The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 801: Pocket array

Therefore, Liu Ce will come to accompany them whenever he has time.

"Your Majesty, the report is quick and easy."

Wang Chun hurried in from outside.

"Good news?"

Liu Ce raised his brows, knowing that perhaps it was a victory from the battlefield of Dafeng Mountain.

Liu Ce quickly opened the secret letter.

Sure enough, what was written on the secret letter was the battle report from Dafeng Mountain.

Today is the third day of the battle in Dafeng Mountain. Finally, the Han army in Dafengshan completed annihilation of three million enemy troops before the sunset.

This time the results of the battle were great. Even Bai Qi, who personally planned the battle, did not expect that this battle could be so smooth. But this also made Bai Qi relieved. Because three days is completely a safe limit. Because after the Heru Army was attacked by a big man. Duke, the former commander-in-chief of the Sea Mozu who was rushing to Dafeng Mountain, received the news and was rushing towards Dafeng Mountain with all his strength. Almost two hours after the Han army wiped out the three million sea demon army led by Helu, they rushed to the battlefield.

If the big man does not wipe out the enemy on time, the consequences will be unimaginable. Not only can it not completely wipe out the enemy, but it may also be surrounded by the enemy.

Fortunately, this time Cang Tian was on the side of the big man and did not let this worst thing happen.

"Yes, yes, there should be news from Tianhe soon!"

Liu Ce walked out of the main hall and stood on the garden, looking at the emptiness of the dark sky. Although his complexion at the moment is very calm, but the condensed brows show that he is not at peace at the moment.

"Hey, the will of heaven has been further weakened. The mountains and rain want to be full of wind."

Liu Ce's expression was bitter.

Sure enough, the next day, Liu Ce received news from Tianhe.

Han Xin's army conquered Tianhe.

After Liu Ce learned how Han Xin's army conquered Tianhe, he couldn't help being shocked by Han Xin's powerful war talent.

Don't look at this series of scheduling seemingly simple, but in Han Xin's series of commands, Liu Ce has already seen a series of tactics such as leading snakes out of the hole, avoiding the truth and concealing the truth. This Han Xin's talent for war is really terrifying. Sure enough, he is worthy of being called a soldier in the history of China.

The most important part of the Baiqi strategy is now complete. And it was completed in just four days.

It's just a pity that Bai Qi, the former deputy commander of the Sea Demon Clan guarding Tianhe, finally let him run away. But Liu Ce didn't care too much. The monk who ran away couldn't run to the temple, and sooner or later he could still catch the opponent.

At this time, Duke, the former commander of the Sea Mozu, who was rushing towards Dafeng Mountain, looked extremely gloomy. He didn't expect his nephew Heru to be such a waste. In just three days, the sea demons' three million troops were actually wiped out by the human race. Even three million pigs can last a few days. What's more, this is the warrior of the three million sea demons. The sea demons are different from humans. Although the physical fitness of the sea demons is far stronger than that of humans, the reproductive power of the sea demons is far inferior to that of humans. Therefore, these three million sea demons warriors are just like the humans. Destroyed, he Duke will definitely become a sinner of the Sea Demon Race. Now it is hard for Duke to imagine what kind of trial he would receive if he returned to the Sea Demon Race. Maybe he didn't have to return to the Sea Demon Clan, he would be swallowed by the Prime Minister.

"Du Shuai, what shall we do now?"

The lieutenant Brue next to Duke also looked a little confused.

"Retreat, this commander can no longer let the remaining sea demons warriors take risks anymore."

Duke made a decisive decision.

After all, this time Duke is still selfish, in order to rescue his nephew Heru. But in this situation, he can no longer do that.

But the next news disappointed Duke.

"It's not good, Du Shuai, the Tianhe line of defense was broken by Humans. We ran into Deputy Chief Bai Qi."

A guard trot in front of Duke.


Duke felt black before his eyes.

Duke naturally knew what happened when the Tianhe line of defense was taken away. But he couldn't figure out exactly what was going on when the Tianhe line of defense was taken away, which was equivalent to putting himself and others in a huge pocket.

"Du Shuai, our situation is not so bad now, right?"

Bulu, the deputy commander of the Sea Mozu, looked at Duke and said.

Duke looked a little bitter and said, "Bring the map around."

Soon, a simple map appeared in front of Duke.

"Look, these four surroundings are the desert, the Huoyun Mountain, and the Tianhe we were taken away from before. These three places are in a triangle shape, and we are now in the center of this triangle shape."

Duke's eyes condensed. He had done all sorts of actions in vain before, and he was suddenly enlightened now.

"A big scheme, a very poisonous scheme."

Duke's look couldn't help but sigh.

"Du Shuai, what should we do now?"

Bru also looked anxious.

