The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 833: Princess Fengyi

"I decided to personally improve your cultivation."

Liu Ce looked at Dorset solemnly.

"What? Your Majesty?"

Dorset looked at Liu Ce in shock.

It has been a while since Seth came to Dahan, and he has had a lot of contact with the gods and demons in the Hall of Gods and Demons. Naturally, I have also heard that your Majesty has vast magical powers. As long as you perform well, your majesty will personally improve your cultivation. In their eyes, the realm is like a moat, but in the eyes of your majesty, it is nothing, and it can be easily broken through. But this opportunity is also rare, not everyone has the opportunity.

Originally, when Seth heard the news, he thought it was these people who were rumoring, or just a joke, after all, the breakthrough of the realm could be achieved by external forces. But that is only when the realm is low. Now that it is in the Holy Realm, especially when the peak of the Holy Realm breaks through to the Semi-God Realm, it is extremely difficult to do this by relying solely on external forces.

But now when he heard that His Majesty really wanted to use that legendary means to improve his realm, Seth was naturally very excited.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seth immediately thanked Liu Ce.

"You don't need to thank me. After your cultivation level is improved, you can serve the big man well."

Liu Ceyu eagerly confronted Sai Te Road.

"According to the order, the humble job will definitely do its best for the big man."

Seth's look was serious.

Liu Cequ nodded at Set's forehead. Faintly said: "Don't move."

Dorset stared at Liu Ce's finger and nodded towards his forehead without moving. At the same time, I was still a little curious, and he thought to myself: I don't know how my Majesty will improve my cultivation. Do you just use this to give pointers?

When Liu Ce's finger was on Set's forehead. Liu Ce ordered the system in his mind: "System, I want to raise the realm for Saite."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for successfully raising the realm of Set, the target is currently in the semi-divine realm."

The system prompt sounds.


At this moment, an extremely powerful force suddenly burst out of Set's body.

Seth's expression changed and he quickly meditated cross-legged. Begin to use this power for his own use. Accompanied by these boiling powers at the same time. In Seth's sea of ​​consciousness, there were many more insights that he had never had before.

After all, the process from the holy realm to the semi-divine realm is not only a process of power improvement and accumulation, but also requires an understanding of the power of the law. Extend the power of the domain to the law.

The demigod state is already the power of practicing a trace of law. Although it is only a trace, the power of this law is a power that transcends the demigod realm to the holy realm. It is also a chasm that is almost insurmountable.

An hour later

Sete opened his eyes and looked at Liu Ceshen, with an expression of extreme surprise.

"how is it?"

Liu Ce looked at Sete and smiled slightly.

"The humble position has already broken through to the semi-god state, but the realm has not been completely stabilized."

At this moment, Dorset was even more in awe of Liu Ce, which can be said to be a god. After all, this is not a means of ordinary people. When it comes to the Holy Land, it is too difficult and too difficult to improve. Even with Set's talent in that world's son of luck, he knew very well that if he wanted to break into the semi-god state now, it might still take twenty years of accumulation. But when your Majesty is here, he can break through in just an instant.

"Go down, improve your realm, to prepare for the future war, get acquainted with your current strength as soon as possible, and go."

Liu Ce said to Saite.

"According to the purpose."

Dorset was extremely grateful to His Majesty and retired respectfully.

With the addition of the two demigods of Sete and Guyue Xianren, Dahan has three warriors in the semi-god state. It can be considered to have a strong background.

However, Liu Ce still had no thoughts about the most high-end combat power, the Divine Tribulation Realm.

Although the Divine Tribulation Realm and the Demi Divine Realm looked similar, Liu Ce knew very well that the difference between them was a world of difference. But now how does the big man fight against this warrior in the Divine Tribulation Realm?

Liu Ce didn't have the slightest clue yet.

Forget it, take a step, take a step, the car must have a way to the mountain.

Liu Ce knew that it might not be long before the will of Heaven's Dao would be weakened again. At that time, you will be facing the Devil Emperor.

Now Liu Ce hasn't had any way to deal with the Demon Emperor.

"System, I will give you 100 million national luck, can you really help me figure out a way to deal with the Devil Emperor?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

For Liu Ce, if the system really had a way to deal with the Devil Emperor, a national fortune of 100 million would not be very expensive for Liu Ce. He can still afford it.

"There is a certain chance of failure."

The system is concise and concise.

Liu Ce: "..."

"Will the national shipping be returned?"

Liu Ce asked.

"No retreat."

System Road.

Liu Ce: "..."

In the end, Liu Ce still didn't listen to the system's requirements. He spent that 100 million yuan on the national fortune, and his own national fortune was not brought by the wind.

Maybe give myself some more time to think about it, I will think of a good way.

At this moment, Liu Ce was fully prepared for the battle. The reserve army of the Han League and Dahan began to supplement the main force. These troops have gone through numerous battles and suffered great losses. Need to be supplemented urgently.

The big man once again started the conscription campaign.

Fortunately, the warriors in the entire Huawu Continent know the terrible Sea Mozu, and now they are all united in preparation to fight the Sea Mozu. Many warriors with extremely high cultivation bases enthusiastically joined the army.

This day

Outside the delivery room

Liu Ce asked the most experienced midwife in the palace to deliver the baby to Wang Xiruo.

It can be said that although Liu Ce has a very high cultivation base, he is a perfect emperor in Dahan. But he will not deliver. He was also very anxious at the moment.

Outside the delivery room, Liu Ce had been pacing back and forth for several hours. But this time the delivery was not very smooth, and so far his child has not fallen to the ground.

If Wang Xi is not a warrior, he is just an ordinary person. Therefore, her physique is destined to give birth not so smoothly. And in this world, stagger the warriors. It is very difficult for ordinary people to give birth. And the maternal mortality rate is very high. Difficult delivery is nothing new.

