The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 814: Taichu Temple

Immediately, Liu Ce mobilized Shi Zhixuan, Sima Buping, Yan Shisan, Dugu Qiuqiu, Murong Longcheng, Bi Xuan, Song Que and others.

To destroy these people, it is impossible for the Xichang factory or even the Dongchang factory and Jinyiwei to do so.

This time, Liu Ce prepared to kill all these people in one fell swoop. This time, although Liu Ce didn't know what the reward was in the end, he knew very well that the higher his degree of completion, the higher his reward.

Therefore, thinking of this, Liu Ce smiled suddenly.

Taichu Temple

It's already late at night now

This Taichu temple was not in the Baichuan Dynasty, but at the junction of the Baichuan Dynasty, the Dongyu Dynasty, and the Dafei Empire. It belonged to the Sanshin zone.

At this moment, a dark shadow came here.

This person is Liu Ce.


A deep voice sounded in the dark night.

"Me, the rain in the east."

Liu Cedao.

"Huh? Your token."

That humane.

Liu Ce took out a black silver medal. Flickered in the void.

"Go in."

A voice rang in Liu Ce's ear.

Liu Ce didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed in.

Liu Ce entered the Taichu Temple.

Taichu Temple is to commemorate the human race 10,000 years ago. It was established by the hero Jiang Taichu who led the human race to drive the sea demons out of the human continent. When this Taichu temple was founded, the incense was still very strong. But no matter how prosperous the temple is, the passage of time can't help it. Now the temple of Taichu doesn't have much incense, and it's still a little decayed.

After Liu Ce entered the Taichu Temple, he found that at least a hundred people in black had already gathered in the Taichu Temple. Of course, these people in black are all dressed up as humans, but they wear different masks on their faces.

Liu Ce can feel that different masks represent different identities.

In fact, the physique of the phantom race of the sea demons is closer to the human race. But what they cultivate is devil qi, which is the biggest difference between the fantasy race and the human race, and it is also fundamentally different.

Liu Ce didn't speak because he didn't know if all these people had arrived. Fortunately, the masters of the big man are almost all in place at the moment. The fantasy tribe, the tribe of the sea demon tribe, is by far the most threatening to the human tribe. After all, if these phantom races were mixed into the human race, and the gods would destroy the human race without knowing it, it would make the human race feel a little overwhelmed. ,

Of course, Liu Ce also knew that although these sea demons had their faces masked in black, they must be familiar with each other. The longer they stay, the greater the chance of exposure.

When Liu Ce came in, he already felt a lot of eyes falling on him.

Of course, although Liu Ce took a risk this time, he just came here in person. Therefore, it is also certain.

Do these people doubt me?

Liu Ce felt a few inquiring gazes lingering on his body, which made his brows frowned slightly. Now he is also the same black masked face, even if he is exposed, he should not be so fast.

Fortunately, although the inquiring gaze fell on Liu Ce, there was no action in the end.

Immediately, outside the Taichu Temple, another person came in, um, or rather, a demon.

"Are you all here?"

A hoarse voice sounded.

"I have seen the deputy captain."

The men in black saluted this and that man.

Liu Ce's heart was shocked. This person turned out to be the deputy captain of the Magic Brigade? This is a big fish. Although it is not positive, it should have a lot of weight in the Phantom Brigade. If you can catch the opponent, you should be able to set out many things you want.

"Well, why did you come for this monthly meeting? You should also be very clear. Who will come first?"

The deputy captain asked Liu Ce.

"Wait a minute."

A man in black stood up.

"Number 33, why?"

The deputy captain looked at him with a bewildered look.

"Huh, we have spies among us."

The man in black said his eyes fell on Liu Ce.

"Spirit, is he a spy?"

"Possibly, I thought he was weird before, and there was no trace of our Sea Demon Clan's aura. I originally thought it was because of disguise..."

"No wonder, I thought he pretended to be too good, I stood by his side, and always felt weird..."

Those who were speaking were all those sea demons who had previously set their sights on Liu Ce.

But at this moment, Liu Ce is extremely determined. After all, the opposing team's vice captain appeared, and as long as everyone appeared, he would be exposed, so what could be done.

"Do you have something to say? On the seventeenth?"

The deputy captain of the Sea Mozu looked at Liu Ce with a cold expression.

When Liu Ce's identity was not confirmed, the deputy captain of the Phantom Brigade was not so arbitrary, and still referred to him as Liu Ce.

"Hahaha...I have nothing to say."

Liu Ce is now ready to confess, so naturally he doesn't care about concealing his identity.

"You really are a human spy, **** it."

Queenston, the deputy captain of the Phantom Brigade, was angry.


Koons was furious, and took a picture of Liu Ce's place with a palm.

"Good to come."

Liu Ce greeted him with a punch.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The two forces collided in the void.

The terrifying air wave, centered on the two, swept out in all directions.

