At this moment, Liu Ce came to the dungeon set by Jin Yiwei in the palace

"Emperor Han, when do you want to close the temple master? Do you know how ignorant you are doing this? Do you think you can ignore my temple if you become the holy emperor?"

When Du Qian saw Liu Ce coming, he yelled at Liu Ce hysterically.

It can be said that Du Qian had had enough in these few days. As the master of the temple, he has never been so ignored. He has been tortured endlessly in these three days. Of course, more, this torture is spiritual.

Because these few days, no one cares about themselves. He still doesn't know how the Emperor Han will treat himself. So he was terrified.

"Keep on calling, when will you stop, I will come again."

After Liu Ce finished speaking, he waited to turn around and leave.


Du Qian naturally couldn't let Liu Ce leave like this. Called him quickly.

Liu Ce turned around and looked at Du Qian with a smile.

"Emperor Han, how are you doing? Are you going to keep the main hall master forever?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce.

"Give you two choices. The first choice is that I abolished your cultivation base and made you a complete useless person to punish you."

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian in front of him.

"What? You, are you going to abolish me?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce in shock, as if he didn't expect to dare to do so.

"Second, you compensate the man with 10 million high-grade spar, and then publicly apologize to the man with the memory crystal."

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

Du Qian shook his head desperately.

Du Qian naturally knew the consequences of doing so. If he really does this, the temple's originally greatly reduced prestige will be further weakened. Then how will he control the Huawu Continent in the future? What's more, even if this ten million high-grade spar temple is taken out, it will be greatly injured.

Don't look at the ten million high-grade spar sounds that don't seem to be many, given the status of the temple in the Huawu Continent, it is impossible not to get it out. If it was before the battle with the Sea Mozu, the temple had indeed been taken out. But later, the holy city fell, and the sea demons ransacked the entire holy city and covered the temple.

The temple suffered heavy losses. Of course, in the end, many treasures of this temple fell into the hands of the big man, which was tacit. Although the temple is gradually regaining its vitality due to the destruction of the Sea Demon Clan by the great man, it is still somewhat difficult to produce 10 million spars.

10 million high-grade spars are converted into one billion middle-grade spars and hundreds of billions of low-grade spars. This is really not something ordinary forces can use in the entire Huawu Continent. Even if it was taken out of the temple, it was cutting the flesh greatly.

"So, are you going to choose the first one?"

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian and asked.

"This one?"

Suddenly Du Qian was a little surprised.

First, this is absolutely impossible. In the world where Wu is respected, if there is no cultivation base, then he will be completely useless. He will lose everything. This is more painful than death. How could Du Qian choose.

"Di Han, you killed me, my master will not let you go."

Du Qian was still struggling to death.

"Your master? But I know that your master seems to be chased and killed by an old man with a blood knife on his back. It is estimated that he is in the world of desperation now. If you want to wait until your master comes to save you, you may have to wait. But before that, I am going to abolish you first. See how your master will treat you when the time comes."

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian.

"Come on, pull him out."

Liu Ce gave orders to the guards around him.

"According to the purpose."

Several big men's Jinyiwei swarmed in from outside.

"Since you chose the first one, I will fulfill you."

A wanton smile appeared on Liu Ce's face.

"No, I didn't choose the first one, I didn't."

Du Qian's expression changed.

But Liu Ce didn't listen, letting his own people take Du Qian out.

"Stop, I promise you, I promise you. I choose the second one."

Du Qian quickly said.


Liu Ce looked at Du Qian expressionlessly.

"Emperor Han, are you sure, this hall master does what you say, you will let me go?"

Du Qian kept panting and raised his head to look at Liu Ce in front of him.

"You have no jokes."

Liu Cedao.

"Okay, just... just do what you say."

Du Qian's voice said bitterly.

One day later

The image of Du Qian, the master of the Huawu Continent Temple, personally apologized through the memory beads throughout the Huawu Continent.

The entire Huawu Continent shook.

Although now in the entire Huawu Continent, the big man is the most influential Big Mac. However, as a veteran power, the temple has a transcendent status in the eyes of the people and warriors of the entire Huawu Continent. After all, the temple has existed for too many years, and it has existed almost since the history of Huawu Continent. It is not a big man that can be eliminated in a short period of time.

Therefore, the apology of Du Qian, the lord of the temple, to the Dahan made many warriors in the Huawu Continent feel incredible. Of course, more warriors from the Huawu Continent smelled something unclear in it.

After all, has the temple ever been so subdued to others, this is indeed a huge impact on the prestige of the temple. And among the memory beads, the temple promised to compensate the man with 10 million high-grade spar. This is almost an astronomical figure.

On that day, Liu Ce had forgotten Du Qian.

Inside the palace of Qinzheng

"Your Majesty, just let Du Qian go?"

