The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 878: Turbulent undercurrent

The strong men of the three major skeleton thieves fight with Fei Peng and Chonglou.

Although the three major skeleton thieves have an advantage in the masters of the transformation of the gods, the combat effectiveness of Fei Peng and Zhonglou far exceeds the two. This makes the two of them also a rat avoidance device.

And the combat effectiveness of the young men and women on the side is obviously very tough.

At this moment, Meng Jie also had a retreat.

Although Meng Jie is also avenging his third brother, his life is still more important. He was not so great yet, Meng Jie dedicated his life for his brother.

Liu Ce also saw Meng Jie's retreat. Therefore, I am also ready to shoot. Although Fei Peng and Zhonglou could suppress them steadily, in Liu Ce's view, it seemed that they were still short of fire.


Liu Ce gave an order to Shuibi on the side.


When Shui Bi heard Liu Ce's order, he naturally knew what his Majesty meant.

"Boom!" A sound.

A terrible breath exploded in the void.

A shadow of a giant city appeared in the void.

The coercion of terror shrouded the three of them.

The three people who were about to retire suddenly sensed the shackles of the giant city of the void.

Shui Bi's strength is only in the initial stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm, single-to-sing, she will not be an opponent of any of the three people, but as a supporting role, she is a big killer.

Although Shuibi's power did not completely restrain the three of them. After all, these three are the cultivation bases of the God Transformation Realm. But the **** between that moment is the most deadly to a few people.


Fei Peng's Demon Sword slashed out with a single sword.

This sword is almost reaching its limit. After the law of speed reached the Great Perfection, his sword seemed to span the distance of space in an instant.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

This sword of Scaboo. Killed directly on Meng Jie's body.

The body shield on Meng Jie's body was directly displayed to the extreme. In order to block the sword of the flying penetrating.

However, this sword of Fei Peng is a powerful blow. However, in front of Fei Peng, this sword was like paper, and it was broken by Meng Jie in an instant.


Fei Peng broke through with a sword and directly shredded the opponent's defense.

"Boom!" A sound.

Fei Peng's sword directly beheaded Meng Jie's body.

Meng Jie flew out all over.


In the void, a sword light slashed down.

This sword came from Liu Ce.

Liu Ce, who used the Asura Taixu Method, reached the extreme speed. He came to Meng Jie's side almost in an instant and slashed with a sword.


A terrifying sword slashed the sky and the earth. It seems that the entire void can be annihilated.

"Do not……"

Meng Jie felt the fierce killing intent, and the storm of sword energy that was like a vast ocean.

At this moment, Meng Jie, because the protective gas shield was torn to pieces by Fei Peng's sword, therefore, he has no defense in his whole body at this moment. But Liu Ce's sword is going all out. Even used an eight-fold increase in Promise Fury. This sword can be said to be infinitely close to the power of the God Realm.


Liu Ce slashed at Meng Jie's body.

The terrifying sword energy burst into Meng Jie's body. Destroying his meridians throughout the body.


Blood flowed across Meng Jie's body, and under this sword, his body was fragmented. Although it didn't explode into blood mist, life was passing by rapidly.

Meng Jie's primordial spirit rushed out of his body, ready to escape.

"You wait, I will avenge this grudge sooner or later."

After Meng Jie's soul had finished speaking, he waited to escape.

"Huh, want to go?"

Liu Ce did not move. Just coldly watching Meng Jie's soul perform.

A weird whirlpool appeared silently under Meng Jie's soul.

"this is?"

Meng Jie's soul was shocked.

Meng Jie was struggling with crazy desires, but faced with the engulfing of the weird whirlpool, he couldn't break free at all.

This time Meng Jie was really dazed. Because he knows very well that if the soul is gone, there is really nothing left.

However, the power of this vortex is much greater than he imagined. He doesn't know what it is, only knows that he can't be dragged into this whirlpool anyway.

But Meng Jie's struggle was destined to be futile, and soon he was dragged into the whirlpool, and there was no scum left to be swallowed.

Liu Ce realized that the different spaces in the sea had changed again, and it was obvious that the area had become larger again.

The other two warriors were also extremely shocked when they saw Meng Jie being killed. Cowardly.

It's like this in the world of warriors. If you lose your courage, you are not far from death.

Chonglou and Fei Peng were originally the biggest opponents, and seeing Fei Peng showing his power at the moment, he was not far behind.

"Swish!" A sound.

On the next breath, the whole person in Chonglou flickered out like a ghost. At this moment, the whole person seemed to have crossed the distance of space, appearing like a ghost behind the two skeleton thieves who transformed into a **** realm.

At this moment, these two skeleton thieves were already shocked because of the death of the second master. They are already ready to escape.

But Chonglou had already taken the lead.


Chonglou's wrist knife slashed down.

The power of terror blocked the void in an area of ​​500 meters in an instant.

In an instant, the two warriors of the Skeleton Thieves Group felt that they seemed to be trapped in a quagmire at this moment.

"What, how is it possible?"