Liu Ce shook slightly, not moving. But Koons snorted, and his whole body retreated eight steps, his blood boiled and his complexion turned pale.

"Damn it, what are you waiting for, don't go together yet. Kill him."

Koons, the deputy captain of the Magic Brigade, roared.

The members of the Sea Demon Clan Illusory Demon Brigade just woke up like a dream at this time, and they rushed towards Liu Ce from all directions. Numerous attacks rushed towards Liu Ce's place.

However, Liu Ce used Lingbo's microsteps for the first time, and his whole person disappeared in place like a ghost. The attack of these sea demon clan warriors was empty.

"Choke!" A sound.

Liu Ce took the Xuanyuan sword out of its sheath for the first time.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

The endless sword intent burst out in the void. Swords underground within a kilometer of a thousand meters broke out of the ground one after another, flying in the void.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Queens, the deputy captain of the Phantom Brigade, looked at this scene. At this moment, he felt a strong threat.

"Join together to resist."

Koons shouted.

"Kill me."

Liu Ce's hand pointed towards the martial artist of the Sea Demon Race.

Suddenly, the countless swords in the void slashed towards the bodies of the sea demon clan warriors like a violent wind|storm.

Every sword contains terrible power.

These Sea Mozu warriors joined forces to resist Liu Cece's attack for the first time.

But their defense was as weak as paper in the face of Liu Ce's terrible attack, and it was instantly torn apart by Liu Ce's sword.

One by one Sea Mozu warrior was pierced by Liu Ce's sword in an instant.

"Hurry up."

Koons was the first to react. Hastily ordered the members of the Phantom Brigade. These people are baby bumps. If they can play a greater role in the human race, they definitely can't just die here.

But at this moment, Sima Buping, Yan Shisan. Bi Xuan, Shi Zhixuan, Ding Peng, Murong Longcheng, Dugu Qiuqiu, Tie Dan Shenhou, Song Que, Duan Tianya and others arrived.

Jin Yiwei's people are responsible for controlling the periphery. The specially-made crossbow arrows were aimed at the people of the Phantom Brigade.


Koons knew at the moment that he had to give it a go, otherwise their people would die here.

Hundreds of sea demons warriors rushed out of the Taichu Temple frantically.

The strength of these sea demon clan warriors is not weak, and the weakest also has the cultivation base of the nirvana.

"court death."

Dugu seeks defeat with a sword.

This sword has no tricks, but it contains absolutely terrifying sword intent. That absolutely terrifying sword intent, as if overwhelmingly, killed the three sea demon warriors who flew in front of him.


After a screaming scream.

The warriors of the three sea demons were instantly beheaded, leaving their heads in different places.

"Deathing thirteen swords."

Yan Shisan's sword intent also locked three sea demon martial artists with similar cultivation bases, destroying the sword intent seemed to annihilate the three sea demon martial artists in front of him.

"Crazy Demon."

"Endless Sea of ​​Swords..."

"Shattered Fist..."

The terrifying attack swept towards Yan Shisan.


Killing thirteen swords, swords and swords killing lives. It seems to be born to destroy life.

The terrifying sword light fell like a sea of ​​swords on the bodies of several sea demon clan warriors.

Jian Guang was unstoppable, and directly smashed the attack of the three sea demon warriors. The powerful sword, without any weakening, continued to fall on the body of the three sea demon clan warriors.


The three warriors of the sea demon clan still didn't know what was going on, but felt that their chests were cold and they were all beheaded.

"Magic sword cut!"

Ding Peng saw that the other companions had taken action, and he also locked a few warriors of the Sea Demon Clan and slashed them out.

This knife, as if it were the substance, moved a terrible storm in the void.

Where the terrifying knife light passed, the void seemed to be torn apart under this knife.

The five Sea Mozu warriors were directly annihilated.

Koons' eyes are splitting. He did not expect that their enemies would have been prepared for a long time. There are still so many masters in ambush outside at this moment. Seeing that one of his men were beheaded. All the souls of Koons are gone.

But Koons knew that he had no way to change this result. Therefore, he quickly found a place where the big man gods and demons were relatively weak and rushed over.

"Want to go?"

A cold snort sounded.

But it was Murong Longcheng who did not know when he stood in front of Koons.

"Step aside."

When Queenston was furious, he slapped Murong Longcheng's body with a palm.

This palm of Koons contains absolutely terrifying power. Wherever a palm passes, the void trembles.

"I can't help myself."

Murong Longcheng's hand gently brushed in the void.

It was this one, but Koons was shocked. Because Koons surprisingly discovered that this palm of his own power disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Damn it, how is this possible?"

Koons was naturally unwilling to slap Murong Dragon City again.

The power of terror. Shocked in the void. Wherever the terrifying palm passes, flying sand and rocks, dust flying. As if the entire void was about to be blown up.

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