The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 88: Battlefield Shura

Ulji Wende panted to Fu Cailin.

As a general, Ulchi Wende's martial arts are not bad, but in just ten days, he wiped out Yang Guang's main force, and then wiped out Yu Wenshu, who was second only to the main force, and directly There were 500,000 to 600,000 Sui troops who were killed, and more than 300,000 Sui troops were captured. They were already exhausted. At this moment, after getting Fu Cailin's biography of flying pigeons, they galloped hundreds of miles in half a day. Arrived, the whole person was about to fall apart.

"The technique of poisonous miasma plus your nine transformations can't help that Ling Tian?..."

Arriving in front of Fu Cailin, Ulchi Wende asked in a rude manner, the reason why he was so tired and came because he got the information that Fu Cailin lost to Ling Tian again.

The tyranny of the poisonous miasma technique and the tyranny of the nine changes. From these days, they have killed millions of Sui troops. Even if there is a reason for Yang Guang and those aristocratic clans in the Sui Dynasty to cooperate deliberately, it is undeniable. How to have high-level cooperation, the millions of troops below are not weeds, and it also requires absolute strength to harvest.

However, it is this way that he can harvest the strength of a million army, and now he can't help a Lingtian, which makes Ulchi Wende feel the danger.

He is also a famous general, but Ling Tian saw the crisis from Fu Cailin's use of the poisonous miasma.

The huge empire in the east shouted the danger of alien races every day, shouted the threat of alien races every day, and shouted to and fro. The alien races around them really thought they could threaten that huge empire, but they didn’t know that the reason why the empire thought that alien races were dangerous was because There's a reason.

The alien races around the empire, including his Goguryeo, are all poor, but anyone who can get a little benefit from that empire, even if it consumes a few percent of the military power in the country, is absolutely worth it.

It's like a group of refugees who are about to starve to death, rushing to the house of a wealthy family, and they can survive for a whole year if they grab a fortune. On the contrary, if the wealthy family hunts and kills the refugee, even if they kill them all, they will not see anything.

It seems that the wealthy are at a disadvantage no matter what, so some people say that the wealthy are not as strong as the refugees, and the refugees are a threat to the wealthy.

But the person who said this forgets that when the rich household was angry, he sent people to hunt down the refugees regardless of the cost, and he could easily make a group of refugees disappear.

The Rong and Di in the pre-Qin era, the Huns in the Han Dynasty, and where are they now? This prairie, and the old forests in the deep mountains around the Central Plains are not monsters, nor can they eat people, can they really quickly eliminate batches of alien races? , has not been destroyed.

"Destroy Ling Tian at all costs... I don't want the matter of Fenglang Juxu to be staged again in my Goguryeo..."

Ulchi Wende looked at Fu Cailin and spoke in awe. He knew that Fu Cailin estimated that he had not thought about the seriousness of the matter, so he added another sentence after one sentence.

The words Fenglangjuxu finally made Fu Cailin look shocked. He is also proficient in the culture of the Central Plains. Huo Qubing, a teenager in his twenties.

Tens of thousands of elite riders swept across the grasslands, but they were interspersed and intercepted in other people's homes. They could clearly see where the key to victory or defeat was, so they seized the opportunity time and time again, and made the overlord of the grassland into a ground mouse. , until completely driven out of the grasslands.

Be able to see clearly where the key to victory and defeat is...

Fu Cailin recalled Huo Qubing's ability, and suddenly found that Ling Tian's performance of escaping from the poisonous miasma with tens of thousands of troops was very similar to Huo Qubing's performance on the grasslands. Moreover, only from the historical records, Huo Qubing's force was definitely comparable. Not on Lingtian.

Cold sweat instantly poured out from Fu Cailin's forehead.

"Poisonous miasma, a poisonous miasma surrounded on all sides, deploying poisonous miasma at the cost of all the mountains and jungles around Lingtian's area. Even if half of the country is turned into a forbidden area, this young man must be left behind..."

A horrified voice came out of Fu Cailin's mouth.

At this time, the more Fu Cailin thought about it, the more he felt that Ling Tian and Huo Qubing were similar. If Ling Tian was allowed to grow up, then Goguryeo would not enter the Central Plains, but would be directly incorporated into the Central Plains empire.

"We have to be firmer and not be like the Huns who were beaten into ground rats before we made up our minds to give up more than half of the river and set up a poisonous river pit to kill Huo Qubing..."

A ruthless look appeared on Fu Cailin's face. He was familiar with history, but he was very aware of the history of the Huns. When the overlord of the grassland was killed by Huo Qubing, he knew that he could not match Huo Qubing. He poisoned the river where drinking water was obtained, and killed Huo Qubing with the method of burning jade and stone. It was only after the Xiongnu Shanyu hesitated, and finally Huo Qubing sealed the wolf Juxu and killed the Huns, the overlord of the grasslands, into a rat.

Even if Huo Qubing died in the end due to the Xiongnu's poisonous scheme, at that time the Xiongnu had no chance of staying in the grassland, and had no choice but to move westward. Today, there is no word for Xiongnu on the grassland. exist.

"General, Master Fu, it's not good, it's not good..."

Just when Ulji Wende was about to nod his head in response to what Fu Cailin said, suddenly, a terrified voice came from a distance.

A Goguryeo scout appeared from a distance, and rushed towards Ulji Wende and Fu Cailin in embarrassment.

Seeing the scout's terrified look, Ulchi Wende and Fu Cailin's expressions changed at the same time, their figures spread out, and they quickly greeted the scout.

"General, Master Fu, Sui army, Sui army set fire to the mountain, the mountain fire has spread..."

An extremely frightened voice spit out from the scout's mouth. As a person who lives in the deep mountains and forests all year round, this Goguryeo scout is very aware of the terrifying sight of the spread of the mountain fire.

The raging fire will cover every mountain range with jungle as it spreads, and that terrifying flame can no longer be extinguished by manpower. God's eyes are closed, this fire may even directly cause Goguryeo to be thousands of miles away, and the entire country will be reduced to hell.

Ulji Wende and Fu Cailin's expressions turned into panic, anger, resentment... and other negative emotions as the scout spoke.

The two looked up in the distance, and as expected, accompanied by thick smoke and flames, the seemingly illusory flames were floating in the air like the ghosts of demons. There is no doubt that this scene represents the The intensity of wildfires is absolutely terrifying.

"Chop down trees, let everyone chop down trees..."

"No, gather everyone, arrange poisonous miasmas, and encircle Lingtian..."

Fu Cailin's roar sounded irritable. In this era, the only effective way to put out fires and put out mountain fires is to cut down trees.

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