The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 836: War of the Demigods

Handu is now in the sky

"court death……"

Seth "choked!"

He drew out his saber and greeted him with a sword.

The terrifying sword light slashed the void. A sword like a substance, formed a terrifying sword domain in the void.

This sword seems to have touched a deeper level of power. More powerful, more mysterious, and more terrifying.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

The endless waves of air spread out in all directions centered on the two.

The power of the two sides stalemate for a breath. Suddenly, Set's sword exploded with endless sharpness, and the next breath, the straight sword of the opponent's palm was torn apart.

"What? I caught it?"

An Lu, the demi-god martial artist of the Sea Demon Race, suddenly looked a little gloomy.

"Take me another palm."

An Lu shouted angrily. Kill towards Seth.

Seth was also very excited when he met his opponent for the first time, and said coldly: "Don't say it is a palm, even if it is a hundred palms, how about a thousand palms?"

Seth faced Anlu to kill.

The sword in his hand slashed out an endless sword field.

After breaking through to the semi-god state, Set also mastered a trace of the power of law. The power of this law. Let the power of the Scitech sword domain more than ten times stronger. Every sword is extremely powerful.

The two sides began to fight in the void. The terrifying energy storm centered on the two and spread out in all directions.

There is no god, no name. Broken waves and others were shocked. They are just martial artists in the Nine Tribulations Realm, and they don't even reach the Saint Tribulation Realm. Now I feel that in the face of this level of battle, the energy storm of myself and others can't resist. Therefore, today's battle is not something they can participate in.

Temple sub-temple

"Hey, the big man actually has a warrior in the semi-god state?"

Luo Fei was a little shocked.

"Yes, the big man actually has a warrior in the semi-god state?"

Shi Ya was also surprised.

Now Shi Ya, the saint of the temple, is also extremely shocked by the background of the big man. After all, Dahan has a warrior in the semi-god state, even Shi Ya can't imagine it.

"It's a pity. This time it should be the Demon Sovereign who took the shot himself, otherwise the big man can really come back. However, even if the big man defeats all the demigods, he cannot change this result."

Luo Fei sighed.

"Master, where is the Demon Emperor now? Is it in that flying boat?"

Shi Ya asked.

"No, he's not there. But now he should be on the edge of Huawu Continent."

Luo Fei groaned and replied.

"Master, what does this mean?"

Shi Ya looked at her master Luo Fei unclearly.

"Although the will of Heaven in Huawu Continent has weakened, it has not been completely eliminated. His Majesty also adapts to the power of the rules here. However, this can't stop him, he will appear at any time."

Luo Fei said.

"Master, didn't you mean that you have already asked for help from the Heavenly Temple? When will the master of the Heavenly Temple appear?"

Shi Ya shook the master's hand and asked.

"Hey, Shiya, you don't have too much hope. The master originally didn't have hope for this. Now the battle between the human race and the demons outside our territory has reached a fierce battle. The most important thing is that it is still inferior. In this way Under circumstances, it is impossible for them to send a helping hand to the Huawu mainland."

Luo Fei said sternly.


Shi Ya was also a little desperate. If the Demon Sovereign appears, then this place is really broken.

"Hmph, see how many masters you still have."

The martial artist of the Sea Mozu sneered.

The big man has a warrior in the semi-god state, and Anke, the strong man of the Sea Demon Clan, is not surprised. After all, the two royal ancestors of the sea demons had fallen. This proves that Dahan also has a demigod state.

"You go out."

Anke ordered.

Suddenly, two demi-god martial artists of the Sea Demon Clan exuded powerful blood.

"I come."

Yuwentuo stood up.

Immortal Gu Yue was about to make a move, but might as well, the Lord of Worship Moon stood up.

"Worshiping you in the moon?"

Liu Ce looked at the moon worshipping in surprise.

"Your Majesty, after this period of retreat, Humbleman feels the opportunity to break through. Now it is possible to break through to the semi-god state at any time, please give Humbleman a chance."

The Lord of Moon Worship looked at Liu Cedao.


Liu Ce carefully sensed the aura on the Master of Worship Moon. Indeed, as he said, the aura on his body was extremely unstable. There seems to be a sign of breakthrough at any time. But there is a lack of opportunity.

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that he gave Set the opportunity to make a breakthrough. This moon worship turned out to be able to break through to the semi-god state with his own power.


Baiyue's whole person disappeared in place, and the next breath appeared in the void.

"Purgatory Claw!"

Baiyue grabbed it at his opponent.

Dulu suddenly felt a terrifying extremity appearing in the void around his body. Those extremities were formed with the power of terror.

"Good to come."

Dulu is a figure of the sea demon clan who has cultivated to the extreme. At this moment, Dulu exerted the power of his whole body to the limit. Endless devilish energy erupted from his body. As if to form a magic domain in the entire void.

The offensive and defensive speeds of the two sides were extremely fast, and they collided more than a thousand times in a short period of time.

The power of terror broke out between the two sides,

But the Lord of Worship Moon was only a holy martial artist after all. Although it was the pinnacle of the holy realm, there was still a big gap with his opponent. At the very beginning, the Lord of the Moon Worship was at a disadvantage.

"Moba Nine Heavens!"

Void tremors, air waves are overwhelming

Endless magical energy boiled over Dulu's body.

A huge virtual image of the Demon Ancestor appeared behind Du Lu, dominating the world.

At that moment, the entire void seemed to be solidified under the powerful pressure.


Endless palm prints, patted Dulu's gesture towards the body of the Lord of the Moon.

