Liu Ce pounce toward his own location, and quickly ordered the surrounding Heavenly Temple powerhouses.

But at this moment, the powerhouses of these heavenly temples have also been recruited. At this moment, the strength of the whole body can not be displayed by 30%, and there is hard to say. But the Lord ordered that even if these powerhouses are helpless, they can only bite the bullet.


Liu Ce made an all-out effort. The horrible sword light flickered.

The powerhouses of the four heavenly temples still didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt that the sword was coming to him, and they blasted them in an instant.

"go to hell."

Liu Ce slayed towards the Lord of the Temple of Heaven.

Since it has become an enemy now. Liu Ce would not keep his hands. Killed down with a sword.

"Holy Palm."

Xi Yuan watched Liu Ce chasing after him, and greeted him with a palm.

Layers of palm prints enveloped Liu Ce's place.

Although this is the case, it is because of the need to suppress the injuries in the body. At this moment, the A.D. was struggling to fight Liu Ce.

Forced to be like this by a warrior who was only in the early stage of Transforming God Realm, the Lord Xi Yuan of the Heavenly Temple was extremely aggrieved.

One inattentively, Xi Yuan screamed, and was once again knocked out by Liu Ce with a sword. The terrifying sword energy penetrated into Xi Yuan's body and wrecked.

"Cough cough cough..."

The Western Yuan spewed more blood again, and his body became weaker.

"Emperor Han, do you really want to live with our Heaven Temple?"

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Ce's aggressive, hysterical way.

"You've been bullied, so much nonsense?"

Liu Ce said with a cold smile.


There was a cold voice from the side. Accompanied by it is an infinite sense of crisis.

Liu Ce's combat experience, after repeatedly fighting against the strong, is still very rich. Therefore, at this moment, I feel this terrible crisis in the soul. He reacted immediately. In an instant, the body technique was used to its limit.

"It's too imaginary to travel!"

This traveling too Xu is indeed an extremely mysterious body technique. Liu Ceshi unfolded, fascinating. Without any sign, his whole person disappeared in place.

At the moment when Liu Ce disappeared. He patted the place where he originally stood with a terrifying palm.


The horrible palm has been shot. A huge pit was photographed directly on the square next to the palace.

"Sure enough, it is the late Divine King Realm, really strong."

Liu Ce knew that even if he had been riveted with the previous palm alone, it was estimated that the palm was very likely to be smashed into slag.

Liu Ce's brows narrowed. Even so, Liu Ce didn't care. Because the gods and demons in the cultivation tower are already going out.

The gods and demons in the cultivation tower, except for Shuibi and Ximen Chuuxue, are likely to be equal to this old man, or even stronger.


"Good health."

You Wenbin did not expect to lose his palm. The opponent is definitely using a high-grade shenfa. You Wenbin looked at Liu Ce with a trace of greed in his eyes.

Just at this time. The cultivation tower exudes vast brilliance.

"this is?"

You Wenbin felt a surge of vitality around the world.

However, You Wenbin didn't think too much. At this moment, he just wanted to take Liu Ce in front of him. Not only would he take revenge for his grandson, but he could also get that powerful physical and martial arts.

It can be said that martial arts and martial arts are very rare and precious even outside the territory.

"Success to death."

You Wenbin took a picture of Liu Ce's place with a palm.

Wenbin was already prepared for this palm tour, and everything around him was blocked by the terrifying palm print. It made Liu Ce almost invisible.


Liu Ce frowned slightly. Just cast the Shen Fa. But it was forced back by a terrible force.

Fortunately, Liu Ce seemed to sense something, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Who, dare to hurt your majesty."

A fierce and domineering voice sounded.

Immediately, a young man in a white outfit appeared in the void.

It is the emptiness son.


Nine swords swept across the void, containing absolutely terrifying power. As if it could destroy the world. That terrible sword aura is like the essence.

"Boom!" A sound.

All of You Wenbin's attacks were blocked.

The powerful sword energy directly shook You Wenbin back a few steps. The terrifying sword aura smashed toward You Wenbin's place like a vast ocean, and directly shook him back dozens of meters.

"What? How is it possible?"

You Wenbin looked at the empty son standing in front of Liu Ce with a little shock. He noticed that the opponent was the cultivation base of the **** king pinnacle.

"How could it be possible for the peak of God King?"

You Wenbin's voice trembled a little.

Immediately afterwards, the cultivation tower once again flashed with a vast sense of depth.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Three powerful breaths burst out.

Half-step God Emperor Realm

And still three

This downstream Wen Bin is a little autistic. How could it be possible, three and a half-step warriors of the Emperor Realm.

You Wenbin's expression was pale, knowing that if he were under the cover of these three and a half-step Divine Emperor Realm warriors, he would never have a chance to escape.

"Tuxing Sun, destroy them all."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"According to the purpose."

Tu Xing Sun now has a huge increase in his cultivation base, and he has long been eager to try.

However, he did not use any immortal ropes to deal with a weak chicken in the late Divine King Realm. In his opinion, he did not need to resort to any other means. He just used his own power to instantly freeze the airspace around the opponent. On the next breath, Tu Xingsun appeared in front of You Wenbin. Take him down.

Tuxing Sun caught You Wenbin's neck.

Suddenly, You Wenbin was caught under him by the native grandson. Came in front of Liu Ce.

"Your Majesty, I am fortunate to be a humble duty."

Tu Xing Sun Dao.

"Well, Tuxing Sun, yes, I have broken through to the half-step Divine Emperor Realm."

Liu Ce was very satisfied.

Only one step away can break through to the Divine Emperor Realm.

Of course, Liu Ce is also very clear that this step is very difficult. It can't be achieved by practicing the tower anymore. He knew that it was too difficult and too difficult to break through the Divine Emperor Realm. It is said that you need to turn your Dantian into a gods. As for what Shenfu is, Liu Ce is not clear about it. After all, he is still a long way from the God Emperor. Liu Ce's promotion is different from these gods and demons. Although it can be achieved by cultivation, in his opinion, it still depends on the stability of the system upgrade.

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