The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 972: The door to the battlefield opens today

Giving Jun Chang a smile of 10,000 natural spirit stones, entering the battlefield of the plane can be safe and worry-free, which made the star warrior mainland warriors feel insulted by IQ, and almost organized a group to Tiegushan to yell.

The high priest at the altar had scolded him.

Regarding the battlefield of the plane, it has been under pressure to keep the world from knowing. This **** even announced the whole world with the help of the image formation method!

In fact, it may not be a bad thing to say it, at least to let the younger generation understand that this is a calamity of the starfall continent, so that they can work hard to become stronger.


Even if the entire continent is notified, it will not be his turn!

"The high priest."

An old man said angrily: "This time on the battlefield of the plane, it is really the catastrophe of my continent, and the gentleman who laughed so often openly cheated money, it is unforgivable!"

"Unblocking the relationship, breaking the fortunes and dissipating disasters?" A person beside him sneered: "Is this guy's brain broken?"

The high priest said: "Why the strong men are not three-year-olds, how can you believe what this man says?"


No one believes that Jun often laughs.

Even if the relationship is good Mu Changhong.

At this moment, he had already come to Wanguzong, sitting in the cafeteria and eating delicious food, a little, then he frowned and said: "Sovereign monarch, in the disaster, what kind of drama are you singing?"

"Mu city master."

Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "We have discussed before, if you spend some money in exchange for security on the battlefield in the plane."

"I talked." Mu Changhong said.

Jun Chang laughed: "This time this time gives the strong men across the continent a chance. Since they do not agree, there is nothing they can do."


Mu Changhong collapsed and said, "Sovereign monarch, if you can really break through your wealth, no one will care about 10,000 natural spirit stones, but ... if you give money to you, it will be a little nonsense."

"Come and drink."

Jun often laughed and toasted.

Some things are useless to explain. He might not believe it unless he sneaked in through the battlefield portal in advance.

Bale, bale.

Twenty days later, you will understand when you enter the battlefield.

"Mu city master."

Jun Chang drank a glass of wine and said, "We have a good relationship, and Ling Ai is my disciple of Inner Mongolia. When entering the battlefield of the plane, I will definitely not charge any fees."

"..." Mu Changhong was speechless.

What this guy said was like the plane battlefield was his home.


Twenty days are not short, and long is not long. Jun Chang laughed and began to think about how to let various powerful men enter the battlefield of the plane and hand over the money willingly.


While thinking, Zhen Dejun walked in excitedly and said, "The Super Teleportation Matrix in Need for Quality has made progress!"

Jun Chang laughed and said with joy: "This is good news!"

There is a kind of matrix method called Super-Transfer Array in the 32 chapters of Qimen. It is used to teleport from one position to another.

However, the level is relatively high.

After breaking through the Shifang Desperate Tower, Zhen Dejun and Shangguan Yunyao began to research, and only now has made progress.


Battlefield Peak, backyard.

A streamer array flashed.


Zhen Dejun pointed to the past and said, "This is the super teleport array."

"A bit small," Jun often laughed.

Zhen Dejun shook his head helplessly: "Just like this small array, I studied with Yao Yao for more than half a year, and the test was not less than a hundred times."

"Where is the other point?" Jun Chang laughed.

Two super-transmission arrays must be arranged at the same time in order to transfer point B from point A and then back to point A from point B.

Zhen Dejun said: "Relocated outside Qingyang City."

"Can only teleport more than 200 miles?"


"A little less."


Zhen Dejun twitched.

It is not easy for him and Ji Yao to research it out, and the suzerain actually hates it!

Jun Chang laughed and asked the two to study the Super Teleportation Array. He also hoped to set up transmission points in major states in the future to facilitate disciples' actions or information transmission.

The transmission distance of more than 200 miles, although very good, but in a large world such as the starfall continent, the distance is really too short!

"No rush."

Jun Chang laughed and comforted himself: "The research has just begun and the technology has not yet matured."

