The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 858: Create opportunities for Su Gou left

Tested by the night stars, the surge of amulets really has the ability to improve the realm.

Moreover, after the breakthrough, there is a similar state of improvement, which will undoubtedly bring great benefits to users.

in short.

The surge in the strength of the amulet is only second, and the first step is to understand the process of breaking through the realm.

Although it is not necessary to immediately help the warriors to achieve a breakthrough in the realm of the great realm, with this experience of ‘come people’, the comprehension and time will certainly be greatly shortened.

"pretty good."

Jun Chang smiles very satisfied.

With the surge of amulets, there is no need to chase Wuhuangdan deliberately, after all, brushes may not be brushed out.

However, due to the use of Wuwangdan as a material, it is doomed to temporarily be unable to mass produce.

"Make 100 first."

After hundreds of Wuwangdans were refined, Jun Chang laughed and ticked 100 to start production.

As for those who are not used, Wu Wang Dan is left to his disciples, allowing them to break through the king level.

Wan Guzong is now at the level of Wuwang, and is steadily improving every month, even the first-class sects are not comparable.

Opening up to this level is really heartbroken.

After busy.

The monarch's habitual point is on the epic mission, and there are three months left before the settlement date.

Come on, come on!

"Who are you bringing into the battlefield of the plane?"

Senior officials such as Ding Lao and Jiang Xie must be indispensable.

Ziyu and Baiqiu must also follow.

What makes Jun Changxiao always indecisive is whether to bring Li Qingyang and others?

After the epic mission is settled, they may not break through the Emperor Wuhuang, but it may be able to mix in with the surge of amulets, but only stay in it for an hour.

"If there is an accident and you can't come back before the aging period ends, there must be danger."

Jun Chang laughed and banged his finger on the table, and said, "You have to think carefully."

If he couldn't go, he decided to let his disciples choose for himself, so he shouted Li Qingyang and others.


Xiao Guiji made his choice first, and his eyes were firm: "The disciples are willing to go!"

"The disciples are willing to go!"

Li Qingyang, Li Fei, Tian Qi and others have stated their positions. Obviously, in the pursuit of stimulation, they can ignore all dangers.

Jun Chang smiled: "In this case, let's break through the peak Wu King within three months."


The crowd shouted in unison.

Next, they practice harder.



One day, Li Luoqiu walked in and said, "Xiao Mo heard the news. After ten days, he would go to Yunling Mountains with his disciples to practice."

"The Yunling Mountains is a dedicated training site for Taixuan Shengzong, and there are many beasts in it."

"Every year, disciples will be organized to fight, and whoever kills more beasts within a specified period of time will receive a generous reward."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "This is a good opportunity for Xiao Mo to be promoted. Notify the owner of Zitang and let him take members to Yunling Mountains."


Li Luoqiu left.

It didn't take long for the owner of Zitang to take his men to the Yunling Mountains.

Jun Changxiao has only one task, to create opportunities for Su Xiaomo as much as possible, to provide a stage, so as to shine on the outside experience.

Climbing up on your own will definitely take time. If you help at critical moments, you will definitely climb faster.


Between the mountains and forests.

Five hundred Taixuan Shengzong disciples, led by an emperor of the Emperor Emperor level, marched toward the Yunling Mountains, and their eyes flashed with excitement, tension, and anger.

Zongmen conducts a practical combat experience once a year. If he performs well, he will not only receive rewards, but also get meritorious values.

As long as the meritorious value reaches a sufficient number, it is possible to enter the inner door from the outer door.

The easiest way for Taixuan Shengzong to rise from the outside to the inside is to obtain excellent results in the year-to-year comparison.

Those outsiders who are diligent and hard-working, but whose qualifications are not too good, can enter by accumulating merit values.

"Master Su."

On the road, a man with a clean appearance proudly said: "Although the Yunling Mountains are dangerous, as long as you follow the brother's ass, you will be safe and secure."

Su Xiaomo laughed: "Thank you Brother Sun for your support."

Muttering in his heart: "A Wu Zong, really treat himself as a strong man?"

As the King of Martial Arts, he relied on the technique of concealment to keep the realm on the martial artist who had just stepped into the martial art.

no way.

In order to complete the task entrusted by the suzerain, Su Xiaomo must carry out the undercover to the end.

"Rest in situ!"

Not long after, the lead elder shouted.

"Master Su."

Sun Yingquan waved his hand and said, "Come on the shoulders of your brother."


Su Xiaomo ran over with a smile, then drew up skillfully, and smiled; "Brother Sun, is it okay?"


Sun Yingquan closed his eyes and said, "Yes."

This kind of thing, if you change to Yedi, one punch can smash his lute bone.

Therefore, Su Xiaomo, who is so exquisite and able to lay down, is born to be born undercover.


The leading elder had a calm face and whispered, "It's for you to experience, not for you to enjoy!"


Sun Yingquan laughed: "Just a moment."


Elder Sun shook his head, then glanced at Su Xiaomo, and said, "After the Huizong gate, you can practice in the Reiki array for three days."

The Reiki Array is the place where Taixuan Shengzong practiced. There are Reikis several times higher than the outside world.

Although it is too far away from the spiritual gathering of Wanguzong, it is a holy place in the eyes of the disciples, and sharpened his head to drill inside.

"Thank you Elder Sun!"

Su Xiaomo was overjoyed, and I worked harder.


"The strategy is right!"

"As long as you serve Sun Yingquan, you will naturally be valued by Elder Sun."

After thinking, I looked at the beautiful girl sitting on the boulder in the distance, and secretly said: "She is the granddaughter of Elder Xia, and she must find an opportunity to come in contact."

The way Su Xiaomo climbs up is to make a good relationship with all the disciples who are related to the high level of Taixuan Shengzong.

"Departure, hurry!"

The disciples of Taixuan Shengzong rested for a while and proceeded to Yunling Mountains.

At this point, the owner of the Purple Church came with him.

"Old cow."

"what should we do?"

Let him burst into a fight and find a way to provide Su Xiaomo with a stage for loading, which will test IQ a bit.

Niu Laodao: "The lord said, as long as it creates trouble for Taixuan Shengzong, I can transmute the entity to bully them when necessary."

"Also ~ ~ The Purple King Demon King said:" It was so decided. "

"King! The goal is here!"

"Hidden well, don't get caught!"

"Brush! Brush!"

The masters of the Spirit Beast Hall were concealed.

Elder Sun didn't expect that there were so many powerful beasts hidden in the Yunling Mountains. He brought his disciples into it and backhanded: "This training time is five days. You can go together or act alone. Time Come here to gather. "


The disciples shouted in unison.

"The training begins!"

When Elder Sun shouted this sentence, five hundred disciples were scattered, and some went deep into the mountains alone, and some came in groups of three or five.

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