The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 907: Juntian elderly

In the Yunling Mountains incident last time, the Purple Demon King was sent over, but it almost messed up things, so this time Jun Chang laughed and decided to play in person.


He is professional.

Su Xiaomo immediately relaxed after learning the information.

Previously, a group of pig teammates made them almost unable to catch the show. Now the suzerain himself is definitely no problem, and he can even take the opportunity to use secondary school.

"What are you thinking of, dog left?" Sun Yingquan said.


Su Xiaomo scratched her head and said, "I want to go to Jinlin Mountain tomorrow to kill the spirit beast."

Sun Yingquan laughed: "This is a big battle and it is inevitable to be nervous, but you can rest assured that there will be no accidents with four elders following."


Su Xiaomo nodded.

I thought to myself, if there was no accident, how could I climb up?

"Walk and go to the cafeteria."

"it is good."

When they came to the cafeteria, they saw where Ping was sitting everyday. Xia Shuiyun had prepared meals and was eating with her head down.


Sun Yingquan said: "This woman has taken my place again!"

Speaking, he pushed Su Xiaomo forward and said, "Your opportunity is here. Be more proactive. Brother will help you cook."

There are more and more rumors about the two in the outside door. He naturally heard about it, and he matched them whenever he got a chance. He even said, "Dog left, if you can melt this iceberg, I will call you later. brother."


Su Xiaomo walked in awkwardly.

"Although going to Jin Linshan tomorrow will be protected by the elders, we must also take care to avoid becoming a burden." Xia Shuiyun said lightly.


Su Xiaomo answered.

Not long after, Sun Yingquan called over the rice.

Although they sat close, they were speechless throughout.

"This guy ..." Sun Yingquan said silently: "Can't you take the initiative?"

Su Xiaomo also wants to take the initiative, but in the face of a girl with a cold personality, the more active she is, the more she will be vigilant, so she can only keep her distance deliberately.

"Xiao Mo, from these things you said, I have roughly inferred that this is a personal girl who is cold-hearted. To make her feel good to you, you must follow the following three points ..." lest a lone dog hear school Then, the emotional guidance of Wei Lao was automatically encrypted.


Su Xiaomo said: "I went to practice."

Xia Shuiyun watched him leave without saying a word.

After leaving the cafeteria, Su Xiaomo entered the Aura array, then chose a practice room, and began to take out the natural spirit stones and start ingesting.

Although his realm has gradually opened up with Li Qingyang and others, fortunately, the suzerain has given a lot of martial arts resources and can be qualitatively improved in a short time.

"It's far away from breaking through the peak of the King Wu." After ingesting more than ten spirit stones, Su Xiaomo came out and secretly said: "If you can enter the inner door, there should be better martial arts resources."

The Taixuan Shengzong has no eternal sect demon evil, which can enable his disciples to become fast in the realm, but the internal door resources are not comparable to other sects.

However, in order to obtain these resources, you must become an insider disciple.

"I hope Jin Linshan and his party this time will allow me to take another step in the Taixuan Shengzong. It would be better if they were mixed into the inner door." Su Xiaomo secretly said.

Eternity, study.

Li Qingyang routinely came back to report the construction situation yesterday, but as soon as he walked in, he saw an old man with silver hair standing in front of the window wearing a robe and gown, so he warned: "Who are you!"

"Elderly Juntian." The old man turned around, looking kindly.

Li Qingyang said suddenly: "Zong ... Zongzhu ?!"

Not bad.

It seems that the old man in his seventies and eighties is Jun Chang smiling with a magic mask.

"How's it going?" Jun Chang laughed old voice.

Li Qingyang twitched his mouth and said, "If it wasn't for the suzerain who just used the original sound, the disciples wouldn't have seen it."

"Ha ha ha!" Jun Chang smiled and smiled.

His demeanor is exactly an old man who has grown old.

As an actor, there must be something like it.

At this time, let him be the ambassador of nba, and he will definitely fill up his basketball skills, and there will be an impromptu singing and dancing on the spot.

"Hello everyone, I ’m a trainee who has been traveling for five and a half years. I always laugh and like singing, pretending, bragging, music ..."


"When I go out here, I will leave it to you."

Jun Chang's tone and tone remain aging, and it is clearly integrated into the character.

At this moment, he is no longer the suzerain of the ancient ancestors, and is no longer the monarch dog leftover, but a Juntian old man who passed the life of Xianyun Yehe.

"Yes!" Li Qingyang said.

On the same day, Jun Chang smiled and waved his long sleeves, and flew away from the Wanzong like a master of a hidden world. He did not go alone, and he also brought King Baiqiu.

Originally intended to bring the Purple King Demon King, but this guy has a poor acting skills, but it is more reliable to bring his own contracted beast.

At the same time, in the distant Taixuan Shengzong, Su Xiaomo also followed several elders to Jin Linshan.

The two dog leftovers are about to converge, let us wait and see.

Jin Linshan.

