The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 823: Demon's Kiss

Three miles outside the palace

A man in black was clutching his chest, his expression extremely dispirited. His expression was a little horrified, and he murmured: "Is the previous breath, the peak of the holy realm?"

But as soon as this sentence was uttered, the man in black denied it. Because he knew that the mere peak of the holy realm would not be enough for him to cast shadow clone spells to fail. Is it a demigod?

As soon as this idea came out, the person in black felt that it was impossible.

That's right, this man in black is Yun Hui, a mysterious killer from the Sea Demon Race.

After accepting the task of the Demon Emperor, Yun Hui set off for the big man. After staying for a few days in Dahan and getting acquainted with the environment here, he began to look for opportunities to start.

The so-called Xichang Qianhu Liao Qian is naturally Yun Hui pretending to be. Of course, the person and intelligence of Liao Qian are also true. It's just that Liao Qian was cut off by him before entering the palace. Otherwise, Yun Hui knew very well that it would be difficult to hide from the shrewd Emperor of the Han Dynasty without the truth as the basis.

In the few days when he came to the Han Capital, Yun Hui was thinking about the great man and the sudden rise of the Han Emperor. The more he understands the Han Emperor, Yunhui becomes more and more jealous of the Han Emperor. If the two sides were not opposed, and if it was ordered by His Majesty the Demon Emperor himself, Yun Hui really didn't want to become an enemy with Emperor Han.

But since the two sides were destined to become enemies, Yun Hui made adequate preparations. But Liao Qian came to the Han Palace to send information, but it was Yun Hui's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After catching Liao Qian, Yun Hui used the secret method of the Demon Race to take out all the memories of the other party, and then he entered the Han Palace after he was fully prepared.

Of course, Yun Hui soon noticed the existence of the God-Tribulation Thunder-Shadow Profound Array in the Han Palace. At the moment of the moment, Yun Hui felt the existence of the Divine Tribulation Thunder-Shadow Profound Array. Fortunately, Yun Hui withdrew from the imperial palace in time, otherwise the Divine Tribulation Thunder Shadow Profound Formation would be activated.

As the genius of the demons awakening the dark demons, Yun Hui is a natural assassin. The natural attributes of the assassin, he is enough to play to the extreme.

Therefore, this time, Yun Hui used his talent to avoid the lock of the palace sword formation and entered the Han palace.

Of course, it's not that the Han Palace God Jie Lei Sha Profound Array is really useless. It's just that, in order to lock down the enemy, the Thunder God Profound Array also needs to capture the opponent's murderous aura. Even a trace of hostility and murderous aura would be locked by the Divine Tribulation Thunder Shadow Profound Formation. However, the dark demon that Yunhui awakened could perfectly converge the body's breath. Only then escaped the lock of the God Tribulation Thunder Shadow Profound Array, which might be Liu Ce's hit.

Looking at the jade pendant hanging on his chest, this was the amulet that his uncle Yunzhe asked for from His Majesty the Demon Emperor. Can block a blow from a demi-god martial artist.

But now this jade pendant is broken. This shocked Yun Hui. He knew that if it hadn't been for this jade pendant, he might have explained it to the Han Palace earlier.

"Hmph, Emperor Han, this time you are dead."

Although Yun Hui suffered a big loss this time, he was seriously injured. Nor did he take the second shot to completely kill the Emperor of Han, but in Yun Hui's view, this time the opponent is still bound to die. Now it is just a few more days of delay. This is not because Yun Hui is too arrogant.

Mainly this time, the poison on his dagger was the kiss of the demon god, known as the first poison of the sea demon clan.

Not to mention that this poison is a semi-divine realm, even a warrior in the divine realm, it may not be able to withstand it. This time, in order to assassinate the Emperor of Han, it was possible to be sure of it. Therefore, the Sea Mozu used the kiss of the Devil God.

The kiss of the demon god, even in the sea demon clan, is a treasure. It was extracted from a kind of extremely precious demon flame flower after thousands of years. Although the Demon Flame Flower is a unique species belonging to the Demon Island where the Sea Demon Race is located. But there are only three demon flame flowers on the magic island where the sea demon clan is located. Therefore, the kiss of the Demon God is very precious. There is only one bottle in the Sea Mozu.

Don't underestimate such a small bottle of Demon God's Kiss. ​​If this bottle of Demon God's Kiss was only used to deal with civilians, it would be enough to poison tens of billions of human races. It can be seen that this is so toxic.

Therefore, Yun Hui had this confidence. As long as Emperor Han was kissed by his demon god, he would never survive.

Even so, Yun Hui was planning to stay in Handu for a few days, and was leaving Handu with the death of Han Emperor.

At this moment, the entire Han is under martial law. Several city gates in Handu were closed, and only entry was allowed, but no exit was allowed. The people of Handu don't know what happened. I just felt that the atmosphere in the entire Han Capital was extremely depressed.


"Master, what happened to Handu? Martial law was enforced throughout Handu?"

In the branch hall of the Handu Temple

The saint Shi Ya hurriedly found the master Luo Fei.

Luo Fei's expression at this moment is also extremely puzzled, because the entire Han has suddenly implemented martial law, which is rare recently.

Han is the center of the big Han, not only has the most elite army. And there are big Han gods and demons sitting in town. Therefore, now that the big man is full of confidence and becoming more and more confident, he seldom treats him under martial law. But as long as martial law is declared suddenly, something important has happened.

"The master doesn't know, but the strange thing is that if something really happened to Dahan, Emperor Han will definitely notify us, but why, now Dahan has never notified us."

Luo Fei's expression is also extremely confused.

