The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 902: 1 pot end

The base can not enter and exit on its own, but the news from the upper world says that it is within the rules, which makes Mo Shangsheng have to think that someone on the starfall continent has given the right to enter casually!

A little bit awesome.

A little messy!

Although the strength of Jiutian Continent is strong, it is still not a plane in the universe, and it can only bow to its knees in front of the dad of the upper world.

A ninth echelon of starburst continents, even if there is an upper bound as a backing, must not offend.

"Come down!"

After careful consideration, Mo Shangsheng immediately commanded: "Tell the nine-day mainland warriors who are on the battlefield that anyone can provoke them. Do not provoke them to the stars. The offenders will be punished severely!"


Subordinates hurried.

It didn't take long for the order from the city master to be heard in the ears of the nine-day mainland warrior.

They were all puzzled, "What happened to the city owner?"

Starfall continent killed a strong ground character, this is a deep hatred, so that everyone is not allowed to provoke!

As a veteran and still the first echelon, I have experienced warriors and martials in the battlefield.

of course.

The lord of the city had a decree, and they must obey it.

Regarding the speculation that some starburst continents were in the upper world, Mo Shangsheng did not tell other planes.

Sitting in the hall at this moment, quite a bit of gloating means: "The power of this plane is ultimately limited, and more offended people will sooner or later have trouble, saying that it will alarm the upper stage backstage."

He did not intend to provoke the Meteorite continent, nor did he tell the other planes that he was going to watch the liveliness as an onlooker.



After Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji returned, they returned to their residence without a word, and began to summarize and understand the experience of breaking through the imperial rank and fighting with the strong.

This is precious wealth.

It is also their capital that can break through the realm faster.

Sitting on the hall, Jun Chang laughed and began to think, "Killing a land character strong in Jiutian continent and smashing 2 million stars and stones, this beam must have settled down. When they knew they were back, I'm afraid they would There is action, so it's better to watch out. "

If he is only facing some levels that are not too high, he is confident that he can fight with him, even if he can't fight, he can still run, but the first echelon will randomly send out nine strong men, saying no The quasi-strong person will be dispatched.

This level corresponds to the level of the starfall continent. He doesn't know at present, but absolutely believes that the Purple King Demon King can't figure it out.


the next day.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others came out. Although they have not yet broken through the realm, they have also gained a lot.

They do not have the martial arts experience of the previous emperor, nor have the monarch dogs left to promote, so even if there are shortcuts to go, they have to step by step.

"set off!"

Jun Changxiao once again summoned the troops to the battlefield of the plane.

It was true that Mo Shangsheng was right, and he completely regarded it as his back garden.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

People teleported in.

Li Qingyang looked at the enlarged area, and his heart of crazy construction couldn't bear it.

Jun Chang patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "When you break through the Emperor Wu, you can enter the battlefield at will, it is time to show your architectural talent, and build a stronghold that will make all planes ashamed."

"The disciples will work hard!" Li Qingyang said firmly.


Jiang Xiedao: "There are many hidden formations around the stronghold, and there are many warriors in the Chihai and Lingyun continents."


Jun Chang laughed and released his thoughts. Although he caught the breath of the array in the distance of hundreds of miles, he didn't see anyone, so he exclaimed: "Can the body of the Yuanshen penetrate the array?"


Jiang Xiedao: "But the premise is that the level is not high."


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Although the array method arranged outside the stronghold is not as good as the thirty-two arrays of Qimen, at least it also has a peak level, which is actually classified as not high in front of the body of his god.

"You are a bit tough, and you have to be enlightened." Jun Chang laughed.

Jiang Xiedao: "I have never been relaxed for a moment!"

Li Qingyang and others who also obtained physiques in the Ten Fate Towers are now focusing on cultivation, and rarely focus on enlightenment.

After gaining the body of Yuan Shen, he always felt and strengthened because he had to find his sister.

"How many people are there?" Jun Chang laughed.

Jiang Xie penetrated into the formation with the body of the Yuanshen, and after exploring all the martial arts inside, he said, "There is a hidden formation in each of the east, west, and south. There are 200 warriors in each formation. Mysterious characters fifty and ground characters four. "

"So precise?" Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

Yesterday, I went to two strongholds, and it was normal to be targeted, but ... you guys are actually hiding in the formation, don't you just wait for me to do it?


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Sacrifice the field guns and bring the little mouse hidden in the dark to the pot."


Xiao Xie walked out of the stronghold, then placed the field guns properly and recharged with the nuclei of the nine-day continent.

The crystal nucleus in the old space ring of Jiuxing is high, and it is strong enough to condense the rocket artillery shells. Now recharge the Italian cannon, and it will definitely be crooked when it is fired.

In order to ensure that he could not be found, Xiao Chang laughed and arranged an isolation array in advance when his gun was fired.

You hide it.

I hid.

Everyone hides cats.


Hidden within the formation of the base hundreds of miles away, several strong characters on the mainland of Chihai are muttering.

"Gu Lao, surely the warriors from the starfall continent will come out?"

"Not sure if you have to wait, this is the order of the palace master."

"Let's hide in the stealth formation, won't they find it?"

"This formation method is arranged by the top array masters invited from the mainland, not to mention the low-level planes, even the first echelon nine-day continental strong may not be able to find it."

"But ... I always feel a little wrong, I always feel an ominous feeling."

"I think you know that Starfall Continent defeated Jiutian Continent and Jiuxing Lao. They were scared."

"No, no, no, that's not the reason!"

When the two strong players of the earth word exchanged, the old man who stood next to him with eyes closed opened his eyes and said, "Sent news from the outside, the star warrior mainland warrior has come out of the stronghold!"


The eye-catching strong man vowed sternly: "When they enter the encirclement, we rush out together from the four formations, and let him repair the sky to make it impossible to escape!"

The strong man with worries always tightened his brow, because the sense of ominousness rising from his heart became stronger.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis came up like a flood!

"Not good, leave quickly ..."


Without saying a word, the formation barriers were violently impacted by external forces in an instant, and a huge space shock was generated, which then blossomed directly in place!


A huge mushroom cloud appears over the red ground.

Li Qingyang and others unlocked their hearing and looked at the scene in front of them, all surprised: "The power of this gun is much stronger than before!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Just then, four streamers flew out of the explosion area, and then fell to the ground.

Although these strong ground characters have not fallen in the shells and formation explosions, their clothes are torn, which can be described as very embarrassing!

brush! brush!

More Chihai mainland warriors flew down from the explosion ~ ~ Among them, there are Xuanzi warriors and yellow warriors. The situation is very bad. Some were bombed with blood, and some were stunned.

The power of field artillery has gradually been developed to the limit. Although the range of lethality is large, the damage caused is difficult to kill, so it has not caused mass death.

Jun Chang smiled very satisfied.

Because of this shelling, combined with the array explosion, it also severely damaged the Chihai continent.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and took out the big horn from the space ring and shouted, "Are you all right? Are you alright ... Alright ... Alright ..."


PS, ask for votes

(End of this chapter)

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