The Strongest Super Couple In History

Chapter 24: : A serious task

   "Oh, everything is fine, you should kill it quickly!" Xiao He said nervously, pointing to the cockroach.

   "You can kill it yourself." Ye Wanqing complained, and walked towards the sink with limping. Xiao He shook his head repeatedly: "It's lying on the plastic bag and it's not working hard! What if it doesn't fight?"

   "Then run away, it won't bite you." Ye Wanqing frowned.

"It's more terrible after running, OK!" Xiao He gritted his teeth and said, "What if you climb on your body when you sleep at night?! You feel a little itchy on your hands, you think it's the hair or the blanket, but turn on the light. I saw it was a big cockroach. Do you know how terrifying the picture is?!"

   "It's okay..." Ye Wanqing murmured, reaching out and grabbing the cockroach.

   Xiao He stared at her in horror: "Are you not using paper pads and just grabbing with your hands?! Oh my god!"

   "It can't bite people, cockroaches." Ye Wanqing glared at him contemptuously, then threw the cockroach out of the window, clapped his hands and said, "But we live on the fifth floor and there are cockroaches. It's incredible."

   Xiao He looked at Ye Wanqing in awe, and then asked, "Why didn't you trample it to death?"

   "Every animal has the right to live, and it won't affect us. These creatures are not easy. You have to do your best to survive." Ye Wanqing said while washing her hands.

   Xiao why not convinced and muttered: "But cockroaches are pests? They can spread many bacteria and viruses."

   "That is for humans, right?" Ye Wanqing looked at Xiao He puzzledly and said, "For nature, even cockroaches are an important part of the food chain? Biodiversity is very important."

   "Suddenly," Xiao He said blankly, "Anyway, you have the ability to deal with it, you have the final say."

   "It's you..." Ye Wanqing looked down at Xiao He disdainfully, "The big man is actually afraid of cockroaches, he is still a changer."

"So, this thing is like kryptonite to Superman to me." Xiao He said solemnly, and Ye Wanqing smiled and said: "Tell you, you think I don't know. Superman is afraid of kryptonite because he is a Kryptonite. Kryptonite can Let him become an ordinary person. What kind of star are you? Are you a cockroach? Hey, maybe it's really possible."

"What do you mean!?" Xiao He said in an angry voice, "Don't think that you can be arrogant after you solve the cockroaches! Then everyone has weaknesses! I don't believe you are not afraid of anything! What do you say you are afraid of? To solve it."

   "I'm afraid of centipedes." Ye Wanqing replied, Xiao He raised his hand and waved, "That won't work, I'm also afraid of that."

"It's not promising..." Ye Wanqing said, squinting at him with wide beautiful eyes, and Xiao He said solemnly: "I can't deal with bugs with many legs. This is my weakness. You must not tell others, they will be in the future. Will use it against me."

"Oh, I got it." Ye Wanqing said impatiently, "Able to lift 500 catties, but can't deal with a cockroach, I want the wounded to come...Are you considered someone else's boyfriend? "

   "It's the omnipotent goddess Wanqing." Xiao He mechanical replied, "Cockroaches in the future will trouble you too."

   "For the sake of your sincere attitude..." Ye Wanqing said with a triumphant smile.

"After all, it's your problem!?" Xiao He said in a sullen voice, "I said that the garbage is easy to attract cockroaches. Something?"

   "I thought you like cleaning, but it turned out to be because of the fear of cockroaches." Ye Wanqing hummed back.

   "Tsk..." Xiao He sipped in annoyance, but he was helpless. After all, the cockroaches in the future would have to trouble Ye Wanqing's old man to deal with it. For him, the cockroach is a pure childhood shadow, a kind of psychological fear.

   When he was about six or seven years old, the alley where they lived was very messy, and cockroaches would often run into the house.

One summer morning, he felt a little itchy on his legs. He thought it was an electric fan blowing the blanket and scratching his legs. However, when he opened his eyes, he found that it was a finger that was similar to his finger at the time. The long huge cockroach crawled up and down on his legs.

   That scene was engraved in his mind forever, and the cockroach has become his "kryptonite" ever since.

   "The shadow of childhood is the most terrible..." Xiao He whispered, quickly picking up the trash, and then using a new trash bag to fasten it. This relieved a little, "I will buy pesticides tomorrow."

   The next morning, Cui Man came a little later than usual, and the breakfast he brought was not the light meal.

   "What's wrong?" Xiao He looked at the beef noodles in Cui Man's hand and asked curiously, with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Emergency mission," Cui Man handed the beef to the two of them. "Get in the car with me first, and I will talk to you two when I get on the helicopter." As he said, Cui Man smiled mysteriously: "We Finally found the third mutant."

   Here comes the villain! Xiao He was shocked, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

   Since joining the Special Response Department, I have not worked seriously either to deal with typhoons or to solve math problems, but now a "mutant" has finally appeared as an enemy, so that I have the atmosphere that I should have as a superhero.

Xiao He rehearsed what he believed to be a normal task flow in his mind: the enemy appeared to confirm the enemy's true identity, and Ye Wanqing changed the opponent's name to "Lin Tiannan", and then he appeared on the stage and defeated the opponent easily and handsomely. , Returned triumphantly in the cheers of the people. Everyone is very relaxed, everyone is very happy.

   "This task is a bit troublesome." Cui Man said, showing them the image on the tablet.

   In the screen of the tablet computer, a huge monster is rampaging in the crowd, seeming to have runaway and lose its reason. The lower body of this monster barely maintains a human shape, but the upper body is a hideous spider: black body hair, six strong limbs, and densely packed compound eyes.

   "Puff..." Ye Wanqing covered her mouth at the time, and forced her laughter back, then turned to Xiao He, and asked gently: "This time the enemy has a lot of legs, can you deal with it? Honey?"

   "I..." Xiao He cleared his throat, "As long as you can change his name to Lin Tiannan, it will be fine."

"This is the difficulty." Cui Man replied, "In his state, it is difficult for us to confirm his true identity, but he has already run away in the crowd. Although special police and armed police have been sent, the other party is probably The change between LV2 and LV3 is not so easy to deal with. You can only rely on you to delay the time."

   "But my usual state is only LV1!" Xiao He frowned, "I will die too!"

"It's just delaying time, not asking you to defeat him." Cui Man said solemnly, "We will let the special police provide you with some tactical support, so that you can deal with the other party, and give me enough time to delay. We are already calling surveillance. I believe that in a few hours you should be able to confirm his identity, and then immediately modify his name to let you defeat him."

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