The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 916: Humans are really unreliable

Starfall continent stronghold.

Li Qingyang was frowning.

This kind of similar town construction is different from the Zongmen construction construction, because it will be expanded in the future, so the layout must be inherited from the past, rather than one to be built in the east and one in the west.


Li Qingyang rubbed his temples and said, "If we can expand it a little bit, we will build it more."

At present, there is only one hall in the stronghold of the Starfall Continent. Although the area has expanded a lot after several surprise attacks, there is still not much room for reasonable construction.

Make bricks without straw.

Building in such a small space is a big test for Li Qingyang.

"Second Brother!"

Xiao Guiji was surprised: "The area of ​​the base suddenly expanded!"

Li Qingyang, who was thinking, looked back and found that the area was enlarged by about one meter from the previous moment, so he solemnly said: "The suzerain should have already fought with the warrior on the plane."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

At this time, the stronghold extended outward again, with an extended distance of about five or six meters.


The crowd was suddenly shocked.

The rapid expansion to this extent on behalf of someone on their own instantly killed many warriors!

"Second Brother."

Xiao Guiji frowned and said, "Suzerain, will they be fine?"

"Hopefully," Li Qingyang said.

Although he was also worried, the suzerainer repeatedly told him not to leave the stronghold, so he had to wait and not fly out without permission.

"咻咻 咻 ——————"

At this time, the area of ​​the stronghold expanded a lot, from a distance of at least more than 20 meters!

"so much?"

"Did more than forty warriors be killed in an instant?"


The area of ​​the base expanded again, and the distance extended this time reached at least ... nearly 100 meters!

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xinji and others stared.

According to the Sovereign, killing a plane warrior will increase the area by about half a meter. Now suddenly raising nearly 100 meters, does not mean killing nearly 200 people in an instant!

"Brother ..."

Long Ziyang said in shock: "The suzeraint, I am afraid that they are now fighting like crazy!"

"Star Warrior Continental Warriors have killed 146 yellow-character warriors in succession, 72 strong-character warriors have entered the red-eye killing mode, and a second-level wanted order is issued, with a reward of 5,000 rewards!" Suddenly it sounded in the sky.

Li Qingyang and others were as dumb as chickens.

From the number of kills and the expansion of the base, it is clear that they were killed by one person!

To be able to do this, there must be only the owner of Zitang!

"Second-level wanted?" Li Qingyang said with a frown, "a little tricky!"

Xiaolonglong and others were previously Level 3 wanted criminals, which have attracted countless powerful men to kill them. Now some people have become Level 2 wanted criminals, and the bounty reaches 5000 points of meritorious value. I am afraid that more people will go crazy!

Not bad.

Those who were not involved in the competition for the opportunity, faced with the sound of the sky, flew out, and quickly approached the red mansions that penetrated the world.

5000 meritorious value.

What concept is this?

It is enough to kill only 500 people at the same level!

The wanted guy is definitely a super fat sheep!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

When the strong characters on all sides were dispatched, the starburst continent was still expanding wildly. In about a few minutes, it added nearly five hundred square planes from the original foundation!

Li Qingyang's mouth twitched violently.

He just felt that the area of ​​the base was not large enough, and there would be a lot of inconvenience in building it himself, and now it is getting spacious!




Over the mountain area where Jun Chang laughed previously, all kinds of energy burst out madly, rendering the original dark environment colorful!

The purple prince demon king who stimulated the Taoism of the ontology dragged Baizhang's body, opened his mouth angrily, and instantly emitted an energy wave that seemed to penetrate space.


Exclaimed everyone.

However, in the area swept by the energy wave, nearly a hundred strong yellow characters failed to escape, and instantly turned into nothingness in the purple light.

No wonder the starburst continent's stronghold will skyrocket so much area in an instant. With such a burst of cannon energy, it will wipe out the position of hundreds of warriors, which is really strong!

boom! boom!

Although the purple Cangdao dysentery killed many people, it was also bombarded by other powerful men with various energies.

