The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 874: Epic quest reward settlement!

Time passes day by day.

Li Qingyang and others are actively training to prepare for the battlefield.

And our junior laughs sometimes squatting down in the thatched room and frowning, sometimes wandering in bed late at night.

"one day……"

"One hour……"

"One minute ... fifty seconds ... forty seconds ..."

Jun Chang laughed sitting in the study, always keeping his eyes on the task panel that only he can see, and the epic task settlement time has also entered the last minute countdown.

Damn it!

Pressed for a year.

It feels like a long time to spend 10,000 years.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

Time keeps beating until the countdown to ten seconds. Jun Chang stands up with a smile, stretches out his hands, and sings affectionately, "Come on, come on, meet 98, meet in the silver moonlight ..."

"Ding! Zongmen ranks fourth-ranked, and herds rank among the top eighty, and meets the defined conditions. The epic mission is completed, the completion degree is 125%, and the host gets 20,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 44200/50000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

After the time returned to zero, there was a wonderful reminder in my ear.

Jun Chang smiled and stopped crying, and a calm expression appeared on his face.

Don't worry, don't worry!

This is just the beginning, and the real play is behind, because there are two epic mission rewards to settle!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic mission seven, obtaining the superb qualification transformation solution × 10, high-quality Zhenyang boots recipe × 1, high-quality Zhenyang robe formula × 1, high-quality Zhenyang mask formula × 1, and high-grade steel wing formula × 1. "

Hearing three high-quality equipment with similar names, Jun Chang laughed a little.

This seems like a game suit? In addition, I have previously obtained a high-quality Zhenyang sword formula. Are they all four?

And the wings of steel, is it the same as the mechanical wing?

"Ding! Hi host completed epic mission eight and obtained the Holy Product Qualification Transformation Solution × 5, Zhongpin Plastic Slim Formula × 1, Zhongpin Plastic Soul Formula × 1, Tianyuan Soul Tower × 1, New Symbol of Opening × 1."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through Wubu Sheng."

"Ding! Ding!"

The formulas appearing in the space ring are automatically matched, four new equipments appear in the Foundry Pavilion, and two new elixirs appear in the Pavilion.

"Comfortable, perfect!"

After the reminder came to an end, Jun Chang laughed and put his elbows on the table, covering his right hand with his left hand, pressing his face with his right hand, his body began to shake slightly, and then came a magical laughter.

After the two epic quests at the royal level are settled, the rewards are really much!

Not to mention the equipment that looks like a suit, it is said that the two types of qualification liquids and Zhongpin Suhundan are very cool!

"Don't hesitate to wait for a year!"

Jun Changxiao was very satisfied, but when he was not in a humble state, he hurriedly opened the Foundry Pavilion and opened the equipment with the Zhenyang prefix one by one.

Sure enough, as he guessed, this is indeed a suit named Zhenyang four-piece suit.

Put on boots, shirts, and masks to hold the true sword, speed, defense, and strength will increase by 20% from the original user.

"Only 20%?"

Jun Chang smiles a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion, at least 100% increase is considered a bull.

The system said silently: "The high-quality equipment in the mall is not inferior to the sacred level of the starfall continent, and it must be above the king of war when wearing the lowest. This 20% increase is quite impressive!"

The strength of low-level warriors is not too disparate, it is hard to say who wins and who loses, but the higher the level, the slighter the deviation will have a great impact.

"The strength of the battlefield of the plane is generally stronger than that of the starry continent. If the disciples are put on the four-piece set of Zhenyang, it is certainly worth it." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

The system said: "The host core disciples have undergone various tempering and spiritual root promotion, and are generally at the highest level. If there is another 20% increase in this equipment, it is better than superior."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "These equipment are the same as the materials used in the Zhenyang sword. They are just a lot. There are some stocks in the ring, and you can make some of them first."

Fill in the quantity and determine the refining.

Jun Chang laughed again on the wings of high-quality steel.

According to the introduction, this is a kind of equipment that can increase the flight speed. The advantages are that it is ready to use and the disadvantages must be above the royal level to use.

to be honest.

They are auxiliary flying props.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It's far from the mechanical wing I bought."


This is a reward. The armed wing was bought with a contribution value. There must be a difference. If the reward is stronger than the mall, do you still have a heart to spend?

The monarch is now fully charged to become a VIP. The epic quest completion rewards are similar to the monthly VIP fixed rewards. Although there are some uses, but if you want to be stronger and better, you can only go to the mall to save gold!

So the slogan is, you can play without money

The Iron Wing requires six kinds of ore, which happens to be in the hands of Jun Changxiao, so he chooses to produce 20 according to the principle of giving since he gave them.

The benefits of having the Purchasing Hall responsible for purchasing all kinds of things are reflected here, as long as there are new things, it can be easily refined, instead of going to three or five chapters to get enough equipment.

Jun Changxiao also clicked on the Zhongpin Sudandan and Suhundan in the Danyaoge. The two items knew what the role was when they heard the names, but they were definitely better than the initial ones.

There are materials, but mass production is not possible.

Jun Changxiao refined first, then said, "When you have enough materials for mass production, plan to take elixir for Zongmen."

The so-called must-serve means that regardless of the level, regardless of the inside or outside door, as long as they enter the Vanguard School and meet the conditions for taking, the disciples must eat.

"These top quality and holy product qualification liquids were left for the inner disciples to take." Jun Chang smiled and integrated into the space ring, and finally locked on the exquisite little tower, secretly saying: "This is the Tianyuan Soul Tower?"

The system explained: "Belongs to treasure."

"I know!"

Jun Changxiao isn't new in martial arts now.

From the name and shape alone, we know that the Tianyuan Soul Tower belongs to the type of supreme treasure. What level does he care about now and what effect does it have?

The system said: "There are only three types of towers. One can be magnified, and there are abilities in it. For example, the tower is a training tower. The second is an attack form that can be used to smash people. The third is a defense form."

"I hope it is the second one!" Jun Chang laughed ~ ~ The battlefield on the plane was smashed many times by the strong man in that place with his palm print. Governance is just fun!


With a wave of his hand, brought Tianyuan Soul Tower.


Suddenly, a faint glow of light was released inside the tower, turning around around Chang Changxiao like an elf.

Systemically said: "This is to sign a contract with the host."

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed to release a ray of soul, touched with the fluorescent light around him, and immediately felt the current coming, and then established a certain connection with Tianyuan Soul Tower.

"It's so simple, so convenient."

(End of this chapter)

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