The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 896: It ’s such a cool thing

When the Jiutian continent strong character was wiped out, all the soldiers in the face were dumbfounded.

It is difficult to meet a strong person at this level on weekdays, but now he is chopped under the sword by a star warrior!

"Congratulations to the participants for killing the strong man and gaining 20 merit points."

Hearing the voice of the female system, Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Is it only 20 points? It seems that Wu Sheng's life is not worth the battle on the plane."

"Old lady!"

The disciples who were in the hands of the King of the Purple Witch Demon looked irritated.

They have been Jiu Xing Lao, have known each other for thousands of years, and have deep feelings for each other. Now that some people have fallen in front of their eyes, it is naturally unacceptable!


At this moment, the Purple King Demon King seized the opportunity, and the purple energy turned into a fist, slamming the male to the ground fiercely.

Without further attack, he gathered his strength and bombarded the other three.


"My sweetheart!"

Jun Chang laughed that extremely shameful voice sounded again, Tianyuan Zhenshun Tower appeared suddenly, fell to the ground fiercely, suppressed the male with a cheek, half-dead of the town!

The front of this product is just groundless, but you can play sneak attacks in the back.

Moreover, there is a blessing of superb equipment, and there is a nifty treasure in it, that is definitely a steal!

Due to the emergence of uncertain factors, in a short time, the nine-day mainland powerhouse ended in two injuries and one death!

They are angry.

They can't wait to laugh at the corpse!

However, even if the anger is soaring into the sky, it can only be dragged by the Purple King Demon King and others, and he cannot put his mind on that guy.


Ding Xingwang appeared in a ghost and did not appear behind the enemies confronted by King Baiqiu.


The other party didn't notice it, it fell to the ground, and five kinds of evil qi in the body suddenly raged.

In this way, only the Purple King Demon King and the three strong players of the word fight, and the latter has been defeated one after another, and it is impossible to organize an effective counterattack.

"The big picture is set."

Jun Chang smiled with a smile on his face.



The energy of the Ziyu Demon King exploded frantically, and the fist marks of the sky were released!

Five people can't occupy the advantage, and now there are only three remaining strong players, who can only be abused by wolves, and can only be backed by abuse!


The goat yelled.

Nine people damaged six, and the situation was at stake, and they would definitely die in the next battle.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the three strong characters of the earth exploded collectively, and then turned into streamers flying away.

If a strong man at this level has no war intentions and wants to run away again, the Purple King Demon King can only watch and cannot stop it.


It coldly said, "A bunch of cowards!"

Fighting against the five place characters, although a little difficult, but also makes the Ziyu demon king play very cool.

"Want to run?"

With a smile on his face, Jun Chang smiled gradually and then said, "You have to ask me if you agree!"


With his arms outstretched suddenly, he shouted, "Fried!"

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Just after the bombardment fell, the space in the air suddenly twisted, and thunder arrays appeared.

Seeing the streamer enchantment appearing in front of the three strong land characters who were flying out, their hearts suddenly felt a strong ominous sign!

"not good……"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Set up ten thunder arrays in mid-air, and after flashing the most dazzling light before birth, suddenly formed a serial big bang!


"Kaka Kaka!"

For a time, the energy of the thunder system whistled out, and the huge explosion shook the space and collapsed in a large area!

How big is the movement caused by the explosion? The warriors who were thousands of miles away felt it, so they looked at the sky in amazement, and immediately widened their eyes, seeing the end of the field of vision, the space seemed to be torn apart by some force!

"Oh my God!"

"What power is this!"

"Isn't it possible that the strong man has shot ?!"



After the explosion, the gale shouted outside the stronghold of the starfall continent, and the attributes of the thunderous thunder system spread wildly. The entire area seemed to become a forbidden area of ​​the thunder pond.

The soldiers who were not far from the explosion area were astonished, their hands and their bodies were shaking slightly.

They saw the serial explosion of the Thunderbolt in person and felt the horror brought by Yu Wei's harassment, so they could still be in midair at this time and fell to the ground without being scared. It was already very good!


Jiang Xie's mouth twitched.

The Sovereign has been in and out of the Zhenfa Tang and Zhen Dejun to study the formation of the formation, they have created a formation called Jingtianjulei array, they know.

But when today ’s formation method started and produced a series of explosions, causing such terrible destructive power, it was absolutely unexpected!


Jun Chang smiled and covered his face, and said with a strange smile, "It turns out that bombing is so cool!"

The corner of the mouth of the Purple Witch Demon is slightly drawn.

Just use the power generated by the explosion just to get trapped in it, not to mention being seriously injured, I am afraid that it will also be embarrassed.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

At this moment, three nine-day mainland powerhouses were scorched and blackened all over the body in the roaring area of ​​Lei Wei. After the explosion of the thunder array, they were not only seriously injured but also unconscious.

"Congratulations to the participants for recreating the three strong players and gaining 60 points of merit." The female system voice sounded.


Jun Chang smiled rather surprised: "This kind of shocking gathering of thunder from the thirty-two formations of Qimen, which has been improved by me, Zhen Lao, and Shangguan Xun Yao, has not killed the martial arts?"

The system said: "The host's thunder array level cannot barely approach the holy product's initial water, and it is naturally difficult to obliterate Wu Sheng."


Jun Chang shrugged with a smile and said, "It's better not to die, you can use it as a chip."

With that said, turn around.

Looking at the trembling faces of warriors in the distance, he smiled coldly, "Do you want to try it?"



Everyone hurried to release the speed of reincarnation, how fast and how fast to flee in the distance, for fear that one step slower will die here!

In a blink of an eye, the starburst continent became empty outside its stronghold.

"Clean up the battlefield!" Jun Chang laughed.


Jiang Xie and others acted quickly.

After a while, eight wooden posts were erected outside the stronghold.

Eight severely wounded nine-day mainland Chinese characters were tied to them, and they were neat and tidy.

When this brother came, one by one seemed to be going to Li Shangtian.

Now either he was severely damaged, his arm was broken, or he was scorched black, such as charcoal, and he had long lost his power.

This situation is also related to the Purple King Demon King, after all, fighting the five strong characters with their own power ~ ~ absolutely strong enough to explode!

The camera turns.

The Purple King Demon King, wearing only a pair of red underwear, hugged his hand in front of a stake.


A breeze blew, blowing away his purple hair, revealing a grim face.

Pig Page was tattooed, and applause was given to the exhibitionist.


PS, it is expected to burst 20 more, but lack of brainpower, it is really impossible to write, here it is today.

I have been saving the code. Every day my spirit is in a tense state. I feel that my body is hollowed out and I need to relax.

Thank you readers for your reward.

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