The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1067: Ghost Guard VS Heaven Punishment Camp

"Secret letter?"

The plateau opened quickly.

Just finished reading the secret letter. The plateau suddenly changed his complexion. Because this secret letter says that Feiyun City was broken by a big man. Now the main force of Feiyun Sect has retreated to Gaochang City.

"Damn it, is this Feiyun Sect a waste?"

Gao Gao's heart was a little angry.

"Marshal, how are we now."

A leader looked at the plateau.

Plateau's complexion was a bit ugly. He was originally planning to break his wrists with Dahan in Black Flame City, but he couldn't do that anymore.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately."

The plateau looked a bit hideous.

Because the plateau at this moment knows very clearly that the opportunity that belongs to him is completely gone. If this continues, the Demon Breaker Legion may even stay here forever.

"It's not good, handsome."

At this moment, a soldier of the Demon-Breaking Army came from a distance. Came to the front of the plateau.

"what's the situation?"

Gao Gao looked at the soldiers of the Demon Broken Legion and asked with a cold expression.

"The camp where we parked the flying boat was attacked by the big man, and our flying boat was completely burned by the big man."

The soldiers of the Demon Army Corps said to the plateau.


The complexion of the plateau changed suddenly.

"The big man is trying to break the net with our demon-breaking army?"

The plateau said angrily.

After thinking of this, Gao Gao took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't lose his calm so quickly. Therefore, the plateau said: "Evacuate across the starry sky on foot."

"Ah, handsome, this is a bit risky."

An officer looked at Plateau Road.

It's no wonder that the officer was a little dull. Because only warriors above the Divine Master Realm have the ability to survive in the starry sky. Although the soldiers of the Demon Breaking Legion are powerful, the average soldier only has the cultivation base of the Condensed Pill Realm. There is no ability to survive on the stars. That's why the officer was so worried.

"Accept the order, this commander has planned a retreat route."

The plateau looked solemn.


The officer looked at the plateau resolutely, and suddenly turned away.

"Man, sooner or later, I will come back from the plateau."

Plateau Road.

Outside the Black Flame City

"Bai Qi, why let them go?"

Liu Ce was a little confused.

Originally, Liu Ce thought that Bai Qi would take advantage of the other party's weakness and resort to siege. But he didn't expect that Bai Qi would let him go.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for nothing."

Bai Qi smiled at Liu Ce.

"Hahaha, no problem."

Liu Ce burst out laughing.

Although Liu Ce also wanted to know what exactly Bai Qi was selling, he also wanted to know what the other party wanted to do.

"It seems that the other party has also received the news that Feiyun City has been taken. The current Feiyun Sect Sect Master Gu Feiming has retreated to Gaochang City. No wonder the plateau will retreat, and the other party is really smart."

Liu Ce smiled.

Bai Qi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, sometimes, cleverness will be mistaken for cleverness, and the final will be to use his cleverness."

"Is it?"

At this moment, Liu Ce became more and more curious about what Bai Qi wanted to do.

Among the stars

Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Demon Slayer flew in the starry sky.

"Go ahead of the white spark in front."

Plateau Road.


The soldiers of the Demon Slayer led the way.

Just when the soldiers of the Demon Breaker regiment were stationed in the White Fire and Wild Star. The big man's flying boat was also surrounded by white sparks from all directions.

"Bai Qi, are you not ready to hand over the answer to the mystery now?"

Liu Ce looked at Bai Qi and asked.


Bai Qi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, can't you bear it anymore?"

Liu Ce looked at Bai Qi and said, "It seems that Bai Qi is still ready to keep the answer to this mystery."

"Your Majesty, you will see it at night. The answer will be revealed soon."

Bai Qi said to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce nodded slightly.

White fire star

Barracks of the Demon Slayer

Plateau was standing outside the camp, but his expression was still a bit ugly at the moment.

For some reason, the plateau felt a little palpitating in his heart at this moment, as if some danger was about to approach.

"what exactly is it?"

The plateau narrowed his eyes.

The reason why the plateau wanted to land on this barren star was only because of the lack of physical strength of the Demon Breaker Legion.

The plateau dare to take risks and expose the Demon Slayer Corps to the stars because the Demon Slayer Corps is wearing silver armor. The defensive power of the silver armor can also resist the rays of the starry sky. But it will extremely consume the martial artist's physical strength. With the strength of the Demon Legion. Every once in a while, you need to rest. Although there is no life on this barren star, it is surrounded by plains, and it is also a suitable place to be stationed.

"Marshal, why are we stationed here?"

An officer came to the edge of the plateau and asked him curiously: "I think we can stay outside the Black Flame City and wait for reinforcements from the Heavenly Temple."

"Zheng Chang, are you stupid? That's the realm of the big man. Around you, you know how many Han troops are hidden, the enemy is dark and I know, stay there, the rest of our Demon Army Corps can't pass through Consumption."

Plateau Road.


Zheng Chang suddenly knew that he was indeed a little ill-conceived. Looking at the plateau in front of him, he said sternly: "Marshal, the humble job is indeed ill-conceived."

"Well, this commander chose this white Mars, mainly because there is only one plain where you can station, and the other places are high mountains and silent places. But here, we can't stay here for long. We will leave this place tomorrow morning. Go to the Temple of Heaven. Under the jurisdiction of the city, Baise City. With our physical strength, it should be enough to get there."

