In front of the scene, Du Yuexiu and Ye Feng were stunned. When Ye Feng was in the military camp just now, he was also full of strength. He just moved forward.

Originally, this journey was not as far as that of Ye Feng from the human border near Guyang, but he stopped because he hit something and his whole body seemed to be hit by electric current.

What Ye Feng bumps into is probably the huge and boundless thing in front of him. Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu stand in front of him, small as a grain of dust.

At this time, Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu unconsciously step back and want to see clearly the huge object in front of them, but they don't know that no matter how many steps they step back, they can't see clearly the whole picture of the huge object in front of them.

This huge object is like a mirror that is too big to describe. It seems that you can't see the edge from top to bottom, left to right, and the ground is like being cut off by this huge mirror.

Behind the mirror, there are tiny and long green characters, just like some data commands in the computer. The C language is complex and difficult to understand.

In the distance where the characters are interlaced, it's like a grand universe. It's so far-reaching and can't see the end. Ye Feng instinctively stepped forward and touched the mirror in front of him.

As soon as his hand touched the mirror, he felt a current passing through his whole body. In a moment, he drew back his hand, but saw that the huge mirror was starting from the place he had just touched, producing a ripple like ripples on the surface of the lake, which scattered all around.

Du Yuexiu was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. After staring at it for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "what's this? Is this the end of the world? "

Ye Feng shakes his head. So far, he doesn't understand what it is. He can't explain anything to Du Yuexiu.

At this time, not far away, a string of green data flew closer and closer from the mirror. When it disappeared directly behind the mirror, a snowflake came out of the mirror. After drifting away, the snowflake gradually disappeared.

In addition to this, Ye Feng found that in fact, in this huge mirror, countless character data have their own general rules, and some data come out of the mirror, and immediately become real things, some are snowflakes, some are a breeze, and some are extremely unknown insects.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder. Does it mean that the character data in the mirror is actually connected with the world? All the data behind this mirror, as long as it passes through this mirror, can become something in the real world?

Thinking that Ye Feng still stretched out his hand towards the mirror, although there was still some feeling of lightning strike just now, and Ye Feng felt the tingling feeling of lightning strike. In terms of his current cultivation, he should have been completely unable to feel it, but he still felt the tingling from the whole body, and even his heart stopped beating.

Although Ye Feng realized that it might be dangerous to touch the mirror again, in order to know the truth of all this, Ye Feng decided to take a chance.

In fact, Ye Feng has an idea about the ultimate mystery of the world in his heart at this time, but he still needs to take a chance.

Just when Ye Feng stretched out her hand, Du Yuexiu said to Ye Feng, "do you want to break this mirror?"

Ye Feng shook his head, looked at Du Yuexiu and said, "I just want to stretch out to have a look!"

Du Yuexiu immediately asked, "what are you looking at?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Du Yuexiu, "if I guess correctly, I already know the ultimate mystery of the world, but before I am sure, I must pass this test!"

Du Yuexiu immediately said excitedly to Ye Feng, "do you know the ultimate mystery of the world?"

Ye Feng didn't speak any more. After adjusting his breathing, he closed his eyes and stretched his hand toward the front.

Suddenly, Ye Feng felt that his whole body was electrified. His skin seemed to be bitten by countless ants. The load of his heart was also increasing instantaneously. If the current was just a little stronger, it would probably stop beating immediately.

But Ye Feng is still struggling with the pain, just continues to stretch his hand toward the front, he feels that the front is a tight, elastic, and very good quality plastic film, the more you push forward, the greater the resilience in front.

Du Yuexiu on one side has been staring at Ye Feng. At this time, she sees that Ye Feng's body is like plugging in an electric switch. Her body is shaking, but his hand keeps as steady as possible.

Moreover, Ye Feng's fingers have already resisted the mirror in front of him, and ripples appear on the mirror, but Ye Feng's fingers have not moved forward for half a minute. It seems that at this moment, the power of Ye Feng's hands and the power of the mirror have formed a balanced posture.

And Ye Feng continues to work hard towards the front, although she can't see that his fingers have half of the magic calculation, and Du Yuexiu can see that the current on the mirror is continuously passing towards Ye Feng's whole body. She also knows that Ye Feng's shaking should be related to these currents.Du Yuexiu step forward at this time, intend to dissuade Ye Feng, but see Ye Feng's arm suddenly forward a step.

Du Yuexiu's face suddenly moved, and immediately looked at Ye Feng's hand, but he saw that Ye Feng's hand still kept the posture of hand blade, and his middle finger had gone through.

The next scene, let Du Yuexiu some indescribable, but also can't believe, Ye Feng through the past finger, actually did not cause the mirror completely broken.

And Ye Feng passed that bar fingers instantly turned into a green halo, scattered towards the distance, but not for a while, it floated back from all directions, in front of Ye Feng's broken finger, formed a string of green characters.

Although Ye Feng closed his eyes at this time, he felt that he had succeeded in breaking through the mirror. He still didn't open his eyes and continued to stretch his hand forward.

But Du Yuexiu, who was staring at this side, continued to stare at the mirror without blinking, only to see that Ye Feng had already put in most of his hands, and the half of his hands that he had just put in immediately began to digitize, becoming rows of characters.

When Ye Feng pushed his hand forward until he didn't reach his wrist, he stopped. He opened his eyes and looked in front of him. The city's face moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth showed a proud smile.

Ye Feng has been doubting something, especially what long zaidian said to Ye Feng before his own death, plus the encounter with Du Yuexiu. Now that he has reached the so-called edge of heaven and earth, Ye Feng seems to know everything clearly after seeing the green byte symbol beating in the mirror of boundless size.

At this time, he saw that his hand inside the mirror was completely out of sight, but he saw a string of green byte symbols immediately appeared outside his wrist, that is, the intersection of his wrist inside the mirror.

And even at this time, Ye Feng still feels that his hand is still there. He immediately wants to control his hand. He tries to make his hand completely static, and then the bytes in the mirror gradually calm down.

Then Ye Feng moved his middle finger again, and immediately saw a few symbols in the byte symbol in the mirror, which seemed to be the conversion of letters and numbers, and the change was extremely fast.

After Ye Feng did all kinds of tests in the mirror with his own hands, Ye Feng can be sure that the data in the mirror is actually complementary to all the objects in the world, and the byte symbols inside can jump out and become objects. When he reaches in the arm of the object, it's the opposite immediately, from his arm of the object It's virtualization.

At this time, Ye Feng began to pull back his hand. When his hand slowly pulled back, the character data in the mirror immediately began to decrease, and the part of the hand that Ye Feng pulled out had recovered to its original appearance.

Wait for Ye Feng to pull a hand intact to come back, and the electric current feeling on the body completely did not have, the hand also completely restored original appearance, a pair of eyes stare at own hand in surprise to see.

Du Yuexiu on one side saw that Ye Feng's arm was safe and sound, and the place just penetrated by Ye Feng's hand was still smooth, like a mirror, as if nothing had happened just now.

Du Yuexiu steps forward at this time, grabs Ye Feng's hand, holds it in her own hand, and looks at it over and over. After all, she has a feeling for this hand. Ye Feng used this hand to pull herself so far. She is familiar with Ye Feng's hand. The feeling and temperature haven't changed. She can't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation and says, "what's the matter?"

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