The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 847: Warcraft

Fortunately, this Mowu battleship was developed in a certain world, the crystallization of technology and cultivation. The defense is extremely strong. After opening the protective cover in advance, the invasion of these huge waves is not a big problem for the Mowu battleship.

At this moment, Liu Cede's expression gradually became solemn. Because he knows that the biggest challenge has not yet appeared. The horror of this endless sea, although this was his first attempt, but from the two dispatches of the elite of the West Factory into the endless sea, each time only a few were left, almost the entire army was wiped out. This endless sea is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Looking at a red dot marked on the road map, Liu Ce secretly said: This place should be an extremely dangerous place, and you must be careful.

"Your Majesty, the deep water area ahead. Be careful."

Zheng He's expression at this moment also became solemn.

"That is?"

News came from the fleet ahead. Surrounded by devilish energy on the sea ahead, it is suspected of danger.


The vortex on the sea ahead is getting bigger and bigger. Then a huge black monster appeared.

Liu Ce took out a telescope to check.

"Well, this is a monster similar to a whale?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

Of course, this monster is much bigger than Liu Ce's whale from the earth.

Standing next to Liu Ce, Zheng He watched the emperor took out a strange object and placed it in front of him, a little curious, but he didn't dare to ask.

"Zheng He, a huge monster appeared in front of him."

Liu Ce took the telescope in front of Zheng He and asked him with a slight smile: "Would you like to see it?"

"this is?"

Zheng He felt a little puzzled.

"This is a telescope, haven't you used it?"

Liu Ce asked Zheng He.

Seeing Zheng He looked dazed, he suddenly remembered. The telescope came out 200 years after Zheng He's time. It is naturally impossible for Zheng He to use the telescope.

Zheng He also followed the example of Liu Ce and placed the telescope in front of his eyes. Sure enough, he could clearly see the scene a few miles ahead.

"What a big monster, Your Majesty, we must be careful."

Zheng He quickly said to Liu Ce.

"Don't worry, our Mowu battleship is not something that a monster in this area can fight against."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zheng He was secretly ashamed. The emperor is indeed much stronger than his own psychological quality.

Immediately, Zheng He came to the central control and used the walkie-talkie to order the front one hundred magic warships to bombard the monster with magic crystals.

This magic warship is a combination of science and cultivation. Although it is a five-hundred demon warship, through technology, the flagship can easily command other warships to fight.

The black monster was obviously also the battleship that found the big man, and seemed to feel the provocation, roared, and rushed towards these battleships.

The black monster floats on the water like a moving hill.

When it moved, the black magic energy in the surrounding air was extremely terrifying. Move with the movement of the monster.

But at this moment, the hundred demon warships have already opened fire.

One after another huge barrels fired at the monster.

These magic warships use spar. The energy is extremely powerful.

The giant cannon of the Mowu battleship has powerful compression technology, which can compress the energy of the spar before bursting out, and its power is even greater.



In an instant, hundreds of energy cannons bombarded the black monster almost all at once.

Although the black monster has thick skin and thick flesh, it cannot withstand being bombarded by hundreds of energy cannons at the same time. It sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Hmph, even a monster in this mere guilty dared to provoke our powerful fleet."

Zheng He was a little disdainful.

"No, that monster is not dead yet. I'm afraid it wants to attack us through the bottom of the sea."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Well, underwater?"

Zheng He was a little surprised.

In the era when Zheng He came, there was no way to deal with underwater monsters. Of course, in the era when Zheng He came, there were no underwater monsters that would provoked them with such short eyes. Although there are many terrifying whales and sharks, these huge sea beasts will not specifically come to attack them.

"Leave it to me."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

Liu Ce walked into the central control center.

At this moment, the temple master Luo Fei and the saint Shi Ya, who had been silent on the side, were a little curious, and they didn't avoid suspicion. They all followed Liu Ce into the battleship's control room.

This magic warship is a combination of technology and cultivation. Therefore, the entire central control room is full of a sense of technology. It is full of various instruments.

Even the knowledgeable temple master Luo Fei and the saint Shi Ya, seeing the countless instruments in these central control rooms at the moment, felt that they were just like buns.

"this is?"

Saint Shiya is not that she has never been on a battleship. In fact, when she was on the Huawu Continent, Shi Ya often came to the following dynasties, emperors and even imperial dynasties. In order to please her, some monarchs will send warships to send the saint back to the holy city. But compared with the warships of their countries and Dahan's Mowu warships, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. The warships of those countries can only be called wooden ships when compared with the warships of Dahan. The Dahan's Mowu battleship is the real battleship.

