The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 862: 5.0 system

Fairy birds of various colors fly by in the sky.

"This is a vision of heaven and earth, a good omen."

All forces are talking and admiring.

The heads of various forces who were still thinking carefully in their minds, at this moment, looked at Liu Ce's eyes with a trace of awe.

At this moment, Liu Ce didn't think too much. Because he felt a little different. It seems that he has a close connection with this Fang Tiandao.

That kind of feeling, it's like Tiandao has become his own relatives. To use a more precise description, it is as if he has become the son of Heaven.

Is this because I am crowned the Holy Emperor?

But no one told me before that the crowned holy emperor would appear like this.

Liu Ce was slightly curious.

However, although he was a little surprised, Liu Ce was not too surprised. After all, he is the only one who has become a holy emperor in the tens of thousands of years in the entire Huawu Continent. At least in this era.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for being the only holy emperor in Huawu Continent, convincing the world, and national luck + 10 billion!"

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce was very satisfied. This system is interesting enough. Before and after the achievement of the Holy Emperor, 15 billion national fortunes were given.

However, Liu Ce felt normal. After all, he was a holy emperor. Moreover, it was the first holy emperor in the era of Huawu Continent, and no amount of rewards from the system could be excessive.

Next, representatives of the major forces stepped forward to express congratulations to Liu Ce. This process lasted no less than three hours. Although Liu Ce is indeed a little impatient. But this time, as the holy emperor, he must also show patience.

Finally, when the last wave of guests left, Liu Ce breathed a sigh of relief.

In Liu Ce's eyes, this process was more difficult than the 300 rounds of fighting against the Demon Emperor.

"Holy Emperor."

At this moment, the Lord of the Temple, Luo Fei, and the Saint Shi Ya came together.

"Don't dare, just call it Emperor Han."

Liu Ce said politely to Luo Fei.

"Holy Emperor, come to the temple to talk at night."

Luo Fei looked serious at Liu Cedao.


Looking at the appearance of Luo Fei and Shi Ya, Liu Cexin understood. Asked: "But the two of you are leaving?"

Liu Ce knew the system of the temple for a long time, and the position of the temple master and the saint was not for life. It is rotated from time to time. Seeing the look of the palace master, Liu Ce didn't know how the palace master might be transferred away.

"Well, there is another very important thing to talk to you about the Emperor."

Luo Fei said to Liu Ce.

"Okay. I will definitely go."

Liu Ce nodded.

Although I don't know what Luo Fei is going to talk to, but looking at the other person, this matter should be very important.

"Okay, the Lord of the Hall is waiting for the holy driver."

After speaking, Luo Fei and Shi Ya left.


Perhaps, because of Liu Ce, the Lord of the Temple, Luo Fei, did not immediately return to the Holy City, but stayed in the branch hall of Handu.

The temple sub-temple at this moment is a bit cold. When Liu Ce walked into the main hall, Luo Fei and Shi Ya, the master of the temple at the moment, were waiting for him.

When seeing Liu Ce walk in, Shi Ya obviously had a hint of joy in her eyes.

"Liu Gongzi."

Shi Yadao.


Liu Ce nodded slightly to Shi Ya.

"Emperor Han, let you come this time because of the things that happened to the Lord of the Palace last time, and there was a result."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce solemnly.


Liu Ce's eyes condensed.

"It's about the secret matter of Huawu Continent. After many inquiries by the main hall master, the results have been obtained."

Luo Fei said to Liu Ce.

"Please state clearly."

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei with a serious expression.


Luo Fei said to Liu Ce: "It is said that in the ancient era of Huawu Continent, there was a **** emperor, and the treasure of the **** emperor is in Huawu Continent. It is said that anyone who can get this treasure can become a **** emperor. ."

"The Emperor?"

Liu Ce was a little shocked.

It can be said. Liu Ce was not even in the Divine Tribulation Realm now, and he was a little far away from the Divine Emperor. It's a complete ant.

In this world, everyone has a rough generalization of the timeline.

Ancient Era This is the timeline one hundred thousand years ago. One million years ago is called the Ancient Era. Thousands of years ago is called the Primordial Era.

Liu Ce didn't expect that a **** emperor appeared in this Huawu Continent, which was called a remote country by the realm.

"The existence of this divine emperor has caused many bigwigs from outside the territory to look at this place, holy emperor, you have to be careful."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Cedao.

"If they want this treasure, they will get it. What does it have to do with me?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly and asked.

"It would be great if it was really that simple, but it's not that simple. If you want to get this treasure, you must become the master of this world, at least be recognized by the heavens, and become a child of the world. That's why, Haimozu The reason for the urgent need to unify the entire Huawu Continent."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce solemnly.

