The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 880: The lord arrives

Fluttershy's expression moved. Subconsciously want to leave. Reason told her that she should stay. After all, the young man in front of her was really good to herself. The days when she came to Dahan were the most comfortable and trouble-free days in her life. If you leave the big man, you will be at a loss.

Although Xiaodie longs for freedom, she is also a smart person. In this world, freedom also needs strength to achieve. She knew that with her own appearance, even if she wanted to be a flat-headed citizen, it was impossible. The greatest possibility is to be taken captive again and then become a slave. Next time, I might not have such good luck to meet the son in front of me.


Fluttershy hesitated for a few breaths, her eyes gradually firmed.

"Fluttershy wants to follow the son, please make him complete."

Fluttershy knelt on one knee in front of Liu Ce.

A red light appeared on Xiaodie's forehead.

Liu Ce knew that this was a peculiar contract ceremony of the Dark Night clan.

Liu Ce was in a good mood. Reaching out, a drop of blood burst out on his middle finger, and then it hit the red light on Xiaodie's forehead. In this way, the contract was concluded successfully.

The red light on Xiaodie's forehead disappeared.

"Okay, from now on, Xiaodie, you will be my fellow. Get up."

Liu Ce looked at Xiaodie.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Fluttershy stood up.

"Are you the royal family of the Dark Night Race?"

Liu Ce looked at Xiaodie.

"Well, Xiaodie is the royal family of the Dark Night Race."

Fluttershy knows everything and introduces his family to Liu Ce.

It turned out that Xiaodie didn't know that he was a dark night clan. Has been living in an ordinary family in Chaoyang City, the capital of Shuiyuan Star Emperor. In addition to the parents, there is an older brother and an older sister in the family. Only three months ago, the parents who were working outside suddenly returned home in a hurry. After hurriedly telling us our identity, they took us to prepare to leave Chaoyang City. But halfway through leaving Chaoyang City, Xiaodie's family was still caught up by the enemy.

After fighting, Xiaodie fell into the hands of her enemy. The whereabouts of both parents and siblings are unknown.

Looking at Xiaodie's calm eyes, he seemed to be telling things that had nothing to do with him. This made Liu Ce feel a little distressed in his heart. This Xiaodieman is only fifteen years old and has suffered such a huge disaster.

"Don't worry, now you are my person, and I will help you find your siblings and parents."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Fluttershy's eyes were grateful.

Although Xiaodie's expression seemed too calm, it was just a disguise that she had long used, and it was actually not as calm as she had shown.

"Well, you take this pill, it can awaken you to the blood of the dark night clan."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.


Fluttershy was a little shocked.

Awakening the blood of the dark night clan is the biggest wish of the dark night clan. According to her mother, for thousands of years in the entire family, very few people have been able to awaken the blood of the dark night clan. Especially the royal family of the Dark Night tribe hasn't awakened the blood for thousands of years. It can be said that the difficulty of awakening the blood of the royal clan of the dark night clan is more than a hundred times that of the ordinary clan of the dark night clan. Of course, if the Dark Night clan can awaken the blood, its power will far surpass ordinary people.

Although Xiaodie was a little confused, she didn't doubt Liu Ce's words. The other party didn't need to deceive herself.

"Okay, get ready, I look forward to the scene where you are reborn from the ashes."

Liu Ce turned around after speaking.


Next, this time. The small forces in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Tianqingzong, Ma Long Kingdom, and Great Yanzong began to unite and make a fuss. This makes these big sects a little bit burnt. They were determined to suppress it, but a piece of gossip spread quietly in these major countries.

Because there is news that it was the temple that instigated these great nations to oppose the holy emperor. So the Holy Emperor began to punish them.

This news immediately made the people and warriors in these major domestic people boil.

Now the prestige of the big man is surpassing the sky in the entire Huawu Continent. In particular, the prestige of the Holy Emperor is ubiquitous throughout the Huawu Continent. The word "Shenghuang" reached its peak after the Han Emperor killed the Demon Queen. Almost overwhelming the influence of the temple. But now, some people dared to oppose the Holy Emperor, which made the people of these countries feel angry, especially the people in the anti-Han alliance. The domestic undercurrent is raging. In many places, people protesting against the meeting appeared.

Inside the imperial palace of Zhoutian City of the Great Zhou Dynasty

The forces of the anti-Han alliance gathered.

Now the heads of these anti-Han coalition forces are no longer as energetic as they were before, and their eyes are blood-red and their faces pale. Obviously, during this period of time, I was a little burnt tossed by the following. They didn't expect that the big man hadn't taken any action yet, and the terrible pressure was already crushing toward their place like Mount Tai. They can hardly bear the huge pressure.

"What to do, now the domestic forces have united against us, and if this continues, I will no longer be able to sit in the position of the emperor. The ancestor above has already talked to me and said that he would abolish me."

