The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 852: The Lord blew up

In the depths of the Lubaiqiu Mountains, frontal killings of humans and beasts are being staged, and the levels are extremely high. The two sides participating in the battle are all king and emperor.

It is a pity that I was fortunate enough to witness that this feat is not much money and money masters, who have ran to the periphery of the mountain, leaving the earth-shaking kills inside undetectable.


"Woohoo ---"

Everyone in the Qianjia family stooped and gasped, secretly fortunately they came out!

of course.

They also know that they can come out miraculously, because there are all ancient ancestors after the death, so they are grateful.


I do n’t have much money to stand outside, and sadly said, "You and your disciples must come out safely. It doesn't matter if you get hurt. I will ask the best doctor to spend the most money to help you!"

He has hundreds of powerful spirit beasts, so he doesn't think Jun Chang laughs out safely.

In fact.

Deep in the Laoshan Mountains, the disciples of Wanguzong turned into **** demons, killing King Baiqiu in a frenzy.



A spirit beast with a head that was comparable to the King of Wu fell to the ground, with blood and limbs scattered all over the place, like a purgatory on earth.

King level spirit beasts are solved by disciples.

The spirit beasts of the emperor level were dragged by Jiang Xie and others.

Among them are some powerful beasts such as the middle nine, but they are not enough in front of Ding Xingwang and Gongsun Haohai.

Wan Guzong's strongest combat force is dispatched, but it is not a joke!

Judging from the current situation, unless there are thousands of spirit beasts in the Baiqiu Mountains, they can't pose any threat to them.



Suddenly, there was a roar in the depths of the forest, the ground shook violently, and all kinds of beasts rushed in under the command.

It seems that King Baiqiu realized that this group of humans is very strong, and it is difficult to solve only by higher-level spirit beasts. They can only use beast tide to attack.


Xue Rengui groaned.



Twenty-five members of the battlehorse lined up.

"Roar! Roar!"

Quickly, a fierce beast rushed from the dark place, their eyes turned red, as if they had fallen into a runaway state.

Wu Zhongyi sang, "Eat fried rice!"



Members of Zhanqitang waved, took a prepared bite of fried rice from the space ring, and swallowed it.

This scene in the killing environment is more like drinking strong wine!


Xun Zhongyi offered to wear a cloud knife and drank, "Zhu Zhizhi, there is no death, no life, kill ----------"



Twenty-five members of the battle-riding hall screamed in anger, and various psionic powers erupted, rushing towards tens of thousands of beasts.

Looking down from above, I saw a big tree falling down under the influence of momentum, and the original complex terrain was suddenly flattened and used to fight the battlefield.


Beast tide.

Surges left and right, colliding together.

Although the members of Zhanqitang have not yet achieved the king of everyone, their strength is all at the peak Wuzong level, especially the blessing of various equipment, eating power fried rice, the power of the outbreak can be described as extremely horrible!

I only met briefly, thousands of beasts rushing in front were ruthlessly wiped out, and there was no chance of resistance!



"Flop! Flop!"

The sword lightsaber shadow, psionics aspect!

The savage beasts rushed forward and rushed to death, killing and wounding more than 10,000 in just a few moments.

Purple 嘴 demon king mouth slightly pumping.

In the past, my men had played against such well-equipped members of the battle knights, but now I see it again and realize that my strength is much stronger than before!

If I fight again, my own men will surely die even worse!

The fierceness of the members of the battle battle hall, Jun Chang laughed without surprise, but secretly said: "If they all reach the emperor level and enter the battlefield of the plane, wouldn't it be a siege, no disadvantage?"

Uh ...

Time is gone and slaughter continues.

More and more beasts rushed out of the dark, using their bodies and blood to add a bit of horror to this gloomy area.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from the depths, carrying some kind of reddish powder.

"not good!"

Zhong Zhongyi was shocked: "Poisonous!"

The area where the crimson red powder permeated under the howling wind was very wide. The members of the battle knight who were fighting with the fierce beasts tried their best, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Despicable and shameless!" Zi Wang demon anger.

交 At that time, he fought with King Baiqiu because he was forced to retreat because of a poison that made his body feel weak.



The fierce beasts rushed even harder.

I was just a group of humans who seemed to be poisoned. Suddenly, they took out an elixir and swallowed it. Then, their frowns suddenly stretched out, holding their weapons to kill them.

They are not poisoned?



The members of the Qiqitang Church recovered and killed again with weapons.

It is very surprising that the beast can use poison, but in the end it is not as good as Jiudu Palace, and Jiedu Dan is completely competent.

Alas, Jun Chang's gaze slowly turned cold.

Xun Liandu used this method of manipulation, not sure what tricks will follow.

Since this is the case, don't blame this one.

"Sin yourself."

Xun Jun often laughed and said in a deep voice: "Cannonball."


Xiao Xiao sinned and blasted out a spirit beast, landed at a high point and summoned the field artillery, kicked it on the barrel, and aimed directly at the dark mountain forest where the beasts were constantly flowing.


Zhong Yi shouted.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Twenty-five members of Zhanqitang retreated, and their subconsciousness temporarily closed their hearing.

Xun Ziyu the demon king rejoiced and said, "Baiqiu children's men, I am afraid that they will be seriously injured!"

"Fire!" Jun Chang smiled coldly.


The muzzle of the Takino Field Artillery suddenly fired shells, causing ripples, and finally dragging the arc fell among the beasts that rushed forward.

They seem to be aware of the danger, and they all look desperate before they die.

"Boom ————————"

Uh ...

Qian Jiawu, who had just breathed, was still waiting anxiously outside, praying for the eternal ancestors, hoping to be killed safely, and suddenly heard a huge boom, almost shocked and almost sat still.

"Look!" Someone exclaimed.

I did n’t save much money and Qian Jia masters looked up, eyes gradually widened, and there was the possibility of staring out of the eyes at any time.

视野 The view over the sky and the place, a mushroom cloud many times larger than just now slowly appeared.


At this moment, another boom came, shaking their ears.

The second mushroom cloud quickly appeared in the field of vision, and the space ripples spread out from that area, causing a gust of wind!


I saved my money and rubbed my eyes, and said, "What the **** is going on!"

Uh ...


"Woohoo ---"

The strongest wind roars in the deepest mountain range ~ ~

Until everything calmed down, two deep pits with a radius of about 100 feet were blown up in the place where the trees were towering. Countless limbs and broken arms were scattered in the edge area, and the soil was stained with blood red.

In front of a field gun.

Xiao Xiao quickly recharged two artillery shells and said, "Sect Lord, can you continue?"

Xun Jun often smiled and stretched out his hand to signal that he wasn't using it. Then he looked at the deep pit, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "The Lord has blown up."

Out of the dark forest, a white-haired old man wearing a long gown and bent over a humpback, his eyes were sharp and abnormal, even with strong suffocation.

This is the boss of Baiqiu Mountain, King of Baiqiu.


He stopped, stood in front of the deep pit, looked at the field cannon with a somber face, and said, "What is this!"

"What is not important, what is important is that you annoyed me." Jun Chang smiled lightly.


Suddenly, there was a wave of space in front of me!

Yuan Yuan appeared in front of the old man who was hundreds of feet away, and leaned over with his palms with endless killing, Leng Sen said, "You also annoyed the king!"

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