Liu Ce frowned slightly. Seriously said: "It seems that there are still many people who have received this news."

"Well, although the main hall master will strictly guard this tone, from the Sea Demon Clan, I am afraid that many bigwigs have already heard of this news. Therefore, Emperor Han, you still have to be careful."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Cedao.

"Well, I see. I'm not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead|squeeze."

Liu Ce looked whole.

"Well, you can figure it out by yourself."

Luo Fei sighed. She also knew that she couldn't help each other now. In the Huawu Continent, as the master of the temple, she might be able to help the Han Emperor. But out of the Huawu mainland. She is nothing.

"The main hall is gone?"

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei and asked.

"Well, but no date has been set yet."

Luo Fei nodded.

Liu Ce's gaze also fell on Shi Ya, and he looked at her and asked, "You want to go together too?"

Shi Ya felt Liu Ce's gaze and couldn't help but heat up in her heart. But he nodded and said, "Well, Shi Ya will go with the master."

"Treasure, if I can, I want to give it to you."

Liu Ce said to Shi Ya.

Liu Ce didn't use me but me, proving that it was the same Young Master Liu who gave him. He also knew that Shi Ya preferred to call him Liu Gongzi.


Shi Ya nodded.

Soon, Luo Fei and Shi Ya, the Lord of the Temple, left. But the information they left behind made Liu Ce's heart tensed.

If it is for the so-called treasure of the Emperor, then Huawu Continent will soon become a target of public criticism. But Liu Ce knew very well that although the Huawu Continent could destroy the Sea Demon Race. But the Sea Demon Race is a big mountain to the Human Race, but to some powerful forces outside the territory, it is just a slightly stronger ant. Although ants are strong, they are only ants.

"We must improve our strength as soon as possible."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce extremely disliked the feeling that everything could not be controlled. He still likes to be in control. Crush everything with a powerful force, no one should want to crush his head.

Fortunately, Liu Ce still has a system.

The system is being upgraded. In a few days, the system should be able to upgrade to 5.0. At that time, Liu Ce will be eligible to open a more powerful treasure chest.

"System, it feels like becoming the Holy Queen, this Fang Tiandao and I seem to be closer."

Liu Ce now has the habit of asking the system if he can't figure it out.

As the system level increases, he is less indifferent to him than before. More and more time I can answer questions. I don't know if it is because the system permissions are unlocked for more reasons after the upgrade.

"Well, because the host is now the only holy emperor on this continent, it is equivalent to being the son of the world, or the son of heaven. Naturally, he is very close to the heaven and earth of this side.

The system explained.

Liu Ce nodded slightly, and the systematic explanation was equivalent to confirming his original idea.

"Then what benefit will I have after becoming a son of this world?"

Liu Ce asked.

This is also a puzzle that hangs in Liu Ce's mind. It seems that he feels that becoming a child of this world does not seem to benefit him.

"Actually, this is just not felt by the host. The biggest advantage is that when the host is fighting in this world, it can borrow part of the power of this world."

Then the system added: "Of course, this is only a part of the power. Specifically, the host has to experience it by himself."


Saying the last sentence of the system is equivalent to not saying it, but the benefit mentioned above is very good for Liu Ce.

Fighting in the Huawu Continent, you can borrow the power of this heaven. Even if it is a small part, for Liu Ce, it is quite impressive.

Ten days later

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the system has been successfully upgraded to version 5.0."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the system unlocked the Ten Thousand Realms communication platform."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the qualification to unlock the three treasure chests. Please check the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce, who was reviewing the memorial in the Imperial Study Room, heard the prompt tone, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"Well, Ten Thousand Realms Exchange Platform?"

Liu Ce asked curiously.

"Well, this is a new function opened by the system after this upgrade. Specifically, the host can experience it by itself."

System Road.

"Ten Thousand Realms Exchange? Who are those people?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Naturally is the same person as the host."

System Road.

"Also the system owner?"

Liu Ce's heart was shocked.

The system is his only hole card. If others have it, wouldn't it be very dangerous if they encounter it in the future. Liu Ce has a deep understanding of the power of the system.

"Host, don't worry, you probably won't encounter it. The universe is vast. All system owners are in different dimensions. If you want to meet each other, you must cross the barrier of this dimension. The system's The host must upgrade the system to level 100 or higher and master over 90% of the system's power. But that probability is really not high."

System Road.

More than one hundred?

Liu Ce was speechless. He had already exhausted his efforts to upgrade to level five, let alone upgrade to one hundred. It was hard to imagine how much resources it would consume. This also relieved him a lot.

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