The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 940: Good times are always short

Chapter 941 Good Times Are Always Short

Things back to ...

Forget it, in short.

The Taixuan Shengzong went to Nutao Lake to eliminate a handful of demons, and as a result, they were attacked, the two sides started a fierce battle, and finally the disciples and the high-level separated.

Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun were together. Suddenly, the masked black man who had the strength to reach the peak Wuzong level killed him, so he hurriedly held her back with a back, then fled to the old forest in the mountains.

At the critical moment, the girl paper block bullets block damage, and the favorability will definitely increase!

"Sister Xia."

After a while, Su Xiaomo came in with the spring water and laughed: "The spring water here is very sweet."

Xia Shuiyun took it and drank it, and then tried to stand up because the injury had not completely healed, and he immediately shook his head.

Su Xiaomo hurriedly reached out to help her, and said, "It's so bad, don't just stand up."

Xia Shuiyun's face changed slightly.

I wanted to push this guy away, but I was afraid of the injury, so I sat down again and said, "Hands loosen."


Su Xiaomo loosened, and then withdrew to the door of the cave, and said, "You are wounded, I will protect the law."

"Remember, you must find the touch point at any time to touch the other party ..." Wei Lao's words reminded him.


Su Xiaomo sat down with her back to Xia Shuiyun.

There was suddenly a dark palm print on the back of the clothes, which was left over from the black masked man's attack.

Xia Shuiyun saw this, remembering that he had previously given himself up to save himself, the pain was rolling around, the coldness on his face dissipated, his head bowed gently, and his voice sounded like a mosquito and fly: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you."

Su Xiaomo said with a smile: "I am very honored to help sister Xia hold up a hand."

Wei old!

I seem to be about to succeed!

If Wei Lao is present, he will certainly be happy and smile.

"Smooth oil chamber."

Xia Shuiyun gave him a white look, and then tried to stand up again, holding Shibi Road: "It will take a while for my injury to recover, you can take care of it first."


Su Xiaomo just said a word and saw the woman staring at herself, so she walked in and said, "Okay."


The mind works, and the aura envelops.

Xia Shuiyun, who had difficulty moving to the entrance of the cave, saw the situation, and his eyes widened in wonder: "He has already realized Lin Xinjue to the level of reiki!"

Lin Xin Jue is the highest level of mentality in the outer door of Taixuan Shengzong, and it can only be cultivated if it is recognized by a high level.

Has been listed as the next batch of designated disciples of the inner door, after the acquisition of Su Xiaomo, it took only one month to realize the state of Dacheng.

It is certainly easy for a strong man with a high-grade Wuwang and a holy spirit root to cultivate this mentality of outside students.

of course.

Su Xiaomo did nothing but actually did not hurt.

Two hours later, the dark palm print on the back weakened a lot, and he stood up pretending to be stunned, and said, "Sister Xia ..."

Xia Shuiyun fell asleep on the stone wall of the cave because of the injury.

Looking at the slightly pale face, Su Xiaomo couldn't help but secretly said, "If it weren't for my protection, this woman would have died at Nutao Lake."

walk over.

Take a blanket from the space ring and cover Xia Shuiyun.

Although she was very cautious, she woke her up, opened her eyes suddenly and flashed a bit of coldness, and it was not until she was sure who it was.


"Well, almost."

"The mask man's strength is the peak Wuzong, and the martial arts are very strange. How can you be so fast?"

Facing Xia Shuiyun's doubts, Su Xiaomo took out a fragmented tile and said, "This is the treasure that Master left to me for self-defense, and it has eliminated most of the power."

"So it is." Xia Shuiyun realized it.

"It's a pity." Su Xiaomo bitterly: "Now it's damaged."

"After returning to Zongmen, I will let my grandfather give you another piece of defense treasure." Xia Shuiyun said.

Su Xiaomo laughed: "Sister has given me a bottle of Qingxin Bingji Pill, how can I ask for yours again?"

Speaking, he touched his waist subconsciously and said, "Where is the bottle, my bottle! It's over, it's over, it must fall out, I'll look for it!"

Xia Shuiyun said: "It's just an empty bottle. Is it necessary to care so much?"

Su Xiaomo stopped at the entrance of the cave and said, "For many people, this is just an ordinary bottle, but for me Su Jintang, it is more precious than life, because ... it was sent by Xia Shi."


Xia Shuiyun said lightly.

Then he waved his hand and took out the bottle of Qingxin Bingjiwan, saying, "You fell into the hole when you were looking for water."

Su Xiaomo held it up happily, and then wiped it with her cuffs. She was about to put it on her waist, but felt unsafe, so she stuck it in her arms.

Xia Shuiyun looked in his eyes, and whispered in his heart, "I like bottles so much, I will give you a bunch when I go back."

"That one……"

"Bring the shattered Arcana. I'll see if it can be repaired."