Starfall continent is a famous mountain.

There are many fierce beasts in the mountain, and there are many spirit beasts at the same time.

Hurry for a few days.

Su Xiaomo stopped at the foot of the mountain with four elders, including Xia Shuiyun and Sun Yingquan.

This kind of hunting of higher spirit beasts, brought the disciples out of the door, naturally do not expect them to help, mainly experience the big scene.

"I'm a little nervous, dog left."

Just stopped at the foot of the mountain, feeling the pressure of violent pressure, Sun Yingquan's eyes a little panic.

Su Xiaomo said: "It's all right, there are four elders."

When several elders saw that this face did not change, their appreciation appeared in their eyes.

Earlier in the Yunling Mountains, he has proved that he is very courageous, and his qualifications are good. If he cultivates well, he is definitely a good seed.

"A few of you have listened."

An elder said: "After entering the mountain, you must follow me, you must not leave without permission, and you must not take any action."


Su Xiaomo and others drank in unison.

"Let's go."

Two elders opened the way in the front, two elders were behind the apse, six disciple disciples walked in the middle, and then went up the stairs to the mountain.

"Roar! Roar!"

Walked to the mountainside, faintly heard the roar of the beast.

"This is definitely a spirit beast!"

Apart from Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun, who were able to remain calm, the other four disciples were all worried and even sweated.


At this moment, several beasts with strong physiques emerged from the left and right sides. From the perspective of breath, apparently, they have reached the level of the king.



The breath of the two elders erupted, condensing all kinds of palm prints to resolve the beasts that came.

The sudden situation was quickly resolved, but several outside students were already trembling with fear, apparently shocked.

Even though Xia Shuiyun, when several spirit beasts rushed out, he still subconsciously stepped back two steps.

Among these disciples, only Su Xiaomo stood in place, and even the elders resolved all of the attacking spirit beasts without frowning.


The four elders were even more satisfied.

This mentality of Taishan's collapse without change will definitely be a big deal in the future.


The crowd continued up the road.

After walking about several hundred steps, they reached the top of the mountain.

The top of Jinlin Mountain still has a dense jungle, not only the beasts but also the birds.


The cold wind blew, giving off chills.


Suddenly, the sound of tiger howling came!

Only one tiger beast covered by a purple arc flew away from a distance, and a faint thunder system attribute remained in the air.

"Purple Electric Tiger!"

The eyes of the four elders suddenly glowed.

The Purple Dingling Tiger is a rare machine-type thunder beast in the starfall continent. If it can be surrendered, it will be absolutely cool!


"Don't let it run!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, three elders chased quickly towards the area where the purple electric tiger disappeared, while another elder stayed to protect the disciples outside.

"Purple Power Tiger!"

Su Xiaomo secretly said: "The lord is here!"

"Roar! Roar!"

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the mountain forest, and the mountain shivered!


After a while, a burly beast came out, and among them was a spirit beast that was comparable to the peak emperor and had a golden hair all over his body!

"not good!"

The elder protecting the disciple's face changed greatly.

The golden spirit beast was the target they came to hunt this time, but why didn't they come to the place where they lived suddenly and came in so many helpers?

Time returns to an hour ago.

"Woo ---"

In the depths of Jin Linshan, the Jin Lin spirit beast fell down in pain, and King Baiqiu stood on the top of his head, his eyes filled with fierce light.


Jun Chang, the silver-haired old man, sat in the distance and said, "Do you want to be a contract animal?"

"Do it! I'm a contract beast!" Jin Lin spirit beast frightened.

Leaving aside the strong breath of human beings, the King Baiqiu who got it by one hand made him realize that it is definitely a kind of strength far above him!


Jun Changxiao walked over, put a hand on the head of Jin Linling Beast, then began soul communication, and established a master-slave contract in a very short time.

If he were allowed to come alone, he might not easily surrender a spirit beast comparable to the peak emperor, but with King Baiqiu following, things would be much simpler.

"Soon, the Taixuan Shengzong strong will come to kill you, wait for them to come and listen to my command." Jun Chang laughed.

"Tai Xuan Shengzong?"

Jin Lin's beast eyes suddenly became angry.

This ancestral gate established by human beings will come to Jinlin Mountain every other year to make troubles, and he will not put his own mountain king in his eyes at all.

"the host!"

It said seriously: "I listen to you!"

Not long after.

Here comes the Taixuan Shengzong.

After they went up the mountain, Jun Chang smiled and called out the purple tiger baby tiger, deliberately led away several elders, and then ordered the Jin Lin Spirit Beast to assemble the men in the mountain and attack Su Xiaomo and others.


"Go meet the three elders."


"Remember, don't kill them, just make them troublesome."


King Baiqiu immediately entered the forest.

"Strange, why not?"

"The purple electric spirit beast should not run so fast!"

The three elders of Taixuan Shengzong searched for a long time in the depths of the mountains and forests, and never found the purple tiger tiger, because the latter had already penetrated into the goal.


