The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 871: Tiannudan

Chongwei's figure flickered strangely and disappeared in front of the heavy building like a ghost.


Chonglou suddenly felt the sharpness of Chongwei's body skills, and with his eyesight he didn't realize how Chonglou avoided him.

Chonglou was a little anxious. After all, your majesty's order is to kill or take down the opponent. If he lets the other party escape because of his own negligence, then he is guilty.

"Phantom Light Slash!"

Chonglou's wrist knife has already been slashed out. A sharp knife light was drawn in the void.

This knife was almost at its extreme, covering Chongwei.

But Chongwei's speed was faster, and he was about to leave the battle circle. Even if Scabious found something was wrong, he wanted to come up to help but couldn't do it.

"Want to run, have you asked me?"

A horrible sword light slashed down from the void.

It is Liu Ce.

Although Liu Ce considers he is not Chongwei's opponent, he can still stop the opponent.

The Promise Fury has already been working.

The power of the eightfold increase made Liu Ce's combat power infinitely close to the early stage of the Transcendent God Realm. Coupled with Liu Ce's physical and martial arts double cultivation. At this moment, even Chongwei could not ignore his combat power.

"Damn it, how could Emperor Han have such power?"

Chongwei has always ignored Liu Ce.

Although Chongwei felt that as a Han emperor, Liu Ce's cultivation level would not be too weak. After all, this is a world respected by Wu. But where is the age of Emperor Han, how strong can he be no matter how strong he is?

Therefore, Chongwei has not paid much attention to Liu Ce. But now Liu Ce taught him a lesson deeply.

Under the terrifying sword light, even Chongwei felt a huge threat. This is Liu Ce's all-out sword.

In fact, at the beginning of the battle, Liu Ce locked the opponent, and did not intend to let the opponent go back. How was Liu Ce willing to see Chongwei wanting to escape.

Although Chongwei's body style is very strong, you need to know that Liu Ce has practiced Traveling Taixu. As far as shenfa is concerned, Chongwei will not be his opponent. Therefore, Chongwei was intercepted by Liu Ce soon.


Chongwei fisted towards Liu Ce.

One sword and one punch collided fiercely in the void.

Because of the hastily shot, Chongwei's punch only used less than 30% of the power. In the face of Liu Ce's full strength, a sword of twelve percent strength. Chongwei's boxing strength was shattered in an instant. A powerful sword drove straight in, broke Chongwei's defense, and blasted Chongwei's body fiercely.


Chongwei flew out.

Of course, Chongwei did not suffer much damage. But at this moment, it made him fall into the encirclement of Fei Peng and the heavy building again.

"Heaven Tribulation Nine Swords!"

The Demon Sword in Fei Peng's hand swept down with a single sword.

With this sword, the endless sword light formed a terrifying sword domain and directly locked Chongwei's whole person.

Chonglou also appeared on the other side of Chongwei. The wrist knife in his hand slashed down. A terrifying knife formed a terrible knife net, blocking all the space of Chongwei.

Fei Peng and Zhonglou are the ceiling of another world's combat power, peerless wizards. Although Chongwei was as good as the two in terms of cultivation, he was far from the opponent of the two even if it was one-on-one. Not to mention the two shot together.

"My life is over!"

Chongwei looked desperate.

But Chongwei, as a warrior in the transformation of the gods, naturally couldn't just sit and wait for death. He was still desperately punching out, ready to change his life.


The boundless demon energy agitated in the void.

The void trembles, and the waves of air blow.

Chongwei's attack was shaken by Fei Peng's sword. Chonglou's knife hit him directly.

This knife directly shattered the opponent's defense, beheading his body.


Chongwei snorted and fell down from the void.

Chonglou and Fei Peng are preparing to go up and make a knife.

"Keep him alive."

A majestic voice came from the void. It is Liu Ce.


Chonglou and Feipeng did not attack again, and Chongwei's face was as pale as paper at this moment. Even if they did not attack, they would not have any resistance.

On the other battlefields, Moon Worship, Set, Gu Yue Sheng, Yu Wen Tuo, Shui Bi and others have also ended their battles a long time ago.

"take away."

Liu Cedao.

Dahan Han Palace

In front of Liu Ce stood the Xichangchang Gongyu Chemical Field.

"The slave maid pays respects to your majesty."

Yuhuatian saluted Liu Ce.

"Be flat."

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian indifferently.

"Thank your majesty."

Yuhuatian slowly stood up.

"Well, this time I asked you to come, because there is something for you to do."

Liu Ce paced with his back in front of Yuhuatian.

"Your Majesty, please show me."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Cedao quickly.

"Your West Factory should pay more attention to the temple now. As soon as there is any news from the temple, you must send it back as soon as possible."

Liu Ce looked at Yuhua Tiandao.

"According to the purpose."

When Yuhuatian heard Liu Ce let him monitor the temple, he was slightly surprised. From Yuhuatian's point of view, isn't the temple and their Xichang related well. Not only thinking that the temple seemed to have changed its owner, Yuhuatian gradually understood.