"It's broken, it shouldn't be repaired."

Su Xiaomo handed the tiles over, and secretly said, "This is just the tiles I just look for. Don't let her see the flaws!"

Xia Shuiyun examined it, and then put it in his cuff, saying, "It's broken, even the treasure breath is gone. It is impossible to repair it."


Su Xiaomo twitched slightly.

Sister, do n’t fix it for me, what do you mean by taking it away?

Xia Shuiyun saw that he was a bit reluctant, and said lightly, "I'll send you a bottle, and you'll give me a tile, and we'll even out."





Xia Shuiyun's injuries were very serious, and she had no special cure for elixir, so Su Xiaomo did not rush to take her away, but took care of her care. She also occasionally went out to collect medicinal herbs to prepare soup for meridian recovery.

"Have you learned medicine?"

"Master is very proficient in the medicine of elixir. I learned a little bit of fur during the time he followed."


Xia Shuiyun said: "Your Master is very powerful, and you can stun the herd with one eye."

Su Xiaomo boiled the ingredients, saying, "It's not the bragging of the younger brother. My teacher respects Bo Gutong today and learns to be rich in five cars. He is definitely a first-class celebrity in the world today."

"Xuefu five cars?"

Xia Shuiyun became interested and asked, "What will it be?"

"Will martial arts Kendo Dando battle, and ..."

Su Xiaomo murmured a lot of words, directly shaping Jun Changxiao into a super-almighty existence.

Fortunately, the dog left is not on the scene, otherwise a big-footed girl must have passed over and growled: "You are so awesome as this seat, how can you act in the future!"

Xia Shuiyun said: "I really envy your Master, you can live freely, not as busy as I have to do every day according to the good things."

Su Xiaomo smiled bitterly: "Sister Xia has a special ice system constitution. There is an elder who is a grandfather and is highly valued by the ancestors. The future is bright, isn't she content?"

Xia Shuiyun said: "Zongmen has too many rules, don't you feel depressed?"

Su Xiaomo laughed at herself: "It may be suppressed for a genius like Sister Xia, but for a person of ordinary origin like me, if you don't work hard, you will lose everything and you will be laughed at by everyone. "

Painful realization.

"Have you heard of Lu Yan?" Xia Shuiyun asked coldly.

"Lu Yan?"

Su Xiaomo said: "Listening to Brother Sun, it seems that it was one of our Taixuan Shengzong's top geniuses. Later, he was expelled for breaking the law."


Xia Shuiyun shook his head and said: "It was just sadness that she was expelled just to enter the Ice Spring practice without the consent of senior management.

"Madam was expelled for this reason?"

Su Xiaomo was surprised, this is also the most crucial information he has received since he came to Taixuan Shengzong.


A top genius was expelled because he went to practice in any ice spring without permission.

"Impossible, impossible."

Su Xiaomo secretly said: "I'm afraid this is a high-level external rhetoric, maybe for another reason."

Xia Shuiyun adjusted her slightly depressed mood, and said with a cold face, "It is forbidden to tell anyone about this, it will always rot in the stomach."


Su Xiaomo nodded, and then asked, "Sister Xia, I heard that this Lu Yan later joined the Vanguard Sect, and also participated in the Dragon Tiger Battle."


Xia Shuiyun said: "I did not expect that she was abolished by the senior management and deprived all the martial arts memory of Taixuan Shengzong. She even had a chance to rise again."

Lying down!

Su Xiaomo said, "Master Sister was actually abolished by Tai Xuan Shengzong. This should let the suzerain know that it must have exploded in place!"

"The disciples of Wan Guzong are very strong, and I don't know what elixir was taken." Xia Shuiyun said.

She has seen the dragon and tiger hegemony from the light curtain, and she has also seen the power of this emerging disciple.

Su Xiaomo secretly said: "You only saw our strong, but did not see how to cultivate."

Shaping the house, the training tower, and the mystery of life and death, of course, this martial arts facility can enhance strength, but the effort and sweat that are paid are dozens of times that of ordinary people.

"Coo, coo!" The soup began to boil.

Su Xiaomo recovered his mind, and after boiled for more than ten minutes, he carefully dropped into the bowl.



The calm lake was suddenly rippling with water.

"Caught it, caught it!" Slightly, Su Xiaomo's head poked out of the water, holding a big fish and laughing: "Sister, we have fish to eat at night."

I have to say that the magic mask is really awesome, soaked in water without revealing the lineup.


The big fish's tail was shaken hard, hit Su Xiaomo's face fiercely, and then plunged into the water.


"This fish is so powerful!"


Seeing that his left face was red, Xia Shuiyun covered his mouth and laughed, and then said, "You are catching a force fish, and the power that erupts instantly is no worse than the peak warrior."

"No wonder!"

