The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 860: Extermination faction

"This is indeed a good thing."

Fu Yuan was very pleased.


Fu Xiao suddenly thought of something. The look became solemn.

"What's the matter, dad?"

Fu Yuan looked at Fu Xiao who looked a little wrong and asked.

"This ray spar is very precious. As far as my father knows, there are only seven places where ray spar is produced on the whole continent, but these seven places are only near us, and the others are far away from us. It stands to reason, no. Need to pass by us. The only thing that needs to pass by us is..."

Thinking of this, Fu Xiao suddenly looked a little ugly. He turned his head and came to the girl. He looked at her and asked, "Who are you on earth?"

"I just remembered to ask now, is it too late?"

The girl looked at Fu Xiao and sneered.

"Bitch|People. Give you the courage, don't you? Dare to talk to my dad like this?"

Fu Yuan said coldly.

"Get down."

Fu Xiao shouted.

"Yes, Dad."

Fu Yuan retired silently.

"You belong to Yunlong Chamber of Commerce?"

Fu Xiao looked at the girl.


The girl did not deny it.

"Yang Xinyao, Lord of Yunlong Chamber of Commerce?"

Fu Xiao's expression became more solemn.

"What, she is Yang Xinyao, the master of Yunlong Chamber of Commerce?"

Fu Yuan's expression was also a little surprised.

Among the major forces around the Huajian faction, there is a list of the most unprovoked forces, and the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce is at the top of the list.

A few years ago, although the strength of the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce was not weak, the surrounding major sects and the major powers did not take it very seriously, and the Huajian faction was not in their eyes. Even Yunlong Chamber of Commerce needs to pay tribute to many forces every year to survive. In the eyes of many forces, it is just a pocketbook. But now in just a few years, the other side has become the most unprovoked force among the surrounding forces.

There is no him, because the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce is now the official chamber of commerce of Dahan, and it is an integral part of Dahan. Yunlong Chamber of Commerce represents the big man when he goes out.

Therefore, the status of the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce has risen, and it has become the most unprovoked force among the surrounding forces.

Although the current leader of the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce is only a girl who is less than twenty years old, no one dares to ignore her. After all, the current Yunlong Chamber of Commerce under the leadership of this young girl has become the leading chamber of commerce in Huawu Mainland. And the location of the Chamber of Commerce, happened to be near the Huajian School.

"Now that I know who the Lord of the Association is, I will not release the Lord of the Association."

Yang Xinyao said coldly.

"Huizhu Yang, it was a misunderstanding before. Any loss of your club, our Huajian faction will still compensate us. I hope Huizhu Yang can forgive us."

Fu Xiao's attitude turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and he looked very sincere.

There is no way. Even if the Huajian faction is dissatisfied with the Dahan, the Huajian faction knows that even if it is a hundred Huajian faction, there is no way to compare with the Dahan.

"Well, it's better."

Although Yang Xinyao's face was cold and frosty, she didn't use any words to stimulate her. After all, she is now in the Huajian faction.

In fact, Yang Xinyao had decided that as long as he went out, he would tell the Emperor of Han about his experience and let the big man punish the Huajian faction. Because she knows very well that many caravans have mysteriously disappeared in this area, and this area is exactly the site of the Huajian School. Naturally it was made by Huajian School. Before this, the big man hadn't done anything for a long time, but he didn't know that it would be the dignified fourth-order sect who did this kind of thing.

It was only when Yang Xinyao was about to leave the hall of the Huajian School. Suddenly, she found that the master of the Huajian faction in front had not let go.

"Head Fu, what does this mean?"

Yang Xinyao looked at Fu Xiao with an ugly expression.

"Well, my head suddenly changed his mind."

Before that, Fu Xiao, who had been staring at Yang Xinyao's eyes, said lightly.

"What does this mean?"

Yang Xinyao frowned and looked at Fu Xiao in front of her.

"You don't know if you are the master. You are about to leave, so you just bite back. Then the Huajian faction will face the top of the Taishan Mountain."

Fu Xiao looked at Yang Xinyao with a sneer.

"You... how do you know?"

At this moment Yang Xinyao was scared.

"It's just human nature. It's not hard to guess. You think that the head of the foundation will be a three-year-old kid. Would you trust you so easily?"

Fu Xiao smiled coldly.

"You...what are you going to do, kill me, the big man will not let go of the Huajian faction."

Yang Xinyao didn't expect that Fu Xiao was so courageous, he said that he had to do it.

"Haha. Really? Who knows if you kill you?"

Fu Xiao said, but his expression was extremely disdainful.


Yang Xinyao was extremely angry, but at the moment there was nothing to do.


Void energy riot|movement.

A suffocating force came from the sky.


Fu Xiao's expression changed and he hurried to the outside.

I saw a warrior floating in the void. The body exudes a vast breath.

This person is absolutely no god.

After the Dahan collected the evidence about how the Huajian faction killed the caravan going to Dahan to do business and reported it to the Han Emperor, the Han Emperor became angry. In addition, this Huajian faction is the force that Huawu Continent and Dahan are the least able to deal with right now, so it just happens that the new accounts and old accounts are calculated together.