Plateau Road.


Zheng Chang looked righteous.

But few people didn't know that the Han army at this moment had come to the sky above the white Mars.

"Out of the fire."

On the flying boat, a stellar spar cannon appeared, and the muzzle of the spar cannon was aimed at the camp of the Demon Breaker Corps below. But because it is high in the sky, it is dark at the moment. The demon-breaking army below did not notice the movements of the Han army and others.

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Qi and asked, "Bai Qi, do you want to use this spar cannon to kill the Demon Breaker Army?"

Bai Qi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the answer will be revealed soon. It won't take long."


Upon hearing Bai Qi's words, Liu Ce kept watching with patience.

"The legions line up."

Bai Qi said.


Suddenly, the legions lined up in the void.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ce frowned slightly. I don't know what the other party is going to do. This also made him more and more curious.

"Spar cannon, put..."

Bai Qi ordered.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A round of white light was released from the spar cannon and blasted below the white spark.

Beneath the white sparks began to explode.

"Is this Bai Qi wanting to kill the Demon Breaker Legion with this extermination? If you think so, Bai Qi will probably be disappointed."

Liu Ce muttered.

But the next scene shocked Liu Ce.

In fact, when Liu Ce is in his current position, he has seen big winds and waves, and there are very few things that can shock him. It can be seen that this has done awesome things in vain.

Under the concentrated bombardment of the spar cannon, the plain below began to tremble violently.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

In the barracks of the Demon Breaker Corps, only a few people were left to guard, and most of them were resting. Many people died under this sudden attack.

But the vast majority of people still rely on their own strength and equipment to survive. After all, the Demon Breaker Legion is wearing silver armor, and the defense of this silver armor is very powerful. It can even block the existence of interstellar rays.

"So hot…"

"It's so hot, it's so hot under the ground, what's this?"

When the plateau saw this scene, his eyes were cracked. Looking at the red underfoot, with the hot liquid coming out of the ground.

"This is a volcanic eruption?"

The plateau is also quite insightful. When you see the magma seeping out of the ground, you know what happened.

"Bai Qi, is this what you expected a long time ago?"

Liu Ce looked at Bai Qi standing beside him, a little surprised.

"Well, in fact, the general has long been calculating what the possibility of the demon-breaking army will be if it is defeated, and what route it will take. This time, it is one of the plans designed by the final."

Bai Qi smiled at Liu Ce.

"That's it."

Liu Ce greatly appreciated Bai Qi.

"Prior to this, the general came to this white Mars on the spot, and an entourage who came along with the general told the general that under this barren star is an active volcanic crater. It only needs a little outside force to guide it. Detonated this volcano."

Bai Qi smiled at Liu Ce.

Now Liu Ce finally knows Bai Qi's killer.

If it is said that the ordinary spar cannon is indeed impossible to destroy the demons, but if the volcano can be detonated, then it is another matter. That terrifying volcanic high temperature, the warriors below the Nine Tribulations Realm are impossible to resist. And these warriors of the Demon Breaker Legion are all in the Pill Condensation Realm, how can they resist the swallowing of this volcano.

Because of the sudden incident, coupled with the fact that they were on their way in the starry sky, these demons were caught off guard by the lava from the volcanic eruption.

Of course, under the timely command of the plateau commander, many warriors of the Demon Breaking Army flew into the air for the first time. Of course, Bai Qi at this moment is already waiting.

The army of the big man had already lined up, watching the soldiers who wanted to break out of the Air Force Corps. Under Bai Qi's command, the soldiers of the Demon Corps were killed.

Although the soldiers of these Demon Army Corps are tough. However, fighting on their own, without forming a military formation to suppress, naturally did not pose much threat to the big man.

One by one, the soldiers of the Demon Breaking Army were beheaded by the Han army.

The Han army was extremely excited. After the battle with the Broken Air Force, there were no soldiers who could arbitrarily kill the Demons. At this moment, there was such an opportunity, and naturally they would not let it go.

"Di Han, you are looking for death."

Gao Gao watched his soldiers die one by one in the hands of the Han army, with eyes distraught.

Standing behind the plateau were all soldiers from the Heavenly Punishment Camp, as well as the elite of the Demon Breaker Army. They were the fastest in this attack, so they suffered the least losses.

"Everyone, kill with me."

The plateau shouted.

Although there were only less than 3,000 people (excluding casualties), the soldiers of these days of the penalty camp had burst out with a strong fighting spirit at this moment.

"Kill Emperor Han, follow me."

The plateau ordered.

"Huh, looking for death."

The crow commanded stepped forward. A thousand ghost guards exuded powerful killing intent.

At this moment, Liu Ce also showed expectation. I don't know if it is the demon-breaking army's Heavenly Punishment Camp that is stronger, or his own thousand ghost guards are stronger.

Of course, although the Heavenly Punishment Camp in the Demon Breaker Legion is the elite of the elite, Liu Ce's ghost guard is not weak. He is still more optimistic about his own guards. As his own guard, Liu Ce knew very well how powerful this ghost guard with only a thousand soldiers was.

"Tear them to pieces for me."

The crow gave an order to the soldiers of the ghost **** guard. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1067 Ghost Guards VS Heaven Punishment Camp), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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