Ontological beasts, although the defense can be greatly enhanced, the pain caused by the bombardment of tens of thousands of warriors is still very obvious!


Purple Cang Daohua roared angrily, and the whole body was full of purple light, and then flew a stream of missile-like streamers in an instant, ruthlessly blasted towards the crowd.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Rain-like purple cannonballs bloomed all around in an instant, many powerful men failed to escape, and were blasted into nothingness on the spot!

These warriors are at least as good as the emperor, and they are regarded as a strong one on the starfall continent, but now they are wildly harvested like weeds on the battlefield.


"Worst this beast first!"


Dozens of strong local characters converged and the Xeon Ray blasted the past!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All kinds of energy tear down from all directions like a space, and finally blasted on the purple Cang Daohua!

Because the body is huge, it can only accept various bombardments, endure various pains, and then continue to gather the terror of evil spirits to form purple energy to bombard everything around.



The purple energy wave and energy ball exploded wildly. The picture of Zi Cang Dao Hua singled out tens of thousands of warriors was really shocking.

Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, there are dozens of strong players in the field, and it will never be able to kill the siege. It can kill one and earn one!


Zi Cang Daohua held back the pain and growled in his heart: "Humans can't be trusted!"

He kindly inspired the ontology to rescue the guy, but he attracted all the firepower himself, but he was so lucky!

This teammate sold it decisively!


Can't fight anymore!

You must break out as soon as possible, otherwise you will be unlucky!


The purple Cangdaohua growled loudly, was smooth and very suitable for the skin of barbecue, and suddenly flashed a hundred beams, bursting towards the surrounding area.


"Hurry up!"

The soldiers around me exclaimed, and then fled in the fastest time, but unfortunately, the closest yellow characters and mysterious characters could not be avoided, and they were wiped out on the spot, even more than a dozen local characters. After being hardwired, it was also blasted away!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The star meteor continent base increased its area by more than 500 square meters in an instant!

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji twitched violently, and they still judged from the enlarged area. This absolutely killed thousands of warriors in an instant!

There are tens of thousands of strong men, and there are still more strong men following in the red light, so this casualty is nothing.

However, after the hundreds of purple beams dissipated, everyone was ready to continue the attack, only to find that the purple Canghua Road disappeared out of thin air!

"And the strange beast!"

"I have the ability to hide in space, I must have taken the opportunity to escape!"

"Look, it's there!"

Everyone turned around and saw dozens of miles in the distance. There was a ghost in the space moving at top speed.


"Don't let it run!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of warriors killed the ripples of the space.

"Oh shit!"

Hidden in the space, the purple Cangdao turned black, and saw a large number of warriors killed in the back, and his eyes became angry!

His supernatural power hidden in space can flow unimpeded even in the dragon lands, but now he is found only by hiding for dozens of miles because of bombardment, but it is a shame and shame.

"The way is clear!"

"The Golden Spirit is out!"

"Furious Wolf points!"

"Dawan wide noodles!"

The well-known martial arts from all face to face strong men came from the back and frantically killed.

Seeing this, the purple Cangdao could not avoid it, but could only gather the purple demon spirit in his body to prepare for it.



The colorful energy exploded in mid-air ~ ~ and immediately rolled into a stormy wave.

Zi Cang said that he was dumbfounded.

Because, those energies did not bang on themselves, but were hardened by a defensive air wall.

Masked Jun Changxiao stood in the area of ​​energy explosion. The three forms of mechanical armed wings have been fully opened. The four-piece suit of Spirit Armor, Nine Phosphor Armor, and True Sun has all been excited.


He turned his back to Zi Cang Road and said with a smile, "How could this seat throw you away?"


Purple Cangdao Road, goosebumps broke out.


Jun Chang raised his hand with a smile, and the hard-to-receive sword appeared out of nowhere. He pinched his fingers on the handle of the knife and looked at the dozens of strong men who had been killed. . "

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