The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 881: Give up treatment



Within the four walls, Xiao sin was still shelling.

The battle was done happily, but in the end they slammed people like sandbags, and finally bounced around the earth wall, bouncing to no vitality.

Before entering the battlefield of the plane, Jun Changxiao always told his disciples that after entering, he couldn't be soft-hearted, and killed when he had a chance!

Even Li Qingyang, who was kind-hearted in his hometown, respected his command and cut off the arm of a Lingyun mainland warrior. Then he decisively shook out the sword flower and took off the opponent's head.

To be kind to others on the battlefield is to be cruel to yourself.

The most extreme performance is the night star, which has killed three in a short time, very clean shot.


Shouted a Chihai mainland warrior.

This is just a beautiful wish, because Jiang Xie and the Ning brothers also killed them.

Some martial arts may not be weaker than the disciples of Wanguzong. However, facing the high-ranking of Wanguzong, there is no backhand. The only thing waiting for them is being killed.

Some people ran fast, but when they thought they were out of danger, they saw Ge Lao coming at a high speed, with a big big wave, and directly hit the target on the ground.

There are Qingyang sets and steel wings.


Give up treatment.



Fighting continues, blood splatters!

In just a short period of time, more than twenty warriors who had come to the star-studded continent to stop by the way turned into corpses scattered red ground.

of course.

Others took the opportunity to escape far.


A warrior from the Chihai mainland who just flew out turned back in horror, and the whole person was immediately swallowed by a ball of flame.

"You, can you run?"

Xiaolonglong's child's head emerged from the flames, like a devil coming out of purgatory!

"Do not……"

The warrior shouted in despair.

"Woohoo ——————" The flames exploded, and they suddenly disappeared.

Xiaolong's eyes turned disdain.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

At this moment, the other side of the sky bursts into feathers and will flee to the far-reaching Lingyun mainland warrior to kill in mid-air.

"Flop, flutter!"

The little magic fairy waved her wings and hung in the air, looking at Xiaolonglong like a princess.


Xiaolong grunted coldly: "The troublesome dragging oil bottle."

"Can you say that again!"

"Awkward drag! Oil! Bottle!"


Nearly forty warriors on two planes were wiped out in a short period of time, and the speed was extremely fast.

As for the starfall continent base, it has also expanded by more than 70 meters from more than 30 meters in the beginning.


Jun often laughed and came out.

Stopping in front of the half-dead middle-aged man, he said lightly, "Who is pretending to be dead now?"

The strong man with a black character in the mainland of Chihai was so painful that he couldn't speak, because the internal meridians were damaged by Qi Xuan Xia Guang's bombardment.

"call out---"

The knife light flickered and the head fell to the ground.

"Congratulations to the participants for killing the black character martial arts players and obtaining 10 points of merit." The female system voice sounded.

"Do you only give 10 o'clock?" Jun Chang smiled and shook his head.

The first time I came to kill the Xuanzi Wu, it was 20 points beyond the rank, but now the breakthrough semi-holy is classified as Xuanzi, but only 10 points in the same level.


Jun Chang laughed, "How much do I kill low-level yellow-characters?"

"5 o'clock," the woman said systematically.

Jun Chang twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "If it is a ground character now, how much is the yellow character?"

"1 o'clock."

"God kill the yellow?"

"0 o'clock."


Jun Chang laughed and retracted the blue dragon and the moon knife, holding his chin and saying, "It seems that we need to calculate how to maximize the value of merit."

Give yourself 5 points for killing the low level, and it's 10 points for the disciples to kill the disciples.

"Clean the battlefield."


The disciples started to act.

After a while, everyone took back dozens of people's space rings.

After Jun Chang smiled and investigated, he collapsed and said, "Nothing good!"

System said: "In this kind of battlefield that will die in the next second, who will show bags and bring various resources to wait for others to lick the bags?"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, "I think so much."

With that said, he walked around the stronghold, with small flags sticking around.

In this year, he was stuck in the realm. He did not spend time planting flowers and grass, and he took the top quality array method qualification liquid as early as possible, and sometimes he discussed with Zhen Dejun to learn the array method.

With the help of the brain-opening Shangguan Xi Yao, the three successfully developed a new type of thunder array, which is very powerful!

Killing so many people from the Red Blood Continent and the Ling Yun Continent, the other party will definitely send more powerful people, so arrange a thunder array outside the base in advance, and it will definitely be cool to blow them up.

Although Jun Chang laughed here, it was a fight, but he must have thought carefully about how to make himself invincible.

learn from mistakes.

The previous dangerous situation of being hunted to nowhere can never be allowed to happen again!


"It's so cool!"

"Here, the warrior is more resistant than the strong star continent!"

"I just punched dozens of punches just to get rid of that guy. It would have died prematurely if I had to be a normal emperor."

When Jun Chang laughed, the disciples gathered together to discuss the battle just now, and his face was full of excitement.

Although the fighting process was less than ten minutes, the enemy's mightyness made them realize that this face-to-face battlefield was indeed very exciting and very suitable for training!


There can only be one hour.

The Purple King Demon King stood with his hands on his side, and a slight disdain appeared on his face.

He and King Baiqiu did not make a shot. On the one hand, Jun Chang laughed and wanted to give his disciples a chance to fight. On the other hand, his opponent did not need too much food.

to be honest.

The two orc-like orc powerhouses with two heads can only show their value after the earth powerhouse appears.

In addition, when it is learned that high-level killing low-level gives less meritorious value, when not necessary, Jun Changxiao will try to let them take fewer shots, and give it to the disciples to solve, to maximize the meritorious value.

Ding Xingwang, the Purple Demon King, King Baiqiu.

Gongsun Haohai, Xiaolonglong, Little Demon Fairy.

The six of them are representatives of the strongest combat effectiveness of Wanguzong, corresponding to the ground characters and the mysterious characters in terms of levels.

Of course, the strength of the monarchy who broke through to the semi-holy is also good.

However, in this case, he would definitely not arrogantly find someone to single out, and have the opportunity to bring his disciples to fight in groups, and expand the base first.


Li Qingyang stood inside the stronghold, watching the empty environment and said, "Does the stronghold need to be built?"

This guy, the occupational disease has been committed again!

Jun Chang laughed: "It should be needed."

Li Qingyang's eyes lit up and he said, "The disciples build a hall first?"

Although today's stronghold has expanded to nearly 100 meters after killing dozens of warriors, there is definitely no room for a large hall in it.

"Build it."

Jun Chang laughed and considered for a while, and said, "At least there must be a foothold."

The stronghold of the starfall continent is empty, and I definitely need to build a shelter from the wind and rain.


With the consent of the suzerain, Li Qingyang first set up a table, then took out a large stack of sketches, and began to choose based on the existing area.

When there is nothing to do ~ ~ he will delve into architectural design sketches, but now it has come to be used.

"Master, how about this sketch?"

"You decide."


After Li Qingyang finalized a sketch, he took out a large amount of materials for construction from the space ring, and shouted that Xiao Xinji and Li Fei began to get busy.

"..." Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

This guy's space ring is actually filled with building materials such as stones and bricks. It seems that he had already thought about it before entering.


After Li Qingyang asked in detail about the battlefield situation on the plane, he had long had an idea.

If it is not restricted by the area, we will barely build a hall, otherwise, we are confident to build a large-scale building complex in a very short time.

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