Naturally, at the same time, Zhang Yutong was in a similar situation, her movements were even more exaggerated, she was too lazy to cut the steak into pieces, just stuffed it into her mouth, and then chewed it in a big gulp.

Even so, Zhang Yutong doesn't seem to know how fragrant the food is, and she doesn't look like a goddess at all.

Zhang Yutong and Mu Xin's reactions, Xia Yuexue, who watched it, couldn't help but be stunned for a while, but thinking of the steak made by Chen Fan, the taste was indeed very good, so she could naturally understand it.

Chen Fan was silently and slowly eating his portion of steak, and reacted to Zhang Yutong and Mu Xin, as if he hadn't seen it at all.

Naturally, Zhang Yutong and Mu Xin finished eating, and the two of them didn't even wipe their mouths, and their mouths were full of oil.

"Oh my God, my God. Zhang Yutong's mouth also let out a sound of exclamation, and she looked at Chen Fan with shining eyes, as if she wanted to eat Chen Fan.

She also continued to say in a loud voice: "Chen Fan, I suspected that the steak you made before would definitely not be as good as Jiang Yiming's, but now that you look at it, you can't compare to Jiang Yiming, Jiang Yiming's steak is a piece of garbage compared to yours."

She grabbed Chen Fan's hand all of a sudden: "Brother Chen, I'll swear now, I don't think it's possible for me to leave you in my life."

Then she suddenly looked at Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin, and said to Chen Fan: "Brother Chen, I want to be your girlfriend." "

Ahem. These words came out of Zhang Yutong's mouth so directly, and immediately not only Chen Fan couldn't help but cough, but even Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin couldn't help coughing for a while.

At the same time, the two of them seemed to be a little nervous subconsciously.

After brushing it, the eyes of the two fell on Chen Fan's body in unison, and they didn't know how afraid they were to see Chen Fan nodding.

Indeed, in terms of appearance, Zhang Yutong is very good, and more importantly, Zhang Yutong can sing and dance, and he is much younger than the two of them.

Speaking of competitiveness, in the eyes of Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin, Zhang Yutong is indeed much stronger than the two of them.

"What, Tongtong, you're too good at joking," Chen Fan naturally saw Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin's nervous looks at a glance, how could he let Zhang Yutong be his girlfriend.

Zhang Yutong's small mouth pouted, and he showed a rather aggrieved look, and he almost didn't cry.

She even said with a little choked up: "Brother Chen doesn't want me anymore, I just terminated the contract with the company, I'm really miserable, I don't have a place to sleep tonight, it seems that I can only sleep on the street, woo." When

it came to the end, even Zhang Yutong couldn't help it, and his eyes really fell.

Chen Fan couldn't help but be speechless for a while, but if he thought about it carefully, Zhang Yutong was indeed very miserable, if he just let Zhang Yutong stay here for one night, Zhang Yutong wouldn't know where to go tomorrow.

At that moment, Chen Fan couldn't help but change his mind, and said to Zhang Yutong: "Tongtong, what are you talking about, how can Brother Chen ignore you, I know, you just terminated the contract, there must be no place to go, so let's do it, what about you, just stay with me first, at least wait until the lawsuit is over, how about you make other arrangements."

Although Chen Fan did not agree to let him be his girlfriend, Zhang Yutong was naturally very happy when she heard Chen Fan say this, her eyes were shining and she looked at Chen Fan, and said with tenderness

: "Brother Chen, is it true, you won't lie to me, right?"

Chen Fan looked speechless: "Of course what I said is true, how could I lie to you." "

Haha, that's great, thank you, Brother Chen. Zhang Yutong suddenly looked very happy, and couldn't help but suddenly kiss Chen Fan's face.

The appearance of such a scene suddenly made Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin even more nervous.

At the same time, the two of them are also very sensitive to a problem, that is, Chen Fan let Zhang Yutong live in, there are lonely men and widows here, maybe something will happen at any time.

At that time, if Chen Fan really fell in love with Zhang Yutong, in the eyes of Xia Yuexue and Mu Xin, they would not even have a place to cry.

Immediately, Mu Xin's eyes turned, she already had her own attention

, and she hurriedly said to Chen Fan: "Brother Chen, that's the case, since Tongtong's case is for me to deal with, then it's best for me to stay by Tongtong's side at any time, so that I can understand the situation at any time, besides, if I want to go home, I want my home, you here, and the company, and the three places to run back and forth, and I will waste a lot of time at that time." "

Lawyer Mu, actually," Zhang Yutong said, very unhappy that Mu Xin would have to live in.

But Chen Fan had already spoken first, nodded and said, "Well, it's not unreasonable for you to say this, since that's the case, then you can also live in until Tongtong's case is over." "

Brother Chen, this" Zhang Yutong still wanted to speak.

Chen Fan directly stopped and said: "Just listen to my arrangement, I think what Lawyer Mu said is very reasonable." Don't say anything more. "

Ugh. Zhang Yutong naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

"Oh my God. "At this time, the most nervous thing is Xia Yuexue, even Mu Xin can live in, so she can't lag behind.

In her opinion, once Chen Fan lives with the two beauties of Mu Xin and Zhang Yutong, the ghost knows what indescribable things will happen.

When she thought about it like this, Xia Yuexue naturally had her own idea in her heart immediately, and said to Chen Fan: "Brother Chen, before the two brothers Lin Tao and Lin Dong, I think they must still be unwilling to give up, I am afraid that they will retaliate against me, I live alone, I ......"

Hearing Xia Yuexue's words, Chen Fan couldn't help laughing, what Xia Yuexue meant, how could he not understand, Xia Yuexue was clearly going to live in.

Of course, Chen Fan also knows that these three people are all beautiful women, and if they can all live in his house, it is not a bad thing, anyway, he has a lot of rooms in this villa, even if he lives in seven or eight more people, he can live there.

Besides, what Xia Yuexue said actually has some truth.

Although Lin Feng had already softened, Chen Fan could see that Lin Tao and Lin Dong, the two brothers, did not seem to let him go easily at all, let alone Zhang Yutong and Xia Yuexue.

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