Su Xiaomo rubbed his face, and said angrily, "You must catch it and eat it today!"


Drilling down, quickly rushing towards the escaped power fish.


late at night.

Su Xiaomo removed the fish scales and the internal organs, strung the face fish, and grilled it on the fire.

Xia Shuiyun sat and practiced as usual.

During this time, with the decoction conditioning and mind repair, her meridians have recovered.

"Sister, the fish is ready."


Xia Shuiyun opened his eyes, then took over the grilled fish, and said, "My injury is almost recovered, and I will return to Zongmen tomorrow."

"it is good."

Su Xiaomo whispered rather frustrated: "Good times are always short."

"What are you mumbling about?" Xia Shuiyun said.

Su Xiaomo said: "I'm very happy these days with sister Xia."


Xia Shuiyun gave him a white look, and said, "I was injured here to nurse me. Don't talk about it when I go back."


"The fish is grilled well."

"Thank you."


the next day.

Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun set off to return to Taixuan Shengzong.


In Wanzong, with the latest reward, Jun Chang smiled and said with a stunned expression: "Xiao Mu, the kid and Xia Shuiyun spent five or six days alone in a cave?"


Li Luo Qiu Road.

"This kid is fine." Jun Chang laughed.

Coincidentally, Wei Lao also laughed in the study with a satisfied smile: "Xiao Mu's understanding is OK."

Speaking of this, he subconsciously looked at the suzerain and muttered in his heart, "It's a terrible difference."

"Oh, right."

Li Luoqiu added: "Xiao Mu said that the reason for Lu Xun's deportation was because he had not obtained the approval of the senior officials and entered the Bingquan practice without authorization."

"It's that simple?" Jun Chang laughed.

Li Luoqiu said: "Xiao Mu speculates that it may be Tai Xuan Shengzong's speech, and there may be other hidden feelings."

"Let him have more snacks, don't just care about my sister-in-law."



After returning from Ying Huishan, Jun Changxiao continued to focus on the management school and decided to personally participate in the recruitment of disciples next month, because now there are more than 48,000 members, which is very close to breaking 50,000.


The outside world is a bit messy.

To be exact, the eternal ancestors, which have not brought shock for a long time, once again swept the entire star continent with the topic of explosion.

"All the gates are discussing the major events in Yinghuishan, and the elder monk also went. When I heard that he and the gangsters were all up, they sent their sleeves and started!"

"The demon master of the Emperor's Gate brought four martial arts hurries to the trouble, but he couldn't stand up after being abused by the monarch!"

"Listening to witnesses, the monarchy at that time exhibited a strange martial arts technique, gathering some kind of illusion directly in the air, the power was quite explosive!"

"There is also a guy with purple hair, who deterred the four martial arts soldiers naked and made them afraid to move!"

"Oh my God! This Wan Guzong hasn't been moving recently. I thought I was looking for silence. I didn't expect that when news came, it would still be so explosive!"

Regarding the fact that Jun Chang laughed and acted in Yinghui Mountain, it was destined to become the topic of conversation between the warriors of the starfall continent after dinner.

of course.

They care more.

When the major gates are allied, when will the offensive be launched against Moemen?

Just as the warriors of the entire continent were anxiously waiting, another news came from Xiyunzhou. The power of Modimen suddenly disappeared out of thin air. The base was also empty.


After learning about it, Jun Changxiao said silently: "I still expect you and Mingmen to be decent and rigid. As a result, I was beaten directly into the dark?"

Although the Emperor's Gate was gone, the man in black wearing a mask was still operating on the rivers and lakes. In just a few days, several gates were destroyed.

It is clear.

This force changed its strategy and turned from light to dark to target the renown.



In a dark cave house, there was a crackling sound, and only one fist mark on the wall depression was seen.


The reckless man fisted angrily and said, "The deputy gatekeeper was beaten like this, why should he stop us from finding trouble for eternity!"

"That's it," said the ghost, leaning in front of the side pillar.

Yingdao: "The deputy owner has his own plan, we just need to obey."

The reckless husband said with horror: "I can't stand this tone, I have to go to this door to trouble!"

Shadow Liu Mei frowns slightly, it is necessary to discourage.

Yin Dou said first: "The deputy goalkeeper was seriously wounded by a smile of Jun Chang. Are you sure you are looking for trouble, not for death?"


The reckless man paused and said, "I can't fight the elder monk ~ ~ I can fight the elder monk!


Ghostly eyes brightened, "We can go and bully the disciples of Wanzong!"

"Without the order of the deputy, don't mess around." Ying Road said.


The ghost shrugged and said, "I just talk casually."

That night.

Ying Ying found that Ghost and Mangfu were gone, so he frowned, "These two guys must go to find Wanguzong!"


pS, 4400+ words, 3 more words today, I wish you a happy May Day, seek monthly tickets at the end of the month, recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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