Ma Mingyuan, the emperor of Ma Longguo, said in a bitter voice.

"The same goes for my Tianqing Sect. All the major forces under his command unite to persecute us."

Yang Tianyu, the sovereign of Tianqing Sect, said helplessly.

"Isn't it? The situation of our Great Yan Sect is not much better."

The look of Duguhuo, the master of the Great Yan Sect, was also ugly.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Wuji, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This week Wuji can be said to be the strongest among them. It is also their backbone.

"I can't do anything, I can only let the Palace Master decide everything."

Zhou Wuji was also preparing to push the ball out, he couldn't bear the pressure.

"Yes, let's go to the hall master, otherwise, we can only admit counsel to the big man."

Ma Mingyuan said.

"Yes, now the palace master must come out and say something."

Dugu Huo seemed to have grasped the last straw.

Du Qian, the Lord of the Temple at this moment, also received the news.

"Asshole, what do these people want to do, do they want to force the palace?"

Du Qian's expression was extremely ugly and cursed and said: "A little thing can't be done well, what else can the Lord of the Palace expect from them?"

"Hall Master, are you going to let it perish on its own?"

The high priest on the side asked.

"Demise, do you think things are so bad?"

Du Qian frowned slightly.

"According to the news received by the subordinates, the current situation is indeed very bad for the major forces that are now taking refuge in us."

The high priest nodded.

"I can't help but save it."

Du Qian shook his head.

Du Qian knew very well that all the major forces in the Huawu Continent were watching him. If the temple does not say anything, the prestige of the temple will be further weakened. At that time, the temple will really be eccentric.

"We can send masters to suppress those resistance forces. Whoever jumps out to suppress who."

The high priest sneered.

"You treat the symptoms rather than the root cause by this method, even if this storm has passed. But the prestige of our temple is estimated to be further weakened."

Du Qian shook his head helplessly.

"Is that so?"

The high priest really didn't understand this.

"Then what should we do?"

The current high priest did not know what to do. Somewhat confused.

"How to do it, easy to do."

Du Qian said faintly: "Now the Lord of the Palace can only go and talk to Emperor Han."


Dahan Han Palace

"Well, why did this temple master come here?"

Liu Ce received the news immediately.

"This Du Qian came faster than I thought. I thought I could hold on for a long time."

Liu Ce's expression was slightly disdainful.

"Your Majesty, are we going to greet you?"

Wang Chun looked at Liu Ce and asked with a smile.

"Let Wu Qi meet me on my behalf."

Liu Ce said lightly.


Wang Chun was a little surprised.

It needs to be known that even if the Han Emperor became the Holy Emperor, the Lord of the Temple is still the most noble group of people in the entire Huawu Continent. The Emperor of Han also completely needed to be greeted in person.

"Go ahead."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun left immediately.

In fact, according to Liu Ce, he and Du Qian didn't deal with it at first. If it weren't for the predecessor Luo Fei's face, he would even send Wang Chun directly to greet him, which would really be a shame.

Du Qian originally thought that no matter how the Emperor of Han Dynasty, he would go outside the Han Capital City to greet him. As the master of the temple, he has such qualifications anyway.

But Du Qian was disappointed, and the Emperor of Han didn't give him this face at all. Not to mention that I personally greeted myself outside Handu City, and I didn't even see a single figure outside Handu City.

Humiliation, this is the greatest humiliation to the temple.

In Du Qian's view, the prestige of this temple in the entire Huawu Continent is extremely high. No matter where you go, you will be respected by people. Not to mention the emperor of a mere dynasty. Even the emperor of the dynasty must respect the master of the temple. But now a Han emperor dared to neglect their temple so much. In Du Qian's view, it was simply lawless.

"Damn Emperor Han."

Du Qian took the high priest of the temple to the outside of the Han Palace.

In Du Qian's view, even if the Emperor of Han hadn't traveled ten miles outside the capital to meet him, he should at least greet himself outside the capital. But his idea fell through. Until Du Qian, the Lord of the Temple, came outside the Han Palace. He originally thought that Emperor Han would personally greet him outside the Han Palace, but found out. It was Wu Qi, the prime minister of the big man, who greeted him.

"How dare the Emperor of Han humiliate my temple so much?"

Du Qian's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Wu Qi, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, has seen the lord of the palace."

Wu Qi looked at Du Qian lightly.

"Don't dare, your Majesty, don't you know that the main hall master is coming?"

Du Qian asked.

"Your Majesty is waiting for the Lord in the Guanghua Hall."

Wu Qi smiled faintly.

"Hmph, you Emperor Han is such a big driver."

Du Qian said, walking towards the Han Palace.

Guanghua Hall of Han Palace

"The Lord of the Palace is coming, there is a long way to go."

Liu Ce held his hands behind his back and looked at Du Qian indifferently.

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