The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 891: Vassal clothes

"Patriarch, did you break through?"

The head of the tiger clan was a little surprised.

The lion clan patriarch and the snake clan patriarch beside him also quickly looked at Said, the patriarch of the fox clan.

"Well, the ten years of retreat have been somewhat rewarding."

The patriarch of the fox said proudly.

"Hahaha, the patriarch has broken through, that must be the cultivation of the holy robbery realm. So, this time human beings dare to be arrogant, the patriarch must want him to look good."

The patriarch of the bear clan laughed.

The patriarchs were a little envious, but they also felt normal. Becoming the patriarch of a half-orc has a nominal right, but in fact there is another privilege, which is to use the spring of the half-orc. As long as the patriarch of a half-orc race can use the spirit spring for cultivation, the spirit spring has a very great effect on tempering the bones of the half-orc warrior and increasing the bloodline concentration. Therefore, as long as you become the patriarch of a half-orc, you have the right to use the spirit spring, which is also the biggest advantage of becoming the patriarch of a half-orc.

After the patriarch of the fox race, Said became the patriarch of the half-orcs, he naturally gained this right. His cultivation was originally higher than the patriarchs of several big clans. This time after the retreat, because the suppression of the heavens was lifted, he broke through continuously and reached the Divine Tribulation Realm.

In fact, Said, the patriarch of the fox clan, was able to break through to the Divine Tribulation Realm, and it was also a coincidence that he used Lingquan to increase the bloodline concentration and had a chance of less than 10%. Otherwise, it is not very likely that he wants to break through to the Divine Tribulation Realm. After all, Motian, the patriarch of the Sea Demon Race, barely broke through to the Divine Tribulation Realm.

Of course, Said did not know that the current human race is not the previous human race. If Said knew that the Divine Tribulation Realm Demon King of the Sea Demon Race was defeated by a big man, he might not be so proud.

Liu Ce led the people, led by the warriors of the half-orb race, and came to the Beast God Temple.

Perhaps it was the impact of the previous conflict. This time, the patriarchs of these major orc races saw Liu Ce with hatred in their eyes. But Liu Ce didn't agree with it either.

"Are you the holy emperor today?"

Said, the head of the fox clan, solemnly stood up from his chair.

After all, Liu Ce is the holy emperor, or the emperor who perished the Sea Demon Clan. Said can't be arrogant even if he is emotional or reasonable, and the opponent is fully qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

In fact, the half-orcs have not been out for tens of thousands of years, hiding in the Savage Mountains. Serious blocking of outside information. The news received from the outside world this time. Let Said know that the current Huawu Continent is no longer the Huawu Continent at the beginning. The Terran has completely dominated the world, becoming the well-deserved overlord of the Huawu Continent. Even the powerful sea demons have been annihilated by the human race.

Said had already made a decision. Even though he had already broken through to the Divine Tribulation Realm, the human race was so powerful that Said was still ready to cooperate with the human race. It's just that as the patriarch of the half-orcs, he also hopes to fight for the best interests of the half-orcs.

"You are the Beast King?"

Liu Ce looked at Said and asked.


Said, the patriarch of the fox tribe, nodded. As the patriarch of the half-orc tribe, it is not an exaggeration to call him the beast king. After all, his current strength is also the strongest of the half-orcs.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Liu Ce asked lightly.

The domineering arrogance that Liu Ce showed inadvertently made Said's brows slightly wrinkled. Said had just broken through the Divine Tribulation Realm, and was still very confident in his own strength. However, he tried a bit before, but found that the martial artists Liu Ce brought were extremely powerful. Except for one of them in the Half-Step Divine Tribulation Realm, for the others, he couldn't even see the other's cultivation. This surprised Said's heart slightly.

"Holy Emperor, the place you want is the ancestral land of our half-orcs. Let it out easily, please forgive us for not being able to do it."

Said Road.

"Oh, that means we don't have to talk anymore?"

Liu Ce's brows narrowed slightly.

The surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

Said is also a little upset. This person didn't even want to talk, and he was too domineering.

"Holy Emperor, although we cannot give up unconditionally, if our terms are negotiated, it is not impossible to cooperate."

Said said lightly.

"How to cooperate law?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Your human race is responsible for mining, and tell us the role and use of this crystal mine, and then our half-orcs occupy 80%, how about your human race occupy 20%?"

Said looked at Liu Ce lightly.

Said looked in pain, as if he had paid a great price. In fact, the source crystal mine is indeed in the ancestral land of the half-orcs. But this kind of crystal ore has existed for many years. The Orcs had also discovered it before, but no one knew what the source crystal mine was. Even the half-orcs spent countless prices, and they didn't even get the fur of the source crystal mine.

