The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 812: General Nishikawa

The big monsters that appeared in the devil's cave all fell into the hands of the big Han gods and monsters.

Xichuan Dynasty

At this moment, Su Han, the general of the Xichuan Dynasty, began to establish himself as an emperor after taking control of the nation's military power. However, although Su Han established himself as an emperor, the forces of the original empire were still fighting with Su Han. But Su Han controlled the military power of the entire Xichuan Dynasty, so overall he still had the upper hand extremely.

Baichuan City, the Imperial Capital of the Xichuan Dynasty

Liu Ce sat on the second floor of the Penglai Inn

In the Xichuan Dynasty, Liu Ce came for the first time. Looking at the bustling crowd, although there is no Han capital here, but in this troubled world, the emperor capital of the Xichuan Dynasty is still pretty good. At least the battle between the Sea Demon Race and the Human Race has not affected this place for the time being.

Originally, there were only 3 million people in Baichuan City. But now after the war between humans and demons, the number has increased sharply, and now there are more than five million people. The vast majority are entered by other countries. And many of them are relatively wealthy people, which also objectively caused the Xichuan Dynasty to become so wealthy.

At this moment, the entire Xichuan city is very lively, because the new emperor of the Xichuan Dynasty wants to patrol the entire Baichuan city. This can also be regarded as stable. After all, during this time, the Xichuan Dynasty was too messy. The entire Xichuan dynasty was panicked because of the internal mess. Now the new emperor naturally needs to stabilize people's hearts.

"Let me see if you are the Sea Demon Clan."

Liu Ce smiled coldly.

Liu Ce has made up his mind that as long as the opponent is not the Sea Demon Clan, he will not make a move and let the emperor of the Xichuan Dynasty do it himself. After all, this kind of thing is not qualified to let him take it personally.

"Look at it, that's Master New Emperor Su."

Some guests on the second floor of Penglai Inn pointed to a man who was riding on a tall horse and wearing a yellow robe, who looked about 60 years old.

"Huh, what the new emperor, it's just a messenger and a criminal."

A man on the side said disdainfully.

"Quickly don't say that, if Su Di knows about it, our inn will be over."

The shopkeeper of the inn hurriedly said to the man.

The man knew he had made a mistake, and gave a cold snort, without saying more.

Although Su Han was patrolling in the imperial court, Liu Ce also discovered that there were more than a dozen powerful auras around the opponent. Obviously, there are still many masters around him protecting him. Even one of them is a warrior in the Nine Tribulations Realm.

"System, I want to appraise."

Liu Ce said silently to the system.

"Ding! The authentication is successful, the authentication result has been posted on the system panel, please check it with the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce quickly entered the system to check.

At this glance, Liu Ce's pupils shrank slightly. Because this time, it really didn't surprise him, this Su Han is really the fantasy race of the Sea Demon Race.

"Hmph, looking for death, I dare to act blatantly in the area of ​​our Han League."

Liu Ce's eyes were cold.

Liu Ce said to Ding Peng next to him: "Go, find the royal family of the Xichuan Dynasty."


Ding Peng left immediately.

In the room of Penglai Inn

now. Three young men walked into the room. They were inexplicably coerced by others, and they were very upset. But the person who invited them is too strong to be offended at all.

"Who on earth are you? Knowing the identity of this son, you dare to coerce us."

The head of the white-faced young man looked angry.

"Oh, you are Han Fei?"

Sitting on the chair, Liu Ce glanced at Han Fei faintly.

It was this look that made Han Fei feel the infinite coercion. It seemed that he was not facing a young man, but an emperor who ruled the world. The domineering on the other side actually far surpassed his emperor brother Han Qi. This surprised Han Fei.

"You, who are you?"

Han Fei took a deep breath.

"Take a look, what is this?"

Ding Peng took out a copper-colored token and flashed it in front of Han Fei.

"This...this is the order of the gods and demons. Are you a member of the Great Han God and Demon Hall?"

Han Fei was taken aback.

Suddenly, Han Fei's expression was respectful. No longer the previous posture. Not to mention the status of the Dahan Divine Demon Hall in the Dahan, even if the opponent's strength is definitely not something he can offend. It is said that the gods and demons in the Great Han God and Demon Hall, the weakest ones are the cultivation bases of the Nine Tribulations Realm. The strongest, even the Holy Land. The people who came out of it all represented the will of the Han emperor. Although Han Fei was the royal family of the Xichuan Dynasty, the Xichuan Dynasty was only a humble country in the Han League. Even his imperial brother, the emperor of the Xichuan Dynasty is just under the fence of the Han Dynasty. Now he is in front of the gods and monsters of the Dahan God and Demon Hall, naturally without any proud capital, even his imperial brother.

"Meet your lord."

Han Fei quickly saluted Ding Peng.

"The person you need to give gifts to is not me, it's my son."

Ding Peng was expressionless.

Han Fei's heart was shocked, and he could make the gods and demons of the Great Han Divine Magic Hall a son, and he didn't know who the other party was. Is it the Han Dynasty?

