At that time, the Emperor was not as good as himself. The words of Han Chengzhu made Jun Changxiao unable to bear it.

In a single round of achievements, he is not as good as the bull who dares to be the enemy of the world, but judging from the development trajectory of Wanzong, he is definitely better than Mozong.

According to historical records, although the Demon Emperor has established the Demon Gate long ago, he has been fascinated with cultivation until the realm of the realm is completed, and the various demon powers are integrated, and the Emperor Sect is born.

Jun Chang laughed and started from scratch. Zong Men never worked hard, step by step, and also achieved the achievements in just a few years, so the emperor cannot compare.

Master Yi has something to say.

The true master is always with the heart of an apprentice.

Jun Chang laughs without wanting to be high-profile, and he doesn't want to compete with the ancients who is stronger or weaker, because it doesn't make any sense.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Hancheng said: "Han has read countless people and will not look away. You and your eternal ancestors will continue to develop, and the star will fall on the mainland!"

I rub!

This guy is getting more exaggerated!

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "This seat only wants to develop the sect safely and steadily, without any ambition. The master of Hancheng must not describe it as a demon emperor, otherwise it will easily cause misunderstanding."

Who is the devil.

No. 1 public enemy of the year

You say I'm okay, but use him as a metaphor. This must be heard by the main door of the incarnation of chivalrous incarnation.

Jun Chang laughed and was not afraid to offend the righteous, but he didn't have to get to the point where he would be the enemy of the world.

"So too."

The master of Hancheng arched his hand and respected: "The monarch is the world ’s sentient beings. He does not hesitate to bring his disciples into the battlefield in advance to test his risks. That great victory is far better than the Emperor!"

"..." Jun often laughed silently.

This guy really speaks nicely, but it sounds quite comfortable.


The ghost of the battlefield that reappears after a period of time not only sends experience, but also the base area. Due to the high overall strength, it has expanded a lot.

"If you come in a batch every day, why worry that you can't reach the scale of the city?" Jungou laughed.



Within the stronghold, Page released his soil properties and arranged blocks of bluestone around to form a spacious continent.


Li Qingyang stood at a high point and said: "In the disciple's idea, this is the east of the city. After the subsequent expansion, there will be West City, South City and North City."

"Since it is a city, the city walls are indispensable." Jun Chang laughed.

Li Qingyang said: "This disciple has also considered it, but given that the base is expanding every day, we can only build it after we have reached the scale of the city."

Jun Chang nodded with a smile, then flew out of the stronghold, and continued to look for opportunities in it.

The next day.

The ghost of the battlefield has appeared again, and it has continued for dozens of days, which has enabled the disciples of Wan Guzong to fully gain a great deal of experience, and their strength has increased dramatically.

In Wanguzong, because of soil transformation, many medicinal materials have shortened the growth cycle. Li Qingyang not only has to be busy with construction, but also responsible for refining elixir.

The most important thing is Wu Wang Dan, because it is the main material for refining the amulet of surge, and it is also an opportunity to determine whether the disciples can break through the Wu Huang faster.

Xiao Sin was not idle. He took on the heavy task of refining equipment. After the ore was sent, he refined various weapons and suits in batches.

The entire Wanzong sect has entered a benign operation. Jun Changxiao's daily task is to find opportunities, catch fishing, and occasionally haunt him in this chapter.


"Lord, send the ghosts of the battlefield to punish every day. Not only can we not only help the stronghold of the starfall continent, but also let them continue to improve their strength. This must continue. I was told by the jietang that I have to trouble you again.

Inside the palace of nothingness, the old man frowned.

"The emperor is executing according to their orders, and how can he find trouble." The graceful woman sitting on the throne was surrounded by clouds and impatiently.


The old man said: "Subordinates believe that in order to prove themselves, it is appropriate to increase the difficulty, so as not to be discussed behind the scenes."

The woman thought about it and said, "Just send the ghosts of the battlefield in the sky."


"One is enough."


The old man hurried back.

The woman leaned on the back of the chair and secretly said, "Will you be afraid of a small world hall when this emperor breaks through that heavy layer?"


Outside the stronghold.

Space gradually twists.

"The battlefield ghost is here again!"

The disciples of Wan Guzong put down their hands and started to warm up.

Ghosts of the battlefield have appeared on time every day for the past month, making them accustomed to it.


A battlefield ghost wearing crimson battle helmet and crimson helmet came out.

"It's different from before!" Wan Guzong disciples were surprised.

This battlefield ghost can clearly see his face and hair, but if his eyes are not flashing red, at first glance it is no different from people!

Jun Chang came out with a smile and wondered: "The breath is much stronger than the ground character, is it the sky character?"

"Good." The female system said: "This is a ghost of Tianzi battlefield, very powerful, dear participants must be careful."

"Somewhat interesting." Jun Chang laughed with interest.

After entering the battlefield of the plane for so long, the ground characters have not only been played but also killed, but I have never seen the sky characters. How strong is it? Could it be comparable to Emperor Wu?

"Monarch Sovereign."

Han Cheng came over and said solemnly: "I am afraid this guy has reached the great consummation."

"Great consummation?" Jun often smiled blankly.

Hancheng said: "This is a state after the peak Wusheng, also known as the Great Completeness of Wusheng, representing a complete understanding of the martial arts. If you break through, you can reach the throne and explore the secret of the broken void."

Jun Chang laughed silently: "What's the difference between the semi-sacred and Wuhuang Wusheng?"

"No difference."

Hancheng said: "But it looks stronger and more identity!"


Jun Chang smiled at the ghost of the famous battlefield, and secretly said: "That is to say, in the battlefield of the plane, the Emperor Level has no strength."

The system said: "The Emperor Wu's level is the strongest plane. They are all busy trying to break the void ~ ~ Flying to the upper world, who will have nothing to do to fish in the fish pond.

"If I become Emperor Wu, I will definitely come to fish."

Jun Chang laughed seriously: "Because the full-level bully feels bully the trumpet thief."

The system growled: "You are sick!"

"Zhutang Lord."

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand and said, "Going out will meet him."

"call out!"

The Purple King Demon King flew out from the main peak, and then landed on the battlefield. The ghost was ten feet away, and proudly said, "Finally there is one who can fight."

The ghost of the Tianzi battlefield raised his head, his eyes became more and more red, and he rushed forward in a short stride.


The sound of cracking came and the dust was rising.

"call out----"

The Purple King Demon King erupted from the inside. After landing, his feet did not stop until he retreated to Baizhangyuan to stop the car. Then his hands were staggered and his expression was slightly stunned.

The ghost on the battlefield is not fast, he can defend in time, but the power contained in the fist is not comparable to the sum of five or six places!


Li Qingyang was shocked: "This ghost on the battlefield is a bit strong!"

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.


At this moment, all the purple king demon king's clothes and pants burst, and he rushed forward with his healthy legs, and when the demon exploded, he instantly gathered dense fist marks!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

For a moment, the impetuous energy bloomed like a firework outside the stronghold, and the shocking starburst continent warrior was stunned!

"嘭 ——————"

Suddenly, there was a blast again in the fighting area, rolling up the rolling dust, and the land collapsed dozens of feet instantly.


The Purple King Demon King retreated violently again, until it was stable a few hundred feet away. The clenched fists were loosened, and his arms brought numbness, and he said, "Zongzhu, this is very strong, I am a little panicked! "

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