In an instant, these palm prints had already sealed the void around the moon worshiper.

Liu Ce in the distance saw this scene, and his heart was tight.

However, it is different from the lunar worship leader. Yuwen Tuo has the upper hand steadily. Suppress his opponent to death.

Feeling the endless devilish energy sweeping toward her. Every terrifying devilish energy seemed to be a powerful fist, sweeping towards the body of worshipping the moon.

The moon worship is extremely calm at the moment.

"Good job!"

The moon worshipped roared.

"Purgatory is really hot!"

An endless flame burst out of Baiyue's body.

Black flame

These black flames, as if they could swallow all vitality, swept out in all directions, and could swallow the entire world.


The true fire of Purgatory of the Lord of the Moon blocked the opponent's power.

But the devilish spirit around the Lord of the Moon is still extremely terrifying. It rushed toward him like a stormy sea.

With every bombardment, with earth-shaking power.

Under the ravages of this boundless magic power, the void seemed to tremble with fear.


The worshiper of the moon was knocked back several thousand meters. He had bleeding from the corners of his mouth and his complexion was as pale as paper. The endless demonic energy in the body was raging, as if to swallow him.

But the gaze of the worshiper of the moon became more and more determined.

"Almost, almost!"

The mumbling of the moon worshiper.

"Hahahaha... It's wonderful, I'll come too."

It was another warrior of the three sea demons who rushed towards the big man's camp.

The big man's camp has dispatched three powerhouses in succession. Now the only **** and devil who can fight is Gu Yuexian.

The Gu Yuexian with the bones of immortal wind did not appear for a long time in Dahan. No one knows his strength. Not to mention the officials of the big man, even the gods and demons who are in the hall of gods and demons like Gu Yuexian are not very familiar with Gu Yuexian. Just know that his strength is not weak.

But even if Gu Yuexian is very strong, he can only stand a **** and demon.

The other two gods and demons. Even if Liu Ce can leapfrog the challenge, there is still one shortfall.

Although there are Jiu Jianxian, Zhao Ling'er, Yu Xiaoxue, Ling Donglai and others on the side. But they are just ordinary sage martial artists, not even the peak of the sacred realm. How to fight a demigod warrior.

"I come!"

Immortal Gu Yue first killed one of the semi-divine martial artists of the Sea Demon Race. This demigod of the Sea Demon Race was the most powerful one he had sensed. The immortal Gu Yue naturally picks the hardest to gnaw. He must fight quickly.

His body skills are like electricity, and his palm prints are heavily photographed, which is inextricably inseparable from his opponent's killing. Immortal Gu Yue's strength was not under Yu Wentuo's, and he instantly suppressed his opponent.

But the opponent's strength is also extremely strong. Although Ancient Moon Immortal wanted to fight quickly, it was obviously unrealistic to defeat his opponent in a short period of time.

"Hahaha...and us, Emperor Han, this time you are dead. See how many masters you have."

The murderous aura of the other two Sea Demon Race's semi-god realms locked Liu Ce.

"Your Majesty, give me one of them."

Jiu Jianxian stood up.

The most powerful of the gods and demons who have not played is the Jiujianxian. Although he knew that there was still a big gap between his own cultivation and the warriors of these sea demons, he had no shirk at this moment. Must stand up.

Yuwentuo, Guyue Immortal, Seth, Moon Worship Master and others also sensed Liu Ce's danger. However, their opponents also clearly knew their mission at this moment, and invariably entangled their opponents, not allowing them to come back.

"Get down."

Liu Ce was calm and calm.

"His Majesty."

Jiujianxian suddenly became anxious.

"You are just playing the role of cannon fodder, and it doesn't help."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"But Your Majesty..."

Before Jiu Jianxian's next sentence was finished, Liu Ce said unceremoniously: "This is the imperial edict."

"According to the purpose."

Jiu Jianxian swallowed helplessly. At the same time, his heart also made a decision, if your majesty is in danger, even if he blew himself up, he will die with the opponent.

"Yes, your subordinates are playing at this moment, and the deity can crush him with just one finger. You are right not to let him make a move."

One of the martial arts of the sea monsters.

"Really? You can try that."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

But at this moment, Liu Ce is calm and calm.

At this moment, the eyes of the powerhouses of the entire Huawu Continent all fell on the sky above the Handu. This shocking battle, although the vast majority of human races do not believe that the big man can win. After all, there is a big|BoSS behind the Sea Demon Clan Demon Emperor. But until now, the background of the big man has already shocked many people.

Three demigods, one holy realm peak. This power, let alone an emperor of an imperial dynasty in the Huawu Continent. Even the big world outside the territory can be the master of a small world. However, these warriors all gathered under the command of the great Han and accepted the rule of the Han emperor.

Many warriors of the human race are thinking about whether this Han emperor has any extraordinary background. Otherwise it is impossible to do this step.

Temple sub-temple

"The Emperor of Han is dangerous this time."

Luo Fei secretly sighed as she watched the murderous aura of the two Sea Demon Races fall on Liu Ce's body.

"No, I'm going to help him."

Shi Ya on the side gritted her teeth and waited to go out.

But it was pulled by Lophie.

"What are you doing? Are you going to die?"

Luo Fei rebuked Shi Ya.

"Master, but Shi Ya can't just watch the Emperor Han die in front of me, Shi Ya can't do it."

Shi Ya's painful way.

"But what can you change? Can you save the Emperor of Han? Your cultivation is not even half-sage. What can you do?"

Luo Fei looked at Shi Ya angrily.

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