The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 931: The opportunity here, this seat is required

Chapter 932: The Opportunity Here, I Want It

The face-to-face warriors on the battlefield have been very upset recently, because they rely on various means to determine some possible opportunities one after the other, until they have worked hard to find out, but they find it empty.

"its not right!"

On a hill, looking at the open space, there was nothing. The old man in the blue dress dangled his hair and yelled, "There is a chance in this place, why is it gone?"

This extremely disastrous situation has been staged in other places one after another, and all the warriors have vowed to come, but the results are all gone.

"Second Brother."

Xiao Ziji, standing on the edge of the mountain, looked at the stronghold that had been expanded several times, and still couldn't agree: "How did the suzerain do it?"

Three days ago, from the time Jun Chang laughed back to the stronghold, the area would expand by 10,000 square meters. Now it has experienced four or five times. At this speed, let alone expand to towns and cities. No problem!

Li Qingyang next closed her eyes, and her soul seemed to have flew away from her body, looking down at the base of up to 70,000 square meters from the perspective of the Jade Emperor.

call out!

Understanding the sea evolution 3D landform model!

"First, there must be a well-developed road ..."

brush! brush!

The horizontal and vertical bluestone slab roads are listed on the model in the form of a field.

"The drainage system is also required."

brush! brush!

The landscape model changed again.

"The hall, buildings, and sentry towers must also be equipped ..."

As Li Qingyang thought, the buildings would be presented one after the other in the sea, and then he would sit on a landscape model out of nothing.

In a short time.

A small and well-equipped town is being added.


Li Qingyang opened his eyes, then took out the paper, and painted himself on the pattern conceived by Shi Hai. Every detail was never ignored.

This construction talent is really super strong!



The stinking swamp, Jun Changxiao dragged the streamer flying over, and the flashing light of the treasure finder in his hand became brighter, which represented the existence of organic fate.


Suddenly, he found that dozens of warriors in uniform were standing over the distance, with complex lines drawn below.

"Did it be discovered in advance?"

Forget it.

Look elsewhere.

There are also many light spots listed on the treasure finder, which means more than one nearby.

It is normal to grab others' chances discovered in advance on the battlefield of the plane, and there is no need to bear guilt, but there are so many people on the other side, and there is also a strong character author, so Jun Chang laughs and does not want to waste time.


At this moment, the martial artist who was cracking the restrictions of the sealing machine also found him.

A cold-eyed old man said, "Why would anyone come?"

"You continue to crack, and the old man will solve this, so as not to leak the wind."


After that, he flew away, stopping Jun Chang, who was about to leave, with an endless killing in his eyes.

These people came from the second echelon of the Dhara mainland. They had discovered the opportunity to hide the swamp early. After they were fully prepared, they came to crack it today. Naturally, they did not want to be discovered by outsiders.

Jungou left faintly: "Kill people?"



The strong man of the word did not say a word, the strong attributes erupted, forming a dense palm print, and from the strength point of view, it is clear that the opponent must be resolved quickly.



The scorching flames emerged, instantly cracking all the pressed palm prints, and the surrounding air instantly became extremely hot.


The face of the strong man changed his face.

The killing tricks that he gathered himself were so easily cracked.


The scorching flames gradually dissipated, and Jun Chang, wearing a scarlet red battle armor engraved with a lotus flower pattern, laughed, holding a weird shield on his left and a dark ink-like lance on his right, standing proudly in the air, his eyes turned cold.

Chilian Battlegear.

Nether Shield.

Black dragon terrible gun.

Three pieces of equipment are the most recent opportunities!

Any piece of niubi equipment that is enough for the author to have a few chapters can be found in just a few days. It can be seen how great the treasure hunter is.

When the strong man in the ground saw this, his eyes almost glared.

This suddenly armed guy, the equipment worn from head to toe is at the ground level!

At that moment, he subconsciously covered the mysterious word hierarchy on the wrist with a cuff, after all, it was ashamed to compare with others.


The strong man arched his hand and said, "My old man admits that he is the enemy!"


Facing this kind of martial arts warrior.

The warrior who has practiced for thousands of years will not be able to provoke it!

"Do not."

With a blessing in his equipment, Jun Chang laughed and said blankly, "You don't recognize the wrong person. We are now enemies, so ..."

"call out!"

The burst burst and the flames were released.

"You still die!"




The warrior of the Dhara mainland who was cracking the opportunity above the swamp, heard the loud noise from the distance, and the burning sensation, and turned to look over.

The flames erupted there, like a burning stove!


Suddenly, a man wearing a red battle armor stepped out of the flames of the sky, holding a dark pistol in his hand, and a man hung on his gun!

"He old!"

Exclaimed everyone.

The strong man of the place has lost his hearing.

Because the heart has been pierced by the black dragon's deadly gun, the soul has been flying for nine days.


Jun Chang laughed and threw out the corpse hanging from the gun. A hot flame appeared around him, and his voice was cold: "The opportunity here, this seat is here."

At that moment, he was like walking out of the volcanic hell, without any emotion to kill God.


The temperature around the swamp rose sharply as the hot flame erupted.

The warrior of the Dhara mainland was covered with sweat, and the horror of his eyes grew stronger.

He Lao, who was at the level of the ground level, was killed. They did not think that they had the ability to compete with each other, so in the shortest time, they made the right choice, gave up their chances, and fled to the distance.

If at first, Jun Chang laughs may kill them to expand the stronghold.

Now looking for an opportunity gives me tens of thousands of square meters, so I was too lazy to kill a group of yellow characters at the cost of a red name.

"call out!"

Fly came and landed before the formation.

"This level of matrix method is a waste of time if you want to break the seal.

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hands, the psionic energy spread around, instantly crushed various battles and fronts, then released the spiritual thoughts, and communicated with the prohibition in the dark.

The chances of the upper world remaining in the battlefield are sealed with a fixed hidden matrix method. If they are not found and cracked for a certain period of time, they will be automatically unsealed, and then everyone will compete.


Jun Changxiao got in touch with the hidden formation slightly, wondering: "This formation seems to be more responsible than the previous cracking. Could it be hiding extraordinary opportunities?"

ten minutes later.

He found the flaws in the invisible matrix method, slightly changed the internal structure, and saw that the space was distorted, the matrix method suddenly collapsed, and gradually showed an arch.

Jun Chang smiled and walked in.

Follow the tunnel to about a hundred steps to a large stone room.

Eight large pillars are arranged at different locations ~ ~, which is engraved with lifelike birds and beasts, and a stone platform protrudes from the central area.


Jun Chang laughed over.

On the smooth, mirror-like surface, a slap-shaped sailboat is placed, with the words "Tonggu Warship" inscribed nearby.

"What the **** is this?" Jun Chang smiled surprised.

Systemically said: "It is obvious that it is a treasure that can be used for sailing."

"It seems useless."

"The host doesn't plan to go to the three major states overseas, and it certainly won't help."

"Isn't that just spoiler for readers?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, while releasing his thoughts into the ancient warship, he instantly established contact with it and forcibly acquired a memory heritage, so he was surprised: "This ship is used to fly!"

(End of this chapter)

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