The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 817: Black gold city

The three-way army is the elite of the big man, and it can be said that it has gone through a lot of battles to describe it. But this time, the three major legions encountered a strong resistance in the imperial capital of the Tianming Emperor.

The three legions of hundreds of thousands of troops launched a strong offensive against Heijin City.

Attacked for three days, but couldn't make any progress.

At this moment, in the military camp, Xiang Yu, Li Jing, and Li Mu were all looking at the map of Heijin City with solemn expressions. After attacking for three consecutive days, they were all beaten back. This is also a big setback for the three marshals who have experienced many battles and can be called military gods. However, the three of them knew that this was definitely not a mistake in the formation of their troops. In fact, the defenders of the Black Gold City were too strong. The personal qualities of the Sea Mozu are very strong.

And the defense of Heijincheng is also very strong. In addition to storming them, there is no way to win the Black Gold City at this moment. Therefore, the expressions of the three marshals at this moment are extremely solemn.

After all, the three marshals are very clear, if they don't win the Black Gold City as soon as possible. The situation is not good for them. The enemy can wait for them with ease. Instead, they will be passive.

"Report, the latest military situation."

Suddenly, a soldier walked in from outside and came to Li Jing and the others.


Li Jing took a look at the information. The expression suddenly sank.

"what happened?"

Xiang Yu and Li Mu were a little puzzled looking at Li Jing's serious expression, but they still asked: "Li Shuai, what's going on? Is there any information?"

"Well, there is an army of 100,000 sea demons. It is moving towards where we are."

Li Jing's expression was serious.

"What, it is so?"

Xiang Yu immediately knew the crisis contained in it. If the one hundred thousand sea demons really move around them, they will suffer from the enemy.

"Where are they now?"

Li Mu asked.

Li Jing then pointed to a point on the map.

Xiang Yu looked at that point and said after a little meditation: "It takes three days for this place to come here. If the other party spends both day and night, it may only take two days, but within two days, we have nothing at all. You can break the Black Gold City with confidence."

Li Mu and Li Jing nodded slightly, their expressions became more and more solemn.

"What do the two marshals think?"

Xiang Yu looked at Li Mu and Li Jing.

"This commander thinks that we need to send an army with strong maneuverability to contain this sea demon army, and then we will seize the time and break the Black Gold City. Otherwise, we will face the situation of being attacked back and forth, even if we want to withdraw. Out, the sea demons in the black gold city will not let us leave easily. And we will not be reconciled, just such a failure, this black gold city can not be taken, it represents whether our big man has successfully captured this time. Emperor Tianming."

Li Jingdao.

"It's true."

Li Mu and Xiang Yu nodded slightly.

"So, now we must send an army to contain these hundred thousand sea demons."

Li Jing looked serious.

"This handsome, let's go."

Li Mu said.

"Well, Mr. Li Mu is right."

Li Jing did not evade. Among the three, Li Jing was also good at cavalry for long-distance attacks. But in terms of containment, it was still a bit worse than Li Mu.

Therefore, this errand ultimately fell on Li Mu.

After Li Mu led the cavalry out. Xiang Yu and Li Jing immediately began to attack the city.

In this siege, the offensive launched by Li Jing and Xiang Yu became even more violent.

Thousands of miles away, Liu Ce picked up the war mirror and began to look at the battle of the Black Gold City through the war mirror.

Liu Ce actually knew very well that the Black Gold City was the capital of the Tianming Emperor, and there was also the Sea Demon Clan defending it. It was unrealistic to want to take it in a short time. But the Emperor Tianming had to take it, otherwise the human race would be stuck with a thorn. Therefore, Liu Ce decided to take the Black Gold City anyway. And Liu Ce also learned from the intelligence that this time, the Haimozu sent another 100,000 cavalrymen to outflank the three legions of Li Jing, Xiang Yu, and Li Mu. Obviously, the Sea Mozu did not want the Emperor Tianming to fall into the hands of the big man anyway.

Liu Ce squinted his eyes and murmured: "Although Li Mu is constrained, there is still a big gap between the strength of Li Mu's army and the 100,000 sea demon cavalry, and it is estimated that it will not last long."

Thinking of this, Liu Ce suddenly narrowed his eyes and frowned.

In the war mirror, the war between the two sides is still continuing.

An individual army was shot down from the city wall, and countless soldiers rushed up.

The walls of this black gold city became a meat grinder.

"The vast majority of the Black Gold City are soldiers of the Sea Demon Race. The combat power of the Sea Demon Race is not comparable to the Human Race warriors. What's more, these Sea Demon Races still wait for work, which is even more unmatched by Human Race soldiers."

Liu Ce muttered.

"Wang Chun, go find three thousand Profound Demon Guards."

Liu Ce shouted.

Liu Ce is still very clear about the importance of this black gold city, so seeing that Li Jing and Xiang Yu are in trouble, Liu Ce at this moment needs help anyway.