Suddenly, a humped old man came out of the dark mountain and smiled eeriely, "What are you looking for?"

The three elders of Taixuan Shengzong looked at each other's eyes, and instantly determined that this was not a human, but a spirit beast that had reached human form, so they were vigilant!


King Baiqiu laughed strangely: "Jin Linshan is the place where my people live. Since you broke in without permission, don't want to leave alive!"


As soon as the words fell, his irritability was released from the whole body, and then he quickly approached an elder of Taixuan Shengzong!


Because the speed is very fast and the power is very strong, the opponent can only make a defensive posture, and is blown out by a punch.

Seeing this, the other two elders were shocked: "I am afraid that the strength of this beast is not weaker than semi-holy!"

King Baiqiu turned around, and two eerie maggots turned into boxing marks.



The other two elders couldn't escape, and they were shot straight away.

With the strength of King Baiqiu, it is absolutely easy to get the three peak martial kings, but the master has orders, so he is very decisive in his shots and just hits them out.


An elder who had stabilized himself yelled.

The beast was so powerful that they had made them aware of the seriousness of the problem and had to evacuate in order to cast their statures, but they were stopped by King Baiqiu and launched a crazy attack.

Suddenly, the three elders were embarrassed by the abuse, and the abuse was defeated.

Of course, what puzzled them was how could there be a half-sacred spirit beast in Jinlin Mountain. Is it related to the breaking of the seal by the Purple King Demon King as everyone discussed earlier?


King Baiqiu came again!

The three elders couldn't compete, and they all stepped back and vomited blood.

The current situation is that you can't fight, you can't escape, you can only be mad.


King Baiqiu's thin fingers spread out, and the dark finger light that formed ten tearing spaces suddenly!

"It's over!"

The three elders of Taixuan Shengzong looked desperate.


Seeing the burst of light tearing through the space, a stream of light flew from a distance, and a thick defense wall instantly condensed in front of them and protected them all.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

After a panic, the energy of the fingers dissipated.

The three elders of Taixuan Shengzong, who thought they would die, were all on the spot, because there was an extra silver-haired old man with Fengxiandao bone in front of him.

Where is this ... sacred?

"old man!"

King Baiqiu said angrily, "It's you again!"

The emotion on the face is very full and in place, and the acting is absolutely online.


The silver-haired old man said, "Are you all right?"

"No ... nothing ..." An elder calmed down and arched, "Thank you for your help!"

The silver-haired old man looked at King Baiqiu and said, "Get out."


As soon as the voice fell, the thick momentum burst out instantly, which contained martial arts and also kendo. It can be said to be powerful and sharp like a sword!

The three elders of Taixuan Shengzong in the back were suddenly black hair fluttered by Jian Wu's momentum, and their eyes could not be opened.

Oh my God!

This man is Jian Wu Shuang Xiu!

Judging from the outbreak of momentum, it definitely reached the semi-holy level!


Absolutely superior!

Martial Saint levels may be common in the astral continent, but the strong ones who have reached the semi-Holy level in the sword martial arts are absolutely rare!

King Baiqiu forcibly carried out two violent outbursts of his master Jianwu, his face slightly backed away, and finally he turned away and pretended to be frightened.


Jun Chang laughed and pulled out his breath, and said, "You are safe."

"Thank you for helping your seniors!"

Three elders of Taixuan Shengzong hurriedly arched.

At the beginning, he said that His Excellency ~ ~ realized that the other party was a semi-sacred one in Sword and Martial Arts, and his attitude suddenly changed.

Jun Chang laughed: "The companions and a few young people who went up the mountain with you are being attacked by the herd. Don't hurry to support them."


The three's faces changed and they released their spiritual thoughts.

Sure enough, the parents outside the mountain forest are always fighting with Jin Linling, and several outside disciples have also been surrounded by the herd of beasts. The situation is at stake!


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "The three of you are also injured. It may not be the opponent of the evil animal. The old man can be a good man."

"call out!"

The voice had just fallen and disappeared.

The three elders looked at each other hurriedly, flying over the wound.

When they came to the area where they had just climbed to the top of the mountain, the herd of beasts had disappeared, and the Jinling spirit beast had slipped away. The elder was stunned, watching the silver-haired old man who suddenly appeared and shocked the beast.


The three breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were unexpected changes in a short time, fortunately, there were no casualties.


Suddenly, Su Xiaomo in the distance knelt on the ground, his body and hands shaking slightly, it felt like he was scared.

The four elders frowned.

Isn't this mentality strong? How did you experience this battle and you would scare your knees softly?

"Dog left!"

Sun Yingquan whispered: "Hurry up!"

Xia Shuiyun's eyes were puzzled, and a little disappointment appeared at the same time.

Su Xiaomo completely ignored the same door and the elders, and bowed his head to the kind-haired silver-haired old man, shouting with tears like rain: "Master!"

PS, 4600-word chapter.

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