The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 968: Xia Yin, incarnation

Chapter 969: Xia Yin, Incarnation

The lord said that rewarding the soldiers, Xiao sin has imagined countless times in a short period of time. The fantasy can be as arrogant as the second master ’s God of Thunder, but after seeing it is a mouth-watering pot, he stays in the same place and does not return for a long time. Over God!

This ... is my exclusive soldier?

The corners of Li Fei and Tian Qi twitched violently.

Can a pot be a weapon?

Well, even if the gadgets are weapons, shouldn't they be given to Master Liu? After all, when you are not fighting, you can also use it for everyone!

In fact, Yun Zhou Xia Yin from the Shenbing Pavilion is very good, especially the dark golden color, revealing a sense of noble atmosphere, but because the shape is too unique, it is difficult for the warrior to accept.

Just imagine.

When you fight, you turn your back on the pot. This picture is definitely spicy.


Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "This thing is called Yunzhou Xiayin. Although it has a strange shape, it is also a very rare defensive magic soldier, which is very suitable for you."

Defensive magic soldier?

A bit frustrated Xiao Xiao suddenly came to the spirit.

Since becoming a disciple of all ages, he has been completely obsessed with physical training and has always pursued extreme defense. If this thing can make himself stronger, it doesn't matter if the shape is not shape.

Xiao Xie had embraced Yun Zhouxia and said, "Thank you, the lord, for the pot!"

"..." Ye Xingchen said silently in his heart: "So embarrassed, would he take it out in battle?"

Aniu is a man with dignity, not to mention that this pot is a magic soldier, even the artifact from the upper world will not be used, because it is too identityless!

Xiao Xin had no such burden. After all, he had been reduced to waste, and he had been a beggar for a few years. He didn't care about the so-called identity. If the weapon could help, he would not hesitate to use it.


Jun Chang laughed: "There is a groove in the pot handle, which can inspire nirvana. If there is a ghost on the battlefield tomorrow, you can use it to test it."


Xiao has been ordered to sin.


The next day.

The ghost of the battlefield arrived as promised.

Li Qingyang and others didn't take a tacit understanding, watching Xiao Xie already carry a pot and walked alone.

"What is nirvana?"

Jun Chang smiled and looked forward to sitting outside the main hall.

Thunderbolt's nirvana can condense the thunderbolt, forcing the Purple Demon King to use 30% of his power to defend. Although the shape of this pot is strange, it is also bought with a contribution of 10,000.


Xiao sin has stopped.

Yun Zhouxia Yin took it out from the back and stood sideways in front of him.


Hundreds of ghosts on the battlefield flickered with dim light, suddenly possessed thinking and action, and revealed majestic majesty.

What is happening now is that, in an area where war is likely to begin at any time, only Xiao Xieji faces creatures that can be created from the upper world.



The ghosts on the battlefield raised their hands one after another, and a dark lance appeared, and then rushed forward!

Xiao Guiji raised his head, his thumb was in the groove, a special memory into the sea.

Li Qingyang initiated the Nirvana of Tianshen Leiwen, and has also passed on similar memory inheritance, and obtained the name and method of use.

The secrets were constantly lined up in the sea of ​​knowledge, Xiao Gui suddenly opened his eyes, and then spread his arms, hugging Yun Zhouxia in her arms, and shouted: "Xia Yin, incarnation!"

"call out!"

The dark golden light flashed, instantly covering him.

This kind of light is very strong. The thorny Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji almost couldn't open their eyes, and at the same time, there was a mad roar of heavy breath.

After a little while, the dark golden light gradually weakened.

Xiao Guiji still stood in place, and the cauldron that he was holding disappeared out of thin air.

and many more!

My brother's appearance has changed!

Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen both narrowed their eyes.

Although Xiao Guiji turned his back on them at this moment, after the release of spiritual thoughts, he found that the exposed skin of the former was dark golden, and the halo flickered all over the body. The black hair that was originally bound together was also dark golden at this moment. spread.

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Have you transformed?"

"It feels like the whole person is fused with the earth." Xiao Xieji clenched his fists, then slowly raised his head, his pupils turned dark golden, and the word "Xia" was printed on his brows.

"Not Spider-Man, not Iron Man, not even Pig-Man ..." Jun Chang smiled diligently, "At this moment, he is a pot-knight!"


Suddenly, Xiao Sin stepped on the ground, and instantly turned into a dark golden shell.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

At the same time, dozens of ghosts on the battlefield have already raised their spears, and the gun heads burst into beams.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Xiao Xinji didn't break it at all, forcing a group of light beams to bombard his speed.

Li Qingyang and others were shocked: "My brother's body is like steel, completely ignoring the bombardment of the beam, and even ... popped up!"

The system said: "After your disciple's body is darkened, the defense strength is stronger than wearing a ground defense device!"


Jungou laughed and said, "The magic soldiers who bought 10,000 contributions will definitely be extraordinary."


Xiao Xiji rushed to the front of the front of the battlefield ghost with dozens of beams, his right hand was fist-shaped, and he drew directly with dark gold light, but listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, the sturdy helmet suddenly burst.


Headless armor slumped to the ground.

One punch spike.

Moreover, the spike is still infinitely close to the pinnacle of the mysterious word!

There is no weapon blessing, only the second emperor Wuxiu Xiuwei, relying on fists to kill on the spot, this nirvana technique is displayed, absolutely horrible!

"Brush! Brush!"

Dozens of battlefield ghosts rushed up behind him, infused energy with their guns, stabbed Xiao Xiaoji on his back, and heard the sound of "Ding Ding Ding", but saw that the latter was still standing still.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You can't get in!"


Xiao Gui, who had dozens of spears in his back, fisted angrily, and a thick golden gas wave erupted, flying more than 20 ghosts on the battlefield directly.


Just then, there were several long lances pierced on the side!

Xiao Guiji stepped away to avoid, grabbed all the weapons in the armpit, suddenly turned around, and flew the ghost of the battlefield in an instant.

"Click! Click!"

Power broke out between his arms, all the lances clamped broke!


Li Fei and Tian Qi were stunned!

Although the scores of dozens of attacking ghosts on the battlefield are generally in the middle level yellow characters, but there are so many people fighting alone, they can never do it themselves!

Standing on the main peak, the Purple Demon King nodded and said, "This guy has good physical strength."




In the war zone, Xiao Sinji ’s fists were like infused with indestructible artillery shells. As long as they were on the ghost helmet of the battlefield, they would definitely collapse on the spot.

A moment of effort.

There are as many as twenty armors scattered on the ground.

Of course, ~ ~ The ghost on the battlefield will never let Xiao Xieji be so unscrupulous. Several mysterious characters rushed over. Although the energy was concentrated on the gun and blasted on him, it was only a few steps back.

"This is great!" Jun Chang laughed.

Resolutely resisting the bombardment of several powerful men who are comparable to half-step martial arts, it shows that after the incarnation of the disciples, the physical defense of the disciples has changed qualitatively, not to mention defeating them, at least they can protect themselves.

"The golden night master is too fierce!"

The disciples were shocked, and at the same time realized that even if the suzerain gave a mouth-watering pot, it was awesome!

work hard!

Strive to bring more contributions to Zongmen and get your own magic weapon!


At this moment, Xiao Xinji collapsed and said, "You guys, I can't stand it alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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