Under the Black Gold City

Xiang Yu personally led the soldiers under his command in a frantic attack. Xiang Yu took the lead. The Chu Ji in his hand swept out like a windmill.

The terrifying halberd light was flying in the void. With a terrible murderous aura, as if to burst the entire void.

Dozens of soldiers of the Sea Demon Race were shot and flew out by Xiang Yu's halberd in an instant, and when they landed on the ground, Qiqiao died of bleeding.

"I will fight you."

When Xiang Yu slaughtered the Quartet, his heroic posture was also discovered by the warriors of the Sea Mozu. The three sea demon warriors all rushed towards Xiang Yu.

The three martial artists of the Sea Demon Race are all cultivation bases of the Nine Tribulations Realm, their strength is not weak, and none of them is below Xiang Yu. Therefore, this battle Xiang Yu was immediately at a disadvantage.

Xiang Yu was restrained, which also caused the momentum of the Han army's attack to instantly slow down, and the original vigor was lost. But the Sea Mozu turned from defense to offense.


When Li Jing saw this scene, he also knew that there was nothing to do, so he immediately retreated.

"Hey, with such a big loss, it is still impossible to break the Black Gold City. Why is this Black Gold City like a tortoise shell, so difficult to do?"

Xiang Yu felt a little aggrieved.

In the past, Xiang Yu personally led the troops, which time was not unstoppable, the force was like a broken bamboo. How come this black gold city has repeatedly come back down.

"Normal, our opponent is the Sea Demon Race. The opponent is stronger than us and is still on defense. It is normal for us to suffer. The opponent is not in a hurry now."

Li Jing looked solemn.

"Then what should we do now?"

Xiang Yu frowned.

"Continue to attack until the Black Gold City is taken. Now we have no retreat at all."

Li Jingdao.

At this moment, a warrior walked in from outside.

"Yan Shisan is you?"

Li Jing was slightly surprised when he saw the man.

"It's not just me, you see, who is here?"

I saw Ding Peng, Sima Wuping, and a man wearing a black armor also walked in from outside.

"Ding Peng, Yan Shisan?"

Xiang Yu and Li Jing were okay when they saw the two, but when they saw the man in black armor, they looked happy.

Because this man is exactly the most powerful sharp knife under the Han Emperor, Lu Ming, the commander of the three thousand mysterious soldiers.

Although the three thousand mysterious soldiers suffered heavy losses in previous battles. But later Liu Ce added new recruits for them in time. Adopted the old method to bring the new. Of course, the source of troops needed by these three thousand mysterious demon soldiers is not very easy, what is needed is the elite among the elite to select.

Even with the Dahan's current reserve army of tens of millions, it is somewhat difficult to select some suitable sources of three thousand mysterious demon soldiers.

"Brother Lu Ming, are you here?"

Li Jing was also very happy when he saw Lu Ming appear.

"it's me!"

The man in black armor smiled slightly.

"Why would the emperor let you come?"

Li Jing looked at Lu Ming in surprise.

Lu Ming smiled and said, "The emperor thought you should need me, so he sent me."

"You are here so fast, can it be that all our movements here are under the control of your majesty?"

Xiang Yu asked.

"Yes, I came here through your majesty's magic weapon, and your majesty is clear about your current dynamics."

Lu Ming said.


Xiang Yu and Li Jing looked at each other, their expressions a little ashamed. After all, as the two great army gods of the big man, now they can't even take down a small black gold city. Now it is necessary for His Majesty to send someone to help them.

But soon, Li Jing's expression showed a hint of joy, and he tightly shook Lu Ming's hand and smiled: "With the help of Brother Lu, this time, we will definitely be able to win."

Xiang Yu naturally knew the strength of Lu Ming's three thousand mysterious soldiers. These three thousand mysterious demon soldiers are in Dahan, except for the 1,000 ghosts and gods guarding the Dahan Palace, they are almost the ceiling of the army's combat power. Now the emperor sent them to Li Jing and others, overall it is a great good thing.

Li Jing and Xiang Yu knew that the reason why the army of the big man couldn't take the Black Gold City was because the enemy was strong and we were weak. Even with Xiang Yu alone, he couldn't fully open the gate of Heijin City. But now with the help of these three thousand mysterious soldiers, in the eyes of Li Jing and Xiang Yu, it is really hopeful to win the Black Gold City.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, this time, we can definitely win the Black Gold City."

Li Jing said solemnly.

"Your Majesty asked me to tell you that you must take the Black Gold City in one go. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to my big man."

Lu Ming said.

Li Jing's expression pursed, and he nodded quickly and said: "Your Majesty's meaning, this commander understands, General Lu, you rest for an hour, and then we will immediately launch an attack on Heijin City."

"Our Profound Demon Soldier does not need to rest, let's attack immediately."

Lu Ming said.


Li Jing was not hypocritical, and immediately announced that he had launched an attack.

The new wave of Dahan's offensive ignited again.


The underwhelming Han army. Killed towards the Black Gold City with murderous aura.

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