The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 867: Pull me hate again!

After half a month.

Taixuan Shengzong's apprenticeship assessment began.


Su Xiaomo pushed open the door of the room, and strode out in brand-new outfits.


While arranging his wrists, he looked up at the sun just rising, and secretly said, "The disciples are about to begin to wave!"

"Xiao Mo."

In Wan Guzong, Jun Chang, who had just finished his morning exercises with his disciples, stood alone in front of the main hall and backhanded: "Today ’s assessment of Taixuan Shengzong is destined to be a stage for you to show yourself."

Although the sun has just risen, the cloud like mist of Taixuan Shengzong's outer courtyard has not completely dissipated, and it seems to have an extraordinary mood.

This kind of long-established ancestral gate is indeed not comparable to the eternal ancestors in terms of its heritage.

One after another.

Some disciples appeared outside the performance martial arts field, and were arranged in order.

These people are just spectators, and the real protagonists are those hundreds of outsiders who are standing in the eastern area.

They were dressed in strong clothes and were valiant.

I have to say that as the top ancestors of the starfall continent, the recruited disciples are very powerful, and that station is definitely not an ordinary person.


Some disciples who are about to take part in the assessment have hot eyes, while others are embarrassed.

The external door examination is held every year at a fixed time. Although the gold content is not as high as that of the door, it is also an important event for disciples.

If you can get excellent results in the assessment, you can get a variety of meritorious values, and even be valued by senior management.

No wonder emotions can be very complicated.

Su Xiaomo was standing in the crowd, she was also nervous on the surface, but she was quite stable.

Before joining the Wangu Sect, I would have been panic if I participated in this kind of assessment, but now I have not only the Emperor Wu Xiuwei, but also experienced various life and death experiences with the suzerain and his peers.


There are a few disciples behind him who said lightly, "You really dare to come."

"Signed up for the assessment, of course, coming." Su Xiaomo's innocent smile appeared on his face.

This expression, this smile made He Zongying's eyes gradually cool down.

When other contestants saw the situation, they immediately realized that Brother He was angry. If they met during the assessment, Brother Su may be sad.


In the distance, Xia Shuiyun said coldly, "Don't let me down."

"This woman ..." Su Xiaomo collapsed secretly: "He is pulling me hate again!"


The coldness in He Zongying's eyes was stronger.

The disciples who participated in the assessment and came to watch the battle all secretly said: "Elder Xia granddaughter took the initiative to speak to that guy on this occasion, saying that it doesn't matter who the two believe."

"Ahem ..."

At this moment, the three elders responsible for the external door assessment, Zong Dadian came out, and announced with his hands back: "The external door assessment is now started, and participants are required to draw their number plates and choose their opponents.

Because it is held many times a year, the opening ceremony is very simple.



Hundreds of contestants boarded a temporary heightening martial arts arena and then reached into a specific box to select their own tokens.

Su Xiaomo also came to power, just as she was preparing to draw.


He Zongying said: "I have a contract with Master Su, can I fight without having to draw a number plate?"


The three elders allowed.

Taixuan Shengzong does not allow disciples to fight in private, and allows conflicts to be resolved by means of contracting.

Someone whispered, "Brother He is worried that Brother Su will be eliminated by other opponents and cannot be met in the assessment."

"Brother Su is going to make a round trip."

Many disciples cast their sympathy on Su Xiaomo.

In their hearts, He Zongying is one of the most popular in this assessment. No one!

"Since you have an appointment, let's fight first." The three elders said.

He knew exactly what Su Xiaomo was busy with recently, so he was very curious, could he bring himself an unexpected surprise?


He Zongying gracefully landed in Yanwu Stadium, and said, "Brother Su, please come on stage."

Su Xiaomo went up in a very awkward way under the eyes of everyone, and then arched rather humblely: "Brother He, please advise me."


The corners of their mouths were slightly drawn.

This is not learning, this is a fight!

Moreover, Brother Su still fought for love, fearing that he would take it very seriously.

"I bet, Master Su resists up to ten rounds."

"Ten rounds are too many. With Brother Su's practice, he can get him in at most three or five rounds!"

The disciples who watched the outside world were discussing and all looking down on Su Xiaomo, but Sun Yingquan, who was standing in the crowd, shouted, "Master Su, come on!"

"Since Brother Su got started soon, he and his elder son called him brothers and brothers, but he was a bit able."

"If you don't just get around, do you have to shoot horses? What can you do?"

There are still some disciples who are full of contempt for Su Xiaomo's exquisiteness and ingenuity.

Some are really uncomfortable. They think that it is still true to be mixed in the Taixuan Shengzong. Others are purely envious. They are envious of not making a fuss, so their mentality is changed to jealousy.

"You can start." The three elders said.


He Zongying stepped out first, and Wu Zongxiu, the peak, broke out in an all-round way, then waved a punch, and the space suddenly shook.

"Miedukongkongquan!" A disciple was surprised.

This is Taixuan Shengzong's top-level boxing method, which is characterized by the effect that it can produce a shaking space.


An elder praised: "I have realized the state of Dacheng."


At this moment, Su Xiaomo's body twisted backwards. Although the action was not very good-looking, she easily avoided the bombardment of He Trace, and then stepped on her feet frequently to form a weird posture.

"Nine songs flow shadow step!"

The three elders and other seniors looked stunned.

They knew that Su Xiaomo was exchanging this magical secret, and they shouldn't have been surprised when they exhibited it, but they didn't expect it to be so popular, it felt like they had already realized the ultimate!



Jiuqu Liuying Bu Shi unfolded, turning frequently within nine points, interweaving streamer afterimages, and the apprentices were stunned.

Even the cold and arrogant Xia Shuiyun was unbelievably secretive: "He can understand the upper body method to such a degree in a short time, and his qualifications and understanding are not ordinary!"

This question ~ ~ Three elders and others also realized that they could not help whispering, "Isn't this spiritual root not a good product?"

Tai Xuan Shengzong is the same as Wan Guzong in recruiting disciples, and usually does not actively test the applicant's spiritual roots, but selects them by various assessments.

The spiritual root only decides the upper limit and speed of cultivation. Some spiritual roots are relatively poor. If you have perseverance and hard work, you may not be able to achieve something.

There are only a few highly qualified geniuses in the end. A Zongmen who wants to develop in a balanced manner for a long time will naturally choose a relatively modest youth to train, otherwise the entire Zongmen disciples are all high-quality spiritual roots and it is certainly not realistic.

This one……

Unrealistic things, maybe all things can be done.


PS, the next few days will be 3 more bursts, there are drafts, it is hard! Do n’t worry, everyone will come.

(End of this chapter)

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