And Ye Feng is rescued by long Xinran from the office. In the process of running away with long Xinran all the way, he still thinks about why his previous world was so powerful, and now he seems to have no place to use his strength.

Moreover, in this strange world, I have tested all the data. How can I not even deal with these minions.

The strangest thing is that before I could control sunburn, but now it seems that in this world, sunburn has become my nemesis.

When Ye Feng thinks of this, he feels a sense of sadness. After all, Ye Feng was a standard male chauvinist.

Along with long Xinran running all the time in the corridor, the pursuers behind are also in pursuit. The sound of gunfire is constant. For a moment, the sound of bullets smashing and falling on the ground comes from the glass on both sides.

Long Xinran drags Ye Feng to the end of the corridor. At the end of the corridor, there is a door that marks the safe passage. When long Xinran pushes the door, he finds that the door has already been locked.

At this time, the face of the Dragon appeared on both sides of the landing glass. He looked at the Dragon heartily and said happily, "happily, looking back is the end! You have no way back! "

At the same time, the pursuers behind them have all caught up, blocking the way back completely, and aiming at Ye Feng and long Xinran one by one, with a posture of shooting at any time.

Long Xinran looked behind him, and then looked at both sides. Then he looked at Ye Feng and sighed, "sorry, I can't help you!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders toward long Xinran and says, "nothing, without you, I've been caught long ago. It's not easy to drag it to now!"

Long Xinran took a look at Ye Feng, and then went to the French window. After looking down, he turned back to Ye Feng and said, "do you dare?"

Ye Feng knows what long Xinran means. She wants to jump out of the window with her.

You know, this skyscraper tower is the tallest building in Guyang. You can't see the top from the bottom. No one knows exactly how high it is.

But one thing is for sure, if you jump from here, you'll fall into mud.

Long Xinran said, looking at Ye Feng with a straight face, completely with a look of death at home temperament, Ye Feng can't help but feel a surge of blood in his heart. A woman is so afraid of death, what is there to be afraid of.

Anyway, this strange world is so chaotic, and his life was originally picked up by people who had died once, so there is nothing to be afraid of

thinking of this, Ye Feng also went to the window and looked at the bottom of the window, which was foggy. He couldn't see what was going on.

Long Xinran then stretched out his hand toward Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately reached out to hold long Xinran's hand, two people's hands tightly together.

At this time, the image of the dragon in the sky in the window glass immediately said to the dragon, "Xinran, would you rather die than look back?"

After a disgusting sneer at the dragon on the glass in the sky, the Dragon nodded to Ye Feng, then closed his eyes and stepped forward, making the glass residue on the ground click.

Ye Feng also closed his eyes and stepped forward. At this time, he heard the voice of the dragon in the sky, "stop them..."

Without waiting for the voice of the dragon in the sky to finish, Ye Feng feels a force in his hand holding his hand. He knows that long Xinran has jumped, and he immediately bites his teeth and jumps out.

Then the wind came from his ears, and the two sides of his face seemed to be cut by a knife. When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, he saw a mist in front of him, and his eyes could not be opened because of the strong wind.

However, Ye Feng took a look at the Dragon beside her, but she saw that she was opening her arms, as if an angel was coming to the world, and from her pretty face, she could not see a trace of fear and regret.

Even the corner of long Xinran's mouth rose slightly at this time, as if this moment for her, not to meet death, more like to meet new life.

Ye Feng looks at the Dragon Xinran at this time, and a wonderful feeling rises in her heart. Although she has already known dragon Xinran, she also knows that dragon Xinran is a beautiful woman with perfect appearance and perfect figure.

But Ye Feng feels that all the beauty of long Xinran before is not as good as that of long Xinran at this moment. The indifferent smile on his face, at this moment, long Xinran is really like an angel.

But Ye Feng soon came back to his senses. He knew that before long, no matter how beautiful the dragon was, it would turn into a ball of mashed meat. He should be the same.

The wind is still whizzing in the ear, the knife cutting feeling on the face is more and more severe, and Ye Feng even feels that his face is going to be frozen.

Ye Feng at this time simply closed his eyes, never felt so calm, after all, in a long time ago, he should have died, this time of life, is totally accidental.

If you just die, maybe it's a good thing for you.

At this time, Ye Feng felt the knife cutting feeling on his face, which seemed to be much lighter than before. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the fog around him had gradually faded.Ye Feng can vaguely see that the buildings on the ground are like ants, and they are gradually getting bigger. When he looks at his skills, the huge skyscraper tower is behind him.

Looking around, long Xinran still holds his hand, his hands are open, and his mouth is still smiling.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and suddenly felt that if he died like this, what would Yu wanqiu and Monica do in this world?

There is also the struggle between the demons and human beings in this world. Maybe human beings have been killed by Li Xuan, the upper class careerists, before they die in the hands of the demons.

Ye Feng also thought of the world before, there are still a lot of things to solve, he also wanted to go back to change what.

Everything, as if at this moment, all of the brain poured into Ye Feng's mind, since he came to this world, he felt the importance of living for the first time.

I can't die, at least I can't just die! The most important thing is to ensure that long Xinran does not die. After all, she is trying to save herself.

Think of here, Ye Feng at this time a force pull dragon happy, will dragon happy pulled to his arms, tightly embrace her.

Long Xinran also opened his eyes at this time, looked at Ye Feng in surprise, and then looked down again.

By Ye Feng tightly embrace, in this cold bone piercing time, feel Ye Feng's temperature, and then see Ye Feng's hot eyes, long Xinran actually a little believe Ye Feng said before.

Perhaps in another world of their own, really like Ye Feng may also be?

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