The Strongest Super Couple In History

Chapter 41: : Medical contribution

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   The next day, it was the day to go to the Special Response Department for training.

Xiao He has also been more concerned about training recently. The first is because the previous experience with Spider-Man made him realize that serious training is responsible for his own life and safety, and the second is because other people have worked too hard and he is embarrassed to be Bastard.

   Whether it was Xia Yu or Xie Haining, they worked very hard and earnestly during training, and Ye Wanqing had always been serious, so he couldn't get mixed up in this atmosphere.

It’s like going to school. When everyone around you is studying hard, you have to pretend even if you are pretending, but if someone is lazy, you will feel like "He is also lazy, so I’ll be lazy. It's okay."

   This is the herd mentality of people. People who can remain firm at this time are special. This kind of people can become the core of a team, just like the Batman of the Justice League and the Captain of the United States.

   But Xiao He thinks he is not that kind of person.

   "Today you and Wanqing have a special test." Cui Man waved to him and said, "You two come here."

After    came to the next room alone, Xiao He suddenly had an ominous hunch that there were no training equipment in this room, only a hospital bed and various equipment for detecting body data.

   "Today we are going to test whether your ability is effective against diseases." Cui Man said with a serious expression, "If it works, then you can make a lot of contributions to humanity."

   As he said, Cui Man clapped his hands, so the next two staff members pushed in a person in a wheelchair.

   Looking at this person, Xiao He knew that he should be suffering from frostbite, because his actions were almost exactly the same as Hawking.

   "He has a disease called'Lin Tiannan'." Cui Man explained, "Can you cure him?"

   Xiao He looked at the person in front of him. He felt sympathetic in his heart, but his body did not respond, and his abilities did not activate.

   "Have you changed your name?" Xiao He asked tentatively, Cui Man nodded, then frowned: "You didn't activate the ability, did you?"

   "No..." Xiao He said disappointedly. More than ever, he hoped that his power could be activated.

   If his ability can be used to treat diseases that humans cannot currently treat, then his ability really has meaning. But unfortunately, his ability is that he can defeat "Lin Tiannan" by himself. When a disease called "Lin Tiannan" appeared, he could overcome the disease himself, but he could not help others to also overcome the disease.

   Cui Man motioned to the two researchers to push the patient down, while Xiao He watched the patient disappear in front of him with some guilt, but he could do nothing.

   "Although it is a bit regretful..." Cui Man sighed, "But there is no need to be too negative. Your ability is still quite useful in medicine, such as making serum. Next we will start experiments based on this."

   Cui Man paused and asked, "Do you know the role of serum?"

   "Neutralize snake venom?" Xiao He asked tentatively.

"The same can be said, but theoretically it is used to provide antibodies against the virus, which is somewhat different from vaccines. Vaccines allow you to produce antibodies yourself, but the production of vaccines requires in-depth research on the virus, which often takes a long time. And serum It is to inject antibodies directly into your body to treat specific viruses and venoms." Cui Man explained.

"Generally understand." Xiao He nodded, and Cui Man pointed to him and said: "And if you are there, under certain circumstances, we can rely on your blood to make serum to fight certain viruses and venoms. "

   "Huh..." Xiao He was lost in thought, "That's not all viral diseases can be cured?"

"It's not necessarily." Cui Man shook his head: "This serum therapy has certain limitations, first of all, the concentration of antibodies. You have to know that after the human body defeats the virus, there will only be a small amount of antibodies in the body, and memory cells will be produced at the same time. When your body is exposed to this virus again, the memory cells will make your body secrete antibodies to help you defend against this virus."

   "So for some viruses, his antibody alone is not enough to treat them?" Ye Wanqing asked tentatively.

"Exactly." Cui Man sighed. "Although there are certain limitations, it cannot be denied that this method can help the development of medicine. Observing the various stages of the virus in your body can help us analyze the characteristics of the virus, so as to make it faster. To make a vaccine. Before that, we must first make sure that your ability is indeed effective against the virus in your body."

   "Can't I use my blood instead?" Xiao He was a little reluctant, "Is this a human experiment?"

"It's a pity that we didn't have any response when we used your blood to do the experiment. I think your blood does not represent you. Only in your body can your power be effective." Cui Man sighed, "But of course , We will not force you, and only if you agree, we will inject a virus or bacteria called'Lin Tiannan' into your body."

   In fact, Xiao He is very reluctant. After all, it is outrageous to inject some viruses and bacteria that humans currently cannot defeat into his body without confirmation. This is a risk of his own life.

   Although his abilities have a high upper limit, there are also upper limits. What if any virus exceeds his upper Isn’t it dead in vain?

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much, we are all prepared for the corresponding treatment." Cui Man said, "If you have no objection, we will inject a low-risk coronavirus into your body next. And named it as the'Lin Tiannan' strain, its danger is extremely low, you will never be in danger of life, the purpose is to first see if your ability can take effect on the virus injected into the body, nothing more. "

   "Let's go." Xiao He frowned and sighed, Cui Man turned to Ye Wanqing and said, "Let's go, let's go to another room to observe."

   Next, a medical staff entered the room, wearing a full set of protective equipment.

   "Is this really a low-risk virus?" Xiao He asked suspiciously, "As for such tight protection?"

"Just in case." The medical staff explained, then rolled up Xiao He's sleeves, "Don't worry, this is just a relatively high-density vaccine. Do you know the principle of a vaccine? By injecting it into the human body. A small amount of antigens, that is, viruses, are used to stimulate the body to produce antibodies, thereby generating immunity to this type of virus."

   said, the other party completed the injection: "This virus is relatively mild. Even if you are infected, you will basically have no symptoms."

   "..." Xiao He was silent for a while, and then replied: "I feel like it's over."

   "Yes, it's over, soon, right?" The medical staff smiled relaxedly.

   Xiao He shook his head: "No, I mean the virus is over. My ability has been activated for a few seconds, and I should have developed antibodies."

   The medical staff was stunned, and then replied: "Um... about this, we have to draw a little blood to study it before we can confirm it."

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