Of course, from the texture of this source crystal mine, the half-orcs also know that this is a good thing. It's just that they don't know the role. And this time, the human race found this source crystal mine. The patriarchs of the big tribes of the half-orcs had discussed with them and knew that the chance of the half-orcs had come. If humans can mine this source crystal ore, and they use the power of this source crystal ore again, it is possible that their half-orcs can rise again.

"This is your final plan?"

Liu Ce's voice became increasingly cold.

"Yes, this is the result of our discussion."

Said Road.

"If that's the case, then don't talk about it."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Holy Emperor, what do you mean?"

Said looked at Liu Ce's tone, but also looked unhappy.

"You don't want to do anything. Mining requires a big man to mine, which is time-consuming and laborious. You half-orcs still enjoy 80% of the total. What face do you have to make such a request?

Liu Ce sneered.

"Holy Emperor, this crystal mine is in our Savage Mountain after all, our request is not excessive. Of course, if the holy Emperor feels at a loss, we can still discuss it."

Said looked serious.

"Is it the king's soil in the whole world, and it's the king's official that is the shore of the land. You Savage Mountain is also in my Dahan territory, that is to say, everything in your Savage Mountain belongs to my Dahan, since it belongs to our Dahan, then I Even if the big man takes them all, what about it."

Liu Ce said with a cold smile.

"Holy Emperor, are you trying to cause a war between the half-orcs and the big man?"

Said angrily said.

"I give you a face, you don't want it, then you don't want to blame me for being impolite."

Liu Ce showed a powerful murderous aura.

"Holy Emperor, do you want to do it?"

Said did not expect that the young holy emperor in front of him said that he would turn his face, but he was also enraged. He was also the cultivation base of the Divine Tribulation Realm, reaching the unprecedented height of the half-orc before. Naturally do not fool each other.

Since the other party wants to turn his face, he is not afraid.

"Since the holy emperor is like this, I shouldn't blame this seat."

Since Said decided to do it, naturally he would not be merciful. In his opinion, as long as the holy emperor is defeated, there is still talk about everything.

In fact, after breaking into the Divine Tribulation Realm, Said was still very confident in himself. And the opponent's youth who has not weakened his crown for a year, even if he is a holy emperor, how much strength can he have.

"Phantom Tribulation."

Said disappeared in place like a ghost. He is extremely fast. The next breath appeared in front of Liu Ce.

With this palm, countless illusions appeared in the entire void.

Liu Ce seemed to see the endless evil spirits rushing towards him with teeth and claws. These seem to be enemies that have died in their own hands.

But soon, Liu Ce's consciousness became clearer. All previous illusions disappeared. This is normal, because Liu Ce has awakened the seed of the Law of Illusion. Although Liu Ce didn't practice illusion, after awakening the seed of illusion law, his ability to resist illusion was extremely powerful.


A teasing smile appeared at the corner of Liu Ce's mouth, and he slapped it out with a palm.


The endless power blasted out.

There is no fancy in this palm, but it contains the power to break the earth.

The void within a radius of 500 meters all solidified in an instant.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The two forces collided in the void.

Said's palm was broken in an instant. The tyrant's power directly shook his whole person out.


Lilia hurriedly came to Said's side and helped him up.


The patriarchs of several big clans on the side saw that Said suffered a loss, and they were about to take the clansmen together.


Fei Peng snorted coldly.

A breath exploded from his body.


It was a breath that directly suppressed the patriarchs and patriarchs of the half-orcs. At that moment, they felt their whole body, as if even the blood was frozen by some kind of force. The terrible power made them immobile.

"how is this possible?"

"This is the God Transformation Realm?"

Said also broke through to the Divine Tribulation Realm. Although he did not grasp the power of the Transcendent God Realm, he still knew the aura of the Divine Tribulation Realm.

"How is it possible for a big man to have a state of transformation, how is it possible?"

Said lay on the ground like a concubine. Only now did he know how ridiculous his thought that he wanted to bargain with the big man after breaking through to the Divine Tribulation Realm was so ridiculous. Not to mention the few masters around the human holy emperor, even this young holy emperor himself is absolutely not an opponent. The opponent can defeat himself with a gesture of action. Obviously, the opponent is also a martial artist in the Divine Tribulation Realm, not even an ordinary Divine Tribulation Realm warrior. The opponent alone can destroy the entire half-orcs. No one of the half-orcs is the opponent of this young holy emperor.

At the thought of this, Said felt a chill. Because if the opponent really desperately wants to destroy the half-orcs, what will the half-orcs use to resist the opponent.

"Holy emperor, holy emperor, we half orcs are willing to submit."

After Saide figured out everything, he threw himself in front of Liu Ce and kept kowtow at him. At this moment, he no longer has the pride of the half-orc beast king.

Lilia also knelt aside, and kowtow to Liu Ce with her father.

"Are you willing to surrender now?"

Liu Ce held his hands behind his back and looked condescendingly at the half-orc beast king Said.

"Yes, we half orcs do."

Said quickly said.

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