Han Fei didn't guess whether the other party was the Emperor of Han, after all, he would never have thought that the Emperor of Han would appear here.

"Meet the son."

Han Fei gave a salute to Liu Ce.

"No matter, this son is here for the emperor of Xichuan Dynasty."

Liu Cedao.

"My son, please be the master for our Xichuan Empire. Su Han, the old man, dare to initiate a coup while his emperor is taking refuge in the Handu. This is destroying the stability and unity of the Han League. It is said that Su Han, the old man. We will also launch wars against other countries in the Han League."

Han Fei said with indignation.

"You are so angry, Su Han hasn't touched you yet?"

Liu Ce asked.

"We did not blatantly oppose him, and we also have a lot of the strength of the Xichuan Dynasty. Su Han is still afraid to move us for the time being, but when he controls the situation of the Xichuan Dynasty almost, he will naturally act on us."

Han Fei said coldly.

"Hehe, you can see clearly."

Liu Zhiqi looked at Han Fei with admiration.

"This nature is very self-aware in the future."

Han Fei said with a serious look.

"Then you think there is nothing wrong with Su Han?"

Liu Ce looked at Han Fei and asked.

"This one……"

Han Fei was a little surprised, wondering what Liu Ce meant by saying this. But he said seriously: "Naturally there is a problem. Lord Su Han is a veteran of the three dynasties. It stands to reason that he is loyal to our Xichuan dynasty and will not betray, but it was this most unlikely person who initiated a coup. Preparations. To overthrow the royal family of our Xichuan Empire, this is also something that Xia can't figure out."

Han Fei looked a little unwilling.

"Have you ever thought that this Su Han may no longer be the original Su Han?"

Liu Ce looked at Han Fei with a slight smile.


Han Fei was stunned for a moment, but immediately he denied it, and said to Liu Ce sternly, "This is impossible. I know what Master Su Han looks like. He is Su Han."

"Well, my son asked you to come here just to tell you the truth. This Su Han is no longer a real human race, it should have been transformed from the sea demon race."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"What. It's impossible."

Han Fei was a little shocked.

"Presumptuous, my son can lie to you."

Ding Peng was sullen and locked Han Fei with a murderous look.

Han Fei suddenly suffocated, and whispered: "This, my lord, I didn't mean that."

"Okay. Think about it. As the veteran of the three dynasties, Su Han has assisted the Xichuan Dynasty for so many years. Actually, if you want to rebel, you have already had a chance. Why wait until now. Don't you think that the other party has changed too quickly?"

Liu Ce looked at Han Fei lightly.

"This... this really is."

Han Fei guided Liu Ce in such a way, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"Moreover, this son is not without evidence. You find a way. Ask the other party to take this pill, and he will expose his identity in the public."

Liu Ce said to Han Fei.

"This is poison?"

Han Fei looked at the pill in Liu Ce's hand.

"If I want to take the opponent, there is no need for poison. However, if he is exposed to the public, so that Su Han's people can see his true face. Otherwise, it will be a huge turmoil for the Xichuan Empire."

Liu Cedao.

"Thank you, son."

Only then did Han Fei know Liu Ce's painstaking efforts.

"Go, as long as it's not poison, the other party shouldn't be able to detect it so easily."

Liu Ce said to Han Fei.

"Yes, I will go now."

Han Fei said to Liu Ce.

Han Fei's speed was so fast that he had people report to Liu Ce that night, and he had already made arrangements. If all goes well. Su Han will reveal his identity tonight.

Liu Ce smiled slightly, still trusting his pill. This is the pill that he bought from the system mall at a high price. This pill can make the demonic energy in the demon clan's body violent. Devilish riot|movement, naturally can't hide. In this way, it is clear at a glance whether it is the Sea Demon Race.


At this moment, Liu Ce, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed of the inn, felt a strong demon energy coming from the palace of the Xichuan Dynasty.

"Hehe, it looks like a success."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, there are demonic fluctuations in the palace of the Xichuan Dynasty."

Ding Peng stood outside Liu Ce's room.

"Let's go, how can we be missing when it's so exciting?"

Liu Ce said with a slight smile.

At the moment, in the palace of Xichuan Dynasty

The sound of fierce fighting sounded. From time to time, there was an angry voice.

"You are not General Su Han, you are a spy of the Sea Demon Clan, where is our real General Su Han?"

Han Fei's voice said.

Originally, Han Fei didn’t believe Liu Ce’s words very much, at most he was skeptical, but at this moment, after seeing Su Han taking the pill that he secretly put into the wine, the magic energy in his body immediately broke out, and the other party immediately broke out. The identity of the spy of the Sea Demon Race. At this time, Han Fei's admiration for Liu Ce reached the extreme, and at the same time, he was secretly afraid. Fortunately, he would pull out the spy of the Sea Demon Clan, otherwise he would let the other party suffer endless troubles after the toss of the Xichuan Dynasty.

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