"damn it."

The two strong men of the Skeleton Thieves Group found it shockingly, and slashed towards their place with a terrible sword silently and silently. Strong sword energy. Destroy the world.

"Puff!" A sound.

This knife directly wiped out the two strong men of the Skeleton Thieves Group.

"Are you okay?"

Liu Ce looked at the pale face of Shuibi beside him, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit weak, thank you for your concern."

Shui Bi smiled at Liu Ce.

After all, it suppressed the three transforming gods realm warriors at once.

It can be said that although Shuibi did not personally kill these three people, without the assistance of Shuibi, Fei Peng, and Zhonglou, Liu Ce would still have some difficulty in destroying these three skeleton thieves. It can be said that Shuibi is indispensable.

"Let's go."

Liu Ce has been out for a while, and he also missed two children.

The flying boat of the Supreme departed immediately.

Chaoyang City, above the imperial palace of the Holy Dragon God Dynasty

After seeing Liu Ce, the flying boat finally left. Sacred Dragon Land Mu Zhennan breathed a sigh of relief, he had already recognized that the people who had been destroyed were from the Skeleton Thieves Group. Although Mu Zhennan had not dealt with anyone from the Skeleton Thieves Group. But I also know that this infamous thieves group is rampant in the Yunlong Region. Never thought that this skeleton thief group would come to the Holy Dragon God Dynasty. Fortunately, Shenglong Shenchao did not conflict with the other party, otherwise the consequences would be worrying.

"Where did the force that killed the Skeleton Thieves Group come from?"

Mu Zhennan was a little worried.

After all, the Skeleton Thieves Group was destroyed in their area, and he worried that the Holy Dragon God Dynasty would be affected.

Of course, although Mu Zhennan was a little worried, he did not dare to provoke Liu Ce and others. How can the powers that can kill the Skeleton Thieves group transform into the gods can be compared to the Holy Dragon God Dynasty.

A few days later

The Supreme returned to the Huawu Continent

Dahan Han Palace

"Your Majesty, in the past few days, have we noticed something unusual in the temple?"

When Yuhuatian came to Liu Ce's face, his expression was serious.


Liu Ce frowned slightly, looking at Yuhuatian in front of him, and asked, "Alteration, what is the method of alteration?"

"Now the new Hallmaster is uniting with countries that we do not deal with, to fight against the policies of our Dahan. And it is not friendly to the merchants in our Dahan."

Yuhuatian said seriously to Liu Ce.

"Unfriendly to our big men's businessmen?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and asked Yuhuatian.

"This is not true, but businessmen from our Hanmeng and Dahan will formulate specific and strict conditions."

Yuhuatian said to Liu Ce.

"Well, what does the temple intend this time?"

Liu Ce was a little confused.

"This servant doesn't know."

Yuhuatian lowered his head and said.

Liu Ce nodded slightly, looking at Yuhuatian in front of him, and said, "Well, I know about this matter, is there something about Yuanjing?"

"It's a bit of an eyebrow. While we were looking for Xichang, we also issued a reward. Just three days ago, an old man found our person at Xichang. He told us that he had seen this thing somewhere. And. I picked a piece back, but I don’t know what it was. Our people were overjoyed and followed the uncle back. After finding the sample he picked up, I can be sure that it is exactly the same as the source crystal that your majesty took out."

Yuhuatian Road.

"Oh, that proves that the source is indeed there, but why didn't you report to me in time?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian and asked.

"Your Majesty, because there is only one source crystal, it is not ruled out whether the old man obtained it by accident or the existence of the real source crystal mine. Therefore, the slave and maid sent someone to check with the old man."

Yuhuatian said seriously to Liu Ce.

"Well, you did the right thing."

Liu Ce nodded.

"Go down, you will report it to me as soon as there is news about the source of the crystal mine. If there is indeed a source of crystal mine, then the old man must be rewarded. The temple will send more personnel to closely monitor it."

Liu Ce said solemnly to Yuhuatian.

"According to the purpose."

Yuhuatian said solemnly.

"Go down."

Liu Ce waved to Yuhuatian.

Then, Liu Ce asked Wu Qi, Zhang Juzheng, and Changsun Wuji to come.

Half an hour later

The three of them entered the palace one after another and came to the Dahan Qinzheng Hall.

"Do you know why I am so anxious to let you into the palace?"

Liu Ce asked.

"The ministers don't know."

Wu Qi quickly said.

Liu Ce then told the three of the news he had just received about the temple.

The expressions of the three changed.

"Your Majesty, the old minister understands."

Wu Qi's look was serious.

Changsun Wuji and Zhang Juzheng also looked at each other without speaking.

"Oh, Prime Minister Wu talk about it."

Although Liu Ce has the answer in his mind, he is not sure, but he still hopes to brainstorm.

"Your Majesty, the veteran thought that this temple wants to slowly dissolve our influence in Huawu Continent. Now the only thing that can be done in Huawu Continent is the temple."

Wu Qidao.

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