For a moment, Mo Xin felt that her world outlook was about to be overturned. After all, she was adopted by the Panlong society since she was a child, and the knowledge she received was that the prophet controlled everything.

But now after listening to Ye Feng say so, Mo Xin also began to doubt whether all this is still so sure.

After all, the prophet is out of order. Many people in Panlong society know that since it is out of order, are the previous predictions correct?

What's more, the significance of Panlong society is to correct all the problems that deviate from the result predicted by the prophet.

Now mohin began to doubt whether the so-called deviation from the prophet's prediction predicted that the prophet's prediction was not 100% accurate.

Ye Feng saw that Mo Xin didn't say a word for a long time. At this time, he looked at Mo Xin and said, "do you doubt it already?"

Mo Xin shook his head and said to Ye Feng, "no, I never doubt the prophet!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "your eyes betray your heart. Your eyes tell me that you are doubting, but you are not willing to admit it!"

At this time, Mo Xin took the initiative to take the red wine glass, drank all the remaining red wine in the glass, and said to Ye Feng, "no, I have no doubt!"

Ye Feng looked at Mo Xin with a smile and said, "if you say no, no!"

Mo Xin filled his glass with the wine bottle, and then he took a sip of the wine and put it on the table heavily.

Ye Feng noticed at this time that Mo Xin's face was a little red, and his eyes were a little confused.

Mo Xin then looked at a place in a daze. After a while, she seemed to come back to herself and began to pour wine again. She poured out the last bit of wine.

Ye Feng saw Mo Xin drinking like this, and immediately put out his hand to block Mo Xin's glass and said, "drink a lot, almost!"

Mo Xin murmured to Ye Feng. Don't worry about me. After pushing Ye Feng's hand away, he drank it all. Finally, the whole person was lying on the table.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, called Mo Xin twice, she also didn't agree, but listen to her mouth in the murmur, "the prophet also don't know the time!"

Ye Feng listened to Mo Xin's words as if she had something in her mouth. She knew that she must have drunk too much. At this time, she said to Mo Xin, "you have drunk too much!"

Mo Xin still lay on the table, waved his hand and said, "I haven't drunk much. I've never been so sober now!"

Ye Feng lights a cigarette and looks at Mo Xin in front of him. The corner of his mouth rises slightly. His goal of calling Mo Xin has almost been achieved.

but a little bit of a deviation is that Ye Feng's intention is to make moxin truly become his own woman. After that, he may become his own eye liner in Panlong Hui.

But now it doesn't seem to work, but Mo Xin is drinking too much now, and she doesn't ask anything, so she takes the initiative to "talk nonsense".

Although contrary to the original intention, the result is almost the same, which is enough!

Mo Xin continued to murmur at this time, "you don't know that the prophet is not as effective as before these years. I don't know what's going on, but there are not many people inside the Panlong society. Many of the prophet's predictions are not the prophet's predictions at all!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked Mo Xin, "what do you mean? What prophet's prediction is not a prophet's prediction at all? "

Mo Xin said to Ye Feng, "you don't understand that the prediction of the prophet is the foundation of our Panlong society. It can be said that the existence of our Panlong society is dependent on the prophet. Therefore, the vast majority of the work of the personnel in the Panlong society is carried out around the prediction of the prophet, so the prediction of the prophet will be published regularly, but the prediction of the prophet has begun to fail, so it is difficult to understand Many predictions have nothing to do with the prophet, they are artificial! "

Ye Feng smell speech, face suddenly move, immediately understand the meaning of Mo Xin, and this is exactly the main reason why Ye Feng didn't believe in the prophet's prediction.

Don't say that the prophet is out of order now. Even if it isn't out of order, only a few people can understand the result predicted by the prophet, so there are definitely artificial results in it.

Now listen to Mo Xin say, that is to say, his original guess is not wrong, what Panlong will exist for error correction, it's just bullshit.

Perhaps the original intention of setting up Panlong society is indeed so, but after so many years, it is inevitable to meet a few selfish people, which is a disaster.

Mo Xin got into a tangle at this time and continued to say to Ye Feng, "you know, once I participated in a remedial task, and I felt that there were some problems at that time, but I didn't think much about it at that time, so I carried it out, but it was always a thorn in my heart, and I still can't forget it If it's anything else, forget it, but that time You know, the prophet predicted that an 8-year-old girl should die, but it didn't, so our remedial task is to kill the 8-year-old girl.... "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart can't help but also a Lin.

But listen to Mo Xin continue to say, "do you know? When we found the girl, she didn't know what was going on. At the moment of her death, I guess she didn't know what happened to her... " When it comes to the end, Mo Xin's voice is choked.Although Ye Feng has never met this kind of thing, you can imagine Mo Xin's mood.

At this time, he said solemnly to Mo Xin, "have you ever questioned your superior?"

Mo Xin nodded and said, "I have mentioned it, but the superior said directly that these are not what we should care about. We just need to carry out the tasks mentioned above. These are the predictions of the prophets. The prophets can't make mistakes!"

Ye Feng immediately scolded, "go to the prophet of TM!"

Mo Xin a listen to this, can't help a smile, immediately also follow Ye Feng same, scolded a, "go to the prophet of TM!" After that, he said to Ye Feng, "after scolding, I feel more comfortable!"

Ye Feng asked Mo Xin at this time, "have you ever thought about leaving Panlong club?"

Mo Xin Wen Yan looked at Ye Feng, then shook his head and said, "it's not that I didn't think about it, but it's impossible! As soon as you enter the Panlong society, you will live as a member of the Panlong society and die as a ghost of the Panlong society. You can't leave that day unless you die! "

Ye Feng asked Mo Xin at this time, "do you want to help the eight year old girl find out the truth and see if she is wronged by death?"

Mo Xin looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how can I investigate? It's been so long! "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Mo Xin, "it's very simple. You will continue to stay in the Panlong society and collect the evidence that the prophet predicted the operation!"

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