Land of Thunder, Cloud Hidden Village.

Fourth generation of Ray Shadow.

One order after another is being given continuously.

Countless people in the village are constantly arranging the perceptual boundary.

Same as the enchantment of the wooden leaves.

Once someone invades the village, the ninjas of the Junction Class will be able to find out at the first time.

No matter where you enter the Yunyin Village, you can quickly find it.

Obviously, this attack on Muye made Yunyin Village vigilant.

The teacher of the past and the car of the back.

Shayin Village, Wuyin Village, Muye Village!

When the village of Shayin was invaded, it did not cause much impact.

However, the destruction of Kirisame Village and Muye Village was very serious.

How could the other ninja villages still be foolish not to care under such circumstances.

As long as there is no problem with the brain, the defense work of the village will be strengthened.

Nowadays, not only Yunyin Village has strengthened its defenses, but also Shayin, Wuyin, and Yanyin have all strengthened their defenses.

Even the wooden leaves, which are in the process of rebuilding, have strengthened their defenses.

Prevent the Xiao organization from suddenly invading again.

Inside Ray Shadow’s office.

The assistant Azabu Yi was looking through one document after another.

“Lord Thunderclap! You send an elite ninja squad to investigate the base of the Xiao organization. ”

“Will this attract the Xiao Organization to Yunyin Village?”

Lei Ying smiled coldly at the question of the sackcloth coat, “Even if I don’t investigate the Xiao Organization, won’t the Xiao Organization find the door!” ”

Lei Ying stood up, “Their target is the tailed beast, and now the other tailed beasts in the ninja world are gone, and even the nine tails have been captured by them.” ”

The only thing left was the eight tails of Unyin Village.

Under such circumstances, Lei Ying knew very well that no matter what he did or not, the organization would find him sooner or later.

Therefore, according to the character of Lei Ying, passively waiting for the enemy to be ready to hit the door is not as good as taking the initiative.

So first send ninjas to investigate the location of the Xiao organization’s base.

“Lord Ray Shadow, first sent an elite ninja squad to investigate the Xiao Organization base.”

“Then a large number of gatherings, elite ninjas abandon the mission and return to the village not just to defend in advance!”

Sabu looked at the reports.

Although Lei Ying had never said anything to her.

However, according to what she knew now, his own Lord Lei Ying wanted to strengthen the defense of Yunyin Village.

This is the plan to take the initiative to attack the enemy’s lair!

“Lord Lei Ying, why don’t you tell me that this kind of thing should not be discussed?”

Lei Ying glanced at the sackcloth, and sure enough, he was still seen.

“Sit still and wait for the enemy to knock on the door, even if you defeat them, Yunyin Village will be destroyed.”

“The old man doesn’t want to spend an extra sum of money on rebuilding Yunyin Village.” 、

Walk over to the sackcloth.

“Before that Xiao Organization is ready now, the old man will preemptively attack it.”

“The old man would like to see how strong that Xiao Organization can be with only ten people.”

Azabu, “Lord Ray Shadow, even the village of Kiba has been destroyed by them…”

“That’s because the wood leaf is careless, and the wood leaf is not necessarily strong now!”

Looking at the thunder shadow who had completely made up his mind.

Sackcloth was a little helpless.

Being proactive is a great way to do it.

However, it should not be the Yun Yin Village family, the Xiao Organization threatens the entire ninja world, and all the villages should be sent to send people.

Sabu opened his mouth to say the idea.

Lei Ying’s tone eased slightly, “The old man has already sent someone to contact other villages.” ”


Contact can be contacted, this kind of thing can not be decided in a short time!

Moreover, if Mai Buyi wanted to come, I was afraid that the other villages would not send people to deal with the Xiao Organization together with Yunyin Village.

Even the fire shadow of the wooden leaf was defeated, such a terrifying enemy, no one wanted to easily provoke.

So as not to let his village suffer heavy losses.

At this time, to deal with the Xiao Organization is to be the head bird.

It’s simply thankless stuff.