"Di Han, do you think that monster will launch an attack on our warship from underwater?"

Shi Ya asked.

"Well, that monster has strong vitality and strong protection. Although the previous shelling had severely damaged it, it did not really kill it. If I were it, it would definitely attack it from underwater."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Ah, what should I do?"

In Shi Ya's view, if the monster launched an attack on their fleet from underwater, they would have no way to resist it. Therefore, Shi Ya is still very worried.

Shi Ya also grew up in Huawu Mainland. Naturally, there is no way to appreciate scientific technology.

"It's a small matter."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Let alone the world where science and comprehension are combined into one. That world, even the science and technology alone, would probably be ahead of the world Liu Ce traveled through for tens of thousands of years. Even in the world that Liu Ce traveled through before, underwater sonar technology can easily detect underwater enemies. What's more, this world is more advanced than the earth.

When this magic warship was drawn by Liu Ce, all the techniques used were poured into Liu Ce's sea of ​​consciousness.

In fact, Liu Ce can order the Mowu battleship through a unified consciousness. It was just because he hoped that he could cultivate a fleet that belonged to the big man himself, so he didn't use this function.

Sure enough, this Mowu battleship is far more technologically advanced than the earth. Only after the Mowu battleship shot a ray of light against the water.

Suddenly, a picture appeared on the LCD screen in the control room.

"Uh, what is this?"

The saint Shiya and the Lord of the Temple Luo Fei saw the pictures appearing out of thin air on the LCD screen, and they were also a little surprised.

Even Zheng He, who then walked into the central control room, did the same.

Although there are some forces on the Huawu Continent that can do this, it is not so clear. The monsters on this LCD screen look so clear that there are a few beards on the face that can be counted clearly.

On the LCD screen, a picture suddenly appeared. It was the injured monster. Half of the monster's body was stained with blood. But at this moment its eyes are extremely vicious. Pounced towards their fleet with all their strength.

"This is the Demon Flame Beast."

Luo Fei said slightly surprised.

"Well, the palace owner knows this monster?"

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei with a bit of astonishment.

"Well, Emperor Han, you also know that our temple is hostile to the sea demon clan. Therefore, our temple will collect some information related to the sea demon clan. This demon flame beast is one of the sea demon clan raised. A kind of sea monster. It can play a role in protecting the magic island. This is why the sea demons have not worried that the human race will have the power to counterattack the magic island for tens of thousands of years. Because the demons have been on the magic island for tens of thousands of years. Multiplying, it has formed countless natural barriers. The saliva of this demon flame beast carries a terrible corrosive power. It can corrode all materials. If it is brought close to our fleet, it may cause great damage to our fleet. "

Luo Fei stared at the LCD screen and said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Liu Ce nodded slightly and said: "I see, it is not so easy for this demon flame beast to get close to us."

Liu Ce said disdainfully.

Liu Ce swiped across the LCD screen. Suddenly in the void, a series of extremely sci-fi screens appeared. Then Liu Ce gave a few false points on it.


Countless lasers were shot from the bottom of the Mowu battleship at the forefront.

"Boom!" A sound.

On the LCD screen in the flagship central control room, the Demon Beast was torn apart by a terrifying laser.

"This, what a terrifying force."

Saint Shiya and Temple Lord Luo Fei were shocked by this power.

The demon flame beast Shi Ya also knew, Shi Ya knew how destructive it was in the sea. Especially its defensive power is its strong point, but at this moment, under this powerful ray, it was killed without any resistance.

"keep going."

Liu Ce said to Zheng He.

Zheng He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie in the central control room and ordered.

Six days later

In fact, in these six days. The dangers encountered by the big man are numerous. Even encountered an attack from a group of Warcraft.

For example, an attack by a bird of beast that obscures the sky.

The strength of these beasts of birds is not weak, the weakest have the strength of Nirvana Realm.

The names of beasts in the Haimozu and Huawu Continent are not the same. There is no division between fierce beasts and profound beasts. There is only one type of Warcraft in the Sea Mozu.

The attack by tens of thousands of flying monsters was extremely terrifying.

Even though Liu Ce Dahan's Mowu fleet was prepared, five ships were still sunk. A whole 50,000 Han soldiers were buried in fish belly.

Need to know, this is the endless sea. Falling into the sea is tantamount to death, and there is no way to save it.

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