The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 841: Systematic solution

"Just because the five of you want to fight this emperor? Mangyi is a car."

After the words fell, the Demon Emperor slapped his palm against the five people.

The terrifying giant palm kept magnifying in the void.

The boundless black magic energy exploded out of real power.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

The Xuanyuan Sword in Liu Ce's hand was swung out.

The boundless storm of sword energy burst out in the void, and slashed towards the black giant palm.

"Extinction blow!"

Baiyue patted it out with a palm.

The black palm print burst out in the void.

The sword in Set's hand swept out.

The horrible sword light flashed across the void.

Wherever he went, a terrible sword domain was formed.

"Yu Jian Liaoyuan!"

The boundless sea of ​​fire broke out in the sword domain.

"Thunder Brilliance!"

Yuwentuo also used his own trick.

Void lightning and thunder. Thundering.

Seventy-seven-forty-nine purple thunders, thick as buckets, smashed and killed the Demon Emperor from the void.

"Purple Palm!"

Immortal Gu Yue took a psychedelic palm print.

The five made a full shot.


Although the five are only warriors in the semi-god realm, the five are not ordinary semi-god realms. Therefore, the five people attacked with all their strength at this moment, even the Demon Sovereign in the Divine Tribulation Realm couldn't ignore it.


The black palm prints magnified in the void and collided with the five people's attacks.

An endless storm of energy erupted in the void.

It seems unable to bear the terrible power of the void. A series of small spatial cracks appeared in the void.

Fortunately, Han Du was under the protection of the Heavenly Destruction Sword Array, and all power was blocked by Liu Ce's Heavenly Destruction Sword Array placed in the Handu. And Liu Ce tried his best to lead the Demon Emperor to the outskirts of Handu. Therefore, this energy storm has little effect on Handu.

Of course, this is also due to Yu Xiaoxue, Zhao Linger, Ling Donglai, Jiu Jianxian and others. They knew the importance of Han Du to the big man, so when they couldn't help on the battlefield, they spontaneously resisted the power overflowing from the battle between the demon emperor and the emperor.

Fortunately, Jiujianxian and others are also holy martial artists. Although it is not worth mentioning in front of the Demon Emperor. But just to resist this spilled power is more than enough.

Otherwise, even if there is the existence of Heaven Extinguishing Sword Array. The aftermath of the battle of so many powerful men could not really affect Han at all.

Liu Ce, Yu Wentuo and others are under increasing pressure at the moment.

After all, the five are only a semi-god. Facing the Divine Tribulation Realm, it was like the feeling of five three-year-old children going to beat an adult. Even if the opponent is standing, they can't move. On the contrary, it was a random blow from the opponent, but it made them exhausted. This is the gap in strength.

Moreover, several people felt that the strength of the Demon Sovereign was gradually recovering, but their strength was getting bigger and bigger.

"The game should be over."

After fighting against Liu Ce and others, the Demon Sovereign smiled sternly. It seems a little impatient.


The Demon King pointed at Yuwen Tuo and killed him.

In an instant, the endless demon energy turned into a solidified finger, and shrouded towards Yu Wentuo.

Yu Wentuo looked at him, feeling that finger rapidly zooming in in front of him. Infinite energy storms gathered from all directions.

Yuwentuo tried to move with all his strength, but his complexion changed in an instant. At that moment, he felt as if he had been trapped in a swamp, and his body could hardly move.

"Save people!"

Liu Ce discovered that Yuwen Tuo was dangerous, and immediately greeted Guyue Immortal, Moon Worship, Set and others. Then immediately kill the Demon Emperor.


The Demon Emperor patted Liu Ce and others with a palm.

Suddenly. The destructive force swept toward the four people like a tsunami.

Liu Ce and the others snorted and flew upside down. The blood boiled in the body, and a surge of blood flowed upwards.

At this moment, Yuwen Tuo is in the most dangerous situation.

"Yuwentuo is the most powerful combat power of Dahan right now, and he must not die."

Liu Ce sacrificed the immortal rope.

The immortal rope tied to the Demon Emperor like a snake.

The tied fairy rope burst out in the void with dazzling golden brilliance. The shrouded area reached a radius of one kilometer.


The Demon Sovereign was stunned slightly when he looked at the immortal rope that enveloped his place. But it is not very concerned.


The Demon King shot out with a palm.

This palm contains great power.

The immortal tie rope dimmed a little, and finally bound the Demon Emperor firmly.


The Demon Sovereign was slightly surprised.

"Break it to me!"

The Demon Emperor didn't care about this humble rope at first. With his strength, no treasure can hurt him.

Endless devilish energy erupted from the demon emperor's body. It covers a radius of several kilometers.

The whole rope began to vibrate violently.

The immortal rope tied extremely dimmed. And there was a humming sound.

Liu Ce is very clear that although this bundle of fairy ropes can theoretically trap warriors whose cultivation base is greater than the three realms of the host. The Demon Sovereign was only in the early stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm, and logically speaking, it was also within this range. But this is only theory. The Demon Emperor is the realm of Divine Tribulation. Divine Tribulation Realm and Demi God Realm are too far apart.

In Liu Ce's view, this bundle of immortal ropes may only be trapped in the opponent for a period of time. Moreover, Liu Ce used the immortal ropes one after another before, and Liu Ce also used a lot of the power of the immortal ropes.

"Attack the Demon Emperor with all his strength."

Liu Ce confronts Dorset, worships the leader of the moon, the immortal of the ancient moon, and Yuwen Tuodao.

