The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 950: New thunder array, super cool fried

Over the depths of the faint mountain range, powerful forces are erupting frantically, mountains and trees are annihilating, and the space is churning and breaking apart.

The Purple King Demon King singled out five martial arts sacrifices as the king, raised his hands to cast his feet, and exploded into the mountains and rivers.

In terms of appearance, this guy is more glamorous than Ye Xingchen. After all, how to imitate the human form, after all, is of Orc descent. If you correct the problems that you like to expose, and package them up, you can definitely debut in the C position.



The five martial arts sacrifices all their strengths, throwing out all kinds of martial arts like crazy without money, but the result is always unable to help the Purple King Demon King.

It's not bullying them, but in the current state of the Purple King Demon King, standing in mid-air and letting them take turns bombardment may not be able to do anything.

"What the **** is it!" Elder Demon Gate broke down completely.

Jun Chang smiled and came to the Emperor's Gate to settle accounts. Once there was an unsuccessful sword for the hole card, the second was relying on the Purple King Demon King.

And that guy, the proper Van Gonzong combat strength is the strongest hole card.

Over the years, Liu Wanshi's fried rice has not been wasted.

Although the Purple King Demon King always thought that he was bearing the burden of humiliation, and he was in the imagination and the snake, he never admitted that he had been really fragrant, but as long as he was sent to fight, he would never sneak into a trick.


Jun Changxiao also deliberately tempted him.

The Purple King Demon King said solemnly: "Our orcs are not like your human race. They clean up all the conspiracy plans all day long, and they will be gullible. As long as they agree to join you, they will go all out."

Although the orcs are fierce and violent, they don't have too many intestines. As long as what is determined, they don't look back when they break the south wall.

The same is true for spirit beasts such as Niu Lao.

They obeyed the order of the King of the Purple Witch, and now they are a member of the Eternal Sect. They take it every day, as well as the strength of the heavens and the earth. They will naturally work for Jun Changxiao.

Therefore, in the absence of absolute crushing strength, Jun Chang smiled and dared to challenge the Emperor's Gate, relying solely on a group of spirit beasts that blew up the sky.



On the other side, King Baiqiu is still fighting against a martial arts saint, and from the point of view, he has gradually gained the upper hand.

To say that the most fancy is Ding Xingwang. Facing the same unscrupulous devil, he has used all kinds of insidious methods.

The battle between Demon King Ziqi and King Baiqiu was very close, and they dealt with their opponents with a strong demon spirit. Ding Lao and the name Wu Sheng had never confronted each other, and they were looking for opportunities for sneak attacks.

"One sword crosses 30,000 miles, and the sword energy is light and cold."

At this moment, there was a sneer of laughter that Jun often laughed in the distant sky, only to see a sword gas that seemed to be vertical and horizontal, tearing away, leaving a huge and striking sword marks.

Jiang Lingshen's face changed!

Hurry to cast a ghostly body style, and escape from the area where the sword gas ravages at the fastest speed.

"call out----"

Jian Qi whistled past, gradually annihilating from the mountain forest.

"Boom boom!"

The big trees within a thousand feet below were cut off instantly, and then planted all at once, the original dense area was missing one piece out of thin air, as if being shaved.


The dodging Jiang Lingshen hung in the air, his eyes dreaded a little, and he exclaimed: "Your weapon ... is the jade dragon asked by the Emperor Demon to ask Tianjian!"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "There are more than one."

more than one?

Jiang Lingshen's eyes widened.

Immediately looking at the armor that the guy was wearing, it was difficult to tell: "Is this ... nine phosphorus armor?"


Jun Chang smiled and came with a sword, and once again cut out a sword torn space.

Jiang Lingshen was hurried to dodge his body and evaded, and said, "Boy, since you have the equipment that Lord Mo Emperor had collected in the past, you must have been to Mojin Valley!"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "I've been to this place!"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Jiang Lingshen denied himself: "The demon emperor left the forbidden land of the Devil's Valley in order to let the famous gate send the moth to fight the fire. How can these equipment be easily found by you?"

"Because, I'm handsome!"

Jun Changxiao rushed over again, when Yulong asked Tianjian to cut through the void, Ling Jian Shenjue unfolded the second form, and instantly formed a powerful sword power.

The shrouded Jiang Lingshen slowed down greatly, and it was a bit difficult to avoid, so he waved his hands, and suddenly flew out of the iris in the void, and slammed into the sword.


The sound of the explosion came, and streamer fragments raged.

The aperture thrown by Jiang Lingshen is a defensive treasure. Although the quality is good, it can be chopped off instantly before Yulong asks Tianjian.

Better than strength.

If it can crush him than the equipment.

"old man!"

Jun Changxiao attacked again and said, "I was sent to rob my disciples in Xiyunzhou that year. This is the first account. I will give you a clear account first!"

"Brush! Brush!"

A single sword trick is cast, and hundreds of sword lights are poured instantly!

Jiang Lingshen's equipment is not enough, but after all, the power is strong, the eerie magic is cast, and it turns into a mark of fist palms, destroying all the incoming sword energy.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

A monster Emperor Men Wusheng was blown down by the Purple King Demon King, and the blood blasted on the ground.

Jiang Lingshen's face was suddenly ugly, and then he released his spiritual thoughts and looked at the gate of the mountain. He found that thousands of his disciples were being beaten by more than a dozen disciples from Wangu.


Why is a small fourth-rate sect door so strong!

Yuan Gongzi always emphasized that he should not easily provoke Wanguzong. He and the senior officials did not take it seriously, thinking that the guy was too cautious in acting.

But today, when I saw the power of the elder monarch and the emperor's high level, I realized that everyone was being beaten!

The only thing that made Jiang Lingshen happy is that there are a lot of sects in Zongmen. Wanzong is not as good in this regard. Although it was a bit embarrassed at first, it has now adapted and is gradually gaining the upper hand!




Just at this time ~ ~ The dazzling explosion suddenly appeared, and the power of thunder and lightning was strong, which directly collapsed a small half of the space to the earthquake!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The half-saints of the four Demon Gates just happened to be in the explosion area. They suddenly fell down like winged angels, and then found their faces on the face.


Zhen Dejun came out from the dark, holding a few array flags in his hand, and smiled strangely: "It's so good, so good!"

No wonder the power of the core level of the Eternal Sect has come, and he has never been given a shot. It turned out that he had been secretly setting up a minefield in the dark.

The power of the thunderbolt explosion shocked several martial arts saints who were fighting the Demon Gate!

What power is this!

Why does the breath produced at the moment of explosion make you feel small!


Watching the large-scale space collapse in the exploded area in the distance, Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "I did not expect that placing the power of the upper bound in the thunder array would cause such terrible lethality!"

Erya has been training the power of thunder and punishment in the tower, and finally tamed it into a good baby.

The power of thunder and punishment is different from the special attributes of Qi Jingxuan. After purification, it can be reintegrated into the warrior's body, so Jun Changxiao has been thinking about how to use it.

Later, considering that it is a mine system, it is better to place it in a mine array for an eye.

This idea was supported by Zhen Dejun and started researching with Shangguan Yunyao, and successfully created a new lightning system bombing array with the power of thunder and punishment as an eye!

Today is the first time it is used externally.

Judging from the direct killing of several deities, the power is absolutely beyond expectations!

This is still the power of thunder and punishment lost the original impetuousness under the adjustment of Erya, otherwise the power of bombing Jun Changxiao at that time, even if he took out a little bit to make an array, could kill Wu Shengqiang.

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