The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1018: level one

Although he knew this was the other party's conspiracy, Liu Ce didn't care. According to the system, if the Sky Cloud Tower is not evaluated, it will be recognized by the Tao of Heaven. The big man he is in cannot share the luck of the blue sky domain. This is not good for the big man. Although the big man's luck, he can rely on the system to plunder. But this is the blue sky domain, which is two different domains from the Yunlong domain where he was originally located. If he didn't get the approval of the heavens, it would be absolutely unfavorable for his big man's development.

"In two days, I need to prepare well tomorrow."

Gu Feiming looked at Liu Cedao.

"it is good."

Liu Ce agreed.

After Liu Ce left. Jiang Xue said to Gu Fei: "Are you sure Tianyun Tower can keep the other party?"

"Of course you can. Actually, the outside world only knows the sky cloud tower, but does not know why. The sky cloud tower enters the tower during the four seasons, and the difficulty is different. The sky cloud tower in spring is a simple mode. Summer is the normal mode, autumn is the hard mode, and winter is the purgatory mode. Now it is winter, and the opponent is actually the Sky Cloud Tower. Do you think the opponent still has the possibility of surviving?"

Gu Feiming said lightly.

"Well, what the ancient leader said is indeed the case. This time the Emperor of Han is in a disaster."

A gloomy color flashed in Jiang Xue's eyes.

"However, it's a surprise, I still prepared a second hand."

Gu Feiming said.

"Back hand?"

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming with inquiring gaze.

Gu Feiming slapped haha ​​and said, "Hehe, if you say it, it won't work. I still don't say it."

Feiyun City VIP Building

"Your Majesty, it's better to go for you in a humble position."

Feipeng became a little anxious when he heard that Liu Ce was going to go to the Sky Cloud Tower.

"Yes, Your Majesty. They ask you to go to the Sky Cloud Tower. There is absolutely no conspiracy."

Chonglou also followed.

"No, this Sky Cloud Tower is a way to get the approval of the Heavenly Dao in the blue sky domain. It is very important to our big man's development in the blue sky domain. It can be said that even if they did not make this request, I must go to this tower in the future. I have to go for it, there is no other choice."

Liu Ce said solemnly.


All the gods and demons of the great man had nothing to say when they heard this.

"But, Your Majesty. Although we don't know what the other party has conspired, but the other party will definitely use some means. Your Majesty, you still..."

Prince Void hadn't finished speaking yet, Liu Ce waved his hand and said, "I am also the peak cultivation base of the Divine Lord Realm. Normally, I can handle it, so you don't have to worry about me too much."

The gods and demons of the great man heard His Majesty say so and couldn't help but nodded. They naturally knew that, despite the fact that His Majesty's cultivation base seemed to be low, there were many methods. And your majesty's strength cannot be measured by realm. Since your Majesty insists on this, he naturally has his own certainty.

Knowing that your Majesty has made a decision, it is useless to persuade himself, and the gods and demons of the big man no longer say much.

Next day

As soon as Liu Ce left the VIP building, Gu Feiming sent someone to greet Liu Ce. Brought Liu Ce to the Sky Cloud Tower.

Tianyun Tower is in Tianjie Mountain, and this Tianjie Mountain is ten miles away from Feiyun City, very close. It takes just a few breaths to arrive in a flying boat.

Outside the Tianyun Tower, many people were already standing at this moment. These people are the heads of the major forces, and Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue are among them.

"This Jiang Xue is here. How do I feel that she is coming for me. A goddess of the Profound Sky Temple, wouldn't it be so idle? I spend all day here?"

Liu Ce looked confused.

"Di Han, are you here?"

Gu Feiming smiled slightly at Liu Ce.

"Well, I went to the tower once, so many people come to you? It's rare."

Liu Ceyun said lightly.

"This is natural. Now, Emperor Han is also a star power recognized by the Heavenly Temple in our Blue Sky Domain. This is also a member of our Blue Sky Domain, and we can't be free."

Gu Feiming smiled slightly at Liu Ce.

"Thanks a lot."

Liu Ce chuckled lightly.

"Can you go in now?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Of course, Emperor Han, please."

Gu Feiming said to Liu Ce.

Immediately Liu Ce walked into the Sky Cloud Pagoda.

Walk into the Tianyun Tower in Liu Ce

Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming returned to Feiyun Sect.

"Are you ready?"

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming.

"Don't worry, my back hand has been arranged, this time Emperor Han is dead."

Gu Feiming said with confidence.

Naturally, Liu Ce didn't know the tricks of the Tianyun Pagoda. The reason why he was so confident was naturally because he knew that the Tianyun Pagoda was set by this Fang Tiandao. It is impossible to artificially have too many tricks. Even if the other party wants to perform any trick, this trick still needs to be under the rules of this sky cloud tower, so Liu Ce is not too worried.

As soon as you enter the Sky Cloud Tower

A warrior appeared in front of Liu Ce.

He is about twenty-seven years old and holds a long spear. The body exudes a sharp breath.