Azabu Yi also wanted to persuade Lei Ying, but was directly stopped by Lei Ying.

“The location of the Xiao organization has been roughly touched, and after three days, the ninjas gathered by the old man will all return to the village, and the old man will leave!”

Lei Ying looked at the sackcloth coat, “A bunch of rebels, ahem! He even dared to do something to the five ninja villages, and this group of guys let the old man come to the meeting in person for a while! ”

Saying that, Lei Ying left Lei Ying’s office directly.

Leaving Azabu helplessly talking.

Lei Ying was ready to take the initiative to deal with the Xiao Organization.

It seems to be to protect the eight tails of Yunyin Village.

But in fact, there were two reasons why Lei Ying wanted to take the initiative to attack the Xiao Organization.

The first is naturally to protect Yunyin Village to protect Yamio.

The second is Nine Tails!

Nine Tails was captured by the Xiao Organization, and now was the best time to get Nine Tails.

Destroy the Xiao Organization and reclaim the Nine Tails, then the Yunyin Village, which has both Eight Tails and Nine Tails.

Strength is bound to skyrocket.

At that time, the name of the strongest ninja village in the ninja world was not Kiba.

When Lei Ying decided to crusade against the Xiao Organization.

The other side had just been reconciled, leaving Yuichi on the Rain Nation’s boundary.

It stopped suddenly.

【Task Release】

【The Crusade of Yunyin】

[The Xiao Organization is targeted by the thunder shadow of Yunyin Village, preparing to fight against the Xiao Organization and snatch the tailed beast captured by the Xiao Organization]

[As the strongest villain, if someone dares to do anything to the Xiao Organization, please wait for the enemy to come to the door at the Xiao Organization base and defeat all the enemies who hit the door]

【Quest Reward: Chopper Knife. Wild Sunshine】


Wild sun!


This is not! More wooden sword eight slashing knife!

The reward this time is a chopper! It is also a more wooden sword eight’s slashing knife.

That’s great!

The guys in Yunyin Village were very good and sensible, and they actually gave themselves such a big gift.

Looking at the face of the slashing knife, Youyi decided to wait for them to come to the door, and compassionately go around these guys!

I didn’t expect the task to come like this.

Not bad!

Yuichi smiled faintly.

At this time, he looked at Yuichi with doubt.

How good and demure Yuichi suddenly showed this kind of smile, looking a little crazy!

Yuichi suddenly frowned.

‘Yunyin Village wants to crusade against the Xiao Organization…’

Then it is bound to send an elite ninja team.

After all, after the Muye incident, even Yunyin Village could not underestimate the organization.

And Thunder Shadow may have personally attacked.

So in other words!

There are no powerful ninjas in Yunyin Village!

Isn’t this a good time to capture Yatsuo?

Sasuke and Kaki Oni Fish set out at that time to infiltrate the village of Ungaku to capture Yado, and there is a higher probability of success.

However, it seems that he has no way to go to Yunyin Village together.

But it doesn’t matter, who could have imagined that Yunyin Village would take the initiative to deliver it!

Originally, Yuichi also wanted to try to see if he could trigger some tasks in Yunyin Village.

Now it’s good, don’t go, the task will come.

If every village were like this, Yuichi would be at ease.

Thinking of this, Yuichi suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, he said to the cold voice behind him, “Hurry up! ”

The Jedi who followed behind now felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Yuichi’s spirit.

One moment to laugh, one moment to be silent, one moment to have a dignified expression.

This guy shouldn’t be schizophrenic or something!

He sighed helplessly.

Silently speeding up to keep up with Yuichi.

Now Yuichi has to go to Otoshi Village as soon as possible to find Yakushi.

Recruit him into the Xiao organization.

Then he had to rush back to the Xiao Organization base immediately.

Get ready for the crusade of Yunyin Village.

Be precise, get ready for your new rewards! Chopper. Wild !!!

More wooden sword eight slashing sword, Yuichi already completely can’t wait to get his hand and wave it, what kind of power it has!

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