The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 841: It's exciting here and it suits me!

The cruel plane battlefield is either you die or I live.

Therefore, Jun Chang laughed without any kindness in his hands. If he could kill one move, he would never need a second move.

Since then.

In just a few minutes, the nineteen strong men were all cool.

It is a pity that no starfall continent has witnessed it, otherwise it will definitely be deeply shocked. After all, those who are killed by the king often laugh, and the minimum repair is comparable to the eight-ranked Emperor Wuhuang!

It would be a devastating blow if so many mainstays were replaced by the gates, and even it would be possible for them to recover from such a loss.

of course.

Really in the starry continent, Jun Changxiao may not have the chance to kill so much, because the imperial powerhouse there is cute and cherishes his life.

What's more, with the current strength of Wan Guzong, unless dozens of emperor-level massacres occur, unless you and the enemy develop to the point where you die.

Nineteen people were killed from three planes.

300 points for one blood, 160 points for 16 people, and 460 points of merit.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his sword, looking at the strong man who was suspended at a height comparable to a half-step martial saint, and said lightly, "There is only one last prey left."

More than a dozen strong men from several planes took him as a prey, but it turned out to be a prey, which was a bit tragic.

The semi-sacred strong said faintly: "No wonder dare to enter the battlefield of the plane alone, it turned out to be a little capable."


After a pause, his gaze was cold: "Still dead!"

The strong man could have joined hands with others early, but witnessing the killing of the warrior from the mainland of Chihai, he decided to stand by and watch.


Because, the star warrior continent is very strong.

If he kills a lot of people in a row, he will slowly accumulate the killing value. By then, he will kill it by himself, and he will get more meritorious values!

Jun Chang smiles very strong.

At this point, the semi-sacred powers guessed right.

But I didn't expect that it would be too strong to kill nineteen people in a while.

But it doesn't matter. Now that the pigs are fattened, it's time to slaughter.



This semi-sacred strong man waved his hands, the space was oscillating, and the fist marks were gathered from top to bottom. The strength carried was not comparable to the semi-sacred level at ordinary levels!

Jun Chang smiled and clenched his sword, his gaze rose.

Since breaking through the peak of the emperor level, he has not seriously played with the half-sage, and now in the battlefield with solid space barriers, he can finally achieve his wish!

Let it burn.

My chakra, my little universe, my overlord color, my hellokitty!

"The sword air is 30,000 miles wide, one sword is light cold and nineteen continents!"

Jun Chang laughed, his long hair danced with the wind, and Yulong, who was shrouded in flames, suddenly cut off, and immediately formed a unique sword style.


In the distant battlefield area, every strong person saw the sky, and a dazzling light appeared, which was very eye-catching!

"Sword Qi?"

"Although it's a long distance, it feels strong!"

"Will it be the Kendo powerhouse?"

"Go and see!"

Face-to-face warriors rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

From their point of view, such a dazzling sword might erupt, and it must be the action of a certain Kendo strong!





Sword energy that shines for thousands of miles, carrying the power of the explosion to wipe out all the fist prints.

Witnessing the show's move was broken by a sword, and the wind and light clouds on the face of the semi-sacred power were replaced with dignity, and secretly said, "This child is no less powerful than me!"

"Brush brush brush ——————"

With a sword, Jun Chang rushed over with a smile, a word of quick tricks was displayed again, and the warfare in his eyes was unprecedented.

The half-sacred strongman stared at his eyes, his heart suddenly became a little bit empty, so he hurriedly exerted his body skills and fled to the rear.

As soon as the master shot, he knew if there was.

The sword outbreak that Jun Chang laughs has already made a semi-holy taboo!

As the Emperor of the Sword, with Yulong asked Tianjian, his current combat power is definitely stronger than holding the Blue Dragon Moon Moon Sword!

Although I often play with knives.

But Kendo is the strongest!

call out! call out! call out!

Countless blasts of sword gas came from the clouds, but unfortunately, the half-sage lost his intention of fighting and retreated backward, so he did not hit.

"Want to run?"

The mechanical armed wing and the power of flying broke out, Jun Chang laughed into a streamer and chased after him, and caught up in a blink of an eye!

"So fast!" Exclaimed the half-Saint.


Jun Chang chuckled in a cold voice, suddenly raised Yulong to ask Tian Jian, his wrist flickered, and he was shrouded in steel.

Mechanically armed wings, fighting form inspired!

"Woohoo ————————"

The explosive sword qi cut out, not only revealing the incomparable momentum, but also revealing the mighty power.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to lose its color, and only the hot sword light that made the whole world remember the whole life!

"Do not……"

The sacred heart was in crisis, shouting in horror.

But just opened, the whole body was divided into two under the horrible sword!


The sword qi was torn, and the separated corpse was poured with blood and fell to the ground, adding a red blood stain to the earth.

"Congratulations to the participants for winning the first blood of the continent and gaining 100 merit points."

"Congratulations to the participants for killing the strong Xuanzi and gaining 20 points of merit."

"Xuanzi strong?"

Feminization reminder: "Each of you has a different realm system, so in order to distinguish the strengths, the participants' in-plane battlefield is unified into four levels: heaven, earth, mystery, and yellow.

"Dear participant, the strongman you just killed is a vanity strongman on the continent, and the battlefield on the plane is classified as a mysterious character."

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed, "What level do I have?"

"From a realm point of view, you should be classified as a yellow character, so killing high-level ones is 10 points more valuable than killing the same level." A feminized voice came.


It felt a layoff crisis, and now it panicked.

Jun Chang laughed, "I'm the lowest?"

"But judging from the battle just now, your real strength should be between the ground character and the mysterious character." The feminine voice sounded.

"That's pretty much the same." Jun Chang smiled with satisfaction.

However, the semi-sacred power is only at the level of mystery, indicating that there are still two strong characters in the battlefield of the plane, the strength is definitely comparable to Wu Sheng, and even higher!

Wouldn't it be troublesome if you met yourself?


The battlefield with the lowest restrictions on the emperor's entry is a master!

Jun Chang smiled, covering his face, and groaning with a strange smile on his back: "It's very exciting here, it suits me!"

He was hanging, how lonely he felt invincible in the starry continent.

In the battlefield of the plane, the emperor walked all over the place, and there were as many half-saints as dogs, and there were still martial arts and even higher, the situation was different!

Especially thinking of being able to fight with them, Jun often laughed and the blood was burning instantly.


Kill 20 strong men and gain 580 points of merit. The base of the starfall continent has also expanded from two or three meters to more than twenty meters.

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed: "How much to kill if it grows into a village!"

The feminine reminder sounded: "Dear participant ~ ~ The number of people at the site determines the expansion speed. The fewer people, the slower the expansion."



At this moment, streamers flew in.

Among them are those who pretended to leave, and those who were disturbed by sword gas, the number of which was at least six or seven thousand.


Jun Chang smiled proudly, holding a sword with one hand.

Killing nineteen emperors and a half-sacred man is nothing more than warming up, and then it is true ... The combat armed wings and the power of flight have burst out, and this cargo ran at the fastest speed!

"Don't bother!" The system said.

Jun Chang growled with a smile: "I was kicked by a donkey in the head, and I would fight with thousands of imperial powerhouses!"

(End of this chapter)

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