"Go straight in?"



Jun Chang stepped into it with a smile, and then saw that his body was blurred, and then a ‘咻’ disappeared out of thin air.


Outside the city of Qingyang, between the mountains.

A pair of young men and women are dating, and suddenly the streamer flashes next to them, both of them backing together.


Jun Changxiao stepped out from the light curtain, and Ling Nian Shi unfolded, making sure that he was in Qingyang City, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Jun ... Monarch Sovereign!" The eyes of the men and women gradually widened!

The place where the two are is very secretive. The Suzerain of Sudden Elder Suddenly appeared out of thin air, which is too weird!

"excuse me."

Jungou laughed and said, "Two, please continue."

Take a step back and enter the streamer array again, and the person has been teleported back to the ancient ancestors.

"call out!"

The matrix formation enchantment disappeared quickly, and again hidden in the dark.

What kind of feelings are there between the little men and women? They glanced at each other, and then said in horror: "See ... see!"



After returning to Wanzong, Jun Chang smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

This instant transmission to hundreds of miles away is obviously faster than flying. Whether it is used for action or support, it is very good, and it can be widely spread.

"Zhen Lao."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Can this array be arranged on a large scale?"

It doesn't matter if the distance is short, you can set the matrix method in a fixed range, from point A to point B, and then from point B to point C.



Zhen Dejun paused a bit: "The array of super-powered teleportation arrays are driven by spirit stones. Just now the lord transmitted back and forth once, and the ten artificial spirit stones placed in it have already consumed two."


Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said, "Teleport still consumes spirit stones?"

Zhen Dejun said: "As far as the understanding of Suo Yao and me about the Super Teleportation Array, it takes an artificial spirit stone to transmit one person."

Jun often laughs silently.

I also want to wait for the full coverage, so that the disciples can easily go back and forth across the prefectures and counties. Now one is needed, which requires tens of thousands of people to send back and forth several times ...

No matter how rich you are, you can't afford it!

System Road: "This type of space array method does not require energy to drive, how can it send people out?"

"Also." Jun Chang laughed.

Zhen Dejun said, "If you use a natural spirit stone as your front line, the number of teleportations will increase significantly."

Jun Chang smiled and rolled his eyes.

He also knows that the natural spirit stone effect will be better, but this thing is precious, and it is definitely a terrible thing to use for teleportation!

"Ah ~ ~ Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his temples, and said," The super-transportation array must be popular. After all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so this time the battlefield, you must vigorously rub wool from all the strong. Already. "


"You can arrange a super-transport array at the starburst continent."

"If you don't give the money, it's all transmitted outside the stronghold, and it's better to be where the soldiers often appear."


The host has a bad belly!


Time passed day by day, the clouds and fog converging in the sky of the starry continent changed from blurring to substantive, until seven days remained, forming a very high gate.

Jun Chang, who was sitting outside the main hall, looked up with a smile and said, "For the powerful, this is the door to hell."

The gate stood in the sky, and the desolate and mournful atmosphere of the starfall continent was more intense, and the strong ones who were selected as the first to enter have already gone through the customs and made psychological preparations for death.

On the spiritual instrument in the altar, the time was ruthlessly reduced, until after it was completely reset to zero, the gate suspended in the sky and condensed by clouds and fog began to materialize, and then presented a bronze gate with various lines and carvings.


The ancient atmosphere sweeps the continent!

"The door to the battlefield is open today!"

"The martial arts of the starfall continent must be entered within a day, otherwise it will be subject to the harshest sanctions from the upper world."

The desolate voice sounded abruptly, deterring the inner beings of the mainland.


As the voice slowly dropped, the two closed doors were pushed open by some force, and a thicker and desolate breath whistled out, and the streamers gradually gathered into a vortex.

"This day is finally here!"

"This day is finally here!"

The same words, spoken from the mouth of the high priest and Yuan Gongzi, have completely different meanings.

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