The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 843: Unlimited Gods and Demons Lucky Draw Card

After all, the five people who were playing against him did not have a fuel-efficient lamp. Yuwen Tuo. With a Xuanyuan sword, he can barely fight him frontally.

The other four, although they are all semi-divine realms. However, these four people are not ordinary demigods. Even the moon worship will be poisoned.

Of course, the Demon Sovereign didn't know that the witchcraft performed by Moon Worship was not ordinary poison.

Not only is the worship of the moon, but the ancient moon immortal seems to have a healing and defensive ability, which can greatly reduce his attacks. This made the Demon Emperor feel more and more powerless.

"damn it."

The Demon Sovereign had already begun to retreat.

"Thousands of ants eat elephants."

The hand of the moon worshiper made a seal.

Endless black spots appeared in the void instantly.

These black spots turned into ants. These ants naturally evolved from witchcraft.

Thousands of them grow, densely packed. Flew from the void to the Demon Emperor.

"this is?"

At this moment, the Demon Emperor was facing Yuwen Tuo's full attack, coupled with the harassment of the surrounding demigods, becoming more and more irritable. After discovering the endless black spots, I didn't really care about it. It just stretched the protective gas shield to the limit. Prepare to use this protective gas shield to resist the invasion of this black spot.

But after discovering it, the black spot seemed to have swallowed power. He even swallowed a big hole in his body shield.

"Uh, how is this possible?"

The Demon Sovereign was slightly surprised.


The black ants bitten the Demon Emperor's body severely at the moment when the Demon Sovereign was shocked.


The Demon Sovereign uttered an extremely screaming scream.

Perhaps these black ants did not bring much damage to the Demon Emperor, but the thousands of black ants caused the Demon Emperor to suffer a lot of pain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuwen Tuo seized a gap.

"Die to me!"

The Xuanyuan Sword in Yuwentuo's hand slashed towards the Demon Emperor's body.

This sword has no tricks, in fact, the Xuanyuan sword with full firepower does not need any tricks. It represents power in another world. There is no need for any fancy.

This terrifying sword turned into a terrifying sword realm directly in the void. In the sword realm, the sword aura that surged to the extreme contained the power to destroy everything and completely enveloped the Demon Sovereign.


Although Yuwentuo caught a gap, the Demon Sovereign was the Demon Sovereign after all, so he took the most reasonable measures in a hurry.

"Endless Magic Fist!"

The surging demon energy followed the fist of the Demon Emperor and turned into an endless wave of demon, permeating the void and turning into explosive power.

But the power that the Demon Sovereign hurriedly used, after all, can only display less than 30% of the power, naturally it is impossible for Yuwentuo to gain a sword opponent.

In an instant, the powerful sword qi directly shattered the punch of the Demon Emperor.

Go straight to Huanglong.


Yuwen Tuo's sword directly assassinated the Demon Emperor's body.


If the blow of the Lord of the Moon was indeed unable to harm the Demon Sovereign, but Yuwen Tuo's sword really caused the Demon Sovereign to suffer a heavy blow.

The demon emperor's protective gas shield was directly shattered. Endless sword energy madly poured into the body of the demon emperor and raged.

In the eyes of the endless powerhouses in Huawu Continent. The tall and mighty Demon Emperor in the void at this moment was driven away by a sword. The terrifying sword aura gleamed ten thousand meters around the demon emperor.

The power of Xuanyuanjian was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Naturally, Liu Ce would not let go of such a good opportunity.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

Liu Ce used his body to travel Taixu, the next breath appeared in the sky above the Demon Emperor, and then he was assassinated with a sword.

Although the sword Liu Ce currently uses is not the Xuanyuan sword, its power is not weak under the twenty-three sword.

A terrifying sword, as if it could tear the sky.

This sword, the void around the sword directly, time stopped.


A terrifying sword blasted directly on the Demon Emperor's body.

The terrible sword aura directly exploded a blood hole in the Demon Emperor's body.


The Demon Sovereign uttered an extremely screaming scream.

The devil qi that was densely surrounding the Demon Emperor's body was dissipated a lot.

"Devil God Escape!"

The Demon Sovereign couldn't bear it anymore.

Planted this time, completely planted. Therefore, the Demon Sovereign flees with all his strength. The black glow shot towards the distance.

"Want to go?"

But at this time, Liu Ce didn't have a good way. His Zhanxian Flying Knife and Xianxian Rope were all shattered. Therefore, at this moment, he has no choice. Otherwise, Liu Ce could at least stop the Demon Emperor by using the immortal rope.

Not only Liu Ce, even Yuwen Tuo, who was holding the Xuanyuan sword, had no good solutions. After all, Yuwentuo's strength is not stronger than that of the Demon Emperor. This time, he could severely damage the Demon Emperor because of luck. If it hadn't been for the moon-worshiping witchcraft that had just interfered with the Demon Emperor, it would be really difficult for him to severely damage the Demon Emperor.

The haze over Handu finally disappeared.

The sky was originally dark as night, and the haze disappeared.