"Liu Te, on behalf of this seat, you go to the big man to ask what happened."

Luo Fei said to a deacon in the temple.


Liu Te hurried away.

Soon, Low came back and told Luo Fei a heavy news. Emperor Han was assassinated.

At this time, in the bedroom of the Han Palace

Liu Ce was lying on the bed, all in a coma.

The atmosphere is dignified

Wang Xiruo choked. Murong Qingwu, Gan Mingzhu, Su Mingyue, Liu Ning, and Xiao Yuqing were also waiting anxiously outside. They all had tears in their eyes, and they wanted to cry.

Zhang Zhongjing is treating Liu Ce, and the women outside would have rushed in if they weren't worried about disturbing the treatment for Your Majesty.

"Yuwentuo, what the **** is going on, why did your majesty be assassinated, what did you do for food?"

Queen Murong Qingwu phoenix eyes with prestige.

"Empress Niangniang, you have not fulfilled your humble duty, please be punished."

Yu Wentuo knelt in front of Queen Murong Qingwu, looking ashamed.

The crow leader also knelt behind Yu Wentuo.

"Qing Wu, now is not the time to be punished. We need to figure out what the situation is. Why did your majesty be assassinated and who did it? Is this person still in the Handu? We must find the murderer and make a plan. Take revenge."

It was the Queen Mother Xiao Yuqing who was talking.

Although Xiao Yuqing's expression was also very sad at this moment, as the queen mother of a big man, she had to stand up when her child was in trouble. She must be steady, otherwise the big man is in danger of falling apart at this moment.

"Yes, mother queen."

Murong Qingwu nodded.

"Master Yuwen, what is going on? Make it clear."

Murong Qingwu looked at Yuwen Tuo.

"Queen, when the humble position arrived, your majesty was already severely injured. However, at that time, the humble position also took action. Unfortunately, the murderer was wearing a strange treasure. Although the humble position took action, he did not leave him behind."

Yuwen Tuodao.

"Even Master Yuwen didn't keep the other party?"

Murong Qingwu's expression was a little surprised.

Naturally, Murong Qingwu knew that Yu Wen Tuo was now considered the top master of the big man. But now Yuwen Tuo was telling her that even when he shot, he did not take down the murderer. The origin of the murderer was already ready to be revealed.

"Sister Qingwu, will your Majesty be all right?"

Wang Xiruo looked at Murong Qingwu with tears.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Ji Ren Tianxiang, there will never be anything wrong."

Murong Qingwu held Wang Xiruo.

"Master of National Normal University is here."

Suddenly, someone shouted outside.

Sure enough, it was Dahan's national teacher Guiguzi who came.

"I have seen the national teacher."

Although Murong Qingwu is a queen, she is very aware of Guiguzi's position in the big man, so she does not dare to be scornful in front of Guiguzi.

"I have seen the queen."

Gui Guzi also saluted Murong Qingwu.

"Guoji, you are here, but it's just right. Now that your Majesty is assassinated, I don't know what's going on now."

Murong Qingwu looked at Guiguzi.

How much Murong Qingwu now hopes to be relieved from Master of National Normal University.

"The old man has already counted that your majesty must have a catastrophe. Whether you can live it, you need to rely on your majesty's own good fortune."

Gui Guzi sighed helplessly.

"Master, since you have counted it, why don't you remind your Majesty?"

Murong Qingwu looked at Guiguzi and asked.

"Queen, this calamity is the number of days, even if the old reminds your majesty, this calamity will inevitably come. It is not possible to avoid it, but it will harm your majesty. Because it is what your majesty must experience."

Guiguzi said.

Murong Qingwu seemed to understand, but he also knew that he had wronged the national teacher. It can be said that the national teacher had done his best for the great man, and he shouldn't doubt him.

"Guo Shi, this palace is offended. Please don't mind."

Murong Qingwu quickly said.

"It's okay, the old man can understand the feelings of the empress empress."

Gui Guzi sighed.

At this moment, the door of Liu Ce's bedroom opened.

A somewhat haggard Zhang Zhongjing walked out from the inside.

Zhang Zhongjing has been healing Liu Ce for five consecutive hours, and it can be seen that he is a bit exhausted.

"Lao Zhang, how is your Majesty now?"

Murong Qingwu and Xiao Yuqing greeted them almost immediately.

"The queen mother, the queen mother, there is a kind of poison in your majesty's body. This poison is ten times or even a hundred times more terrifying than any poison known to the old. If it weren't for your majesty | the body is much stronger than ordinary people. , His own power is fighting against the poison with all its strength, changing to an ordinary person, or another warrior, has already been killed in the first place."

Zhang Zhongjing looked serious.

"Well, elder, how is your Majesty now?"

Murong Qingwu asked quickly.

"The old man used countless methods and finally managed to suppress the poisonous pillar for his majesty. But if you can't find the root of the poisonous, it is almost impossible to detoxify."

Zhang Zhongjing's expression was solemn.

"Ah, Zhang Lao, you must try your best to treat Your Majesty."

Murong Qingwu looked at Zhang Zhongjing.

"Queens, the old lady has an unshirkable responsibility. Even without your account, the old lady will give up this life and will try his best to save your majesty."

Zhang Zhongjing's stern way.

"Then please ask Mr. Zhang."

Murong Qingwu quickly said.

"Don't dare."

Zhang Zhongjing quickly said.

Then, Zhang Zhongjing's gaze fell on Yuwen Tuo's body. Looking at him, "Master Yuwen."

"I have seen Mr. Zhang."

Yuwen Tuo quickly responded.

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