"Half-step Divine King Realm?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

It seems that he didn't expect that as soon as he appeared, he would be a warrior in the **** king realm. This cultivation base already surpassed Liu Ce.

"I didn't expect this first level to be the half-step Divine King Realm. Isn't this difficult?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised.

You need to know that because Liu Ce directly promoted his cultivation level through the system, he didn't have a half-step realm here. A great realm can only reach the peak at most. Therefore, seeing this situation at this moment, Liu Ce felt a little strange.

After arriving at the Transcendent Realm, the gap between each small realm is very large. Even for some super talents, it is becoming more and more difficult to leapfrog the challenge. Therefore, the difficulty of the first floor of the cloud tower is so great this day, which naturally surprised Liu Ce.

Fortunately, Liu Ce is not an ordinary genius. He is an opener and possesses various means. So, although I was surprised, I didn't care too much.

"Get out of the sword!"

The young warrior looked at Liu Ce.

Liu Ce once knew from the information of the factory guard of the West Factory that the tower guards of the Tianyun Tower were automatically manifested through the blood left by the tower guards who successfully cleared the customs. Personality, temper, and even strength are the same as when he was in the tower.

"You don't need it yet."

Liu Ce said faintly with his hands behind his back.


Liu Ce's words really angered the young man.

"It depends on whether you have this arrogant capital."

The youth roared, and shot Liu Ce assassinated.


The terrifying sword light flickered in the void and blinked in front of Liu Ce.

Liu Ce could feel that the void was shaking. The terrifying wind and waves swept towards Liu Ce's place like stormy waves.


Liu Ce shot out with a punch.

There is no trick in this punch. It's a simple punch.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

The terrifying spear light was directly shaken away by Liu Ce's domineering punch.

Liu Cewen doesn't move

But the young man was shaken back by seven steps.


The young man was a little surprised, obviously he did not expect that Liu Ce's punch was so sharp.

"Damn it, take another shot."

The young man flickered and turned into countless phantoms, rushing towards Liu Ce's place. He blinked in front of Liu Ce.


Liu Ce narrowed his eyes. Still blasted out with a punch.

With this punch, Qi Zhun found the opponent's location incomparably.

"Weeping blood mysterious spear!"

Seeing that his true body was discovered, the young man snorted, without evading, and shot Liu Ce with all his strength.


A powerful wave of air swept in all directions centered on the two.

Although Liu Ce's cultivation base is weaker than that of the youth, he cultivates god-level techniques. And he is both physical and martial arts. Under the superposition of the two, Liu Ce's combat power was much stronger than that of the young man.

Suddenly, the youth snorted. The whole person was shaken out.

"Now it's my turn."

Liu Ce used Lingbo's microsteps, his whole person turned into a cloud of green smoke in an instant, and he chased the young man.


Liu Ce threw a punch and killed him.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Liu Ce directly hammered the young man to death with a fist.

Immediately, the young man's rays of light dissipated in front of Liu Ce.

It's a long story. Liu Ce actually spent less than half a cup of tea on the first floor. It solved the opponent.

Looking at the dark door in front, Liu Ce stepped in.


At this moment, in the Feiyun Sect Master Hall

"Goddess, how long do you think Han Emperor can pass the first floor?"

Gu Feiming smiled and asked the goddess Jiang Xue of the Profound Sky Temple in front of him.

"Well, half an hour."

Jiang Xue hesitated slightly.

"Half an hour?"

Gu Feiming was a little surprised.

In fact, Gu Feiming did not think that Liu Ce could not pass the first level. Although the difficulty of the Tianyun Tower was increased, the Emperor Han still had his own methods as the domain master of a domain. And the first layer is the simplest. In his opinion, with the strength of Emperor Han. It's not a problem to get past this first level.

"Gu Leng, you passed the first level that year, what kind of mode did you challenge?"

Jiang Xue asked.

Tianyun Tower has four modes, simple mode, normal mode, hard mode, and purgatory mode. The higher the difficulty of the challenge, the higher the degree of recognition from Heaven. In other words. The higher the degree of recognition gained, the stronger the distribution of air luck.

Therefore, basically no one will choose the simple mode, and the choices are at least the normal mode. What he challenged back then was the hard mode.

It can be said that the challenge this time has still made Gu Feiming talk about it, complacent. Of course, there is also a great degree of danger.

Because if he died in the Sky Cloud Tower, he was really dead. But there is no chance to come again.

"This leader is challenging the hard mode."

Gu Feiming smiled.

"Difficult mode?"

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming in surprise.

Because Jiang Xue knew that these four modes went from low to high, and the difference in each mode was ten times. But in the entire blue sky domain, few people dared to challenge the difficulty.

"It took me an hour to pass the first floor."

Gu Feiming said with a serious expression.

"It's no wonder that the ancient leader can develop the Feiyun Sect into a major force second to none in the entire blue sky region."

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming sincerely. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (first layer of Chapter 1018), and you can open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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