Murong Qingwu had a big belly, looking at Liu Ce, who was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and felt very distressed. Their husbands have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the human race in the world, and they have to care about their affairs at this moment. Murong Qingwu felt that her husband was really not easy.

"The emperor, if nothing will happen. Don't worry."

Murong Qingwu held Liu Ce's hand.


Even so, Liu Ce still did not relax. After all, although Liu Ce had no previous experience in this life, he had never eaten pork or seen pig running. Therefore, he naturally knew that Wang Xiruo had not succeeded in production until now. There was definitely a problem.

"Cer, it's okay, it's okay if you survive."

Xiao Yuqing looked at Liu Ce in such anxious state, and said to him.

"Thank you mother."

Liu Ce nodded to Xiao Yuqing.

"Your Majesty, Aunt Mei is the most experienced midwife in our Han Palace. It is said that you also delivered the baby to Aunt Mei, very experienced."

Su Mingyue also came over to Liu Ce with relief.

"Well, I got it."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

Only as time passed, Liu Ce's brows became Chuan.

Half an hour later

"Wow!" "Wow!"

At this moment, there was a cry of baby in the delivery room.

"gave birth?"

Liu Ce's eyes lit up.

Aunt Mei walked out of the room, still holding a baby, with big eyes, she was very curious.

"Congratulations, your majesty, mother and daughter are safe."

Aunt Mei said to Liu Ce.

"Well, that's great."

Liu Ce was very happy. Not disappointed because it is a daughter. After all, what he has is the soul of the previous life. And in his opinion, he prefers his daughter. This is his first daughter in Liu Ce's past and present life, and she naturally loves it very much.

Liu Ce quickly wrapped up his daughter and entered the room. At this moment, Wang Xiruo's face was extremely pale, as if sensing the movement, she slowly opened her eyes.

"His Majesty."

Wang Xiruo looked at Liu Ce and yelled softly, reluctantly squeezing a smile on her face.

"Don't talk, just lie down quietly. You still need to rest now. Xiruo, thank you for giving birth to a daughter for me."

Liu Ce smiled at Wang Xiruo.

"Let me see our daughter quickly."

Wang Xiruo quickly said to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce then put his daughter beside Wang Xiruo's bed.

"Xiruo, look, my daughter really looks like you."

Liu Ce looked at Wang Xiruo and smiled.

"Well, but between the eyes, there seems to be the shadow of your majesty again."

Wang Xiruo smiled at Liu Ce.

"Well, you take a good rest. Mr. Zhang has prepared a rejuvenating pill for you. If you take it on time every day, you will soon recover."

Liu Ce expressed pity to Wang Xiruo.

"Good. Your Majesty."

Wang Xiruo smiled at Liu Ce.

After giving birth to the princess, Liu Ce was in a good mood. He finally has his own offspring.

"Wang Chun."

Liu Ce shouted.

"The servant is here."

Wang Chun stood in front of Liu Ce.

"Send an order to the prime minister of the grandson and the Ministry of Households, and the whole big man will celebrate three days in the whole world. All expenses shall be borne by the court."

Liu Ce shouted.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun agreed immediately and left immediately.

After the emperor had a queen, and a big man had a queen, the whole people of the big man were boiling. After all, this is the first descendant of Emperor Han. Although it is a girl, it is a princess. But this also means that the big man has a future.

Liu Ce now has no prestige in the entire Han Dynasty, and even many people in the Han Dynasty regard the Han Emperor as a god. Therefore, these people are very excited when the big man has arrived at this moment. Originally, because of the invasion of the Sea Demon Clan, the haze that had enveloped the entire Dahan and the Han League had dissipated a lot.

Originally, Liu Ce ordered the universal celebration for three days in the Dahan, and did not cover the Han League. However, after Liu Ce gave the order, not only the Dahan, even in the Han League, they all followed the carnival. Although the Hanmeng does not belong to the big man in the true sense, the people of the Hanmeng do not think so. They are also people who have long regarded themselves as big men. Now that the Emperor of the Han Dynasty has, the people in the Han League area are also very happy.

At the same time, news came from the imperial court that the princess was named Princess Fengyi and gave the mansion to Fengyi Palace.

The whole three-day carnival has made the big guy bear a lot of money, but now the big guy is very rich, and this overhead is completely affordable. But this is not without positive meaning. The cohesion of the Han League and the big man has also improved a lot during the carnival these few days.

In the past few days, Liu Ce has been looking for time to accompany his eldest princess every day. Although the princess now eats and sleeps every day, and eats when she sleeps. But Liu Ce didn't see enough every day.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you really like Feng Yi?"

Wang Xiruo watched Liu Ce teasing her daughter like a child, with a smile on her face.

"What is this nonsense?"

Liu Ce smiled and said seriously to Wang Xiruo: "Xiruo, in my eyes, both men and women are my daughters, and I will not give preference to one of them. Even in the future, if Feng Yi is better than other children , I can even hand over the throne to her."

"The concubine was wrong."

Wang Xiruo lowered his head and said a little embarrassed.

"Well, don't say such things in the future."

Liu Ce said to Wang Xiruo.

Originally, Liu Ce hadn't tested his daughter, Princess Fengyi, on her cultivation talent. In his opinion, his daughter would be the princess of a big man who will be the most unhelpful in the future. You don't need to care too much about cultivation. But I didn't want to. Gui Guzi, who came to the palace to discuss the national teacher with Liu Ce a few days ago, accidentally saw Princess Fengyi in Liu Ce's arms. Great surprise. Said that Princess Fengyi had awakened the most powerful profound spirit divine body in the magician's line, and insisted on letting the other party worship him as a teacher.

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