Those warriors who were watching the battle closely were shocked when they saw the Demon Emperor retreat.

Although these experts in Huawu Continent naturally hoped that the big man could defeat the Demon Emperor, they were shocked when they really saw this scene. Because no one was optimistic about the big guy before. After all, there is a legend that the Demon Emperor is a warrior in the Divine Tribulation Realm.

On the Huawu Continent, the strongest in history is just the warrior of the holy realm. Even a demigod has never appeared, but now the most powerful Demon King in the history of the Sea Demon Clan is now defeated.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the system mission. Rewards are available. Please check the host."

Suddenly, Liu Ce's sea of ​​consciousness heard a system prompt.

"I have completed the task. I am also very curious about how much my task has been completed this time."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Back to Han Palace

Murong Qingwu, Wang Xiruo, Xiao Yuqing and others all greeted him.

At this moment of the war, they had long been psychologically prepared. If Liu Ce died, they would not live alone.

"What about the child?"

Liu Ce and Murong Qingwu, Wang Xiruo, Su Mingyue and others asked after hugging.

"Let the prince take it out of the palace."

Wang Xiruo lowered his head and said.


Liu Ce looked at the women with endless pity in his eyes. He naturally knew their plans.


Back to the bedroom

Liu Ce couldn't wait to open the system panel. I found that my mission completion degree this time was 90. If the completeness is one hundred. Ninety is considered a very high evaluation. It seems that if the Demon King was not killed, it was the remaining 10% completion.

However, the system clearly knew that it was too difficult to kill the Demon King. Therefore, after I had killed the thirteen demigods, I still considered that I had completed 90%. From this point of view, the system is fairly kind this time around.

The reward is a special treasure chest.

"I don't know, what reward will the special treasure chest give me this time?"

Liu Ce had some expectations.

"System, I want to open the special treasure chest."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get unlimited gods and demons lottery tickets +3"

The system prompt sounds.

"Well, unlimited gods and demons lottery tickets?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. This is the first time he has won such a designated lottery ticket. Although I have won unlimited lottery tickets in the past, it has not been designated as the gods and demons lottery. This is pretty good, what I lack now is the gods and demons. Especially the Demon Emperor of the Divine Tribulation Realm put Liu Ce under a lot of pressure. Therefore, this time Liu Ce still hoped that he could draw a powerful **** and demon.

But with only three chances, Liu Ce was still a little tangled. After all, this is unlimited, which proves that it can be drawn to the Divine Tribulation Realm, and even more powerful Divine Demon. But it can also draw garbage in the bone-forging realm.

Therefore, at this moment Liu Ce is still a little nervous. After all, the martial artist of the Divine Tribulation Realm is very cherished to him.

By the way, I can go to the system store to buy lucky charms.

Liu Ce knew that there were lucky charms sold in the system mall. As long as this lucky charm is worn on the body, it can increase the user's luck.

It's just that the price of this lucky charm is very touching. Liu Ce didn't know if there were any such things sold in the discount area. If so, it would be touching.

Liu Ce entered the system mall to check it, but it was a pity that there were no lucky charms in the discount area of ​​the system mall.

In desperation, Liu Ce could only enter the main area of ​​the system mall to look for lucky charms.

In the main area of ​​the system mall, there are many places selling such lucky charms.


Although Liu Ce had seen lucky charms in this place before. But I did not expect that this lucky charm is so expensive?

Primary Lucky Charm: One Hundred Million National Fortune

Intermediate lucky charm: 500 million national fortune

Senior Lucky Charm: One Billion National Fortune

The ultimate lucky charm: 5 billion

Um, five billion ultimate lucky charms?

Liu Ce felt a bit spicy eyes. At the same time, he said in his brain: This ultimate lucky charm, is it the kind that can make oneself the European emperor.

Liu Ce has a kind of rush to give it a try and buy the ultimate lucky charm worth five billion by himself, which can make himself more lucky.

But Liu Ce did not gamble after all. Because luck is luck, but whether it can be used in his lottery is not certain. What if the system has such a limitation?

Liu Ce passed the elementary lucky charms directly, without considering buying elementary lucky charms. After all, this is an unlimited lottery, and this elementary lucky charm is estimated to be of little use. At least it is necessary to use the intermediate lucky charm or above.

In the end, Liu Ce's eyes fell on the senior lucky charm.

"System, I want to buy a high-level lucky charm."

Liu Ce said to the system.

The elementary lucky charm Liu Ce once got it in the world out of the box. At that time, Liu Ce really didn't expect the value of this lucky charm to be so high. Such a small lucky charm is worth a hundred million yuan of national fortune.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully forming a high-level lucky charm. Will you use it right away?"

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce read silently in his heart.

Soon, Liu Ce felt a mysterious aura in Tao. Liu Ce couldn't tell how this kind of breath was, but he could feel the existence of this kind of breath.

"System, I want to use the unlimited gods and demons lottery card! Let's start the lottery."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, using the unlimited magic draw card for a successful draw."

Suddenly, a huge, mysterious roulette appeared in Liu Ce's sea of ​​consciousness.

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