The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 933: I can't even see the stern

Chapter 934: I Can't See Even the Stern

Twenty strong men in Dhara mainland were scared away.

Part of the reason is that Jun Chang laughed about the previous killing of the heartbroken man, and part of the reason was that he wore all-round equipment.

On this battlefield with a piece of nifty equipment, I feel like I'm going to the heavens, and one person pretends to go up in a six-piece suit, and it must be very scary.


Jun Chang sighed and said, "I really want to fight with them!"

Finding so many sturdy equipment from the battlefield is used to pretend to force. As a result, I will not use my mobile phone at all.

Seeing him so embarrassed, the host did not speak up and said, "The host takes off the equipment, believe it or not they can drown you with drool."

"Letter!" Jun Chang smiled.

With his current strength, if he is not equipped with blessings, he can be tied with a strong player in the land. Thank God.

"The host has a rare self-knowledge," said the system.

"But ..." Jun Chang smiled solemnly: "If you don't have any equipment, go and fight with them naked. I must have been kicked by the donkey."

There is no one to be so straightforward and open.

"Try this ancient warship."

Jun Changxiao didn't go after the group of Dala mainland warriors who were running. Instead, he fell out of the swamp, summoned the ancient warship, and absorbed his thoughts into it.


There was a loud noise and white fog rising.

After the cold wind blew away, a full-wood sailing ship appeared in place. The captain was about 20 feet long, with a desolate breath around him, as if it had been around for a long time.


Jun Chang smiled and looked up, his eyes surprised.


Leaping forward, he landed on the deck and heard the sound of 'creaking'.

The structure of the hull of the ship, Jun Changxiao had already observed it in advance, so he didn't watch it carefully, went straight into the driving room, and saw the strange array of Wumang forms at a glance.

In the pocket form, the pattern is not too clear. Now after expanding, I found five diagonal areas, each with two groove points, which seems to be used to inlay a certain energy.


Jun Chang laughed: "This is a driving formation, which requires energy to exercise."

It can be so quickly affirmed that the guns and even various equipment purchased from the mall have similar notches and are charged with nuclear energy.

"Nuclei should be able to do fuel."

Jun Chang laughed and took out ten crystal nuclei, which were respectively embedded in the grooves.

Sure enough, after all the crystal nuclei were in place, the strange and ancient array suddenly flashed.

"call out!"

A meek streamer spread.

Jun Chang smiled and came into contact with it, his body trembled a little, and suddenly felt that he completely dominated this ancient warship.

"Get up!"

Issue orders.


The formation in the driving room shined brightly, and the ancient warship standing on the ground slowly rose, and then suspended in the mid-air.

A ship used for sailing is so suspended, the picture is very weird.


Jun Chang laughed and started to explore the interior of the Tonggu warship carefully. He concluded that there were no problems in accommodating the hundred people, and there were not only cabins for people to rest, but also kitchens, halls, training rooms and other facilities.

Shipbuilders enjoy life at a glance.

After the visit, Jun Chang smiled and came to the bow of the ship, standing back with a chic hand: "From this moment on, I will dominate the battlefield alone."

Under the control of ideas, the Tonggu warship ‘咻’ suspended in mid-air flew towards the distance.


Standing at the bow of the prostitute, Jun Chang laughed and flirted with black hair blown by the wind, and said, "Speed ​​is OK!"

The speed of the ancient warship is not as fast as the combination of the mechanical armed wings and the power of flight, but it is much faster than the ordinary strong word.

That said.

This ship does not belong to the kind of treasure that is so fast.

But after all, it is a vehicle that can hold many people, and the value is reflected.

What value?

Bring your disciples together and force them to fly!




Hundreds of miles away, the twenty warriors on the Dhara mainland slowed down, breathing red ears and red ears.

"We escaped!" Li Lao was shocked.

At that time, the distance with Jun often laughed. If in the case of the previous sad killings, everyone would have been controlled long ago and could only be obliterated.

Cui Laoxin said with some regrets: "I did not expect to meet the star-killer conqueror in the swamp land!"

Elder Song, who was still awesome just now, is dumb.

At first he kind of despised the continent for nine days, until he saw that Jun Chang laughed with the word equipment, and finally understood why the first echelon suffered a big loss!

"This son is extraordinary!"

Lao Ning, who calmed down gradually, said, "After returning to the stronghold, you must tell the suzerain that you must not provoke him." After a pause, he added: "You cannot provoke the starfall continent!"


Everyone agreed.

Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened, and it felt like a sudden black cloud crossing.

The warrior of the Dhara mainland raised his head subconsciously, and then they were stunned, because there was something in the field of vision that slowly blew away ancient times.

"This is ... the boat?"

Cui Lao and others opened their mouths in shock.

At that moment, the twenty Dhara mainland warriors clearly captured with spiritual thoughts, a young man with dark hair flying on the bow of the ship, and was surprised: "It's him!"


Jun Chang smiled and looked at the shocked people below, and laughed: "Hey, we've met again."


Cui Lao and others twitched.

This guy is scary enough to have the best equipment, but now the ride on a big ship that can fly will bring even more shock!


There is one more important thing.

Everyone is a strong character of the Xuan word and the earth word, and the spiritual thoughts are always released. Why wasn't it discovered until the ship's shadow was down!


The Tonggu battleship still released the desolate breath, and then slowly flew away under the eyes of the warriors of the Dhara mainland.

"Cui ... Lao Cui ..."

Elder Song looked dumb and said, "The ship ... the ship could fly!"

Cui Laodao: "I also saw my husband for the first time. If you guessed right, this thing must be from the upper world!"

No brain supplement.

It really does come from the upper bound.

Moreover, if He Lao had to kill people, this piece of treasure should be from Dala mainland.


The Tonggu warship is still flying recklessly over the battlefield, but from the perspective of the slow speed, it is obviously different from that at takeoff.

Jun Chang smiled and came to the cab with a little wonder.

Of the ten crystal nuclei placed in the pentagonal array method, five have been darkened, and the other five are faint and are in a state of exhaustion.


Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said, "Ten high-quality crystal nuclei have been consumed so quickly?"

The system states: "The quality of the warships that can fly is extraordinary, and it is normal to consume a lot of fuel once it is started."

This is often understood with a smile, but the ten crystal nuclei embedded in the formation method are comparable to the level of the king of war, and it consumes less than five hundred miles after flying.

In the future, I really want to go to the three major overseas states. The distance is extremely long. It is definitely a huge expense to take a disciple to drive a boat and drive by myself.

"Forget it."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Let's take the high-speed rail."

The system said: "Hosts can be powered by spirit stones."


Jun Chang twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "How do you think my spirit is so good that you can use it as gasoline?"

"Try it."

Systemically said: "Maybe different levels of energy will make warships fly faster and longer."

"That makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled and took out ten artificial spirit stones.


Not exciting enough!

He retrieved the artificial spirit stone ~ ~ and took out the natural spirit stone.

However, he still felt that it was not exciting enough, so he took out ten six-pointed star stones and placed them in the groove.


Standing on the bow again, Jun Chang smiled back and said, "Fly!"

"call out------"

After being driven by the master, the ancient warship flashed light, and then sprinted forward with great speed.

Coincidentally, Cui Lao and others flew over and saw the big ship stuck in midair suddenly disappearing out of thin air, one by one stunned.

Until half a day later.

Elder Song was frightened and said, "It's almost impossible to see even the stern!"

(End of this chapter)

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