Although Liu Ce knew that the revenge from the temple would be fast, he did not expect it would come so soon.

The next day, Liu Ce received news from Hu Yuan from the Ministry of Rites, and Du Qian led a delegation to visit the temple.

"Huh? Isn't Du Qian so courageous? I suffered a loss last time, but this time I dare to come?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce had already guessed that Du Qian must hold onto it this time. In a battle with the demons, the opponent must have known it, but the opponent still dared to come to the door.

Is there something wrong with Du Qian's hand?

Liu Ce was wary. After all, if the other party did not rely on it, it would be impossible for him to come back to himself.

"Hmph, no matter what you are, this time, if you dare to come to your door again and arrogantly, the big guy will not let you go."

Liu Ce's voice was extremely cold.

This day

Liu Ce is reviewing memorials in the Imperial Study Room

Although there are eldest son Wuji, Zhang Juzheng, and Wu Qi, three big brothers Liu Ce. Liu Ce also boldly delegated power. But now the big guy is too big. Compared with the group that Liu Ce had just crossed, the big man could say that the territory alone was more than ten thousand times larger. So the affairs are complicated.

Liu Ce already has the idea of ​​opening a cabinet. At that time, some important matters, as long as they are not in the general direction, can be handled by the cabinet by drafting votes. Otherwise, he would be too tired to be the emperor. I don't have time to spend time with my children.


Outside the entire palace, the formation was violently shaking.

"Well, there are enemies?"

Outside the entire palace, the gods and demons in the hall of Gods and Demons were already confronting the warriors of more than a dozen temples.

"Hallmaster Du, you are like this, isn't it a bit too much?"

Liu Ce walked up to Du Qian without expression.

A cold light flickered in Liu Ce's eyes.

"Emperor Han, stop pretending, come with us."

Du Qian looked arrogant.

"Take a trip? Where to go?"

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian.


Du Qiandao.

Although Liu Ce didn't know what Du Qian intended to do, he also knew that if he did go, there must be great danger waiting for him. Although not afraid, Liu Ce naturally wouldn't let people lead his nose.

"If you let me go, then I will go, don't I have no face?"

Liu Ce said blankly.

"You have to go."

Du Qian did not speak, but an old man in white robe standing beside him did.

The voice is beyond doubt.


At this moment, Liu Ce noticed the white-robed old man beside Du Qian. Not tall, but a little weak.

"Who are you?"

Liu Ce looked at the old man.

The vastness of the opponent's body was like a sea, which successfully attracted Liu Ce's attention.

"Hahaha, he is my master, Master Flamingo."

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce proudly.

"Master Flamingo?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

Liu Ce has heard of this character. Of course, I heard it from Lofi, the former head of the temple. Before leaving, Luo Fei told Liu Ce a few people who need attention. One of them is Master Flamingo.

Master Flamingo is the head of the Supervision Hall of the Tiansheng Temple, in charge of punishment and manners. It can be said that the status in the entire Tiansheng Temple is very high. Although he is not the master of the Temple of Heaven, he is a real power faction in the Temple of Heaven. Even the master and deputy master of the Tiansheng Temple must give some face.

Of course, Master Flamingo is a master recruited by the Temple of Heaven. He is not a direct descendant cultivated by the Temple of Heaven. He has not practiced the techniques of the Temple of Heaven, so he is not qualified to compete for the Lord of the Temple. Otherwise, with the strength of Master Flamingo, but a strong competitor for the next Heavenly Temple Lord.

Moreover, at this moment, Master Flamingo had successfully broken through to the half-step Divine Master Realm. This makes his power stronger.

You need to know that the Lord of the Temple of Heaven is just this cultivation base.

"No wonder you dare to come in front of me and be arrogant, do you think that if you invite Master Flamingo, you can force me to commit crimes?"

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian in front of him with a disdainful expression.

"Sure enough, it is arrogance. Emperor Han, this seat will let you know how ignorant the arrogance without strength is."

When the words fell, Master Flamingo grabbed Liu Ce with one claw.

This claw seemed to be able to blast everything around him.

At this moment, the void instantly solidified.


The empty son standing beside Liu Ce greeted him with a punch.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

The boundless air wave swept out in all directions centered on the two. The earth is cracking inch by inch.

The emptiness boy couldn't help taking three steps back. And Master Flamingo took a step back. Of course, this is also because Master Flamingo's claw is only using 10% of the power. But this is the case, Master Void could take Master Flamingo back a step, which already surprised Master Flamingo a bit.

"It's interesting, Emperor Han, it's true that there are many capable people around him, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. But the strength of this seat is beyond your imagination."

After the words fell, Master Flamingo once again grabbed a claw toward the place where the emptiness was.

With this claw, Master Flamingo used 50% of his power.

"Devil's Claw!"