Changsun Wuji looked at Liu Ce.

"Don't let go, do you stay to raise him? Although the big man is not afraid, if he really kills Du Qian, it will still be a little troublesome. The gain is not worth the loss. Of course, if Du Qian goes against me again, I will not be so soft. ."

Liu Ce said coldly.

Of course, Liu Ce let Du Qian go back in advance, also in order to let Du Qian go back to raise money. Otherwise, 10 million high-grade spar is definitely not a small amount, and only by putting Du Qian back, this spar can be quickly raised.

Liu Ce didn't worry that Du Qian would go back. In his opinion, if the other party was smart, he would not go back. Otherwise, the reputation of recklessness spreads. Du Qian's reputation in the Huawu Continent was completely stinking. At that time, he really didn't have any prestige in Huawu Continent. Therefore, Liu Ce estimated that if the other party was smart, he would send the spar to the big man in the shortest time.

Sure enough, three days later, Du Qian had people send the ten million high-grade spar to the big man.

For the rest of the time, Liu Ce was practicing his heart-forging tactics.

Duan Xinjue is indeed a fusion of Fei Peng and Chonglou. In the case that Liu Ce didn't have the source crystal, but relying on this heart-forging tactic, Liu Ce successfully awakened all the seeds of the laws except the seeds of the laws of space.

Although the seed of the law of space has not awakened, after awakening the nine great|rule seeds, it has given Liu Ce's cultivation a qualitative leap.

Now Liu Ce claims that his combat power is infinitely close to the early stage of the God Realm. Even if it can't defeat the ordinary Transcendent God Realm early stage, it will definitely not be defeated.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't found the source crystal, otherwise my speed in cultivating the heart-forging technique will be greatly accelerated."

Liu Ce muttered.

Although Heart Forging Jue can slowly grow its own law seed without the source crystal, the source crystal is like fertilizer, which can greatly speed up the process.

Of course, Liu Ce is still waiting for news from Yuhuatian. Yuhuatian has already sent a large number of capable hands, and followed the old man who found Yuanjing to search for it.

In Liu Ce's view, as long as this source crystal is in the Huawu Continent, there will naturally be a second one, and it is impossible for the source crystal to exist alone.

Sure enough, news came from Yuhuatian that day. Yuanjing was finally found in the Savage Mountain. This savage mountain is also in the territory of Dahan. It's just that it's a little barren and off the beaten track. Those Xichang factory guards who followed the elderly to find the source crystal also spent a lot of money to find the source crystal.

Dahan Han Palace

"Very well, Yuhuatian, he has a lot of rewards for the factory guards who find Yuanjing, and the old man who finds Yuanjing will reward 10,000 low-grade crystals."

Liu Cedao.

"His Majesty."

Contrary to Liu Ce, Yuhuatian's expression at the moment became solemn.

"What's the problem?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian's expression and knew that he was in love.

"Your Majesty, in fact, this time on the Savage Mountain, where we found the Origin Crystal Mine, we also encountered a half-orc,"

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Ce.

"What? Half-orcs?"

Liu Ce's expression was slightly wrong. It is indeed a bit surprised. Because he also knows half-orcs. It's just that although this half-orc had existed in the history of Huawu Continent, after all, it was only in the legend, and not many people had actually seen the half-orc.

"Half orcs stopped you?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Well, the half-orcs said, this source crystal mine was in their ancestral land. Our talents were driven out by them as soon as they discovered it. Therefore, your majesty, it is not easy for us to obtain source crystal mine.

Yuhuatian said to Liu Ce.

"Well, this time, I will go there myself."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, this matter is left to our West Factory. You don't need to take risks yourself."

Yuhuatian heard that Liu Ce was about to go personally and quickly said.

"When it comes to the half-beast race, I'd better go there myself. I don't want extra branches."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the order, the slave and maid will lead the way personally."

Yuhuatian Road.

The next day, Liu Ce took a flying boat to Yeren Mountain

Liu Ce flipped through the information about the half-orcs overnight. I also know more about this half-orc.

Half-orcs are a race that combines humans and orcs. Although there are not many human races and orcs that can reproduce, there are also some special races and humans that have successfully reproduced their offspring. Such as fox, snake, bear, leopard, lion, etc.

In the recorded ancient epoch, there was a great war of hundreds of races. Orcs are one of the participating parties. It is a very powerful race.

This kind of race that combines humans and orcs has a very powerful combat power. But for some reason, this half-orc gradually disappeared 30,000 years ago, and there is no more news. Never thought that this time because of the source crystal, he discovered the traces of the half-orcs.

However, Liu Ce has already made up his mind, first to salute and then to fight. This source crystal is a strategic material. No matter what the other party's attitude is, he will get Yuanjing. If the opponent doesn't know how to promote, he doesn't mind using force.

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