The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 851: The Devil's Exit

The terrifying sword contained the unique laws Xuanyuanjian mastered. If you insist on saying what law this is, it is the law of power.

Although Yu Wentuo has just been promoted to a demigod, he has a little understanding of the power of the law. However, Xuanyuanjian showed this power law vividly and vividly through Yuwen Tuo.

Under this powerful sword, it seemed that all the obstacles were just a man's arm. It's so ridiculous.

In an instant, the resistance of Du Zha and Yun Zhe was quickly annihilated as ice and snow met the scorching sun.

"Do not……"

Du Zha and Yunzhe both lost their souls.

Feel the suffocation of Mount Tai. Immediately run the devil energy with full force.

The protective gas shield supported them on their body surface. In order to block this sword.

But the two people's protective gas shields under Yuwen Tuo's sword are as ridiculous as paper.

In an instant, Yu Wentuo's sword energy directly slashed on the two body shields. They tore their protective gas shields to pieces, and the powerful sword aura directly blasted them on their bodies.


The terrifying sword aura directly knocked the two of them off.

It directly caused the two people to fall to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood, and their expressions were extremely dispirited.

The terrifying sword aura continued to raging in the bodies of the two of them. Both of them had their strange meridians and eight meridians torn apart abruptly.


Yuwen Tuo is preparing to kill the two with another sword.


Suddenly, the magic energy on the entire magic island boiled. Constantly surging in the void.

"this is?"

Yuwentuo frowned slightly.

Not only Yuwentuo, but even Liu Ce and others were slightly surprised. But immediately, Liu Ce guessed something.

"Finally can't help it?"

Shuibi is still hidden around. Because this is the magic island. Liu Ce naturally knew that after all, the Sea Mozu had existed on the edge of Huawu Continent for so many years. Must have its own heritage. Therefore, Shuibi's hole card must be played at a critical time. Otherwise, it would be bad for the Demon Emperor to be prepared.

"His Majesty the Demon Emperor is out of the customs, and His Majesty the Demon Emperor is out of the customs."

The strong men of the Sea Demon Race seemed to sense something, and they were extremely happy. After all, the Demon Sovereign is the spiritual symbol of the entire Sea Demon Race, and the backbone of all the Sea Demon Races. As long as he is there, the Sea Demon Race will have confidence. Even if the human race is now invading the Demon Island, their hearts are thinking that as long as the Demon Emperor is there, everything is not a problem.

"Dare to invade our magic island, you humans, so bold."

Above the void, there is a warrior who is nearly three meters tall. This warrior is the Demon Emperor Motian of the Sea Demon Race.

"Devil King, don’t pretend. For tens of thousands of years, in the battle between humans and demons, how many times have your sea demons invaded our human races, how many killings and robberies have been caused to our human races, and our human race died in the hands of your sea demons. It's uncountable. How much blood debt has your Sea Mozu owed to our Human Race, but should this debt be repaid now?"

Liu Ce said blankly.

"Hahaha, repay, you humans, ants, don't deserve to have such a rich land. And our sea demons can only survive on such a barren magic island, this Huawu continent, only our sea demons are qualified to have it. You If human beings have self-knowledge, they should surrender the Huawu Continent by themselves, so that there will be no more disputes between us humans and demons."

The Demon Sovereign laughed.

"Really? There is actually another way."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"any solution?"

The Demon Sovereign asked subconsciously.

"As long as our Human Race completely wipes out your Sea Demon Race in this endless sea, won't all this be resolved?"

Liu Ce said coldly.

"Hahaha, Emperor Han, this emperor admitted that when he was on the Huawu Continent, he suffered from your sorrow, but this does not mean that you can really defeat this seat!"

The devilish energy of the Demon Emperor's body became stronger and stronger.

The terrifying magical energy boils over the entire magic island like a stormy sea, and the invisible coercion covers the entire void. All human beings feel as if their hearts are crushed by a heavy stone. Some are out of breath.

"go to hell!"

Just at this time. The Demon Emperor grabbed Liu Ce and the others with one claw.

This claw seems to be able to shred the entire void.

The entire void dimmed in an instant.

"Break it to me!"

Yuwentuo shot out with a sword.

The horrible sword light was drawn down in the void.


The forces of terror collided in the void.

The endless waves of air swept in all directions centered on the two.

The claw grabbed by the Demon Emperor was torn to pieces in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

The Demon Sovereign was a little bit astonished, because he suddenly noticed that Yuwen Tuo's strength seemed to be much stronger than the previous fight against Handu.

No, it's not that Yuwentuo's strength is much stronger, but the Xuanyuan Sword in Yuwentuo's hand is much stronger than before.


The Demon Emperor was angry. Yu Wentuo's existence has already created a greater threat to him, and he can no longer allow the other party to exist like this.

This time, it was invaded by humans. Make the Demon Emperor feel extremely humiliated. Motian has always regarded himself as the most powerful and demon emperor of the sea demon clan for tens of thousands of years. It is a generation of holy masters of the sea demons. But now it was hit by humans to the Demon Island, something that hadn't happened to the ancestors of the Sea Demon Clan before. But now all this happened, which made Motian completely crazy.