However, the big man did not send any army. To deal with a mere fourth-order sect, one Absolute Godless is enough. This Absolutely Wushen is a warrior of Yijie Realm. One person is more than enough to destroy a Tier 4 sect.

"This seat is from Dahan Divine Demon Hall. Are you the head of the Huajian School?"

Absolutely Wushen said in a cold voice, condescendingly.

"What. Dahan Divine Demon Hall?"

Fu Xiao's first thought was that his own affairs had been exposed. Looks panicked.

When Yang Xinyao heard that the other party was facing the Dahan Divine Demon Hall, and also recognized this person, she seemed a little familiar.

"That lord, I am Yang Xinyao, the head of the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce."

Yang Xinyao quickly said.

"Yunlong Chamber of Commerce?"

Absolutely Wushen was slightly surprised.

Absolutely Wushen naturally knew the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce, and knew that the Yunlong Chamber of Commerce was the official chamber of commerce of Dahan, and the host was Yang Xinyao.

"It turned out to be Master Yang. Before, His Majesty sent someone to find you. I don't want Master Yang to be here."

Absolute Wushen was still very polite to Yang Xinyao.

Although Yang Xinyao is not the concubine of the Han Emperor, but with Yang Xinyao's appearance, who knows what she will become in the future. Be polite now, and meet again in the future.

"This lord, Fu Xiao, the head of the Huajian faction, let people rob our Yunlong Chamber of Commerce and then took me into captivity."

Naturally, Yang Xinyao would not let this opportunity pass.

"So, don't worry, Yang Huizhu, I will seek justice for you."

The murderous spirit on Jue Wu Shen was stronger again.

"This one……"

Fu Xiao at the side suddenly felt cold. Suddenly, the entire Huajian School was in disaster.

Feel the killing intent of the void as if it were substantive. Fu Xiao quickly confronted Jue Wu Shen said, "My lord, do we have any misunderstandings?"

"Misunderstanding, the Emperor Han had already ordered before he came, the Huajian faction was razed to the ground, and there is no need to exist in the world. If there is any misunderstanding, let's go ahead and talk.

Absolutely Wushen smiled coldly.


Fu Xiao's heart was suddenly chilled. Feeling the essence of Void's killing intent, he was frightened.

"Don't blame me for this."

Fu Xiao's gaze fell on Yang Xinyao on the side.

Now Fu Xiao knew that if he wanted to save his life, the only chance was Yang Xinyao.

"Leave it to me."

Fu Xiao grabbed Yang Xinyao's body with one claw.

"What are you doing?"

Feeling the murderous intent behind him, Yang Xinyao's heart was chilled.


Jue Wushen above the void, seeing Fu Xiao's movements, knew what the other party was going to do, and knew that the other party was threatening to hold Yang Huizhu.

"court death."

Absolutely no **** does not move, the whole body exudes boundless aura.

The aura that was as if Mount Tai was crushing the top of Fu Xiao rolled down on Fu Xiao's body.

Fu Xiao, who wanted to catch Yang Xinyao, suddenly felt that his front seemed to block a wall. Make him immobile.

"how is this possible?"

Fu Xiao was taken aback.

Yang Xinyao took this opportunity to retreat to Jue Wushen and saved her life.

"Hmph, dare to be rude to Huizhu Yang, go to hell."

Jue Wushen snorted coldly. A palm fell from the Void faction.


A horrible palm obscures the sky.

The void dimmed in an instant.

The palm of a martial artist in Yi Jie Jing is naturally not simple.

In the void, a terrifying air current vibrates. The black giant palm contains infinite whirlpools. It seems to swallow everything.

A terrifying palm, wherever it passes, the void explodes every inch, and the endless energy storm seems to annihilate everything.

"Damn it, what is this?"

As the head of the Huajian School

Fu Xiao's strength is naturally not weak, he is a warrior in the air robbery realm. But under this palm, Fu Xiao actually gave birth to a feeling of incomparably smallness.

A palm is still hundreds of meters away from the buildings of the Huajian School, but the destructive power has already caused countless buildings of the Huajian School to collapse. The elders of the Huajian faction flew up into the sky, trying to escape, but in an instant they were torn to pieces by a terrible force, turning into blood mist and dissipating in the air.

"Boom!" A sound.

The Huajian faction was turned into ruins.

Fu Xiao, the head of the Huajian School, and his son Fu Yuan were all extinct.

Although Yang Xinyao hated the Huajian School a little bit before, but seeing this scene, he still felt a little unbearable.

Jue Wushen seemed to feel Yang Xinyao's mood swings beside him, and said with a slight smile: "Does Yang Huizhu think that I am doing this a bit cruel?"

"I don't dare, I just think it's enough to kill the first evil. It's a bit too cruel to exterminate them all."

Yang Xinyao shook her head.

"Master Yang, the Huajian faction is rotten. Don’t you know what happened to the chambers of commerce that went to the Dahan? Down. How can I let go of such a sinful person."

There is absolutely no expression on the face of God.

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