"We are now like food in a pocket, and the other party is like a pocket, trying to swallow us. For this purpose, we throw away all our luggage and return to Tianhe as quickly as possible. The other party initially captured it. Tianhe, maybe we haven't fully gained a foothold now, now is our only chance.

Duke said.

What Duke expected was not wrong. Although Han Xin captured Tianhe in a hurry, it did not mean that the Tianhe defenders were completely annihilated. There were still small groups of the sea demon defenders of Tianhe who were constantly counterattacking. It will take a while for Han Xin to completely occupy Tianhe.


Tianhe Hanxin Defender Camp

"Interestingly, none of this Sea Demon Race is incompetent."

Han Xin couldn't help but appreciate Duke's response after receiving the news from the front.

If all goes well, let Duke's five million troops quickly return to the Tianhe Defense Line. For Han Xin, it was indeed a lot of pressure.

Although Han Xin was powerful, he was very likely to fail if he wanted to resist the 5 million defenders of the Sea Demon Race with the help of 3 million defenders.

Han Xin is a soldier. But if the gap is too big. He is also a clever woman who can hardly cook without rice.

After all, the combat literacy gap between the soldiers of the Human Race and the Sea Demon Race was too great. If it is head-to-head, Human Race needs ten to exchange for one Sea Demon Race. Even with the fighting power of the Han army's main battle army, it would take five to exchange for one Sea Demon. Therefore, this battle is extremely dangerous for anyone.

But Han Xin was not worried at all.

"Hehe, this will make Bai Qi have a headache."

Han Xin is very confident.

Han Xin naturally didn't think that Bai Qi could bring the five million troops of these sea demons back to Tianhe. It should be possible to eliminate all the soldiers of the Sea Demon Race before Tianhe.

Sure enough, although Duke lost most of his luggage, he went into battle lightly. The speed is indeed much faster. But on Dafeng Mountain, Li Jing led his soldiers, biting Duke firmly behind him.

At the same time, the tens of millions of troops led by Bai Qi had already been deployed on top of each key point.

Bai Qi didn't have the idea of ​​fighting the Sea Mozu to death.

Although the allied forces of the Han League have 30 million troops here, but these 30 million are all recruits, not to mention the Haimozu in combat literacy, even if it is a huge gap with the army of Dahan. Because they are recruits, they are not real soldiers, and most of them have never seen blood. Therefore, even more than ten lives need to be exchanged for one of the soldiers of the Sea Demon Race.

Therefore, Bai Qicai's strategy is to trap and exhaust the enemy. Avoid the truth and then hit the emptiness. Kill the enemy with superior forces.


In this battle, which is extremely critical to the fate of the human race, all forces in the Huawu mainland are very concerned.

Duke’s five million troops were trapped in the pockets of the Han army.

At this moment, Bai Qi faces great pressure. He knew very well that although he had successfully trapped the Sea Mozu's millions of troops in the pocket set by the big man. But it is very difficult to truly eat the five million troops of the Sea Demon Race.

This is known from the previous battle of Dafeng Mountain. Although destroying three million enemies. But the big man's army has killed more than six million in battle. There are not only five million elite allied forces but also the main battle army of the big man. And this is still in the situation where the big man has an absolute advantage. The five million Allied soldiers are all elite. Thus it can be seen how powerful the combat effectiveness of this Sea Mozu is.

Therefore, Bai Qi did not head-to-head, even if it was head-to-head, he could not touch the enemy.

Bai Qi's strategy is to eat the enemy bite by bite. This speed can be reduced a bit, but it must be ensured that the enemy's strength is constantly shrinking.

The cavalry of the big man kept chasing the enemy. The cavalry of Li Jing and Li Mu hung continuously behind the five million army of the Sea Demon Clan every day, and they concealed their charges against the Sea Demon Clan's charge.

When the Sea Mozu reacted, the cavalry of the big man turned and left. Coming and going like the wind, these big men's cavalry never head-to-head with the sea demons.

In this battle, Duke was extremely depressed.

Duke is not a person who has not experienced war. The Sea Demon Race is not only an enemy of humans. In the endless sea, the Sea Demon Race has enemies of other races.

Over the years, Duke led the army and these race wars, and also accumulated a lot of military experience and became a qualified commander in command, but he has never been the same as his opponent in the Han army this time. So cunning like a fox.

This is very different from the sea demons who have always liked to behave well.

Duke was vomiting blood in depression at the moment, it felt like he had endless strength, but his opponent never heads to him, so that he has great power, but every time he hits a fist on a ball of cotton . There is no focus.

From where Duke was, it would originally take five days to return to the Tianhe generation. But at this moment, their marching speed was severely slowed down. Even if it is possible to return to Tianhe, it will take at least fifteen days, and it is not certain whether it can reach Tianhe within fifteenth.

And as the number of sneak attacks by big guys increased, Duke found that their losses were getting bigger and bigger.

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