The four attacked with all their strength. The endless attack fell on the Demon Emperor.

Extinction blow

Purple Palm

Yujian Liaoyuan

Pretty Thunder Cracked the Ground

The attack of the four people contained the power to destroy the world. A wave like a raging sea attacked towards the demon emperor's place.


The Demon Sovereign has indeed not yet recovered to its peak, but this does not mean that he can allow people to act recklessly in front of him.

"Endless Hell!"

The terrifying demon energy condensed in the void into powerful demon shadows rushing to the surroundings, colliding with the attacks of several people.

The waves of madness and devilishness are vertical and horizontal.

The attacks of the four great gods and demons were swallowed by those terrifying shadows just when they reached the front of the demon emperor. Disappeared without a trace.

The terrifying demonic energy knocked the four great gods and demons into flight.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

The Jue Xian Sword, the Zhu Xian Sword, the Slaughter Sword, and the Sinking Sword Rotated in the void, and then shrouded in the demon emperor's body.

Liu Ce was floating in the void, with seals on his hands.

Zhu Xian's four swords were spinning rapidly in the void. The terrifying sword spirit will strangle the Demon Emperor.

Liu Ce knew that this was the only chance, so at this time, Liu Ce did his best.

"Damn it, what is this?"

The Demon Emperor was slightly weak. Obviously, the full attack of the previous few people did not cause any harm to him.

"Blast me!"

Suddenly a shout sounded in Liu Ce's ear.

This is the shout of the Demon Emperor.

At this moment, Liu Ce's immortal rope was directly broken.

Liu Ce's eyes are black

The immortal tie rope is connected with Liu Ce's spirit. At this moment, the immortal tie rope is broken, and the impact on Liu Ce's spiritual sea is undoubtedly huge.

"damn it."

Liu Ce's face was extremely pale, if it weren't for his tough will. The previous one was enough to make him dizzy.

Without the **** of the immortal rope, Liu Ce knew that it was almost impossible to strangle the Demon Emperor. The only way now is to delay time. Let the system find a way to deal with the Devil Emperor.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the system design method is completed, please go to the system panel to check the host."

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce looked overjoyed, and quickly entered the system panel to check.

Originally, Liu Ce thought that after the system was designed for so long, there must be some long talk, and then the process was very complicated. But Liu Ce took a look. It is not complicated, in fact, there is nothing too complicated on the system panel. There is only one sentence.

This sentence is to give Xuanyuan Jian to Yuwen Tuo.

That's right, there is only one sentence. Liu Ce was a little speechless. He almost doubted whether he had read it wrong. But when I look closely, it is still the same sentence.

Give the sword to Yuwen Tuo?

System, Laozi’s 100 million national fate, you just say what you are sure of the result. Are you sure it's not just to give me a few artifacts and then deal with the Demon King?

The system did not say anything.

Forget it, just give it to Yuwentuo!

"Yuwentuo, this Xuanyuan sword is for you."

Liu Ce threw the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand to Yuwen Tuo.

"Well, Xuanyuanjian?"

When Yu Wentuo heard Xuanyuanjian, he was stunned.

Yuwentuo naturally knew Xuanyuanjian. But even though Liu Ce had been using it, Xuanyuanjian was sealed. So Xuanyuanjian's breath was reduced. Yuwentuo did not notice Liu Ce's sabre.


Yuwentuo was overjoyed and immediately said to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, fight for half a cup of tea for the humble position. The humble position can completely unlock the seal of Xuanyuan Sword. At that time, facing the Demon Sovereign, there will never be a battle.



Liu Ce, who had not reported hope, was slightly pleased when he heard Yuwen Tuo say this.

At the same time, Liu Ce's heart flashed, as if thinking of Yuwentuo's origins.

In the original world of Yuwentuo, Xuanyuanjian was originally brought out by Yuwentuo. Yuwen Tuo who possessed Xuanyuan Sword, Gu Yuexian was not an opponent at all. Even if Immortal Gu Yue had a Pan Gu axe, he was not Yuwen Tuo's opponent.

Because Xuanyuan sword was in Liu Ce's hands, Yuwentuo naturally couldn't have it.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be the case. Yuwentuo has Xuanyuanjian, and can even wipe out 100,000 troops with one sword. It can be said that Xuanyuanjian is the most powerful in Yuwentuo's hands. With Xuanyuanjian, Yuwentuo The combat power of Xuanyuan Sword is not as simple as one plus one equals two, and even one plus one equals three or even four. After all, Xuanyuan Sword can only exert its power by Yuwentuo."

Liu Ce only now knows the meaning of this system.

Even if Yuwen Tuo and Xuanyuan Sword were unable to help the Demon Emperor, it was enough to fight, at least it was not a problem to contend with the Demon Emperor head-on slightly, and then the demi-god realms of them together attacked together. This is enough to contend with the Demon Sovereign. Not to mention killing the Demon Emperor, at least driving the Demon Emperor back is not a problem.

The time for half a cup of tea is seven minutes. Liu Ce believed that he could still delay Yuwentuo for seven minutes.

But soon, Liu Ce discovered that the power of the Demon Emperor in his Zhuxian Sword Formation was getting stronger and stronger. The strangling power of Zhuxian's Four Swords fell on the Demon Emperor, as if strangling an iron man. Can't move at all.

"Break it for me!"

Next breath. The entire Zhuxian sword array exploded.

The vast magic power erupted from the Zhuxianjian array.

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