Yuichi whispered in Yuki’s ear.

The voice that is as calm as water.

In the ears of the Konohaman, it was like a thunderclap that suddenly exploded.

There is a faint killing intent in it.

It made Yuki feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar in an instant.


At this time, the Kakuzu fish continued to shoot continuously.

The figure passed through the crowd of Yun Ninja like a Kakuzu.

The Kakuzu fish’s movements were clean and neat, and there was no second move to deal with these cloud ninjas.

One blow is enough to solve a person.

After the rest of the cloud ninja fell.

The Kakuzu fish puts the mackerel muscles back on the back.

Turning his head to look at several stunned misty ninjas.

Looking at them, Oni Smiled, not caring to turn his head in the direction of Yuichi.

Yugo’s body stood motionless as if frozen.

Yuichi leaned down and leaned gently against her ear.

“Are you trembling with fear?”

“Don’t you dare to move?” Two tails? ”

Yugo swallowed softly.

Grit your teeth hard.

The tailed beast Chakra in his body exploded in an instant.

His hands grew sharp claws, and he grabbed it fiercely in the direction of Yuichi with his backhand and in the direction of Yuichi.

Yuichi took a step back gently.

With his hands in his pockets, he didn’t look like he was going to shoot at all.

Just one step, no more, no less, just to avoid the attack of yugi.

The Kakuzu fish smiled, “This boy seems to be very confident in his own strength!” If you miscalculate the distance, you will be hit! ’

But in the blink of an eye, there is no problem.

Yuichi’s body was as hard as steel.

Even if hit, Nio’s claws would not be able to hurt Yuichi.

Thinking of this, the Kakuzu fish was also a little envious of Yuichi’s perverted defensive ability.

He even wondered if the barbs of the fish muscles could hurt Yuichi.


Yugo waved his hands quickly, and his sharp claws swept wildly in front of Yuichi.

However, every time Yuichi faced his attack, he was able to accurately calculate all the attack distances very accurately.

There is no extra distance every time you move your body.

Yugi’s face was instantly covered with cold sweat.

It was the first time she had met such an opponent.

Ability to control the enemy’s attack range to this point.

It’s just the same computing power as a monster.

‘No way!’ ’

‘Keep going like this and I’ll be defeated by these two men!’ ’

Yuki was not only staring at Yuichi, but also at the oni.

Although the Kakuzu fish did not intend to come up to help.

But the two of them together could not be without any defenseless mentality.

Grit your teeth!

The tailed beast Chakra inside the Konohahuman body began to erupt madly.

The blue chakra burned like a flame.

In an instant, the Konohaman turned into a giant tiger that seemed to burn with blue flames.

Two tails swayed in the air.

In an instant, a terrifying momentum erupted, and the strong Sandspread out in all directions.

Several of Kirito’s men looked at the completely tailed beastly Yugi.

His face was livid.

“Is this the tailed beast storming away?”

“No, we’ll all die when the tailed beast storms away!”

A few misty ninjas were a little frightened.

However, the Kakuzu fish turned to them and said coldly, “Shut up, and if you talk any more, you will be killed!” ”

If it weren’t for the sake of Misty Ninja, the Kakuzu fish wouldn’t have been merciful to these guys!

A few foggies closed their mouths in amusement.


Completely tailed beastly by Konohaman.

Staring menacingly at Yuichi.

After the huge body of the tail beast, the momentum that erupted temporarily suppressed Yuichi first.

Yuichi nodded as he looked at the fully tailed beastly Yugi.

“Now it’s finally interesting.”

“Yunyin Village’s means of controlling the tailed beast are indeed very powerful, unlike other villages, the power of the tailed beast is completely uncontrollable.”

While Yuichi was talking.

Yukito had already pounced, and the huge claws slammed down on Yuichi.

Boom! Buzz….

The ice surface was instantly smashed out of a huge crater.

Yuichi spun in the air and landed firmly in the distance.

Yuki continued to rush towards Yuichi.

A pair of huge claws slapped down at Yuichi at the same time.

Yuichi still dodges.

After continuous dodge.

Yuki was a little anxious.

This guy seemed to see through my attack completely. ’

At the same time, the speed is amazing! ’

In this way, she could not hit Yuichi at all.

Yuki yelled at Yuichi, “You guys, you just jump around and hide!” ”

Yuichi, who had just stood firmly, glanced up at Yugi.

Grinning coldly.

The stride rushed straight towards Yugi.

This time.


Yugo opened his mouth, and a terrifying flame erupted from his mouth.

However, Yuichi’s speed still did not decrease at all, and he rushed straight towards the flames.

It was as if it were going for the flames.

Seeing this, a few fogs couldn’t understand why they had to rush up.

This is to send to death!

“Is this guy looking for death?” He dared to rush towards the tailed beast! ”

“If this guy dies, we’ll be targeted by the tailed beast!”

“Captain, we might as well take advantage of the fact that we are running away now!”

Misty Jōninlooked at the dried persimmon Kakuzu fish on the side.


Without this man’s words, could they have escaped!

One of the seven people of the Kirisame Ninja Knife.

These young mist ninjas did not know his horror, but this upper ninja was very aware of the strength of the Kakuzu fish.

Because he had also served as a middle ninja under the hands of the oni.

“If you don’t want to die! Shut me up. “On the ninja angrily rebuked several people.

Turning his head to watch Yuki and Yuichi fighting.

Yugi, who spat out a terrifying flame, looked at Yuichi, who was swallowed up by the flames in the blink of an eye.

Finally, I was relieved.

‘This stupid boy, provoked by a few words, will take the initiative to send him to death, although the strength is good, but it is still too …’


The flames that erupted suddenly began to weaken.

Immediately after that, a vortex appeared in the flames, and the flames spat out by the Konohaman in the blink of an eye disappeared.

And Yuichi’s figure reappeared.

Stand sideways on a surface not far away.

Yuichi one-handed to Yugi.

“The power of the two tails is nothing more than that!”

“It was so disappointing!”

Blah blah

Yuichi’s arm was filled with a startling chill.

“End it! This boring battle! ”

“Ice cube~”

“Pheasant mouth!!”

Suddenly an alarming outburst of cold air.

The cold air that spurted from Yuichi’s arm in an instant condensed into a huge ice bird in front of Yuichi.

Accompanied by a piercing bird song.

The ice bird, which roared out almost instantaneously with its wings outstretched, slammed into Yugi’s body.

The cold is bubbling.

Sweeping in all directions!

The Kakuzu fish’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but clap his hands, “What a powerful move!” ”


Frost storms spread.

Lifted by the fully tailed bestiality of the KonohaMan.

She was lying on the ground, covered in frost, and her body was trembling.

Suddenly Yuichi appeared in front of her.

One hand grabbed her neck.

Frozen Fruit ability is activated.

From the beginning of her neck, the whole person was completely frozen into an ice cube at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This scene made several Kirigakurewho were still afraid of the power of the tailed beast completely stunned.

Yuichi throws yuichi, who is frozen into ice, to a Kakuzu fish in the distance.


Oni grabbed Nio and nodded, “Alas! This guy was also too weak and thought it would be a very good fight! ”

Saying that, the Kakuzu fish glanced at a few misty ninjas next to it.

Reincarnated and Yuichi put on their buckets again and walked off into the distance.

With the cold Sandblowing on the ice, the two disappeared into view.

Leaving a blank-faced four misty bearers shivering on the ice!!!

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