Five terrifying finger lights vibrated in the void, containing destructive power. It seems to penetrate everything.

"Empty swordsmanship."

The emptiness snorted coldly. Use his most powerful swordsmanship, empty swordsmanship.

The sword box opened and nine swords flew out.

This is no ordinary sword. They are the Sword of Death, the Sword of Killing, the Sword of Extinguishing the Buddha, the Sword of Demon, the Sword of Falling Demons, the Sword of Slaying the Holy Sword, the Arrow of Soul Pursuing, the Sword of Souls, and the Sword of Breaking Army.

Each sword has a special function. But the nine swords came out together, and the power was earth-shattering.

Even Flamingo, whose cultivation base reached the half-step Divine Master Realm, felt a little pressure.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

Nine swords contain great power.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Master Flamingo shot the nine swords of Master Void with one claw.

However, Master Flamingo was already extremely shocked, after all, he could already feel the power of the opponent's sword art almost catching up with the power of half a step to dominate the realm.


Even so, Master Flamingo did not stop.

"Devil's Claw!"

A series of terrible claw shadows crushed towards the place of the empty man.

"Nine swords in one!"

The emptiness snorted coldly and hit Fa Jue with his hand.

The nine swords circled around in the void and combined again. Turned into one. The power of nine-nine-one is naturally more powerful.

This blow increased the power nine times out of thin air. The horrible sword aura gathered together. The void trembles under the influence of this terrible force.

At that moment, under the power of terror, a radius of 100 meters seemed to solidify.


The forces of both sides collided in the void.

Master Flamingo couldn't help being shaken back. And Young Master Void was also shaken back more than a dozen steps, struggling to stand still. The ground beneath his feet seemed to be unable to withstand the terrible force, exploding every inch.


The emptiness son felt his blood boil in his body. A surge of blood flowed upwards. His complexion was extremely pale.

The other party has mastered the law of destruction. The power of every blow is unmatched. Even if the kendo power of Master Void is stronger, but facing the power of Master Flamingo, it is still a little weak.

However, Prince Void knew that he could not be defeated, and if he failed, his Majesty would suffer. Apart from him, no one can stop Master Flamingo.

Du Qian at the side was extremely proud. Because he found that his master had the upper hand. It is estimated that it will not take long to win the opponent's strongest master. By the time. The Emperor of Han was round or flat, and he did not let him knead it. Think of the pride. An extremely arrogant smile appeared on Du Qian's face.

"Your Majesty, go quickly, and we will stop them."

Fei Peng and the heavy building on the side also saw that the emptiness couldn't stop the man. At that time, the opponent defeated the emptiness and freed up his hands. There was no one to stop the gods and demons of the big man present.

Fei Peng and Zhonglou didn't mind themselves, but His Majesty was on the side, and they couldn't let His Majesty suffer any harm in any way.

But Liu Ce looked calm.

"It's okay. He can't help me."

Liu Ce is indeed confident. He also has his own cards.

For example, the sword intent of trading in other dimensions. This thing can be destroyed by the gods. Destroying a mere half-step divine master is not a matter of grasping.

Of course, using this thing for the other party is still a bit too wasteful.

"By the way, if you use that thing, maybe you can get a miraculous effect."

What Liu Ce thinks of is a talisman of bad luck.

This bad luck charm was obtained out of the box before. As the name suggests, the doom charm has the opposite effect to the lucky charm. A kind of talisman that can make people unlucky.

"Just try the effect of this doom talisman."

Liu Ce smiled coldly.

Liu Ce took out the talisman of bad luck and threw it at Master Flamingo.

Immediately, the talisman of doom turned into a golden light and flew towards Master Flamingo.

At this moment, Master Flamingo had completely suppressed Master Void. He knew that he only needed a few more moves to defeat Prince Void.

The emptiness boy also squeezed his full strength, showing his best.

"Your Majesty, hurry up, the humble position can't stop it."

The emptiness son roared.

This sentence seemed to be sent out with all my strength. It can be seen how much pressure the emptiness boy has endured at this moment.

"Hahaha, want to go? Do you think Han Emperor ran away in front of this seat?"

Master Flamingo said with extreme disdain.

suddenly. Master Flamingo felt his body overwhelmed.

"I wipe it?"

Master Flamingo's complexion changed.

Is this going to have diarrhea?

The old man has diarrhea?

After the cultivator arrives at the holy realm, almost no food is needed, and the body can fully absorb the energy the body needs from the energy of heaven and earth.

Of course, many warriors still maintain the habit of eating. Of course, eating at this time is not for cultivation, but for enjoyment.

However, Master Flamingo found that his stomach was turned upside down, and something was rushing down, which was obviously inconvenient. Let his chrysanthemum|flowers tighten.

If you spray that thing in front of the disciples and the enemy, you have to vomit blood in the temperament of Master Flamingo.

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