The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 819: The will of heaven is weakened


Ba Jin, a martial artist of the Heart Tribulation Realm, made a full blow and directly blasted the three thunderbolts that had fallen from the void.

It seems that what Ba Jin said completely angered the sky.

Dozens of thunder powers smashed and killed with him as the center. As if to completely destroy him.

"Get out of here!"

Ba Jin was furious.

The terrifying knife light formed a terrible knife field all around.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

With the collision of endless power, the void around Ba Jin sank inch by inch. The earth trembled and shattered constantly.

"Deathing Thirteen Swords!"

At this moment, Yan Shisan arrived.


Ba Jin slapped it.

The forces of the two sides collided dozens of times in an instant. Endless energy storms centered on them, erupting in all directions.

The strength of the two sides is similar, and this battle is evenly matched. It's hard to tell the outcome in a short time.

Ba Jin's expression was solemn. Know that the other party is coming to the master. But Yan Shisan was extremely excited. As a warrior, he was naturally excited that he could meet a well-matched opponent.

And under the bombardment of this thunder power, the sea demon clan's line of defense was completely opened at this time. On the contrary, the morale of the soldiers of the big man rose. One by one, they were more fierce and fearless to kill towards the enemy.

Eventually, as the sea demon clan's defense line collapsed. The Han army finally entered the Black Gold City. Emperor Tianming opened the gate of Heijin City.

"Okay, just follow this handsome!"

Li Jing saw that Heijin City was taken down, and suddenly a stone fell to the ground. Order immediately.

The Han army charged across the territory.


With the fall of Heijin City, the Emperor Tianming fell into the hands of the big man.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, conquering the entire territory of Emperor Tianming. Fortune + 1 billion."

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce, who was in the imperial study room, was slightly startled when he heard the prompt. He hasn't gotten dizzy for a long time, and it's cool to get a billion yuan fortune this time. When this sea demons is about to invade. For Liu Ce, this national fortune is naturally the more the better.

My last system task has not yet been settled, and tomorrow is the last day. I don't know how complete I am. However, in accordance with the requirements of the system, my degree of completion should be considered very high.

Tianming Emperor Chao Dashi Plain

The one hundred thousand sea demon cavalry army is like a black torrent heading towards the imperial capital of the Tianming Emperor Heijin City.

It can be said that this sea demon clan's cavalry army was personally led by Jones, the youngest commander of the sea demon clan. Although Jones was young, in terms of military literacy, he was affirmed by countless sea demons within the sea demon clan military. He is even known as the hero of the demons, and is the most famous rising star of the young generation of the sea demons.

This time, leading a 100,000 sea demon cavalry army to support Heijin City is also a small test for Jones.

"How long will we get to the Black Gold City?"

Jones asked a lieutenant next to him.

"It will take half a day for the Marshal."

The lieutenant said.

"Okay, sprint with all strength, we must strive to reach the Black Gold City before the sunset."

Jones said solemnly.

Jones naturally knew the meaning of Heijin City for the Sea Mozu. This day, Emperor Ming Dynasty was a landing point for the Sea Demon Race. Although it is said that the Emperor Tianming was captured by the Han, this does not mean that the Sea Demon Clan would not be able to land on the Huawu Continent, but the difficulties will definitely increase a lot. At least in time there will be an increase in meaningless casualties.

But Heijincheng was the top priority of the Emperor Tianming. If Heijin City is captured, it means that the Sea Demon Clan has completely failed in the Tianming Emperor dynasty. This is something Jones absolutely cannot tolerate. And this time, it was the first time that Jones led the army alone, and he didn't allow himself to fail.

Originally Jones was not too concerned about the big guy. I just think that the human race is weak, even if the big man is a little special among the human race, but it is so. But this time with Li Mu, Jones was completely awake. Knowing that Dahan is different from any human race he has encountered before.

In the past few days, Jones is fighting Li Mu, and the two sides will win each other. It can be said that Jones did not take too much advantage of Li Mu. This made Jones, who has always been extremely proud in the military field, also surprised.

"Tick tick tick."

A horse hurried to the distance. It is the messenger of the Sea Mozu.

"Report to the marshal, the latest information."

A messenger from the Sea Demon came to Jones.

Jones opened the secret letter and his expression suddenly changed.

"how is this possible?"

Jones' expression was a little unbelievable.

The generals of the sea demons who had been watching Jones were seeing Jones like this. Knowing that there was some bad news, they quickly asked Jones: "Marshal, what happened?"

Jones said in a low voice, "Heijin City was already occupied by a big man several hours ago, and the land under our feet has been completely reduced to a big man's territory."


The generals of the sea demons were a little unbelievable. It can be said that Emperor Tianming has also been operating in the Sea Mozu for a long time. It has long been regarded as part of the sea monster clan. Therefore, in Heijin City, the imperial capital of Emperor Tianming, the defense here can be said to be extremely strong. But I didn't expect that this time it was broken so easily.