This shame can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy.

"Sky Demon Profound Art."

The Demon Sovereign roared angrily.

The horrible devilish energy is getting stronger and stronger. In the entire magic island turned into a huge magic sea.

As if affected by this, the void flashed and thundered, and the entire Demon Island became extremely depressed.


Yuwen Tuo smiled faintly.

If it was said that Xuanyuan Sword's unblocking degree hadn't been enough before, now Yuwen Tuo has almost lifted Xuanyuan Sword's seal.

With Xuanyuan Sword in hand Yuwen Tuo, the strength of the world is very different. Naturally, he will not fear each other.

"Eat my sword."

Yuwen Tuo ran towards the Demon Emperor like lightning.

In an instant, Yuwentuo assassinated seven or forty-nine swords, each of which contained terrifying power.

Xuanyuanjian comes with the law of strength. The power of each sword breaks through the sky.

Even the Demon Emperor felt extremely jealous when he felt the power of Xuanyuan Sword.

"Desperate Palm."

The Demon Emperor slapped Yuwen Tuo one after another.

Every palm contains the power to destroy the world.

The collision between the two sides was extremely fast, and between the flashes of lightning, the two sides collided dozens of times. Endless waves of air raged in all directions centered on both sides.

At the same time, the gods and demons of the big man and the strong men of the sea demons also fought fiercely together.

Ximen Chuuxue held a sword and confronted several powerful sea monsters. A terrifying sword aura erupted from his body. The strong men of the Sea Demon Race in front of him suddenly felt suffocated.

Ximen Chuuxue is the cultivation base of Illusion Tribulation Realm. Although this Illusion Tribulation Realm is not too powerful a top expert on the Sea Demon Clan's side, it can already sling a lot of the Sea Demon Clan's powerhouses.

Suddenly, a few sea demons stared at Ximen Chuuxue.

The three sea demons in the Nine Tribulations Realm rushed towards Ximen Chuuxue.


Ximen Chuuxue's expression was still cruel. The terrifying killing intent erupted from him.

The warriors in the Nine Tribulations Realm of the three Sea Demon Races flew by when they reached a radius of 100 meters from Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuixue moved

The horrible sword light flickered in the void, like a bolt of lightning.

That's right, it's lightning, silver-white lightning.

Almost to the extreme.

Even Liu Ce on the Mowu battleship did not see how Ximen Chuuxue's sword was unsheathed.

The three strong men of the Sea Demon Race didn't even see how Ximen Chuuxue's sword smashed and killed them. It just felt as if a flash of lightning flashed in front of him.

The three strong men of the Sea Demon Race didn't know what was going on yet, and suddenly felt a cold in their throats, and then blood spurted out of their necks.

Yu Xiaoxue, Ling Donglai, ancient moon fairy. Seth, Zhao Ling'er, Moon Worship Master and others all found their opponents.

On the whole, the big man still has the absolute upper hand.

Although the sea demon clan masters are like clouds, they have suffered a lot from the attack on the big man several times. Especially the loss of the thirteen demi-god martial artists, even the elite of the sea demons were lost. Therefore, at this moment, the Sea Demon Clan looked incapable of facing the army of the big man.

One by one, the strong men of the Sea Demon Clan were beheaded by the big Han Gods and Demon.

At this moment, on the sea demon clan's position, millions of sea demon soldiers gathered temporarily are ready. But General Devil Dragon did not let them fight immediately. Because the dragon is very clear, the real victory or defeat is determined by the fight between the top powerhouses of both sides. If the top powerhouse of the sea demon tribe is defeated, the sea demon tribe will also be defeated by half.

But the current situation of the Sea Mozu is extremely bad. Because the strong man seems to have the absolute upper hand. Although the Demon Sovereign exited the customs, the Demon Sovereign faced the Dahan Yuwen Tuo but was also suppressed severely, which made the Demon Dragon extremely worried about the future situation of the Sea Demon Race.

Looking at the sea, hundreds of warships of the big man. It's dark, full of terrible murderous aura. Although the big man hadn't attacked yet, the murderous aura shocked the dragon.

"General, when are we going to fight? The clansmen are all ready and can fight at any time."

An officer of the sea demon clan said to the demon dragon.


The magic dragon said blankly.


The officer retired.

The magic dragon's eyes fell on the sea. To be precise, it fell on the flagship of the Dahan Mowu battleship on the sea. The dragon flag of the big man was floating on it.

"That is the banner of Emperor Han."

The eyes of the magic dragon condensed.

If that is really the banner of the Emperor of Han Dynasty, it is indeed a good opportunity for the magic dragon. As long as the Emperor of Han is killed, the decline faced by the Sea Mozu in this battle can be reversed.

However, the great masters are like clouds, and there must be masters on the flagship of the Emperor of Han. How can we approach the flagship without fail and kill the Emperor of Han?

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