"Well, is there any news from Yuanjing?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian and asked.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Jing doesn't have much news for the time being."

Yuhuatian lowered his head.

"Well, it's okay, look for it slowly. You can't tell me about this matter?"

Liu Ce said to Yuhuatian with a serious look.

"According to the purpose."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Ce with a solemn expression.

After Yuhuatian left. Liu Ce made people bring Chongwei again.

"Open your eyes, I know you are not dead yet."

Liu Ce looked at Chongwei indifferently.

Liu Ce took the healing pill to the other side. With Chongwei's physique, there should be no serious problems now.

"Huh, how are you doing?"

Chongwei looked at Liu Ce with disdain in his eyes and said, "Emperor Han, if you know you, let me go, otherwise the demon army will be killed, and the big man will kill the creatures."

"Is it?"

Liu Ce's expression was disdainful.

"You said, if you a member of the demons become my slave, isn't it a very interesting thing?"

Liu Ce stood up, walked in front of Chongwei, and looked at him with a smile.

"Hahaha...Han Emperor, you are so arrogant, but do you think such a thing will happen? Although I am not a great hero of the demons, I also know shame. As a slave to such a small ant of the human race, you are It is to cut me a thousand knives and never want to do it."

Chongwei looked at Liu Ce with a firm expression, with contempt and disdain in his eyes.

Liu Ce nodded and looked at Chongwei and said, "Well, I believe it, but I will do it."

"Fei Peng, let him take this pill."

Liu Ce said to Feipeng.

This is a red pill that seems to be dripping blood, the size of longan. Exudes a weird aroma.

It was the Tiannu Dan that Liu Ce spent 300 million national fortune and bought from the system mall. This is an upgraded version of Enslave Pill. Has an effect on the transformation of the gods.

In Liu Ce's view, enslaving the opponent is still good for the big man. Now Liu Ce is not very familiar with the situation outside the territory, and there is an internal response in the Mozu, which is also beneficial to Liu Ce.

Of course, the chance of Nu Dan's success this day is 50%, that is, Liu Ce also needs to be psychologically prepared for the 300 million national fortune.

The system mall is not without medicinal pills with a higher success rate, but for Liu Ce, he really can't afford it. Because of that kind of medicine, it takes a billion. Although Liu Ce is completely adequate for the national fortune, he knows that he will have more and more opportunities to use the national fortune in the future, so he did not have to reluctantly buy one billion pills, but was ready to gamble. Fortunately, if you win the bet, you will save 700 million national fortune, and even if you lose, it is nothing more than 300 million national fortune.

"this is?"

Chongwei felt a trace of fear when he saw the red pill in Feipeng's hand. Although he didn't know what it was, he felt scared instinctively.

"This is the pill that can make you a slave to me. Enjoy it."

Liu Ce looked at Chongwei expressionlessly.

"What, it's impossible, I am the realm of transforming the gods, what kind of pill can enslaved me, even in the big world, there is no such pill, let alone your small world."

Chongwei looked at Liu Ce disdainfully.

Although Chongwei said so, he was still a little afraid to watch Feipeng walk towards him and let himself take this pill. Although he said it was impossible, what if it really was?

"Open your mouth and take it."

Fei Peng said to Chongwei unceremoniously.

Chongwei already had no resistance at this moment, and Fei Peng forcibly took the pill.


Suddenly, Chongwei felt an extremely terrifying force explode in his head. The feeling of pain is beyond words.

"Ah... it hurts me."

Chongwei hugged his head and rolled all over the floor. His head emits a strange red light. As if something was about to break out of his head.

The scabs and the heavy building beside them couldn't help but feel numb when they couldn't see this scene. They know that this Chongwei is the cultivation base of transforming the gods. Generally, when you reach the realm of God Transformation, your physique far exceeds that of ordinary people. The ability to resist pain is stronger. For ordinary injuries, the warriors of the God-Transforming Realm do not wait to frown. But looking at Chongwei now, the pain is absolutely terrifying.

Of course, Chonglou and Feipeng didn't know that Liu Ce's Tiannu Dan was a kind of pill that worked on the sea of ​​consciousness, and even on the soul. Now Tiannu Dan's power is modifying Chongwei's soul mark, and this kind of pain is naturally not comparable to skin and flesh injuries.

Liu Ce's eyes stared at Chongwei's body unblinkingly. He was also slightly nervous. After all, this is 300 million. Whether it is really going to be ridiculous depends on whether the other party can stop.

After a cup of tea

The red light on Chongwei's head became weaker and weaker. Finally Chongwei's expression returned to calm, and he stood up silently from the ground and saluted Liu Ce: "Chongwei pays homage to your Majesty."

"Okay, okay, you will be a big man from now on."

Liu Ce looked at Chongwei finally being transformed by his own Tiannu Dannu, with a satisfied expression on his face.

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