"The defense of the Black Gold City is so strong, and the defense of our Sea Demon Race's 100,000 troops, why is it so easily broken?"

A general of the Sea Demon clan asked unbelievably. ,

"Yeah, this is unimaginable."

Another general of the Sea Demon Race said bitterly.

"No matter what, this news is definitely not wrong, we can't go to the Black Gold City anymore now."

Jones said decisively.

"Ah, Marshal, can't we go and grab the Black Gold City back?"

A general of the sea demons looked at Jones and asked.

"No. By doing this, we are just looking for a dead end."

Jones said sternly.

"How to say?"

Several generals of the Sea Demon Race looked at Jones with some wonder.

"If we go to Heijin City now, if we can capture Heijin City, it's okay, but if we can't, then we will suffer from the enemy. Don't forget that there is an army of big men behind us watching us all the time.

Jones said solemnly.

"This one……"

Several generals of the Sea Demon Clan thought about it carefully, as if the situation was indeed the case.

"Do you think that we can win the Black Gold City in a short time? The strength of the Han army should be understood by you now, right? He is definitely far from the human army we have encountered before. Da Han's The army is not only very powerful, but also more tenacious. The commander's ability is also outstanding. We must not underestimate the army of the big man, otherwise it will definitely become our nightmare."

Jones solemnly said.

"Yes, Marshal."

The generals of the sea demons all looked on.

"Marshal. What do we do now?"

A general of the sea demons looked at Jones and asked.

"Now we must withdraw from the scope of the Tianming Emperor. In a short time, we will not fight with the big man, which is not good for us. Now we are fighting a big battle, and the chance of winning is not great."

Jones said with a solemn expression.

Although Jones is still very proud in the military field. But he is definitely not a blind person. Even Jones is still very sane, knowing that it is not good for him to fight against the big guy now. So there is no idea of ​​entanglement with the big man in the Tianming Emperor dynasty.

"Retreat immediately and with all your strength to withdraw from the **** of Emperor Tianming."

Jones gave the order decisively.


"Li Shuai, do we want to chase?"

On a hillside, Li Mu was condescending, a lieutenant next to him watched the dark tide leave in the distance, and subconsciously asked Li Mu next to him.

"Catch up, catch up with them, what can you do with them. In fact, with this sea demon cavalry, we have all the disadvantages. If it weren't for Heijin City to be captured by Li Jing, we would only lose."

Li Mu said.

Li Mu was not deceived by the momentary victory, but clearly realized his shortcomings.

Of course, Li Mu also has self-confidence. If under the same conditions, he will not necessarily lose, and it is even possible to defeat the opponent.

"Go back, now Black Gold City needs us more."

Li Mu said.


Next day

Han Du Han Palace

Liu Ce sat in the imperial study at the moment, reviewing the memorial.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the system mission. After the completion of the system review, he received a perfect evaluation and rewarded a perfect mission treasure chest.

The system prompt sounds.

"Well, this time it turned out to be a perfect evaluation."

Liu Ce was slightly surprised, but thinking about it, it made sense. This time, he should have captured almost all the members of the Sea Magic Orb Phantom Brigade. Even if there are escapes, there should not be many. This is also the right thing to get a perfect rating.

I just don’t know what the system will reward myself for this perfect evaluation.

Liu Ce was a little curious.

"System, I want to open the treasure chest."

Liu Ce said to the system in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning five billion national fortunes."

The system prompt sounds.

"What, five billion national fortune?"

Liu Ce was slightly dazed.

Although I knew that this time I got the perfect evaluation and the harvest should be good, I didn't expect that the system would reward me with a national fortune of 5 billion. The reward this time is really generous.

I just got a one billion national fortune, and this time I got another five billion fortune. This makes Liu Ce extremely cool.

This time, he was finally a little bit emboldened to deal with the Sea Mozu.

"His Majesty."

At this moment, Wang Chun walked in from outside.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Ce looked at Wang Chun and asked lightly.

"Your Majesty, the national teacher is here."

Wang Chun said, standing sideways. Guiguzi strode in from outside.

As the national teacher of Dahan, Guiguzi's position in Dahan is extremely respected. Enjoy the right to be exempt from notification. Of course, under normal circumstances, Guiguzi rarely uses this right. On weekdays, Wang Chun was asked to inform Liu Ce as usual. This time there must be something urgent to come here in a hurry.

"Guiguzi pays respects to your majesty."

Gui Guzi came to Liu Ce and saluted him.

"The national teacher will quickly avoid the ceremony."

Liu Ce quickly said to Guiguzi.

"Your Majesty, this time when the old come here, it is sensed that the will of heaven has weakened again."

Gui Guzi looked at Liu Ce with a serious expression.

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